The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 09, 1918, Image 3

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    . Hlrs. Price's Canning Compound brevihes
: may be used in canning all kinds
j: of fruit, and is especially valuable
for Corn, Beans, Peas, Asparagus,
Tomatoes, etc.
May also be used in making Cat
sup, Sweet Pickles or anything that
is liable to ferment.
For sale by
We aim to make
our work its best
United Brethren Church Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Sunday school at lO;oo a. m.
Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p. m. I'rayer mint
ing Wednesday evening. E. F.
Wriggle, pastor.
naptiitt Church The Church with
a cordial we Iconic for all. Sunday
achool at ten o'clock, preaching at
f w
4 A
Your Eusfn&ss
Little or
of all kinds
FISH in season '
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Waih.
Mr, and Mm. George I'urdy are
in the city from Pendleton.
MIm Courtney of Grant Pan,
Oregon, la th guest of her aunt,
Mr. H. N. Crerr.
Frank Smith and family were in
the city Sunday from Walla Walla
for a vii t with relative.
A card received by hia father
announces the aafe arrival of Frl
vate Alva Wunwr in France.
Scott lluniitter threshed 70 acre
of red chaff wheat at hia place near
town, that averaged 37 or 38 bush
els M-r acre.
Mine Mary Lanadale haa filed a
contract with the county supcrin
tendent to teach during the coming
achool year at Cayune.
Jimmie Kirkpatrick, who re
reived hia corporal's stripe not long
ago in France, haa Just been pro
moted to a aergeantcy.
" Jeaa Ferguson, who haa In-en un
church of the Brethren - Sunday der treatment for typhoid fever at
achiad at 10 a. m. I'r.-aching at- t. Anthony'a hospital. Pendleton,
11 u. in. C. W. S. at fi:3d p. m. i reported to have developed small
liil.le Study. Lite of Christ, at 7:30 Px- He haa been isolated. . .
p. in. John Btmewiu, elder. Mra. J. L. Hodgson and two aons
Methodist Church -Sunday school returned Monday evening from
at 10 a. in. Preaching service at Camp McDougal in order to secure
11 a. m. and H p. m. Kpworth mcuicai treatment lor wer nou-I-eagu
at 7 p. m. I'rayer meeting ho haa been quite seriously
Thursday evening. S. E. Powell,
While grinding on an emery
wheel at Hlue Mountain sawmill
the other day, Frank Henderson
was unlucky enougn 10 get uiree
flying particles in his eye. He
came at once to town, and had the
troublesome objects removed by Dr.
Miss Doris Barne has been ap
pointed recruiting officer for the
Weston district in the campaign for
eleven. Also preaching at eight wunK 7 . vr IT
o'clock in the evening. W. II. UMled States Student Nurses Re
Storms, pastor. Any young woman be ween
the ages of 19 and 35 who is inter
ested will please inquire of Miss
The time is limited, as
campaign will end August 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion O'Harra
were recent guests of Will Shannon
at his farm five miles west of He
lix, having accompanied their host
home in his motor car. Incidental
ly, Mr. O'Harra saw the old ranch
which he owned in pioneer days
and would be glad, he frankly con
fesses, to be owning yet. Wheat
in the region visited is yielding
about 35 bushels to the acre.
The August meeting of the La
dies' Guild was held at the home of
Mrs. W. L. Bobbins, where the
guild ladies were delightfully en
tertained. A guessing contest was
a pleasing diversion, ana a aeiicious
collation was served. The hostess
was assisted in serving by Mrs. C
H. Smith and Mrs. R. G. Saling,
In addition to the members Mrs
J. J. Beelcr and Mrs. E. C. Rogers
wore present as guests.
Roy Tompkins was in town yes
terday from his Dry creek ranch,
and when asked for a crop note re
plied that he didn't have much to
offer except that he ' was sorry he
didn't sow wheat in the fall in
stead of barley in the spring. He
has not yet threshed his barley,
from which he expects an average
of about 20 bushels. He had 20
bushels to the acre of Early Bart
wheat, spring-sown on
William R. King, for 34 years a
resident of the Weston neighbor
hood, died July 21, 1918, at the
home of his niece in Denver, Colo
rado, at the age of 61 years. Mr.
King was born September 11, 1856,
in AtehiSon county, Missouri, and
came to Oregon in 1884. Not long
ago, while in failing health, he left
Weston for Colorado. A brother,
John King, is the only surviving
member of his immediate family.
It .
o o o
Hunting season for grouse and na
tive pheasants opens August 15th,
and for deer September 1st.
We carry a large and complete
stock of hunter's needs in both
guns and ammunition. On loaded
shells our prices are especially at
tractive. We have not found it
necessary to advance our prices on
shells, owing to large purchases
made in anticipation of an advance
in wholesale cost.
o o o
. , n tome.
J 1 the cam
Leader" and
Arrow" Shells
are the best, and we have them.
o o o
. " . ,- .1.7 " s' J. - JiO
We have for distribution; complete
"OregonTish and Game Laws" for
1918. Yours for the asking.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In 'Weston by ,
Weston Mercantile Company
The Woman's Mission Society of
the Methodist Church met at the
spring home of Mrs. C. H. Smith Wednes
day afternoon. Delegates to the an
nual conference of the society to be
held at Milton beginning August
28 were elected as follows: Mrs.
Clarissa Price, Mrs. E. M. Smith
and Mrs. S. E. Powell. The alter
nates are Mrs. Wilsey, Mrs. Lieu
allen and Miss Alma Barnett. A
very interesting review of the worfc
of the society in home and for
eign lands was given by a number
of members. Mrs. C. H. Smith and
Miss Helen Keller rendered vocal
solos and Miss Ruby Price a pi-
Miss Areta Barrett, daughter of ano solo. Visitors present were
the late Senator C. A. Barrett, Mrs. Ruby James, Mrs. C. S. Sapp,
was united in marriage July 31 to Mrs. E. 0. DeMoss. Rev. S. E.
Mr. Cal C. Clinton at the home-of Powell, Miss Ruby Price and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stites in Helen Keller. Delicious ice cream
Portland. The ceremony was fol- and wafers were served by Mrs.
lowed by a wedding dinner at the C. H. Smith, Mrs. Harris and Mrs.
Hotel Benson. The bridergoom is Colder.
Pacific Coast representative of the An additional flag service will be
Intertype Corporation, with head- held at the Methodist church Sun-
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
Tbe Fanners Bank of IVestOD
Established 1891
quarters at Los Angeles, where Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton will make their
home. v
In the neighborhood of William
Huntley's .place on Couse creek
there ranges a brood of young fowl
that are half China .pheasant and
half chicken. The pheasant moth
er hatched her brood in the
Huntley poultry yard, where she
met and loved a leghorn rooster.
Afterward tiring of civilization, she
took her family into the brush.
The little birds are quite interest
ing in appearance, of variegated
color, and as difficult
as their wild cousins,
day morning, when nine new stars
will be placed on the flag. Pastor
Powell also announces that the
fourth quarterly conference of the
chruch has been postponed one
week and will be held Saturday ev
ening, August 17, at eight o'clock.
"This Is the most important meet
ing of the year and the entire offi
cial board is requested to be pres
ent," says the pastor.
Mrs. R. L. Reynaud and children
have gone to Portland for an ex
tended visit with her sister, Mrs.
Raloh Farquah. She" will be the
approach guest of Mr. and Mrs. Farquah at
weir summer borne near irouwsue.
Buy War Savings Stamps with
your harvest wages.