r lEVnES 1 bUA BUI ObUUI bUtllMI . STARTS WITH A RUSH mi m 1 1 m Mitt t ttttt Tnrtt Eager Entrants Get 3800 Household furniture (or sale. E. Zchm. K. Votes in Two First Days. Miss Naomi Reamer was a guct this week.of Miss Josephine Cowen at Walla Walla. Mr. and Mn. Claud Price left .... yesterday for a week's outing at Above is the result of the voto Camp McDougal. in the Weston leader' I5y Scout. Miss Goldie Nctsbit is visiting at Contest, as counted Thursday by the home of Mr. and Mrs. ISrorge jnc judges, Messrs. J. W. lVrter, Hadgctt in IYndleton. jnk jUv and Robert IYoudtit. .,..'., - hiu Imh'ii biwilv cnirnircd the iuk m.mih in irvUinur toirether the Gail Williams 2100 latest number of I' . . . ,Uw ..ra. riders and hulldoggcrs ever ifiiiMru CtlllllVI Arden Lucas.... bW w wan. ro.-iw.MY (hHHHHXWWW W wwvwvw w v , . The Frontier Days performers at v N f A C3 C - A assembled in one flelil. All the big ones will I tin band, according to "Tex." Charlie Allard's wild bulTalu will lie seen daily in a series of unu sual stunts. A herd of ilk ami a nunilicr of wild lcar to say noth ing of five carloads of wild Mexi can cattle - will U roed and herd- Mrs. L. S. Wood will .entertain the Ladies Guild next Thursday afternoon, September 5. A one-star sen-ice pin, picked up on the streets, may be had by the owner by calling at this office. ... . . ti.n i .1. Alias tuna m. iiuimiu" . Portland has accepted a position as cngageu ,-..k ; th UVstnn Hirii School, were ur " Jasper O'Harra is here from Cert- However. i tn 1 1 1 - - - - . . ,: . ) . wt ml hiilltitiinrtH! (IAIIV. These vote, were serum, . v -j.-- (h ;tm,,nl days by the -oung hustlers who h. ti(.t. have entered the contest and are (,f ,HMjjKWHl animals ever gathen-d scouting for leader suliscriliers together in southeastern Wash with encouraging vim. ... ., oi in other employment ami of the largest carnival attractions in i Unit,! Kin), -will stave unable to enter the contest. ,hojr wn)mt.rfu amusement at least .one other en- tures on the fair grounds. Y X X Y X X X X r t y t y Y ihall have 1 n 1 ....ii. jj fc a"- """" r.1 PntToreffon for a visit f ith trant. Jimmie Nelson, will be ine agricuuumi auu ..o.uvu. tral Point, uregoo, lor a vin ... r r,sureea of southeastern his brothers and old-time Weston heard from next wee " Washington will be nut adequate friends. absent on a visit to Athena when j n.pfva.nted. J. H. Cloilius has gom to San the race started. Francisco, and expects to remain in jj,, nK-r's subscription rate Mrs. Saline Entertains vaiuomiB wi - w,ii he advanced to iwo uoiinrs , i . .. soiourn X . . . ti A charming musical aftertusm tojoum. October 1st next. There- e...-i.. i. m R : t c u.ukih wtttt Mluumr this . . . . .1 " ... . will be advanced to two dollars a war on October 1st next. There- - wiu i 1 v -1 1 i.-uiiui 11 E. C. Rogers was mk " fon. those who wish to take the sjK j honoi-of Mrs. Warren A. ween on a Dusine np u, wi fim, of GoU, ,kHch A tucna. His son Dudley accompan- '" , WMM, ,,r.Hrr.m of music ,0n,m- : : " ... waa m-senttHl. the Mrs. J. W. Torter and two younger daughters are coming town sulscrilKTs may signify their home Sunday from Camp Me- choice of candidates in their let Dougal. ters of remittance, and the proper ? X ? V Y cntributors l)eing Miss Zola Keen of Athena, y Mrs. Fredericks. Mrs. alng arw Mrs. Wood. Miss Keen also gave A which added variety to X O i-i s. 1 i-Sl 51 ILfl "13 fea- A I IVin K EZf C-l 1-3 IVi I - f .n.T-i yKTrOTpww- fcarrfiW We Will ... . s r . . mi i a ... i th vtttit nf mitvu. T The W. 5. njnes reiumcu oun- numoer oi voies win oe rounwi, itmrmninff from their automobile ti h miv t-iih la A aecuwaiy nuro V'T X V v , , a. aiv f "v --' - - v ------ - - LwJ ImJ i 111 H I .J LtM S v "'""t lABUtr i trip to Seattle and other cities on Via Cnnrul Y Y of Walla Walla do so as they will Ket the jwikt at Mrs- Fredericks. The gift of a t d.MM.d.u, ttai Ssng'Ti I with Suits and Dresses. Our Coats come direct serving Boy Scout to make com- cream and nyc Wcre senel. A . ,M . . . from tnc makers ana win ue un uaw orate showing. Y T ure of the after- ,.- . mwc v. noo was 'enuneu a iwmire m ine oouna. u: ..) r rri..nti o c....-i u,i; f.ir th Ralph Lansdale, one oi uie ... . . . cnance to prize, which was finally won by to a call to the colors. son Melvin of Pomeroy, Wash., arc mission and prize money. Let Those present were: Mrs. f U . II TU namnta .1 .... ik.tnf .11 Ik.n. ll..ma R..ir..n Mm W S. I'aVIll' M"S. J. visiting nire. wiiwhi v w, iiivm renin um vi -. -- - -. - --- . Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Storms. of expense the cost of their home H. Williama, Mrs. J. M. Ir, .... in... . , Mrs. Herman Goodwin. Mrs. h. O. A Mr. ana Mrs. a. james anu uo,.- paper is very prooaoiy me ivasv. rvMoss. Mrs. L. Fredericks, Mrs. aid James lelt Wednesday lor ron- jjjj, added patronage from those r v.-is,,,,. Mrs. Mary McNee. land to make their J; who fed that they are in a position Mrs. S. J. Culley, Mrs. H. Fisher will he missed bv a laree circle oi ... ..... r. c:.i. v - t0 afTonj it, win assuredly Dean- oi Ainena, airs. i . onmn, who. t .it. . Slt,.- 1!fMa-X Mrs.Rabb,asusual, will represent Miss Moore progress with the Watts & Rogers measure for the indifference of Wood. i1U9m ,U"L' walk by using his new concrete those who do not and will not take t tA,lU a CltnorK llflt flf mixer. George is manifestly proud the paper at all. In this as in Qmp Band lor Round-Dp . t - Willi d IIIIC Kfl of this contrivance. other resDects the loyal citiwns . . Y MtLsS. to e dens if there are to eommun,,Jr ton to give the approaching Fourth Y ywlded enterprises. . Liberty Loan campaign all f the f UlSl!S sS'JSi At the twoollar rate the lad- advertising possible at the Round- f 34 bushels on the St 11 place. . Up A formal re- Mr. and Mrs. Alien nicnai, ac- . . auest was made by slate neaiKiuar- : - i, thai, mu-rt Mim cash-m-advance casts, in ia. uie m( . - Y x z MILLINERY o o o Mr. and Mrs. Oyde SUggs were here Tuesday, havimr returned to Milton from Morrow county, where erty 'Loan for the county, and H. W. 0lilnH and F. W. Earl, a com- mittee from the Round-Up board, X Croat enthusiasm nrevails at .a ,vnn.. iim r. ..n..t onl i s r ofrt5TeaSLwr. isy.? ." st-s; ' K0-f H- l rumed ear- coming anve xor xne nauonai war Camp Lewis mi lUry band be sent ' mg harvest. He has resumed gar Salvation Army S.k. .r-min-,1 f tmnhi. taken A age wotk at Miiwn. jn in the fact that already from the fieu 0f battle. The re- 5 a7i4aal PfVonn 1 tnA nftfflP nf : L.M..k mlu Mmin. . . fW. ..... T of a recenf arrival at the home of jg 0f defense and kindred organ- department waft at once requested Jt Mr unil Mm. Will M. Peterson in ;-f,V. Uava AiAiHi tn nut. nvr a-iL. I eu..MnM. ta. V ... . - . . uouviwi . as w f ui licriiu Uie UdllU UilU odouioiivv WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPENING Pendleton. He Is a promising jj-jve, beginning September 15. Kjven that the trophy dence.of ajegal mind It will pay you, ladies, to order your fall suit or coat at once and thus save the government war tax soon to be imposed. We have the unrivalled Ideal Ladies Tailoring Company's line. R. L. Reynaud. E. E. Zehm has moved the Mrs. Zehra stock of cigars and confec tionery into the Saling brick. He has converted the back room of the building into a dance hall, and announces that it will be dedicated Saturday evening, September 7, with a Harvest Ball. train would be sent to Pendleton during the Round-Up if it is in the state. Three speakers will also be sent. Red Cross Notes A supply of sock yarn has just been received at local headquar- A tars, and as our quota of socks A has to be in by September 10, knit ters are urged to procure yarn to soon as possible. The work-rooms will be open on Tuesday and Friday of next week fmm 1 ;30 to B n. m. There is a The remaining counties in Oregon quantity of refugee sewing on mrm lm eraected to decide to do hand and the local chairman de- After an absence of two years, this work through their organize sires every one to come who possi Mrs. Sarah Powls, Jess and Frank tions. Sunday, September 15, has bly can, and assist with this work. Fowls and Mrs. Stella Hager and been set as Salvation Army Sunday . her two children have returned in the churche. and the request -ftk,n. rinrmA,. and are ffuesU at the irm-t furtJi that the ministers nere rural spuwae , Will Halt farm in the uplands, throughout the state in their scr Mrs. C'ashatt and two! children . ... . . ... . t . . i t u c ntMr...,w It Is ttieir intention mj leave ewn vices on mis nay euy r-jiiiiiimiB an i for MarshnVld. Oregon, to make about the wonderful work the ihmr hine. . vation Army is doing and mention Ikn .tflv lit lhf t-lpfmlp. OnC of the - best Wheat Crop Tl,.. mnl.ml l(.wn f rum Smkuni- threshed this year in Umatilla . County was had by Henry Hendrick- Chlliey Is Sale .,, ,. M.nP CMPVil IFR eon at his place, wast of Adams. M " ,nd M. c. L PinUerton, G. FUER ,S "?L CHEVAUER The yield as ousneis per acre w an(1 Henrv Craieen re- Cuvnamer's FritnJ and Pupil Has V c.VticrAV mwtrrDfi. a ar ii t wwrTT a i.urf l m . t ' i . t a i i ii ftiBiran hiiiiu id ei h h ii n nnniB ser- Mrs. Cashatt and twoJchiMren t UU fJ& M flVUf il VJ IlU & 1 U t V hing an I Miss Sayde NorDeanTanfflMr. f WMwariwaiH ubuwm,4MUVIMUW Sal- Arkey NorDean were visiting., this j , 4 , . ition weak at the home of their parent, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. NorLVan. . , , iPff 11 fit H WW ? T ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i '4 : Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pinkerton, G. W Cmtorn and Henrv Craicen re- from 400 acres. However. Mr. . . f automobile Hendrickson land is the kind that of g(mnd cjtie8 by way of produces 50 bushels or better in a Portland They visited Seattle, Ta favorable year. . comai Camp Lewis and other points, Claud Still, one of the East and had a very pleasant outing. End's best known young men and a It was their first intention to go to former student of the Weston Nor Wallowa lake, but they .hanged tnal has been admitted into the their vacation plans at the lsst roo Tanks corps- a branch of the scr- mcnt. Tlie U-ad-r man desires p. r-vi!dnngveryFleeialqualifica- mally to Hiy that lie wax glad to He T was oVw ( of 18 out of find that his friend Mr. Pinkerton KSOaPpHcants who were enlisted at had gotten home intact, having re KJtffi Clwd leaves this week garded h m very much in the light VTr Ct. which is located on of an "Innocent Abroad." How Z MSSS Wtto UM. .ver, he w In capable hwidV. Uvtn VletorUs to His Credit. Paris. 8ons-Lletitwnt T?or.nn-Ver-duras, recently made a eaevaller of the Lglon of Honor, following hli apventh offldnlly recorded aerfnl vie lory, was the Intimate friend and pupil of GuyDetner. He accompanied Cuynetner Epptem her 11, 1M7, when the lotfcr mrt his fat. His one thought since, It Is as serted, bos been to avenjre the irrent ace. One of the new chevalier's feat was to aboot down three pianes In fnnr hours. He was a cavalryman until Uansftmd to till ait sernV . -i in I mn I I .f. mmm moori. wwmemm or mtM mm mm m-rium for rati aCAROH -ml rmr am fmUnamWHj, Ikuik rmfvrwvm. FATCNTt UlLO FOtTUNf 1f 9nu Our frw tonkHa Ull kow. wHa ia lOWtK mm tav mm mommf. w ntm wmr, D. SWIFT & CO. W. M. Ptitrw C. H. nlihos ' Peterson bU Bishop ' UWYERS Psndleton, Ur. rrMWtr,.0r. The Prudent Man will fill his coal bin when the fill ing is good. Better order your coal now, when I can supply you. P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon Ur. J. C. IJADDELUY Craduttt VtUriurf Surgeoa rhone 32FS Athena, Oregon Mtttttlmstaaaati HOMER X. WATTS Attorney at-Law i'rsiHlees in all Slate and, Fwlend Count. . ATHENA, 0KB00N