The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 16, 1918, Image 2

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    tor to the trade:
The most forceful, arcssivc bargain event
of the season, offering at unmatchablc prices
all remaining warm weather goods.
and continues for two weeks, ending Satur
day evening, August 31.
Regardless of merchandise shortages-regardless of high wholesale prices-regardless
of any and all conditions, we have brought down prices on summer
goods to a point that must compel their immediate and complete disposal.
Fail -roods will be piling in upon us soon and these present season goods are now
taking up the space they will soon have to occupy.
The lowest prices quoted on 1918 merchan
dise will be in effect during this sale.
Thousands and thousands of dollars' worth of seasonable merchandise is includ
ed. Qualities are absolutely dependable-styles are faultless assortments are
Not one element is lacking to prevent this from being the most important and
far-reaching August Clean-up Sale in our history.
No matter what you are doing it will pay you to lay off a day and come to
this sale.
Buy all you'll need for months to come, of the goods offered.
SPendieton's Sreatest Department Store
Where it SPays to Vrade
"With manufacturers cult In
down terms and money center fa
vorfng Uiort-tinw iwper, the Jobber
tlmU it mandatory to reduce hi
term to (ho retailer. 11.' In turn
must go in iH-atvr a cash bai with
the consumer.
"Long credit enrich no one un
ion MrhRM the money Kmner or
the dealer in bankrupt stocks."
Hock-ribbed and rurk-hallaMed
though it In by the practice of
years, the credit citadel is under
Martian fire and in doomed to fall.
The attack in in the di net ion of
universal economy, and the eon-
unier nimwir la certain 10 prom
thereby thnniKh keeping a more
careful eye on hi expenditures.
Every fuud-naving kitchen take
three pot shots a day at the enemy,
8ays Oregon Food News.
. mmmmm wmmm AWm wmmmm AT 1 'i.A. 1
kf I II I - ft II mm 9 I'M m ' tV Ti . ' 1 1. . ''-
I .- if if I . . ., - n
I i ii II 1 1 III . y li :
J- Tl TV (fill
i; ,,c-H 5
t4e iH-ma to In just m reprieve
after amilher fr Tm Mooney.--
Vett; we have alwaya with uh the
tun, stars and Money.
IV battle that Wilhrlm wit-
ne-I fntm a tower put him, we
wot, into a towering rnjfe.
Aa Impression o( France
lu the course of an intereotin
letter from rYanec to a friend in
Weston. Serjreant rl G. Olwn of
the Twelfth Italloon Company
'We had splendid weather al
most all the way acna, but owing
to the size of the convoy and our
route of travel we were longer in
making the trip than it would ordi
narily take. It became pretty mon
otonous and the sight of land waa
a great relief.
'Never at any time were we
conscious of being in danger and
the trip was more like a vacation
than anything else.
"The place where we disembark
ed is certainly funny. Rverything
is so peculiar when viewed in com
parison with what we are accus
tomed to. Miniature railways and
street cars are seen, and wagons
consisting mostly of two wheeled
carts and they drive their teams
with one horse ahead of the other
instead of abreast.
'Nearly everybody we saw wore
wooden shoes, and the style of
It seems to us that up to this
season tire-buying has been u
You iaid your money, but you
didn't know what you'd liought
your tire had run its mileage. Sometimes
you won, and sometimes you didn't.
Goodrich has taken the gamble out of tire buying! When
we sell our customer Goodrich Tires we know w hat we're
selling. For Goodrich Tires are Road Tested Tires.
Six big fleets of Goodrich Test Cars battered their
way over 1,00(1,000 miles in 1917-morethan 1,000,
000 tire miles.
They not only proved beyond doubt that Goodrich Tires as
ihfn made had the strength, the stamina, the endurance to
roll up big mileage under adverse conditions
But they learned new things about tire construction thing
embodied nuw in tho tires you buy from us.
These feature of strength and endurance you can buy only
In Goodrich Koad Tested Tires and Tubes.
ClAHK WOOD, rubliihtr
The Year
Six Month....,...
Four ilunths..
Eatertrf at tiic poilollicc at fctilon. Ortjon
jt itcond clut mail inafKr.
The Scottish
THE CREDIT SYSTEM IS DOOMED ,hin s ,l lo-tw1?;.Kr1",,'u u,,,i
The people are all solidly built and
rosy cheeked especially the rhil-
who Revolutionary changes have been drenand there arc more children
Up- wrought because of the war in the than anything else.
ii s uimcuii 10 imagine in mis
day and age that the community
we are now in should be so bark-
..1.. !... ...I,,..
. 0 75 writes the Bystander page for
. 0 50 to-The-Times magazine recently tin- governmental, o!itieal and business
1911 burdened himself of the following mrthods of the United States with-
bit of wUlom, which we regard as out materially affecting the life of ward from our view point of civili
worthy of the wider circulation the rural communities. zation. Just thihk of going to a
nffnr,it hv hP mlumns nf the v.. k eity well or pump for all the water,
...... orf to a community wash house to
aovfhtisim. RAI Weston Leader. ur young men go to war -sadly. Wjwn your doU,,; jhey must have
Regular, per inch per insertion 15c it js not the wheat crop, goinl but yet with a feeling.of hope and discarded the rubbing board, for
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c orbad; the weather, good or bad; prjde; we have subscribed for lib- the women get down on their knees
Locals, per line per insertion 10c business or the government, good ort i,nja j war and use a rock and a board Daddle
sets manv well mean- . . . in wiuhinir. '
and given our money to various
Fully equlppoil liberal rnltore and rlrolific drparlinrnlo. Nperia
Iralnins In Conunrrrr, Joitriioliiini, An liilrrlurr. Law, Mrdirln
Mutt mimmn to rkHm a A.rW., mml II.HM allk... It.ill. Iwiam mm ItoW i
I a MUM.
mr f. IKmdwmlm h f..w. I Mil. .M a. It. T. -
1. TaMlMrKKK. ' - " ' ll..uu. I A
i'i I tmmnmHmmUf It wtmtmt ' ,
I r 1
or bad, that sets many well mean-
rCrrm Cra'nt tnWien arp fnrtiinir ing people back SO far back that
in washing.
"1 heir cities are cleaner than the AmwVmwAi
their imitation Huns around and their ,troubI and w" wXvn' we hve rLtad about average American city, however, ?
are aiwaya in ine coup up iu anu aim niarveieu uver wnai ine govern- ana me nouses are ail nuilt 01 ma- J
over their ears, ine main seat 01 ment is doing in the way of train- sonry and concrete, with the pret
most ol the trouble jor most 01 the j PanKr.(irt;ncf trimtn mnu
ion,'n. r,. tVia RicJ,ov;t m i : .u.. ,n ana iTansporimg troops, man u
are shooting at the backs.
are people in trouble comes from the
tiest of - gardens around them. It
was nri a hiiantifiil fnnntv w
yvvi fc.vuMiw wvi.ta i v.v . . ... i . , .. i . n nuic a inrau
fighting for life, which reminds fact that they want to stand before .-.--. M.. mrched through. We are now lo-
us that they have never yet fought world for other than what thev ana BlrPianes ana controlling tne caUKj in .rest. camP(
for arvthirtr worth while realIy are' If men livinsr in railroads and other public utilities; transportation to some training
tntt'na hovo on irtrTirnA ff S I Til 1 Tuur 1 : tl I I nn ' $
. ......w we nave in a smaii wav ueen lncun- wmu.
Frederick the Great 0 -nienced by the food regulations.
"-" -u " by if they live at the rate of f200 4 . , lt ... LearnlBff to FIv
co fnrh o MnHn.1 H.,n rvrir,i,io .u n, ...i, But in general Uie community has uuuig w uy
SW M V1J H v4 UIIIH F' "V1WIV LTCI IlltIlLlIa AiiClt 1VI WIICOV iOtlll' - I mm t 1
as follows: ers as they are known in this coun- pursued iU usual path in the usual .?J "Mu W g
"If there is anything to be gain- "hM"ln? he'! T' undisturbed radica ramento, Calif., has this to say in a S
ed by it we will be honest. If de- farm; those who maintain two or departure from its accustomed Ietter -to hfa unc,ef j. H Ridjnoor: g
ST fa ,et U9 SShS? 2 wildcat iSWtSSS mode f fcin a"d d0in tell you a few things we do.
rfl u , . , . . are never a very good bet and gen- But a change is at hand which Were up at 6 o'clock and at 6:15 !
It has been left for bis devoted eraIly experience many troubles in affects us vitally and will inevitably have calisthenics until 5:30. We g
offspring to discover that dishonesty the long run. It is all right for Bhock U8 int0 .. , rude awakening. fr!"kCfa;atr tj! t
is not the best policy. people to be ambitious-to at all w tn t. ;,f , f"81 and a .20. we.etarf ?T ft
times put their best foot forward, " -7 - 7 mg. we are aiviaea into nignts g
Bicvclists are gently reminded so to speak; but men and women creaits-a raaicai aeparxure wnicn witn aoout nve men to a night and 3
. rfi;h,ratt.iv out tn livp thp is entering unon and transforming we each get about an hour of flying
r.erewun mat tney ao not own
sidewalks. Indeed, there is an
dinance aeainst the use of the walks
as speedways, which may some day themselves." 7 ., .. " uuring me BI-
. ine enure commercial irenu ib lernuiin ana at o o ciock we nave It
. ... now in the direction of short-time mr. We are then free until ti
Not even adorable woman can , 9.15 when we have tt trn to HihI J5
make overalls look pretty by wear- credit, with a view to the conacrva- en. V aJZ the Soi t
ing them, but she can invest them tion of capital needed by the gov- an(i w rencraiy have some sort of
r i ::
g Practical Patriotism ;
U 4 i
'the lives of four-flushers are both a the entire business life of the na- dai,y: lUAt II o'clock we drill until g
fcr- traeedv and a ioke: in the end they ,.nA t u:,.k n. .i!. 2 and then have dinner. We have g
friii ' classes in military gunnery, wireless ti
be honored by its obtenance if the
young riders do net choode to learn
humility. ,
- The captund Hun who turned
around and ttiot a couple of his
whilom comrades out of a tie?,
showed that the Cerman is capable
of commendable marksmanship.
"The best is aiwaya
the cheapest."
By using
Made by the
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, Grain and t
Millfeed of all kinds.
' Free City Delivery
Chss. II. Carter Dan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
invest them tion of
with a certain attractive ness. ernment. The manufacturer feels entertainment there every night. 2 IJ
..v.... me pressure anu passes me duck ii awiuny noi nere ana very a OflCSM KlrKpaulCJC K
Yes; there will not infrequently to the jobber. The jobber in turn du8ty bu nice fn the air. The fly- 3 K
be found in overalls a pleasing sends out the S. 0. S. to the retail- j? is divided Into stages. First i$ &WiSJ?J!a5?ai?a
fh, TirKr flllnl Illin tka fifat tln .
demonstration of Kood form. er.. who thereuoon must insist uuon .u L.i . .vvv'T.VTV'vr.V''a
- ' wiuii uic Bcvunu uuei anu seconu
prompt settlements from his cub- aolo; then acrobatics, cross country
Talk may be cheap, but the privi- Doc Rumely, whose liker.ejs we tomers. Whereas, it has Vng been flying and night flying. I went up
i-..-V ...:n: w-...l0 .. u;u ir:.. nrinti-d last Week, looks exactlv like Iho rnslnm in a ciimmunHv UU a'one yesterday and today and it
IVpK ' r -- .. - . v . ...
that would tal;e German Weston to have an annual settl
ment day after
tic term,
Transfer and Storage
Bill so often exercbes, is costing a K'nk
the deluded Fatherland a pretty money.
certainly is trrcnt In rfrlvp it nlimp
an annual settle- , , '., -. ,
harvest -the elas- w, had a bit nt mi, livi. fail
'after," sometimes em- spins and turns and loops of all
Those thrte sterling publications, bracing an indefinite
oeriod - the sorts
the other day. It certainly
Tl, Herman embassy has flfd The Saturday Evenmir 1'oBt. Col- time is annroaehinir when chkIi or " "c T'J
. ' ..L .. ( .1., j .i.- , T...1 . i f ... .i . . i i . i few accidents merely a few ma-
from MOSCOW, wnicn is ajuscow s uers tveeaiy anu me nesion iu- miny-uay settlement win oe me chjnea broken now and then, with
hio-f'est Biece oi iuck since rapo- er,
i Vestoo Transfer Co. i
Jon' justly celtbrattd' retreat. lation i
, have reached a combined clrcu- Invariable rule. ' A a large whole- n0 one hurt, though. Flying Is not J
Lion of mure than three million, sale grocery houic puis It in a let- dangerous if you keep your head." k.
Davis & Ellis
Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
Brandt bid., Main St
autagaiiiTiTrraaaaaci Butur wraps at Ludw shop.