The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 13, 1918, Image 1

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    - A"
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Forest fin have done considerable
damage lo properly In (he western
part ii r INilk county.
Thenar department has ordered fur
!(i''u'lii)i expressing the appreela
tlort. sympathy and condolence of (ba
nii'intxra of the stale board of control
have been adopted by that board la
rouneetlon with Iba dalh recently of
K. T. Mooraa, superintendent of the
Oregon erbool for tha blind; A. E.
Strang, chief engineer at tha atata hos
pital; C. M. Wllcoi, haad of tha poul
try department at tha atain hospital,
and Fred W. Hendley, chief book
keeper at tha eastern Oregon atata boa
pHal. Tha atata Industrial aerldent com-
mlwloo reporla that during the week
Scrapped by the Allies
tha umi of tha allies H.fmo.OOO pounds ending September S It waa Informed
of Oregon prunea of tha DO 80 else.
I'lna to looo aarka of aphagnum
nioM were gathered from the tlaml
Ijika oiom boge by rltlsene of Tilla
mook county last week.
Colonel William II. C. Ilowrn, ('lilted
Htatra army, retired, baa hwitf ap
pointed ronintander of lha atudenta'
army training eorpe at Ilia University
of Oregon.
School at Dundee baa boon closed
to give tha puplla and tearhera an op
portunity to aaalat In harvesting tha
Immense crop of prunea grown In tha
A big farm tractor demonstration
was beld at Lliinemao Junction, 10
mllea eaat of Portland. Twenty alx
makes of tractora and 61 different trao
tore were entered.
A. D. Matbewa, of Thuraton. killed
a balky horse, had a complaint Issued
for hla own erreat on charge of cruel
ty to tnlmala and paid flna of 111)
In Justice Wella' court.
W. E. Durand, aaalatant cashier of
tha Redmond Dank of Commerce, waa
killed when tha automobile which ha
waa driving went off tha grada In tha
taatern part of Tba Dalles,
of a total of 13 arrldenta. two of them
fatal. Oenrge lcit-h, of Dee, waa fa
tally Injured while lumbering, and
llert Jonee, of I'ortland. waa hurt fa
tally while engaged In public service.
Ira llutchlna, manager of tba
llrownsvllle cannery, haa been forced
to rail upon women for volunteer work
era. The houaewlvea of Urownavlllo
bava responded In large nu in Ik-re and
art now working alongside of the girls,
children and tha very few men In tha
effort to pack tba heavy offering of
fruit ,
A party of aereo timber cruleere
have epent lha paat two months mak
ing a cruise of the 17,000 acre tract of
tha Booth Kelly company which Ilea In
northern Klamath and Lake counties.
It la understood that the estimate la
being made by the Long Dell company
with a view to tha purchase of tha
General matters affecting taxation
will be considered at the annual meet
ing of the State Taxpayere' league,
which haa been set for Saturday, Sep
tember 3S. at 10 a. m., by Walter M.
Pierce, of La Grande, president of the
league. A large attendance la expect-
Confronted with the menace of a power which knew no American legation at CbrUtUnla said Germans are retreating alone a
law but ita own beatial pleasure. America had no course but to add reliable information had reached there n. t i. .k- A..r.mKi
ita atrength to the battle which should establish for some centuries tnt petrograd waa burning in 12 dlf- tor ,0 Rheima. with French. British
uii n iivL uyiiw wii uu wiiii L,asi win icawe in. rerent pieces ana mai mere waa in-
With every fiber of the national being aquiver with war effort, discriminate - massacre of people in
are YOU contributing the full measure of your aupport ,ne streets. Slaughter of citixena. pll-
Let your answer be loud and clear at the next opportunity, igng and rlota were taking place in
which ia the Fourth Liberty Loan. Nothing but MORE THAN .u narta aif ttia rltr. tha rgnnrf uM.
which knew
The allied series of powerful aaaaulta
along tba Oerman llnea from Arras to
Itbelma bava almoat. wiped out tba
aallenta created by tha German often
alvee last aprlng. Tba famoua HI odea
burg Una wbkh stood all last year
agalnat the allied arm lea baa been
pierced on a wide front by tba British
In tba north and tba French have
penetrated tha line In tha south.
Tba Drltlab and French continue to
cut their way Into tha German line
on the lower part of tba battle Una in
Notwithstanding the .bad weather,
the Drltlab have encroached upon Cam
bral and St Quentln, while farther
south the French armies are pressing
toward La Fere and Laon.
Between the Veale and the Alsne
rlVera, where Americana are with the
French, ground baa been gained.
North of the Alsne near boiaaona
the Germane are fighting, hard, resile
Ing that if the French gain much, the
move flken in conjunction with the
maneuver In progress around the St.
Gobain forest will place the entire
German defense line eastward toward
Rheima In a critical position.
General Pershing Now Has 9(3
Per Cent of U. S. Troops Un
der His Direct Command.
Petrograd Scene of Rlo.
Washington. A dispatch from the
Washington. Concentration of Am
erlcaa troops la the American eeetait
In France la proceed Ing rapidly, an
General Penh lag now haa under bti
direct eommaad more than N per cent
of tba troops who have reached th
other aide, according to a atatement
by General Kirch, chief ef staff.
Genera March made ao coat meat si
to the purpose of thle concentration
and aaid nothing that might Indlcatt
the probability ef aa all-Amerk-at
Me did aay the custom of brigadloi
new dlvialona with the French or Brit
ish forces to hasten their preparatioa
for front line duty bad not been abaa
"But as our mea go ever there now
pretty well Instructed," be added, th
time they atay In the training tempt
there la very much less."
In hla review of the battle sltuatlor
General March pointed out that th'
YOU CAN AFFORD will be an-honest answer.
In view of a probable ahortage of ed at the eeeelon, which will be beld
labor for gathering the apple erop. the In Portland.
Hood River Apple Growers' association
la urging attendance at tha annual
packing and grading school.
Tha annual Oregon conference ef the
Methodist Episcopal church la to ba
hld In Portland. September tS to 10,
under the direction of Bishop William
Orvllle Shepherd of Chicago.
United States Wood Administrator
Green haa finished for tha time being
the valuing of woola In Portland ware
house, An additional 4.000.000 pounda
of wool waa appraised In the paat 10
A new high record for packing
peaches waa made by Mrs. Ed Everson
or Portland, who parked S10 boiee of
pearliis In nine houra and B mlnutea
on the Frank Ogle ranch near The
Tha evergreen blackberry crop In
Lane oounty tola year will aggregate
400 tons and bring fSO.000 Into the
U. 8. Grant of Dallas, president of
the National Mohair Growers' associa
tion, has received telegraphic notice
of the action on mobalr by the war In
dustries board. Secretary F. O. Lan
drum, of the association, wired that
mohair can be sold In the open mar
ket price ranging above IS centa per
pound. Recent galea In New York are
verified at 95 cent.
Tba Oregon Agricultural college will
put apeclal stress upon football and
other athletic tbla year. Because of
war conditions It la even more Im
portant than uaual to have every roan
physically fit. In the opinion of Presi
dent Kerr. Intramural con testa are
According to these reports, there ia
no aemblance of law or police or mili
tary regulations.
and Americana la dose pursuit
The pressure which forced this re
treat" General March said, "came at
two point, the British front between
Arras and Feronoe, and the Franco
American sector oa the plateau el
With the American . Army on the
Alane Front in the face of the stiff
eat machine gun fire since the Amer
icana creased lha Veale In force, Amer
ican Infantrymen advanced at certain
points on a curved line extending ap
proximately four mllea from Glennci
to Vlell-Arcy. The advance waa pre
ceded by a heavy artillery bombard
ment From the plateau the American
took up positions In the ravines, but
the advance waa necessarily cautloua,
owing to tha commanding positions of
being planned which are expected to -La Petite Montague, which is the high
develoo each uian In college from a est point in that region. The French
physical atandpolnt
Highway work in Oregon will pro
ceed regardlrea of the recent order of
the fuel administration requiring ap-
and American artillery bombarded
tbla mountain, where the Germane had
built strong emplacement for heavy
machine guns, and alao kept up a
county, according to E. i. Adams, fo pr0val by the federal highways council continuous fire upon all points where
mer member of the state highway conv
I'aa of yellow pine for airplane con
struct Ion haa been approved by the
government, and the Blue Mountain
region of the Whitman national foroal
la coming to tha front with Us quota
of material. '
Ira A. Hanshuatt, a bachelor, who
haa lived alone on a farm near Fall
before further work be done. Secre
tary Pennybaker, of the council, tele
graphed to the atate highway commis
sion granting the right to go ahead on
all work now under way, providing
materials for auch work are available.
Oregon hopgrowers with yarda
throughout tha hop-growing area of tba
Willamette valley, foresee a audden
and to tha Industry as a result of tha
the German artillery haa been endeav
oring to hold back the advancing In
fantry. The Germans threw shells Into Fla
mes, Baiochcs, Blenxy and other
placea, in an effort to check the allied
troop movement The machine gun
ners biased away, but the American
detachmeuta made headway at inter
vale by keeping under any possible
Paris. Allied troops are keeping
the Germans on the run and have
pushed them back to the posltlona
they occupied March 21, wben the first
big enemy offensive of the year waa
launched. The Germans still enjoy a
little leeway In the Vcrmand region
and before St Quentln, but elsewhere
they are extremely close to. If not ac
tually In. their old lines.
With the alllea immediately before
or approaching the llindonburg line,
the enemy is beginning to react more
vlolcutly with hla artillery. Neverthe
less the French are pushing ahead In
the region where the line baa not yet
been attained.
The Germans evidently Intend to de
fend St Quentln energetically and are
fighting In the approaches to the town
besldea regrouping their forces and
concentrating numerous divisions la
its plain.
The Germans are likewise hurriedly
strengthening their defense around
Laon. The entire region north of
the Ailette from the vicinity of the
lAon-Solssons railway is a mass of
guns, which the enemy haa.emplaced,
the report declare, while north of
German Regiment Mutinies. -Amsterdam.
A German regiment,
the 25th, mutinied at Cologne August
SI, according to the Telegraaf. An
ere-witness of the Incident said that
the soldiers on being ordered for the
western front refused to board a train.
Another regiment was then ordered
to force the refractory troop to enter
the cars but they refused to fire on
their comrade.
American Troopship Torpedoed.
London. A troop ahlp with 2800
American soldiers on board haa been
torpedoed. All bands were saved. Tha
troop ship waa beached. The ship was
a member of a large convoy approach
ing the English coast The vessel was
torpedoed 200 miles from shore at
S o'clock in the afternoon. Several
soldiers atated that they aaw the Ger
man submarine lifted clear out of 0
water after one of the depth bombs
exploded and then entirely disappear.
Congressman LaFollette Defeated.
Seattle. Returna from Tuesday's
primary election indicate that Repre
aentatlve John F. Miller (republican)
ia nominated in the first congressional
district. J. M. Hawthorne, (democrat)
was unopposed. Representative Lind-
Washington. Thirty-five member
of the crew of the American army
transport Mount Vernon, formerly the
North Oerman Lloyd liner Kronprin
sesaia Cecile, were killed by. the ex
plosion of a torpedo which struck the
vessel when she was 200 mile from
'the French coast homeward bound.
.The passengers Included Senator
Lewis, of Illinois, who waa among
those safely landed after the transport
returned to a French port under her
own ateam.'
Vice Admiral Sima reported the tor
pedo struck on the starboard aide,
flooding a fire room. Navy officials
assume, since the vessel waa able to
reach port under her own power, she
waa not badly damaged. The men
killed were firemen, enginemen and
water tender. The name of the
western men include:
F. Hancock, Renton, Wash.; H. C.
View, Malage, Chelan county. Wash.;
L E. Tracy, Canyon City. Oregon.
Senator Lewie was returning home
on the transport after a visit to Great
Britain and France and the western
r - . t.. 1EA
. - . rr it.J' nkll.n was nn.
creek, southeaat of Eugene, for the .oy.rnment'8 decision to prohibit the and not attemDtln to ao ahead "0 miUta.ner pieces are concen- V; ' nnm,n,Hon ln the second 20.000 SLIGHTLY WOUNDED
i. l.,..-. , - . . V. t . . . . " wyj" - - - i
Dual live or si umibou w msnuraeture or neer arter uecemocr 1 in larra nitmnnri. .v.
death In a brush fir en bis place sev
eral days ago.
Oovarnment disapproval of extensive
expenditures for road work Induced
the Douglas county court to Issue an
order suspending all highway Improve
ment, except where work is Imperative
to keep the roads passable,
The total fire loas la the state for
August, outalde of Portland, waa 83,
416, according to figure prepared by
Harvey Wella, state fire marshal. The
moat serious loss was tost of $100,000
worth of hay near Lakavlew. f
Owing to the continued dry weather
of the paat summer which resulted In
the drying up of springs in the coast
mountains from which the water sup
ply of Dallas Is obtatned, a water fara-
hex With picking under way in
moat of the yards, growers are nnde
tldcd whether to continue to harvest
the crop or to abandon the yards at
At a conference of bankers held In
Portland a resolution waa adopted rec
ommending to the American Bankers'
association action to maintain gold
production of the country at the pre
war volume. The conference was held
under auspices of the executive com
mittee of the Oregon Bankers' associa
tion, and a number or bankers of
Washington, Oregon and California
were present
Plans have been practically com
pleted for training at least 200 and
possibly 400 young men tor special
American officers say, indications'
are that the Germans intend to cling
to every foot of ground south of the
Alsne as long as possible, using ma-
Dry Zonea Voted By Congress.
Wsahlngtoa. Without s dissenting
vote the house passed the senate reso-
chlne guns until the gunners are blast- lutlon empowering the president to
establish prohibition gone around
munition factories, mines, shipyard
and other war production plants.
congressional district An interesting
feature of the primary was the defeat
of W. L. LaFollette, representative In
the fourth district by Dr. J. W. Sum
mers. LaFollette's war attitude had
been attacked.
ed from their positions.
Help the Boy Scouts.
Ine Is feared unless' the fall rains set mmury purposes at Albany college
, II.. IV... ...... I t , ... 1 ML- .1 1 1 I.
In earlier than usual,
Finding of human bones in the ruins
of ths Washington county poor bouse1
at Newton, which burned Thursday,
made it certain that John Retnberger
and Rudolph Strainer, two Inmates
who - were missing, were cremated.
' Both were about 80 yeare old.
That Lloyd Anson 18 year-old aon of
J, Q. Anson, of TMornset, captured five
Germans lone-handed while acting aa
meaaage bearer for an englneera com
pany In France, ia the Information'
coming to the parenta. He waa men
tioned In dlspatchee for hla bravery.
With a lead of 97 eggs over the
second pen In the contest and but an
othor month to go. Indlcatlona are that
honors In the seventh annual Inter
national egg laying eonteat at Victoria,
D. C will go to tht pen of Barred
Rocii-intfimfl tt iQrMinv Afrlf'nltur1
this winter. The men will receive
special Instruction In army band mu
ale, preparatory training In other mlll-v
tary work and alao In certain col logo
courses. It Is planned to send the first
claas October 14 and continue tbo
course of Instruction until June.
A county cannot be a bidder for con
atructlon of atate highways, Attorney
General Brown held in an opinion aub
mltted to District Attorney Hodgln. of
Union county. Union county offered
the beat bid on two Joba of road work
to be done by the atate highway com
mission in that county, executed tho
required bond and attended to other
formalities. Some money waa needed
and the county made application to a
bank .for a loan. The bank questioned
thj lagAllty of the procedure;
; w m
St. ua -esT V-3 f ? 'r .1 ' .
f A- v
Oats No. 2 white feed, 160.50 ton.
Barley Standard feed, 53 per ton.
Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $T6.
Hay Timothy, J31 per ton; alfalfa,
-'8- . '
Butter Creamery, 62c per lb.
Eggs Ranch. 50o per doien.
Potatoes $2.75(3.25 per hundred.
Poultry Hens, 2627c; springs, 27
30c; ducks, 25 30c,
Butter- Creamery, 64c per lb."
Fgga 6Cc per dozen.
Poultry Hens, heavy, dressed, 36c;
light, 33c; aprins3-s, d.-csaea. 404? tic;
ducks, live SO.-, dressed 3Ec; goese,
live 27c. drestrJ :.Ze.
List to Be Brought From France By
Courier Hereafter.
Washington. Under a new policy
of reporting casualties in the Ameri
can expeditionary forces adopted by
the war department the namea of the
men wounded will be eent to the
United States by courier twice a week
and only the names of the dead and
missing will be cabled by General
Pershing when the system la fully ia
In making this announcement Gen
eral March, chief of staff, said Gen
eral Parching had not heretofore sent
in the names of men slightly wounded
because generally the men are return
ed to duty before the names reach
the United States. In reply to an in
quiry fromr' the department General
Pershing had reported. General March
said, that there were 20,000 auch cas
ualties up to August 20. .
v jt J - i a-, .J ' v J s
Here Is an American commander In Alsace accompanying a French
general In his review of a Yankee contingent billeted in a town where the
trench line In the Voagea haa Invaded territory under the German flag
when the war besan.
Fourth Liberty Loan bonda will help remove the Boche from Alsace
and Lorraine ft well si, frpa ravlahed Belgium. " ! " 1
With the American Army in France.
The American troops in AIbbco pen
etrated deeply into the German
trcuchea and inflicted severe casual
ties. The raid was made after heavy
artillery preparation of 20 minutes.
The Germans attempted a raid In
force in the Woevre region, sending
over a contingent of 100 men at Flirey
and Limey, but they were driven off
after one had been killed and aevaral
wouaiua. - . . . .
All Brewing Must End December 1.
Washington, Manufacture of beer
In the United States will be prohibited
after December 1 next as a war meas
ure, according to - an announcement
made by the food administration,
which said the decision had been,
reached at conferences between Presi
dent Wilson and representatives of the
fuel, food and railroad administrations
and the war Industrie board.
Rapublioana Carry Election In Maine.
Portland. Me. The republicana won
a general victory In the biennial state
election. i