SABER V0LUMK41 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUG. 23. 1918 NUMBER 12 WESTON OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the- Wiek Briefly Sketched (or Infor mation ot Our Reidert. Tit run of salrunn In the Umpqua thla year la umiaually heavy. Military drill will be Inaugurated Ihla fall In th public schools of Una count jr. Twenty l.lnn rouitfy school districts are vet without teachers for the com ing M'hmtl ju-ar. Tli Oregon tin convention of the Brethren convened at Alheny (or union of five day. Almnat 100 dele galea were present. Forty two nnutlneee for office nomi nated al the primaries lot May liav failed lo flli the acceptance, according lo rWrrUry of QUI Oleolt. Codas Grove will have free malt delivery, beginning September 1. the poetofflce having rwlH onh'r lo' make th nrcraaary preparation. finding of a badly derompoeed body near Powere I believed lo solvs (bo mystery of William Dleti' dleappear ance from Marsbfleld two week ago. Arrangementa ax being mad for the eataullshment ot a fled Croat aalv at iliop la North Bend by representa tive of tb various women' organi sations. Th advance guard of lb Indiana from the Warm Bprlnge reservation. ho com every year to the Wlllamntt valley to pick bop, ha arrived In Eugene. Oregon bena from Oregon Agricul tural college art holding ftrtt place In each of the three great egg laying contests. Storrs. Ilrltlab Columbia and Pullman. Joaeph Monoceo. wanted on a charge of having alaln Mary Spina, aged II, In ber born al Portland, wa arreated at Vancouver, B. C and returned to Portland. Contract for four more tteel veaael of th 3100-ton typ hav been awarded . by th Emergency Fleet corporation to the Alblna Euglne a Machln worka, of Portland. The Pacirie Coaat Norwegian Sing er' aaaoclatlnn will hold Ita aanual convention and sangerfest, with hall concert, In Portland, August 31 and September 1 and t. The Initiative) and referendum pam phlet hav been mailed to th elec torate or th state. The pamphlet went to approximately 110,000 voter, Secretary Olcott tated. - Union and Wallowa countlea hav mora grouae thla year than In many previous year, huntera from aver th two countlea report Th percentage of young one la unusually heavy. According to Information received by th Hood River county court, th Co lumbia river highway between Hood River and Moaler will not be con structed during the period of the war. Eatabllahment of a twine Induatry at the atate penitentiary. Is a project to which Governor Wlthycombe la giv ing conalderatlon and which probably will be aubmllted to the leglalature. The Salem branch ot the Insurance Federation of Oregon paaied resolu tion opposed to tb government's tak ing over of the insurance business, as proposed in bills pending before con gress. - The August report of E. L. Kent, field agent of the bureau of crop es timates, shows the onion prospecte of Oregon at 70 per cent of normal as to condition, in comparison with 80 per cent of a year ago. At the request of Secretary McAdoo, State Fire Marshal Wells has changed the date of fire prevention day Id this state from October 9 to November a, so that it will not conflict with th liberty loan campaign. Under the budget ot the Hood River Applcgrowers' association, Just adopted by the directors, a maximum charge ot SO cents per box for applee and 10 cents for pears may be made for han dling the fruit the coming year. Fire, caused either by a short cir cuit or a break In the power line, burned out three of the large trans formers at the Link river power plant af the California-Oregon Power com-1 sany, with an estimated loa of 16000. To offset the hay shortage, which' threatens the stockmen of the Klamath llstrlct this coming winter, ranchers! jperatlng along the shores ot the big 'upper Klamath lake are putting up :houtands of tons of wild bar, which tas never heretofore been cut. Immediate construction of a coal itorage dock near the municipal eleva tor at St Johns was decided upon at a! neetlnf o( tH Port ot Poland eom-l tilealon. Coating between SO,000 and ;.'..0'1. th new dock I espm-ted lo Mte from ti to 38 cent a ton In nadlni th roal on M In th Part end harbor. The schools at I'reswell, Ian coua y, will not open antll on month later .hn uaul, to permit the boy and llrl to assist In lb harvesting of roii and especially the prune crop In die orchard owned by I It, Scarbor-, jttgh, which cover 1(0 acres and la' he largest of It kind In the upper rVlllamette valley. ' All th shipbuilding firms aave en, all of lb paper and woolen mill and 98 per cent of the firms engaged la the lumber Induatry will be under the provlalone of tb worknien'e compensa tion act after September 1, according to a atatenient Issued by th Industrial Accident rommlealon. Tb number of Industrial accident reported to th tat accident commis sion during th paat week exceed all previous records. Tb total number Is 1, of which four were fatal, aa fol low: Joe I Mario, Cochran, logging; Carl Barnard. Huston, brakeman; George Malt. Portland, shipbuilding; K. Shlbata, Cochran, logging. Th Columbta A Nebalem River rail road, which runs from Kerry Into the Nebalem valley, wanta lo advance Its ratea for forest products. Statements ot tbs offlclala of the company have been aubmltted to the Public Service commission of Oregon, showing that the business la being handled at a loss, due to the Increased cost of oper ation. la response to a demand from edu cators la many parte of the country. Dr. F. O. Fraaklln, dean of Albany college, la preparing to write another volume of ble work. The Legislative History of Naturalisation In the Uni ted States." and bring It down to date. Though It requires a great deal ot research work and probably will Uke a long time. Dr. Franklin will under take the task. Although estimate for the various Institutions and state activities are practically all In. the etate Tax com mbwlon postponed final consideration of them until Auguat 23. It la believed the estimate will reach a total ot nearly $10,000,000, about 33.000,000 above the appropriations of two years ago. It la not believed that the com mission will go before the people and ask for such a sum. Squaw Creek 'Irrigation district. Is Crook county, has applied to the atate securities commission for certification of 398.000 of bond which the district wishes to sell to provide funds to pur chaae the canala and water rlgbta of the Squaw Creek Irrigation company. Considerable controversy hts existed between the district and the company and the district desire to Uke over tba existing canala and operate them. First-hand Inveatlgatlon of the dairy situation throughout the United Statee has convinced D. H. Rawi, chief ot the dairy division of the department of agriculture, with headquartera la Washington, that the Industry la In a serious plight in many places. Th situation In Oregon Is none too favor able to the dairymen, he said on com pleting a two-day aurvey which cover ed points In Washington. Yamhill, Clackamas and Multnomah countlea. ; Two eulta to recover an aggregate ot 3420.000 were tiled In the Lane county circuit court by W. B. Dennis, agalnat the Black Butte Quicksilver Mining company, owning mines in southern Lane county. Mr. Dennis is manager of the Carlton Lumber company at Carlton. One ault Is to foreclose a mortgage dating from April, 1901, for 970.000, and the other to recover on notes In the sum of 9360,000. The mortgage covers a tract ot 980 acrca of land. The Insect which hat been causing damage to airplane spruce baa been definitely identified aa the ambrosia beetle, and the bureau of entomology of the United Statea forest service has made recommendations to the spruce division for the control of the danger. The beetle bores into the wood, weak ening the natural resistance of the spruce. It does not attack the green timber, only the felled trees being af fected, and these only during the sum mer months. - i s .. v Yaqutna bay residents who hare aold their property to the government for a right-of-way for the railroad under construction around the bay have no legal right to demand free passes on ths road In addttlon to the money re ceived for their property, and by sta tutory provision such passes are pro hibited. This, In substance, ta the re ply ot the public service commission to an inquiry received from Lieutenant Henry K. Norton, of the government ritLWt-way department at Newport. . PD )0Y All Buy Scouts - and none but Boy Scouts-are eligible to com-pt-te in a subscription content which the WESTON LEADER will inaugurate for the purpose of increasing its lint and raising funds for investment in Liberty Bonds. We will buy Liberty Bonds with every dollar received by us from the proceeds of this contest, which opens next . TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 10 A. II AND CLOSES THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 10 A. lil One Year's Subscription. $1.50. 100 Votes Two Years Subscription, t3.0O...... 250 Votes Or Two Subscription One Year Three Years' Subscription, t4.M .".-450 Votes Or Three Subscriptions On Year Four Years' Subscription. $6.00 700 Votes Or Four Subscriptions One Year - Five Years' Subscription, 7.50 1000 Votts Or Five Subscriptions One Year ( Must be taken by one patron at one transaction.) TEN PERCENT OF ALL INS COLLECTIONS IS PALO TO ECH COLLECTOR TWENTY PERCENT OF ENTIRE BALANCE GOES INTO PRIZE FUND Remember, boys, each of you will receive ten percent of all you collect, this commission to be deducted by you when making your daily turnover. Then you have a chance of winning a prize also, this depending upon your industry and success as a subscrip tion salesman. The PRIZE FUND will be divided as follows: First prize, 50 Dei-cent Second prize. 25 percent Third prize, 15 percent Fourth prize, 10 percent Thus if the net collections should reach a total of 500 the PRIZE FUND would be 100 and the Boy Scout getting the most votes would receive a first prize of $50. The second prize would be $25, the third 15, and the fourth 10. The prizes will be paid by the LEADER in bank checks when the contest is ended and the decision of the judges announced. Rules of The Contest JudgesJ. W. Porter, Frank Price, Robert Proudfit Two judges constitute a quorum. Judges only to hold key to sealed and locked ballot box. which will be kept constantly at store of Weston Mercantile Co. Count to be made by judges every Thursday at 10 a. m. Fi nal count Thursday, September 26, 10 a. m. Entrants may obtain receipt and ballot blanks by calling at the Leader office next Tuesday, August 27, at 10 a. m. We would prefer to have all the Boy Scouts who expect to enter, come in a body at the time stated. However, 1f any boy is unable to come at that time he will bs permitted to enter the contest later, - Entrants securing subscriptions are expected to turn in their collections and votes each day unless unavoidably prevented from so doing at the store of the Weston Mercantile Co. New subscriptions and renewals count the 6ame. Out-of-town subscribers may name their choice of candidates in making their remittances. With the correct number of votes noted thereon, either by themselves or the publisher, their letters of remittance will be placed in the ballot box and will constitute legal ballots. All local ballots must be of one prescribed and nrinrorl form, furnished bv this office under proper safeguards. The number of votes in the ballot tne sums received on buiksctipuuh. j Weston CLARK WOOD sera box each week must tally "with Leader Editor and Publisher BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR Almost yard by yard. French and Ilrltlab ars prying their way between five vital points In the Germane' PI eardy line, rendering the enemy's bold on certain places more and more pre carious. At the extreme southern corner of the battle front the French already have aboved General von tSoebm over the edge of the Important Lasslgny heights dominating the coun try for ml lea around. Marshal Focb has at laat definitely connected lb battlea or tbe Alan and the Bom me. Announcement le made that, by a local attack, tbe plateau nortb of Autreches, about 10 miles northwest of Bolssons, bss been car-, rted by the French, and that their success gives them a position dom inating the region extending north ward toward tbe Otee river. Gradually the famous Lys salient In the region west of Armentlerea la giving way nnder the pressure of the British. Agsln Field Marshal Haig's forcea have compelled tbe enemy to seek ground to the eastward where he will be more secure from the shells of the big guns tbst for seversweeks have been firing xrias-crosa over tbe entire salient, working havoc among tbe defenders of the Insecure line. Tbe Germans are getting no rest from the Franco-British pressure north and south of the Somme, and the French and Americana along the Vesle. The Americans in Lorraine . ..iu. hw -- are baraaaing tbe enemy by artillery fire and local attacks. Nowhere haa the enemy had the better of any en counter. 100 I. W. W. Found Guilty of Sedition. Chicago. One hundred leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World were found "guilty as charged in the Indictment" by the Jury after one hour's deliberation at their trial for conspiracy to disrupt the nation s war program. The defendants. Including William D. Haywood, general secre tary treasurer ot the L W. W th highest position in the organisation, face a maximum penalty of 27 yeara In prison and a 810.000 fine each. 91,000,000 to Fight Forest Fires. Washington. A loan of 91.000,000 has been made to the forest service from tbe president's special defense fund to combat tires In the national forest of the northwestern and Pa cific coast states. Ty Cebb to Enter Army. Washington. Ty Cobb, Detroit out fielder and star batsman, passed the physical examination for a commis sion In the gaa and flame division ot the army. - ' STATE PRISON IN TURMOIL Prisoners In Washington Penitentiary Mutiny When One la Shot. Walla Walla, Wash. Convtcta in the state penitentiary started a mu tiny about 7:30 Tuesday night and the noise could be heard tor over a con siderable porttpn ot Walla Walla. The disturbance resulted from the shooting of Fred (Tiger) Johnson by a guard. tv-. billot tiv riiianl John ,UUUIUU " v Davison while endeavoring to escape. Davison was exonerated by the coro ner. Johnson was assisted by John Vandell, who murdered E. W. Olson, state industrial Insurance commia aloner. French Strike Suddenly In Plcardy. Paris. The French struck suddenly in a new sector, driving into the Ger man lines midway between the Plc ardy and Solssons Rhetms fronts, the war office announced. Enemy positions were carried on a front ot more than three mllee to a depth ot nearly a mile In the region ot Autreches, nine miles west and north of Soissona. . Favorabla Report on Man-Power Bill. Washington. A favorable report was voted by the house military com mittee, on the administration man power bill with an amendment pro- riding that youths from 18 to 10 yeara of age shall be placed in separata classifications to be called into mili tary aervlce after men from 20 to 4S. Armed Trawler Ralda Flaharmen. . A Canadian AUantlo Port The steam trawler Triumph, fitted with two guns and wlrelsss and manned by 16 Germane from the U-boat which captured her, is raiding the fishing banks off the Canadian coast. Crews, of the schooners sunk by the Triumph hav arrived, hare, ... BRITISH ADVANCE FAR III FLAIiDERS Attack on 4-Mile Front Gains More Than a Mile and 400 Prisoners. T London. The Britlah troop west ef Armentlerea have advanced their line to a depth of 1000 to J OOO yards oa a tour-mile front betweea Vleas Berqula and BalHeul and also made progreaa sooth vest of Marville. according to th official statement. The village ot Out tersteea and 400 prisoners were cap tured. righting by patrols, daring tbe course of which the British line on the Somme front are being pressed forward lightly day by day, coa- llnue. East of Arras along th Scarp river the Britlah in sharp fighUng have ad vanced their line to the east of th village ot FaaspoQZ. while farther north, astride the Lys river, th BrU ish hats reached L'Epinette and north of Merville have captured the villages of Vlerhoek and La Courono. accord ing to Field Marshal Haig's communi cation from headquarters. By withdrawing their forcea In the Merrills sector of the Lys salient the r.AM.M Afinltmlw k.Vi .!... nn Mutt lu.. nm u . j - ' r ( the points from which a drive for Calais logically would be launched. Thla la taken to indicate that the Ger man high command baa abandoned bop of reaching the coaat and now la chiefly concerned with getting the German linea back to a place of great er security. OVER 3 MILLIOH MEN WIDER mil Washington. Ot more man i,ooo,ouo . Statea baa sent nearly one-half, or more than 1,450,000, overseaa for serv ice against the enemy In France, Italy These figure were given by General March In his Saturday talka with newspaper men and member of the senate military committee. ' The senators were told that some transports are making tbe trip to En- K.V In 1 Q Am-rm snrt that I ruu - the average haa been reduced to SI days, which with additional shipping becoming available makes the great Job of getting 80 division ot American troops to France by Jon SO, 111, cer tain of success. General March renewed hia atate ment made to the senate military af fairs committee that there will be at least 80 American divisions or S,(0tV 000 men ot all arma and capacities un der a nnlted command on the western front by June 80, 119. Of actnal com batants be said there wlU be on tbe firing line, or In touch with It, at least 3,200,000 American troop. U. S. CASUALTIES 21,467 Army Loaa, Total 18.7W awl MariM Corps 2780), Washington. Casualties la the United Statea overseas forces, an nounced by the war and navy depart ments during the week ending Bun day, numbered 1355, compared with 4918 for the prevloua week. Total casualties announced to date number 21.467. Total army casualties num ber 18,707; the marine corps lists to tal 2760. i Total deaths, Including the killed la action, deaths from wounda, disease, accident and other causes alnco the United States forces landed la Franca number 8133. Including 21 loot at sea. Of that number 7298 were ot th army, and 837 of th marine corps. Th wounded to data number 11,111,: ot which 9788 are ot th army and; 1830 ot the marine corps. j Men missing in acUon and prUot era number 1719, ot which 1628 are ot the army and 93 of the marina corpgi THE MARKETS. Portland. Oats No. J .whlU feed. $59.15 ton. Barley Standard feed. $54 per ton. Corn Whole, $75; cracked. $76. H,ywTtmothy, $31 per ton; alfalfa, $28. . ' Butter Creamery, 80c per lb. . Eggs Ranch, 48o- per dosen. Potatoea 34J3 50 per hundred. Poultry Hens. 23 g 250. springs, 2$ 8c; duck. 52c ,