The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 30, 1918, Image 3

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Texas Parmer Now Gains Five Pounds a Week on TAN LAC
Nwrtvly day Mmwn Unit aeon of l ttr are not received
from gruUful users of Tanlac mid their slatt-menta are indiwd re
iiiarkatiln. Among the number recently received it the following
letter from Will lutn Breed of longvlew, Texiui, which U published,
wonl fur word, Just as it wiu written:
longview, Texan, Jan. 13, ll17.
To nhoin li May t.mvrn: -
On November 25 I bought mm bottle of Tatilac and com
menred taking same according to directions. I weighed only one
hundred and Uiirty ound. In ten days I gained wvrn pound and
I nin Kulninir at the rate of Ave pound a week and weiah on
hutidivd and fifty-five pounds at the ,eMiit time. ,Tanlac beat
any medicine I have ever taken to build up a run down rystcm. I
would not lake f 100 for wimt it ha done for me. It ia the beat
medicine that I haw rvcr taken for catarrh of the head and I
have tried several different kind of catarrh medicines. My ca
tarrh U nearly iruiiu, alw my stomach trouble, from which I have
Ixvti suffering for more than twenty years, haa almost dinap
(H und and 1 give all praise to your great medicine. When 1 com
menced taking Tanluc I could not do a day's work, but now I
believe nui do at much hard work as any man. Youra truly,
For Sale by
II. GOODWIN, Drujgist
We aim to make
our work iU best
Well furnished house to rent;
modern apjolntmenU. II. Wad
dingham. I)r. Kennard told a 00 T Over
land yesterday to IVndleton buy
er, Mr, Lee McAtee.
J. II. Irlce and 8. A. Ilamea via
ited Pendleton Tuesday and met
with the Liberty Loan committee.
A daughter waa born Wednesday
evening to Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. H.
Beamer at their home near Wea
ton. '
A successful season's run on fruit
boxea and lumber waa wound up
thia week at the Blue MounUin
See me for bargain! in town
property. A I do houaea to rent.
lxuld furnish for light housekeep
Ing. Mra. Hetty Powers.
Purchasers of the third issue of
Liberty Bonds are requested to call
. for them at The Farmers Bank of
Weston, as the bonds are here for
Church of the Brethren Sunday delivery.
hool at 10 a.m. Preaching at t- l w...
ton Warehouse Co., haa taken over
the former barber shop location of
Shorty James and ia converting it
into a grain office.
Rev. and Mrs. N. D. Wood were
here this week from their home
near Redmond. Oregon, and went
to Milton to attend the annual con
ference of the Methodist Church.
Bud Nelson has on sale the Little
Wonder Light Plug for Ford cars
which is all that name implies. Try
one. uniy w.oo. ana . u win im-
Storms, i8tor.
11 a. m. C. w. 8. at 6:30 p. m.
Bible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30
p. m. John BonewiU, elder.
Methodist Church- Sunday school
at 10 a. in. Preaching services at
II a. in. and K p. in. Hpworth
league at 7 p. m. I'rayer meeting
Thursday evening. S. K. Powell,
United Brethren Church Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Junior C. L at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p.m. I'rayer meet- ppove your light at all' speeds in a
u. nwmwv w.....!,. . reiiy wonderful way.
1 .?.V,T0t'u ,n. u Cus Burgey, Rollln Miller and
Baptist Church The Church with u,- itt vt-rdiiv foe
a cordial welcome for all. Sunday W.h wb,.r thev Pnert
i I . w w - - 0 - a- -
to finish the harvest season or en
gage in whatever profitable Indus
trial activities the Palouse may
at ten o clock, preaching at
Also preaching at eight
in the evening. W. R.
to help pass away the long winter evenings that are to come? We carry a
large line of Columbia and Universola machines and they are still marked to
sell at the old prices. If you are wanting a phonograph our advice is to
BUY NOW and make a substantial saving. Prices range from $17. 75 to
$100.00. Come in and hear the "Universola," the machine that plays equally
well all styles of disc records.
0 0 0
, H Wednesday from Coneyville,
To ?
of all kinds
Wholesale -Retail
FISH in season
iff xfftm
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Go.
1 Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Walt$bur, Wh. ,
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in. the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
May MacKennon arrived
C. Davis. The two have been
separated for thirty-two years, and
are correspondingly happy over
their meeting.
A queer freak of the cucum
ber tribe is hanging in Raynaud's
window. It was raised by 1. N.
Havworth at the Carmichacl place
li above town, and is so crooked that
Iven O'Harra has named it "The
Kaiser's Tongue."
Mr. and Mrs. G. DeGraw, Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Culley and Marine
Culley left in Mr. Cullcy's car yes
terday on a trip to Camp Lewis.
On their way home they will stop at
Chelan, Wash., for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Barnes.
Fred Martin, a young man who
lived in Weston .during his boy
hood, is here from Halfway, Ore
gon, for a visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. I. O'Harra. He has
a wounded hand, having just lost
a finger in a hunting accident.
Among the Weston people who
were in Milton this week for the an
nual conference of the Methodl&t
Church were Rev. and Mrs. S. E.
Powell, Mrs. C. M. Price, Mra. D.
F. Lavender, Mr. and Mrs. Ran
som Lleuallen, Mrs. W. S. Price. , .....
... . ti . ' The Helix Advocate relates that
Dan Sowers has bought a home Harlow Richmond came over from
in Weston, on north Broad street, WajIa Walla to assist in harvesting
and will bring his family here from hi8 bijf wheat croPt jjUt whether
Gerking Flat, having heard very or upon the 8Uggcs.
favorable reports of Weston s of his foreman Harlow puts
schools. He has two pupils for the f most of his time f0nowing an
high school and one for the fifth o)j mw about the place, carrying a
fcrade. 8tlck to be placed in bossy's mouth
Lester O'Harra has been sum- in case she becomes bloated. Har
motied to Pendleton to serve again , 0w asserts that said cow will be
next week on the grand jury and come bloated if she even looks at
we hasten to say that we are con- a stack of dry hay across the road.
fident it will be a e' Jn With characteristic courtesy Sim
every sense of the term. Thc ordl- c , , ito t y,
nWWI ? S2F3 K 5m his Hudson Super Six
2' J ft? nd took her out to Dry creek,
R. fc. JyigUsn. where her Bistpr resijes, He then
A two million dollar pea crop drove off with the lady's suit' case,
will be harvested in the southern Subsequent Investigation showed,
portion of Spokane county, Wash- however, that he had no desire to
"ington, this year. At the same appropriate and wear the contents,
time there will be enough peas on which included a "robe de nuit."
the ground to feed 10,000 hogs un- Sim is no kleptomaniac, even
til Christmas, In the opinion of though his mind may wander a bit
County Farm Agent Shinn, who has occasionally,
just completed a Vui -of the pea Mis8 Neva 1owe1 of North Yam.
growing tlo"8Thfe,.hea(S:, hill, Oregon, & visiting her sister,
yield is around Fa.rfield. Good Mrs, T. J. McCarty, in the Weston
prlcea arc prevailing. , uplands, while on her way to Wal-
Lorena A. Parker, Home Dem- Iowa, where she will teach school,
onstration Agent for Umatilla coun- She will be accompanied to Wal
ty, will hold a meeting tomorrow i0wa by her mother, Mrs. Bessie
at Weston in the rooms of the Red Powell, who has been visiting Mrs
Cross. She will demonstrate the McCarty during the past month,
making of jellies and preserves Tercnce Tl.rhune, nonry pd
with the use of corn syrup . natoad d WaJ bur Mnia fmn
of sugar. She will albo give out th0 We6lon Ianils wil, tntor
recipcafor sugark'ss.desserts. The tembtr 16.
meeting will be held at two-thirty
in the afternoon, and the announce- C. M. rrice has pun.'liased a
ment has awakened a pronounced Willys-Knight Overland Four,
degree of interest among, local equipped with one of the celebrated
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
Tbe Farmers Ban! of Weston
Estalsbed 1891
Kindly call at the bank
your Liberty Bonds.