; . . ; : . . T.'. . . jju&&&&&&&&& f ;Mwi.mfrv.v. whw flwn t f, I I ' ' . I I I I . . f I aX V V I J I f 1 II Br "i, rT" " 2 V r. U X $ UdiiHZiiVJ L-V Li---j -J t-J Ley Ifr . R. fyw m itw.r ri tiM iw wn, f. fi. Lara ftr tMt wl Xm. It rVwe anrf rHf.T Perwn multinir applM-auon f- miirur permit w ert.nVr. n pw)ttrftf 6 Hirrrt thfti" tfTr U M . R. Cheswrnaitv, .f-suMf-na T otmry ..tnimifru.e, rather ftwn fc fn. W, l. Sf.' Nary. County Atmii Itt, inaKmin-lt m thir urtVe mi 6wiw. .wr, rhrwmait i tuuvlliritr tlx mrr mf f th mmnfrrn arof t.m witt h aanwwf fcy m-i.nr app'ieafuvn. firwt t hurt, PVmtta fir aen-totry can- ) sum ar fctnir nwiuwt. wt aer-tiiM ft frmrrt M4nr ftirf WMtnMwtwy frr a grrmw ltv-.nir at a (tifjui ffm viais, with rltiv ha IhwiJaawfv bvwnt will a win in or-t r i m - ..r nmrhf aM them to any fil mnnifc'a having elected fcy thtr nuneil All for f rh .nri-r n Jh f. kvI Kr. turry wwpf k Tjm Canurt, ah ih "hanv f4 Mr. $vm9m' pwrwf. r.v, that h wsil h Mf. il Kn. Cr It, gxmt4 f rVMiirH tv fnn tuti-k nt may hm fcarf at ft f 1 - ' t Vtu A fc-r for fcnri4r maV 0w pnarit ini t frt'l kpt iraann, whirK fcr.n imiai e. ft-arh rh f'haimiT f.tf 6ry m many mtJ m fnuw jih r.-tHitt annNfrr anf (Tnaanunrry tnkuLit iMUntf in FnrittMtartMlt. n nam i A, T. Km- V 5 pry itwmrJv. a anrntw-r f employ r ia .h-,.H. . u,frf, i-tu a, i- "l am ffu-lrounur hrr'.fh a mi aumhf n ?4SALVArioinl tr.H MvA hi t.t.V F-f wtv f.iv fU.l. rvt 6a .ef LMt yar. mt yr H.e-p Tia.mr. fjMP an th" wfiw t nr!inaMf f lu fcaH art trnh u ra a milaip l.rt:W mil. I rtml t3i r b hm ry y rsitrnf im.i irjjJy iy t.w. 7V. ftb-nl t'tr it hiifh. ! hai tit car nuipp tmi o r- markahty R rvnh&nfisr ?aif F traiL "la t:r nf tita- ia hills, rwk.i antl thai r travrrW. fh ar ami tirwi h ;' ipurnihrf mi- tut ih pn?.ai,w. "YrtUi af prf"irrTui firautijfiy (in rhe mtMnsMm frfca. .cA pfR6 ar. mont.'y tmi tar. Fr nw.iwKaiit 'iimKinir " hav- a Wi hatm that t-K, th sftary ear mrr'.j ani (rvr a Snngr fea t aonk I haa hrrn. mk r-t J gnmt avrjr x ib. Tit tc.i tn-wr mti arW from li v 2T m pr . :." A an f-.r t.ri irtiaifw. mL anrf al asto wf.rH. F-rt- tra earrW. WKTTO AlTO n. C. If. Jfc-fearw. Stmftr I, WJVT fcfe im w Urum th fmaffT riwt Sttuvtay fnr a irnt it w fanwfy. H in rm lloywf m ffiwfln'i afrayrk impwfa, writ krm t fcia fafJWr Jfmtt A, that h m iafy h'.ttt tvi a kRitifal fwntry. An "mwm Kftr ha fcw inrfM in thm ftflW f frank Ft. foraJ rri Mjyr, fir a(f- It ia prfl hy fcaatpwMT WM, tAir-J turn? iane Jar, tM 'm tUyr IM trmirnwa. .t (fnvt frwi fanarf Dmt wttW at tJi itHhat:M Out h 3 fc m at !. tss tiiia rhrifdi arrt Smfaf mil b the f- fawt for ttwa eifT?Kw yar. TV Mrl virrr ha eUmi tb fnvrmK. t to UrT fnyrr fK K. rwtry i w a tminrl i the mors- j, ,rf r.vW v W it.l. I th wiR t paator win m fvr pradi on th Apra E- fort u Xr, NV.I.-J. m-rJs.vA in th Crar.t .RiJv Wtr anrf Mf. Ia at tV5f llcnr tfl Bob iViH m4 Gmr JMbitt fepr tJiT. Mr. aiB Wm fr a fw fayt 0k awwk. tramped for a do? miita or mor rwin a fortJan4 enttl hr litrv Mr. f-ran tanve nt Uv attwl gynlay a2m tJw taeafca of Kq ia tawf rr,tr t arrrir and Ul the natkxsaJ rtraff.prmt ef thr G. er-tk withoot wwintr a thn retom to W9rton awf rjm A- K. at Port!iKl. an4 iu a roo or ffaaftt r a married twHonta br. She haa reuid tls ftrt trip h ha.1 rr rade to raw. Inr ttt fMfltr Thwm t nT HOT MUim aWJ CiQ Kiir.Z l,mUii OJumi. ii an ire as a prowistifif country for btri, laar, fcot tfc fcirda Jwt wren't thrre. jy Cflarra w rWl Jiatar and Mn. FD, WatUt art day t rert at tiw NawaJ Traiw enmping wot wftli party f reJa- tear famp near Xsu. and Uft at tia' and frknda on the tfrrt tA once to hetfn hi 4utie aa nirA North tair, Mkhin, ard writ eJaaa trr,n, Th arder i"wrf?jdd that tlvey ara havfe a mot ttsjy. IrvrmvrUtkm and hw ma! abi eot'mg. WorUi Watta j at- tm are ai paid f-,r by Cr-d tending the tnmmvt mrmbm of Umt Ham. Kay, h k mg Cfllver Military 3etxx4 wi Jndiarva, two'a nxt prpJar r,sf mw, aeUghtet v imftrt a wfr fxy. ftf G- M KlMM diT- thir ynjr. mariuwt. isd Mr. trrt in the Went! oighbwrhorjd. hwrer. having bn mstruwntai in MtaMhin2 at kat a few fami lie of ffo WTsif iuail in thi i eifitty. rmty-i(ff.t yt-an asf' he afaippVd from Or.r, KkruMM, pair f tfc Crt ijrsail rr a.f in WVn. and Uwy f!'-"!! hT fcy Mrs. Iraw. Mr. Gr man a arwKrr .f (tmpmr.j C, V2A VA'tr. ad rd bwWCct. MfM frftfyOrli ftf th Wwrt '"" t all km exmpttgm. fcav- at-hwl farotty fcaa written th V lrVpiTit; Malt Ifalr- fr wish ilmrjui to the affyfif trd ankrna; that h l re- Ho had acr of what w irrts in r?ft, Ire lied from her rirtrat for the left aftr the hail atorm aed eiood bsd, 0 yar gs. and w trwxU trrihtotn'mg fr. Mm Clark, who hsfft fef lat avth, t of th 3-iift by hi prrrji V Amrka Vis 1 at pfMt In gpvAanr, wihs to acre he had ptoted, hsra thrnfc- jmtj a r ad a-fsaif A4. take op Kd Crwa work, with the ing mxt 7m6y. expectation of being arnt wm, AthrwiPrtaa; Watta Ur-e. wiii Ta 8jtf tvAfffl f V An assortment of Men's Hats, good styles, staple colors hats you will like to wear just a few left of each style. To close them out they are piled on sale tables and marked at. . . Half Price 100 SUITS for BOYS SCHOOL OPEiS SEPTE1BER 16 TO ABOUT CLOTEBiG HOW f An opportunity; to outfit the boy for school at far lower prices than these goods can now be bought for at wholesale. We expect to discontinue many of these lines and have made the price attractive. Good suits, G to 14 year sizes $3.98 to $9-85 Vent 1mnh tfrtrtriy mtrtir Charley Nelaon. who left her flnkh harreat operators thi mb P.ha been prowted artmreor- hy eatwpiilar thy averd 'f J5 T alHlhlietnwf erred fr.-n at SO Mm par day dr ito J-.SSSSS W a B' S'thelSnd thr 3th Field Ajl'T; Ump Lew- K 7jl.hm u u, mtVf, ghfm t TiH rai in Mii ,ina, l. It I Mid that Urt-poral Welm i, tutZ of conffcetinery and piritoal and firomri. The paatof Ukea great plrarore In ordering gan inUj hu ol1 jn Uwf ha4 Wr) jn u!K f. Irfvato Earl Bareett arwnd. Safmsr brick. H15 will, twwevtr, w amnta are afcot all ia Ex-aenator V. M. Paoly of Walla conduct no pool or card game. and will be up In full by the cloae walla, who In early year waa a, Weirton buaineaf man, ha three mm lr tba ervi!. Walter Pauly Tl, "". w -nl Morton E, Pauly are Infantry. u,,' hwl Mrw and otbw pa wen, atationed at Camp Fremont, OrwnUn u taoBtiaiKd. Calif. Fred M. Pauly Jr. i In- "rfd by PrW atroctor In machine gunnery at dflt w- Kfr' of lb rtton AktU Qtiantlco, Va and belong to enit1tr1 eol"!' f,0B tb ofnM of the th Marin Corp. A fourth ton, rm-fral, WMhinfton. I). C. tha youngt in the family, will at- Tha thl rr 00 pound of tend the Officer' Training School at "'ppo Whitman College, Walla Walla, B4f D" dolpb , , , . Zlefl, Of the chool of pharmacy. ran 1 v Jut ajold Model Ninety 2kfU w anMher .hipment Overland to J. A. Wililam of Free- tBttr yMr f too or oo pound and to ater, I ha two other new Nina- 4 t lwt JOOO pound btea now lieaanaaiiwa winy ui a pippin mA mx. Ananrt. A $10,000 fln, tb laret er lm- Ladies' Shoes at $4.98 This is an attractive assortment gathered from our large stock of women's dressy shoes that sold up to $7.00. They are the short ends of splendid lines and are excellent values. All on sales tables for your inspection, at only $4-98 1000 Yards of Lawns 121 cents ' a ? I ? I X of the year. Only one member re- w.- , '.y - - f-p memlerhip. Some alight change f were made in the official board. J. j W. Porter wu elected Sunday school iuperintendent to relieve K. A Lieuallen, and Mr. Clarisia Price A wa added to the board of steward, f The board of uteward "got their J head together" after the meeting V had adjourned, and told A. L. Thor- ousrhman. the i residing elder, that Kf there would be a substantial raiie in the intent f aMor'a uiary if l e i returned to tie n i ett jear. V I y The last shovvincr of the season nrettv. daintv jFp - - - - i - - - 'ayr ay wr lawns, rice-cloth, etc., attractive patterns wortli up Y 9 a a r . mi i ? I l j ? V a io 40 cents, iney are uispiayeu ior your inspection. r Next season they will be worth three times the r ? ? ? T ? ? Y of a etr If on waa ever made, Come in and feaat your rt on thaSI. I have 1912 Overland, . In good shrpr, to aeii at a bargain. ; Better get your new car now a next year you may not be able to do o. All factorle will begin the ; f!rt of the year to cut down their - output of touring cara 60 percent and price are bound to aviate. Dr. 8. t. Kennard, Overland dealer. According to Brother Julian of , the Attalla New-Trlhune, John lixld of Touchet wa arrested in Walla Walla for the heinou crima of crowing the atreet with hi car f diagonally inatead of straight from corner to comer. John aar ha would not care for th 19 If they would arrt all who crtw the ami way he did and "how no partial ' " if mintiA on the ame corner i . .t m.nv erMM the came tbould a he did and notning alKrtJt it. I Jo. tht ftolori. aoced la aa Orngon court tor violation of tb prohibition I and tb max! mum amount provided undor tb tit, wu bandd t Portland by Judge Bao to Alexander DaWdnon, wealthy California liquor d)r, and paid. Davldton, bo I owor of tb Blue Ribbon Ber companjr tit Ban Francis co, u convlctd under th eonaptracy act fa a nitlonl trial concluded July 4, lat. Lat week he pleaded tullty to a second (Imllar Indictment pradln' atlnt blm, and th fin Ira pod ovrd both chirge. wa aald lived in Walla IMKX) Youth ta Wol'' for Army, Waahlncton. Itevliod tlmat an Bouncd by th procott marahil cn rtl how that 15l,ooo yonni men who bar bcom 21 line laat imn S register for military rvlc Bait lturdy. Of this numUr It I t'JmaUd that about half will $o Into Urti Pi faint! toad Famuel W. Read dial at his home, 2008 First street, La Grande, Oregon, August 13, 1918, after a long illne. Mr. Read wa seventy-five year and eight month old, and wa known as an industrious and worthy man. He spent much of his life In the Weston neighbor' hood, where he wa well known, having come here in 1883 from souri. Nine years ago he moved Wallowa county and five year ago he took up hi residence at La Grande, which had since been his home. Mr. Read is survived by a widow and five children, who are Fred B. Read, now In the rervice of the United State in France; John A. Read of Portland, Oregon; Mr, Lewis Harvey of Knterpriae, Oregon, and Mr. Nettle McC'ully and Elmer Road of La Grande, 4 4 ? t t j ? ? AAAAll price. This sale, only. ... 12 1-2 c. The enormous quantity of GROCERIES leaving our store daily is evidence that we are right both as to stock and prices. We quote no "leaders," but a low, equitable price for each article. The scarcity of many articles and the requirement of whole factory outputs for our nation's splendid army explains the absence of some well-known sta- -pies, but nevertheless our store is full of fresh, attractive edibles. x Y A nln mnrfc mh! ei? Hariri Mie. or no f, v, hrt4 mtmtH, PkHtrtm or frhM mM W irrliethM In pffVg ftlAHOH wmI rofiort OK raMttaj4IMV ImJ Manrto. IwATINTS UILO rOHTUNf tm ft. (Mr fnaa boola Ml how. wiuU io Ittvatrt Wrln IMS. D. SWIFT & CO. FAT! NT LAWvca. 1 103 Seventh Wuhlpoton, D. 0. The Prudent Man will fill his coal bin when the fill ing is good. Better order your coal now, when I can supply you. P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon A new hlt)mcnt of books suitable u-.ti. k'mlHht do he pleatd 1, ubjct to luatflata call to for young people has Just heen re it lt, It lwkt4 m to Mb. thfooiori. t clvd at tho WttoH Hbrwy. W. M. f (Unm 0, H, BUhop Peterson & Bishop UWYCRS , Pandlaton, Or. . frMWWr,Or. Dr. J. C. BADDELEY GraicaU VeUrlniry Surfeos Phon82F6 . Athena, Orgon aaototaatt HOMER I. WATTS Attorneyat-Law Practice In all Slats and Federal Count. ATHENA, 0KEQ0N