TON" EADER VOLUAIK 41 WKSTON, OREGON. . H AUG. 80, 1918 NUMBER 13 POLES DRIVE!! TO . GERMAIIYTOVOHK EXT COTUT i SAVE VHEAT WES '' .' 1 " - f I B.MUI II ! II llll I I -II mi " nn, IZOmiliion, Jkllies mu&teat I United Stales Food Administration! My Mm. flobt. J. Durdette, The fifing line U now In your kit cben. Knock out the breadline at your table. It ha been said that the Revolu tionary War was won by men fed on baaty pudding, In other wordi. corn meal much. Let It be written In his tory that the winning of the present war was made possible by the United States eating potatoes. The manner of eating, the time of eating and even the kind of foodstuffs eaten are largely a matter of habit We do not desire to break ourselves entirely of the bsbit of eating or life would not prove worth living, but It can be made to prove better worth living If we change some of the habits. Suppose we cure ourselves of the hand-eating hMt and see if we do not consume less bread. If yon were to put your bread and butter on your plate and eat It with a knife and fork It would reduce the amount of bread eaten at once. In some of the Oriental Hun Commander' Brutal OrtV Issued to Conquered and . i Helpless People. C3L 1 Help the Boy Scouts. French Sugarllls Deslrgyfdj in "efcnt ii , ,iljM,LJil,M J- " w "'' el t ij AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1918 That's what the WESTONXEADER will cost you if you want to take it and by bo doing help maintain a paper in Weston. And that means IN ADVANCE. The LEADER, in fact, is al ready on a cash-in-advance basis, having; anticipated an order that has just been issued to the country publishers by the government, directing them to discontinue all delinquent subscriptions. ETTER SUBSCRIBE OR REHEIV NOV 7ie 'the Boy Scout Ccatest is on You'll save 50 cents a year by so doing, help the Boy Scouts in their rant put mnA holn thn!l I n(pr in nintt a mrwlmt fund for investment in LIBERTY BONDS-for every dollar the Leader reTwen'beadTTbale"" gets will go for bonds. If you want to take an extra Leader to send to soldier boy, relative or friend, now's the accepted time. Or if you want to renew your own "sub" for several years ahead it will pay you to do so. , Voting Values One Year's Subscription, $1.50........ 100 Votes Two Years Subscription, 13.00 ......250 Votes Or Two Subscriptions One Year Three Years' Subscription. f4.60 450 Votes Or Three .Subscriptions One Year . Four Years' Subscription, $6.00 700 Votes Or Four Subscriptions One Year Five Years' Subscription. 17.50 1000 Votts Or Five Subscriptions One Year, ( Must be taken by one patron at one transaction.) Every Able-letflest Man Ferced U Lve Hie SUrvina Faintly Labor Under Shacking Ce4l tiene far the Opprtsssr. t l'iiiiininiiiiinimi This I have seen. I cents' net '. believe It wiles I bad M -threiigh and ttirengh. far sew. I ', eral wieeka I lived rith K; I ' went all about tt and bade ef J ', H; Inside and eut ef K vrae shewn to me ntll finally I I ', eame to realize that the tocredl. bl was true. It is menetrowe, . it is unthinkable, but H exMa. It ie the Prussian system?, C . Waleett. HIII1IIIIIMIHMIMIH "Conversation beads," and they seem unable to talk unless they have them In their bands to play with and pass from one hand to the other. We seem to need something In our hands at table or we (eel the meal Is Incomplete and that something Is usually bread. Forget this habit and save wheat If you must continue the hand-eating habit, hold a hot potato. Hew to Increase World's Bread Rstion With famine creeping through Eu rope, and every nation struggling to produce enough food to sustain life, the American farmer baa a duty that he can not shirk. America must ship food to Europe for our soldiers. America must supply bread to starv ing peoples. No matter what other crops are raised, more acres should be devoted to bread grains. "Do your bit. Mr. Farmer." save a Food Ad ministration bulletin. "Success de pends upon yen In this world war." Club Organized for the Purpose Boycotting Products ef Hun Manufacture. France miint Import augnr today, mott of It from this side of the ocean, because the Inrgctt portion of French sugar beet Unit Is In Oormnn .hands. As a result, the French people have been placed on a suiwr ration of about 18 pounds a jresr for domestic ue; a pouud anil a half a mouth. This photograph rbons bow the German troops destroyed French tngur mills. Thanks to the French rationing sys tem the annual consumption bas been cut to 6U0.O0O tons, according to re ports reaching the CulteU 8tates Food Administration. Before the war France had an average aucar crop of about TAO.OQO tons of sugar aud had some left ovtr for export TBI PERCENT OF All IDS COLLECTIONS IS will -use nothing germat PALO TO EACH COLLECTOR TWENTY PERCENT OF ENTIRE BALANCE GOES INTO PRIZE FUND aving 'ugarsavcsliipping s ', V- r : " assart VJtsE '"1 T7 VIM LOA0H9 chk v havaii rdun kfirne AMCHKA HALF A MILLION TOHJ AMERICAN families would have less sugar than the people of war torn France, if we depended entirely on our home-grown sugar stocks. Approximately 75 per cent, of our sugar is shipped to our shores. We produce about 1,000,000 tons of Bugar a year. Our imports from abroad amount to over-3,000,-000 tons a year in normal times. I - The United States Fopd Administration asks each family to limit its use of sugar to two pounds per month per person for household use. The military situation de mands that every available ship be placed at the disposal of the Army or Navy. When we save sugar, wo save shipping. Remember, Boy Scouts, each of you receives ten percent of all you collect, this commission to be deducted by you when making your daily turnover. Then you have a chance of winning a prize also this depending upon your industry and success as a subscrip tion salesman. The PRIZE FUND will be divided as follows: First prize, 50 percent Second prize, 25 percent. Third prize, 15 percent Fourth prize, 10 percent Thus if the net collections should reach a total of $500 the PRIZE FUND would be 1100 and the Boy Scout getting the most votes would receive a first prize of $50. The second prize would be $25, the third 115, and the fourth 10. The prizes will be paid by the LEADER in bank checks when the contest is ended and the decision of the judges announced. Rules of The Contest Judges J. W. Porter, Frank Price, Robert Proudfit Two judges constitute a quorum. Judges only to hold key to sealed and locked ballot box. which will be kept constantly at store of .Weston Mercantile Co Count to be made by judges every Thursday at 10 a. m. Fi nal count Thursday, September 26, 10 a. m. Entrants securing subscriptions aro expected to turn in their collections and votes each day unless unavoidably prevented from so doing at the store of the Weston Mercantile-Co. New subscriptions and renewals count the same." . Out-of-town subscribers may name their choice of candidates in making their remittances. With the correct "number of votes noted thereon, either by themselves or the publisher, their letters of remittance will be placed in the ballot box and will constitute legal ballots. All local ballots must be of one prescribed and printed form, furnished by this office under proper safeguards. The number of votes in the ballot box each week must tally- with the sums received oh subscription. Weston Leader Chicago. High art and low art, music and literature and dolls that talk and walk are to be taboo forever and forever to members of a new club here, when they bear the "Made la Germany" stamp or flavor. "Use Nothing German' Is the same of the club. And the women who have formed It swear that they mean what they say, and that after the war they intend that the kaiser does not re cuperate from the ills he has brought upon himself through their aid. The club expects to spread its mes sage countrywide, and thus to Induce women throughout the United States to back them up in ignoring every thing German. CLARK WOOD eeee-ee-e Editor and Publisher Style Without Extravagance is to be found in all garments ordered from A. E. ANDERSON & CO. SfcTAIIPRINGYOUNEED CHICAGO R. L. Reynaud local RcpraMatative T. C Walcott. a member ef the Cnlted 8tates food administrate, and during the time America was feeding the civilian populations of Belgium. Serbia and northern France an assisfr ant of Mr. Hoover la these invaded countries, bas pictured in n grspblc wsy the conditions he found among the people It was his duty to help. After describing the terrible condi tions In Poland la 1910, the mlllloos that were dying of starvation, the hundreds Of thousands of defenseless people that bad been ruthlessly eat down by the sword of the German eon. qneror, he says: In that situation, the German com mander Issued a proclamation. Every able-bodied Pole waa bidden to Ger many to work. If any refused, let no other Pole give him to eat, not so much as a mouthftn. under penalty of German military law. This ts the choice the German gov ernment give to the conquered Pole, to the husband and father of n starv ing family: Leave year family or die or survive as the case may be. Leave your country which la destroyed, to work In Germany for its further de struction. If yon are obstinate. we shall see that yon surely starve. Staying with bis folk, he la doomed and they are not saved; the father and husband can do nothing for them, he' only adds to their risk and suffering.. Leaving them, he will be cut off front his family, they may never hear from him again nor he from them. Ger many will set him, to work that a Oer-' man workman may be released to light against his own hind and people. He! sfaan bo lodged In berreetn. tehMi bnrbed wire, entanglements, under armed guard.: He shall Bleep on the bore ground with n single thin blan ket He shall be scantily fed and bin earnings shall bo taken from him to pay for his food. -That is the choice which the Ger man government offers to a proud, sensitive, high-strung people, Death or slavery. When a Pole give me that proclamsn tlon, I was boiling. Bat I had to ro ot rain myself. I waa practically the only foreign civilian In the country and I wanted to get food to the people. That waa what I was there for and X must not for any cause Jeopardise thai undertaking. I asked Governor Gen eral von Beseler, "Can this be truer ' "Really, I cannot say." he replied. T have signed so many proclamations ; ask General Von Krles." So I asked General von Krles. "Gen eral, this Is a dvllfsed people. Can this be truel" "Yes." be said, "it is true" with S air of adding. Why nott I dared not trust myself to speak) I turned to go. "Walt." he sold. And he explalued to me bow Germany, official Germany, regards the atate of subject peoples. , It is hunt for us to Imagine such a condition in America as Mr. Walcott has described as existing In Hun-rld-tlen Poland, and yet that ts just what would exist should our boys, and the boys of our allies, now fighting in Frimce fall to defeat the soldiers of this murder empire. This fair coun try of ours would be made into a Ger mm province; our people would bei the slaves of the Junkers of Germany, siibjvct to the beastly whims of the; officers of the German army. In no wr In which America has ever en-piged-have the stakes been so great as In this present conflict Should we, by any chance, lose; should the Hun. by any chance, win ; our liberties, our hupplness, everything Americans hold1 dear, would bo lost- Thrift takes care of the future, the habit Get Not only is your Income taxed, bnt so is your outgo. We are willing to do Without every tun tut Ustaryi ...