The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 30, 1918, Image 2

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att ooo. rtfctw
uucnnm tAirt
& Mth.
r r Mtbt.
.. Ska fimil a eee. Orafe.
fH tbf Udr Wfur lb
tk w raiswi. Tbw rnnrk
bene speoal 4iclK I Ik sw
ot! VntM of-rty trwr vi
rXimi are
A0Vfftnr !!
l(ik,rc(iadp(fiMilM IS
Trtwrnit- per wrfc fwinW" 3
Locals, per bae yrri rli 1
jflfiti. Cffggrs LESTLT TAXES
Tbe bill that CWrevs is rr
shaping: D1 prudixr a murti gfst
rr nrtrtiw than any natkm bas rw
ni says tbe Satardaj- Kvmirg
Poet. TV frretrr P-t of this rrv-cos-
will be handed vtrr by prr
tuw whose incomes rtoevd four
thiard dollars a yrer -ilhT
drwt'y. i the fr prTawial io
emsr. ta. or indinxtljr, as a wrpcr
atioa tax. Ia no otbrr country at
war will pnvn a hoe iiw
fill brkw fuur thwnand a yw l
taxed so liffhtlr. dirrrUy and indi
rectly. - The Government will noo le
atk'mg lot a loan of nx billion or
t from it citizen. It must de
prod cpoa incomes in execs of foor
thousand for a larje part of the
subscript. By all the implka
. toot of tbc ease it has a right to
expect that income, under four
thousand will make an extraordi
nary effort to come to its support
But by taxes, which are charged off
to profit and tea. but by inrert
mect in the best security in the
world. The man wbo saves and in
vests in ipwernroent paper is not
crnly supporting the Gorernment:
He enriches himself by hi present
string and by a habit of thrift.
To the income under four thou
sand the Government's propceatkxa
is: "I let you off with light taxes,
or none; I increase your assets; I
set the stage to put you into tlx
way of thrift." If twenty millions
do not come across strong on the
next loan the Government will be
justified in feeling disappointed.
tWaine vt the sK-rUaT 'f f"
age and tfrr animal f-ls tlx
HmXr Im1 Wninitlrtci t ura
ing tW If t--kro.-n al farm
rrt 4 rUUm tavJ w rlr.
The thnf industry ha f rTal
jrars brm us"- it to a lumt.-d
extent, but no bTe er nt rxtrt)
stvrlyat in toer srrtiuns of the
country. Slat Administrate .Ajw
has tvm investigating this sul)ri
and ha adviw-d the muaty admin
btratxm that the jT-rnl markvt
irWe is -VtO per tm. !. t-5
prremt pn4in, f. . b. cars at
mis. AlUmiug fur freight rati
and WW if-ufiu. it th!uld ie
laid down to the buyer at n rt.f"
than 175 prr Urn. In On-g'n bty
rrs will be ptmmitted to sreuie a
full winter supply at one tin-.
It is quite a natural fn ling on
tbe part of nuroe cf u that t ate
grtting the worst of it in these
good old United StU. We si-e
otrer fellows wbo are making more
money and whom we think aie
given bctttrr opportunities, and te
subtle eawe of envy get in its
work. But let us reflwrt that oc!y
for the accident of birth e might
now be dead otdyicg in Utray'd
and stricken Belgium, in outragvd
and Weeding Poland or in crz.-J
and desperate Russia. U-t us re
flect that tbe worst of it in the
United State is far better than
the btst of it in war-torn Europe.
Bapaume has been taken and
Perocme outflanked by the BritiJi
and the French have captured Noy
on which is a lot better reading
for as than for the Kaiser.
Government itself could set a
shining example in paper conserva
tion by cutting out a lot of rea-k-r-less
"Let us have peas!" said Spokane
county, Washington and forth
with raised two million dollars'
Tbe Hun's general's remark that
bis men are "panicky cowards,"
affords an unusual and encourag
ing display of candor in the Ger
man character.
Tbe Mil ton Eagle is on lo
dollar basis as well as the Stanfield
Standard and the Pilot Rock Rec
ord, motioned last week. The
Athena Press is going to be a two
.' dollar paper, also, and so is the
, Weston Leader. Moreover, all newt
papers must go to a caeh-in-advance
basis, in order to comply with re
cent government regulations. This
rule and others, which require the
cutting off of exchanges and all
free subcripUocs, are expected to
result in conservation of print
A. C. Townley? Oh, hang A. C.
We haven't read much lately
about the American troops during
the Hun debacle, but old Mars has
something brewing. We wouldn't
. be surprised if the Yanks were in
course of concentration under Per
shing for a great drjve on the Lor
raine front. What greater honor
could France accord them or what
honor would be more appreciated
than the glorious privilege of win
ning back for France her lost
The heroic Huns will fight to the
last d'toh, if only given time to dig
Xews From tbe Bices
Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn of
Ironside are visiting Mrs. Quinn's
sister, Mrs. Charles May.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leach of
Roseborg are visiting old friends
Mrs. Seth Hyatt, who has been
severely ill, was taken to Pendleton
on Sunday for medical treatment,
and is reported to be improving.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Thompson
and son have returned to their
home near Gibbon, after spending
several days with relatives here.
Mrs. Boy Hyatt spent Sunday and
Monday in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Murkland and
son Carl and Mrs. Miles Murkland
of Walla Walla visited at the
Charles Schneider home last week.
Carl has since joined the army.
Robert Schneider is home again,
after helping in the grain harvest
near Athena.
Neil Engilsh and Dale Neil vis
ited at the Lansdale home last
week, returning Saturday to Pen
dleton. Edith English visited at the R. E.
English borne last week end.
Jess Ferguson, who has been ill
at St. Anthony's horpita! in Pen
dleton for the past six weeks, re
turned home Sunday.
George Ferguson Is helping har
vest here, but will return to Pen
dleton Saturday to again assume
the duties of salesman in The Peo
ples Warehouse.
Mrs. Sarah Powls and sons and
Mrs. Hager of Grand Junction.
Colo., are visiting at the home cf
Will Hall.
. It is not so much a question as
to whether you want a country
paper youself or not, as it it of
whether or not you want a cuntry
paper in your community. If you
do not, there's nothing more to be
said. If you do, it would be a
gwi Isle to help wmt Boy Scent
Veteran Praises Portland
Allen Richal, veteran of the fa
mous Union fighting organization
known as te Iron Brigade, returned
from Portland in enthusiastic mood
over the treatment accorded the old
soldiers there during the G. A, R.
encampment. This was the fourth
national encampment of the G. A.
R. attended by Mr. Richal. and
never heretofore In his experience,
he says, were the veterans more
pleasantly or hospitably enter
tained. They were made to feel;
that the entire city of Portland wrs
theirs for the asking.
The rejeia r ilwn lxlh of prerinct
No, IS has liwii roowd into the
front srl of the DeMoss furniture
store. Registrants under the new
draft law will there be received by
Chairman S. A. Barnes and his as
sistants, E. 0. DeMoss and Miss
porU parMS."
RnttsJiGetTwo Pound a Mjntlw
French Pound and Hi,
Itakans On
Must Use No' lVSre Than Two Pounds
Per Person oonth if the Present aKUkH SUpPLY piutiril
Meagre Allied Sugar Ration
Is Maintained,
Stock Will Be Short UntU Beginning of New
Year-Ration May Be Enlarged Then.
T pooo-ls ef a saoatk kalf
a Out Is U safar r
IM ib C. 8. rtm) Administratis
at k4 eef7 AsanKaa '
atU Jaoaary U 1919. is ortjrr t ml
nr ihrrt chill a ttxmsfc tor M
Amy simI Nstr. tot th AtliH
sad for lb rltitlats of IboM '
By Kew Trrt tb vorttl sucr alt
ailoa U1 tx rlitil SMnvwbsl by
tht aew ervfe CoUa netr l lW
1mf tr9 srUl t arrirtas ta tbls
Every avatlaMs miftr xre UI t
grtva m IT la rood AdiniBlsirailoa
diiiins IW arit vlstrr nxlli to awls
tala solBcleat stocts fctr to step
r aatioeal sfr sappiy. tn Oc
tober lb Brat Amertraa boot sussr
wUI srria Is tho saarketa Py tbo
Mlddlo of November suo of oar Lw
Uiana ran crop will bo a ra labia. A9
of tbta sacar sad wort aiaj bo aoodod
I krrp this aatloa sappllod mil
ducrd rstloa sod to safVffttard tbo AJ
lied sugar raUua frots tnlU fnbor
rr1ort'a. Tarof tko fr
lta Is iral7 flad to aalslaaoss.
Ovr tHuaOoa.
Tbo at oat k Mr tbo Colled
ftmtr farra la Ha offorts to saalolalo
a fair Brtbotl.o of saiar to Ibo Al
,r4 .M la a folkioa:
twaar omboIio tbrowtKool tba oaw
tr. m bomao. storoa. faaiortao sd
kaaamo sro at low .
maas iMraaaad auf' aMaU U la
rauctioo o Aorkso baot Sd
Lawioiaas cana (raaa bavo boao dtaao-
Paru Ro oroao bavo booa ova.
Immooao auaa' stocks bv
ao bo raotbad on accooot o tbo obla
Bg tboruoa; sbiao sro aoodod of
UOOf mavavaoU and MMHlltlona,
Krmy an 4 Kay swaar rooylroanooU
ava incroaaod as arall as Maoo from
tha Alliaa.
Jliot le-Joatrles oalnt tor' bao bad
Ihelr illolmrBt ratlorod bf ooo-bslfj
ma will raort'o no susr.
HouarliolJa fcimld saako oory of
fort to pvrro tbo fralt eno wltboal
ausar. or with small omowBts of sugar.
Laiff. bo. tbo anjar sofply U lars
r, tbo rasnrO frail taay bo swootoood
aa II IS ttaad.
Walla Walla Invites
To Attend
September 10-14
Atrricultural, Horticultural and Livestock Exhibit.
Special Educational Displays of U. S. Forestry Depart
ment. State Ga-ne Farm. Red Cross, National
Fooi C3nservation, Washington State Col
legs, Bjya' and Girls' Clubs.
A Great Patriotic Rally. SepL IL
Frontier Daya-Sept. 12 13-14. The Best Wild West Tal
ent in the World will Ride, Rope and Bulldog-
Relay and Stajre Coach Races.
Reduced Rates on All Railroads
WaHa WaQa Agricoltoral and Stock Fair
Help the Boy Scouts.
fiumroooi all th force and rnotircet of tht Republic to
' , tht defenae of Yietiom
which the United State authoritiei bavo ranked atone of tht
fifteen dUtinguUhcd inttitutiont of the country for csccllencs ia
miliury training, hat reiponded to the call. Tb Coll U
oUatiauia(d sot only (or iu military initruction, but
DttriMGuiiBza also ros
in itrong indditrial eouriei for men and for woombi
la AinVoltofti Catrmtm. EnaiMmaa , Tomut
Koom Ecoeomk Miaiaa, rawaacf, aaa
Vacadeatl Idvuuoa.
!u wboletome, purpoatful itudcnt life.
Its democratic coUegt spirit.
Its Ittcceatful graduate,
Student enrolled last yur. J4S3I lUr on ia lervlct ttgt, tl$8,
enrer forty percent repreenting officer. . .
Collog opsns Ssptambsr 23, 1S1I
for canity. M IIUmukJ taAlf, m S rtljr inomnlWn write to ttta Rnliti.r, Corvtllii, Orna
Folly equipped liberal etillurr andorifnlificdrpaHmcnla. SinscL
training In Com m err", Joiimaliam, Arrliilrctiir, Law. Madielna)
rmmrklmt. IJkm Wark. Mask. " AH. UnL-l Tl.i . Vlu A
nl mm rnprrfmfm tm mnmml mmt. fmmmWm mm ml tnm ntm, rMaa I
TrtM. rRtK. umwmtf m w,nw wiwiwiwj if awn aaa . f
ZJit L. Bf m. mmik ..Hlif tm fait wr. i
HraMm, r. mt'mr.
If to wwala mmm'm mmt. I i
'h i n; -it M.:'j.'
AM ra- 1 V-
tTVbw rwl-r-4 .Kb tb. ..'
Z "lb sro akartM
Mrb AIM sa.b.a-4- tb. " '
Z,Zmi bf .ll Sltrrod -a4l.b-.
la lb. world sr altwanna,
ron-n, naaw -d s. a lus.ry. sr
T. ,a. b.rHl. .f lb. ..rwa.
".T,.. food Adra.
,wm. baa sakl ibit b.l to oboarj.
, .Alootarj sugar ralbna of
pooad r' rf"
la tb. otbrr con-trio, at w.r
Carta.. susf
rtlrta. oa ..r aa-ablbaJ-ll,.
fcooa-bolil. of botb rlrk tad poor,
of la tb. botal.
fcaitand lod ba. a .usr ralloa
of rnunila r rmUk per paraoa.
la rranr I. railno 1. Pw a""1
balf sad l Italy II
BHwiib. And lb. prtro. la slilad roan
IHra aro fro" t ,hr
bi(b ss la Amorlra.
If yoa 0,, ,,,b4
rranrw ihaos days aad ord-r l
rorTo. I bar s-rt. abaolutaly a
with It If snt ' t ",bM
bf It" wlib row.
la taiiaad It Is sllowsbl. la aa.
Mati(b of oonra of ancsr la
tb. praparatloa of aa rb lunrhmo, la
Hill AA
rraar. i'"-"" ' - -
rharlna t.blats about wtlb tba fur
a, la sad to Enjlsod nrb and
poor moat tak. thair saar wtib tb-a
If l bey wlab la ba. swaartaoad taa
wbl!. olsltlas frKrads,
IVfor. tb. wsr sisrtH Franr. bad
(CSJOM arras davotad to auiar produc
tion. By SB1T lb. rroarh susar scrs
st bad d-rre.o4 la 180.000 aeroa.
Today tb. rrmcb ssaa or wonaa wlib a
tofar card ass so asaorabca wbalatar
that b. or sb UI b. abl. to sctaally
bsy sugtr. To bur It. oos ataat em
tod It
Italy Mas "SUU lugsr."
rpK1'' t,e rltBi toti
lb. aa. of (fsr la Italy. Its nano
fartur.. dlatrtbutloa aad sal. sr. cioaa
ly eoatrollad. aad la part actually
takes or b lb. stata.
Racrbarta. Is parmlttd la b. soM
aad saad as a subatltat. for sugar aad
tb. goiarenatit Bwaafsctttm a ata
tor. of saccharin, aad str called
-Stat. Ingar.' wblch ts largaly asad.
In tb. County Court of tb. Sut. of
Urofon fur tb. County of Umatilla.
In tk. Mattar of tb. EaUt. of JOS.
ALSTON ytVXRtH, (kcaasod.
To LENA KEOEKEK. aiaior of aatd
dec.aawl, AGNES SUNDEKtX.KK,
siater of satd dVc.aaod; AWIH FED
ERKK. a broib-r ft aid iWoaawrl.
and AGNES I'EOEKEK. a Mac of
aakl cWcaaedi AU'lS r EUEKEK, a
naphaar of aald docaaavd; JACOB
f'KMKKEK, a nepbawof said dacMaaid:
V1NZENZ FEDEKER. a napb.w of
said dacoaaad; ISADOKE FEDERER.
a neph.w of said doc-aead; JU.SEl'H
FEUEKER. a napbew of said d
caad; KOSA FEUEKER, a nt. of
said cWcaaad; NUKEK FEDERER. a
net. haw of said doc.asad, ami JUHE
PH1NE FEUERER, a tiloc. of aaid
deceaaad -all of tb. hairs st law of
Jos. Anton Fsdorar, docaaaaxf, and all
others ir)tsre.tai unknown:
OK OREGON. You ar heraby coin
married to appear bafor. th. Honors -bl.
County Conrt of lha 8taU of Or.
Hon In and for th. County of Umatilla
at th. Court Houa. in tb. City of Pan.
dletun, on th. th day of October,
191S, at th. hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day. not lass than ttn days af
Ur th. aervic. of this cltatUm, to show
caure, if any exist, why an order of
th. abov. entitled court seould not ba
granted U. Lana Fedarar, Admlnlatra
trts of th. aoUU of Joa. Anton Fed
erar, daceaaal, authorising bar to sail
at privat. sal. for cash, or cash and
credit, all, or such part of th. herein
after described real property belonging"
to said aetata as may b. necessary to
pay th. costs and .xpanees of th. ad
ministration of ssid estsU, any claim!
that msy b. haraaft.r filed against
said aetata and for ths purposes ot dis
tribution, said rssl property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit;
? An undivided on. fifth of the
Nurthwest Quarter (NWt) of Sec
' tion Thirty tSOJ Township Fire (5)
North, Kanre Thirty-four (34) East
of the Wlllamett. Meridian, In
Umatilla County, Oregon,
You are further notified that this
citation ie served upon you by publica
tion in the Weston lackr, a newspa
per of general circulation printed and
rubliahad in Weaton, County of Uma
ills, State of Oregon, and that the
date of the first publication thereof is
the 30th day of August, 1918, and the
last publication thereof will be on the
27th day of Heptemher, 1918.
Thia citation Ie so published and
served npon you purauatit to an order
of the Honorable Charlee H. Marsh,
Judge of the County Court of the Stale
of Oregon, for the County of Umatilla,
made and entered of record in the
shove entitled eatate and court on the
tM day of August, 1918. .
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
laid Court afllxed thia 2rf day of Au.
Kuet, 1918. It. T. BUdWN,
Clerk of the County Court,
a U B- - DRAPER,
I. k Cvmif C"t t tb. , f
lirrg-u for tew twty af I ..t.! a
a iu Maltef tb. Eatat. .f 1 At i U
ri Pl.KF.K, Ortrmmmi
T. IH'FRF.R. .-
K JAU'M rtl'Ikl.K. VINlAi
Yi.KtK. ISAl-'KE Ml-HilU.
Jos I I'll F.liKIK. "A H.llk
K M)MH r.i't.KtK a--I Ju,..
' II INK f r.t'FREK. al af lb. ri,..
fmm a m) bare at Uw t JecwV I fWr,
jluceaarj. aal all artbara liilvit,.
IN THE NAME K Till. -Uli;
OF tiKUON. U sr. brl , .,
tnambd t Sj pr.r Uluf IK, II, ....
,la I Mini y t t of lb. Wale f ti
mm m ani fe tb t'Mutty i-t I u..M.
at tbe Ur Hv Ml lb. t It j f ! .
aWXtm. mi ilm Hb day f IMtt,
l. a tbe sxaa of l a'cbk A M
ut aaal day, ou t than tn iI.m af.
Ur lb KtK ft tbia nlall'm,
rauar. if any wby au ..!. r ,
(N alwo vnlilxl rmtw abuull t U
ranlad t" ! TeWia, A'lnn.ila
Ink of tbtsl. t Ja"t f nliif. k
nunl, aulburuli br tua.ll at n.
vala ab to Caab. Of ra.h a'l rt.,l,
all i aui b part vt lb. baratnafiir .W
atriunl raal pvrty UW"f l
ratal, aa may b nwary t i , tb
ela t tbe a. im lra
ItuM af aakf .elate, any rlain th.
na I beiaafler bWd " '
lata iwllur lb. -urpua "f ti.ini
Ihmi. aaal rl pt-n-aHjl "
aa MWwa, t wt.
Alt atHlioated wtifth '(:
Nurihwaat yarter INW". u( .
lion Tbtrty IM.I 1aahi. In
,Jl Nuetb, Ka"e Ibirty t"n Hi
Et of tb. WUIamctt. MriiU
In Uai.l'i'e Count. Otegun.
You are furtHr notlfiad 0al thia cl.
latkm t. aarvad uwn ou bj t ni.iifa
Ikhi in the u, iu laxtar, a i.a.
iiaruf gaiwral clrxulalkni irNd 4
j,ubliab.d In Weatim. ViM) if I ma
till., Slat, of Orf. "J .
dale of the first pullicati Ihxe- f w
tbe juth day of August. Il. a J lb
laat publlcalon tbra.f will U nth.
X7lh day of rWpUmbr, 11S
Ibis Cltslln U so pabliaboJ u4
aarvad upon yU pursu.ut "rdc
f the Cbarle. II Ma rah.
Judge of tb. County tuit vt lb
Utate of Oreon. for Ui. l-uniy if
Umatilla, tnJ. a.d entered f tti
lit th. ab. tilled eatale an4 w
on th. EM day of Aue-uet, IViR
WlTNE-SS my band ed the ! ut
said Cwrt affiled Ibis i dy f An
frt. Wl. H.J. BROWN.
I krli of lb. Couniy t ".
Wy E, O. DRAt-EK.
SSAI-J tbrpu'r-
! Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
(Sling brick.)
By using
Made by the
X We do custom milling, buy
nd Mil Hay. Grain an-l
Millfced of alt kinds.
Free C4ty tVeiivery
Trader and Storage i;
I Vestco Transfer Co. ij
5 !i
g Davis & Ellis
e t
ii Veterinary Surgeon il
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Main 253
Chas. H. Carter Dsn P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
PendleUn " 0on