The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 09, 1918, Image 2

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m. - Aaaaak ft
CUM ttOQO. NMlsMr (M & shrook. County Agricultural
Th Yiu II W Agent.)
Six Month 75 While wv are lloovcrimnif on
Four Months... sulwtitutc that wvrc formerly con-
Itll sltlcrvd uniMtltttMhlo, Ut us if
w cannot tench the livestock to ant
Record cf Enlistment
Keep ea buying Thrift
Thrr r mlllloa of thew
yet for
rtlMT, ADS. .
Calerttf M IM peetemw St West. Owe
r - - f
Regular, pr inch per Insertion ..
Transient, Jxr tnch per Insertion
Local, per line per insertion
the cause of f rwkm ami democracy
by a little Hoovcriiinf .
Thousands of ton of trw are
5e annually burned in Umatilla coun
21 lv. Straw has low food value if
fed alone. This is because it is low
in protein nd high in crude fibre.
If fed alone- it effect on the di
gestive tract oon becomes seri
ous. It is the same with some of
the substitutes we are eatintr.
t.. - a m ru.t lotinir thim alone.
. . u '" -
Sly evasion of the food rules aids We mmf jU(! anj fow
wim an""-'- i rrtrtnii ut mivinir.
Let us use the same judgment
It is encouraging to note that
Prussian Guards left behind to die
at their posts are not denied that
exalted privilege.
the nation s enemies
ayes the patriotic.
. . . ' .., . u. with our stock feeding. What shall
President Wilson is perhaps right Naturally we will
in assuming that the Russians are ong on lhc
responsible grownups, although tlrmw ,m am,
th re,mnd the nHtof us of Kip straw is short on pro-
ling's hne. "Half savage and half on oj,
child." m.-vh luian -twva
If M I . Ml Lt.B(S Ht - - -
The Slate of (hvgoii outside of
IVrtland Is soon to U (riven il
first opimrhtunity of contributing
to the great humanitarian Salva
tii Army War Service which is
being carried on in and about the
big ramps anil cantonments of this
country and in the front line
trenches of war-ridden Europe.
The United States is being asked
for a maintenance fund of f f,IHM,
000; Orejron s nirtimmcnt is
$50,000, half of which was raised
in the City of Portland hut winter.
A canaign is now being organised
which will open the third week in
September throuKhout the state,
to secure the remaining IJIi.OOO.
Sine this is a war measure a,- , M(c-, ,hgt
proved by the United States guv- ,M repulsed by eoua-
vrnment. leaders in the Army and ter-attacae on all front.
the Council of National IVfensr,
Th etilm't given eonartenMnue oh
Jeetnra lll give them something els
I nhjee. In.
A few .npl sat 111 think that pmM
erlnc Is the aiodera way to ft tb
moat out of IUi .
Ilalmlnf a hnnt'rett mllllno dollar
for a aohl raw la sa easy
them patriotic days
T-allni leaa beef will tome eaiy ta
thoM who bar Inog go itrea II
eadrvly ai a luxury.
Alarming, however, la at tl. woH
frr you. providing your winter's coal
supply Is lo tha bin.
Hum aiklrva.,
t)ccuHilion Ufra War ..
Entered Sorvice, Whon ?
Uranrh of Servlco
(InrluiUi I'ronMiIMm and dates.)
Nearest lUlative
Address Helathmahip
Present Address
Signature of Informant
the detail of the work has been
placed in the hands of .Hi county
chairmen of the Council of IVfene.
With wry bonder resource at its
diHa! the Salvation Army is
This work or light edict Is going
to be awfully hard on the man who
has no desire to do either.
(Knvmla and relative of buy a In service are aikvd to (III out above and
mail to M. It. Chceainan, Secretary. Pendleton, Oregon. Phone lt.)
1 .....l. ..... I u,l at
p . . . w . , . CriHllieU Willi UIVt'llUt nwtn
The mort regrettable feature of roc'- bran anJ Ifa,f'1 thc M the tattle front in France, ami the
the report circulated in Germany to rc our choice. This is no wm jt fnm, 0,( Man
the effect that Kaiser Bill and experiment; it has Uvn amply dem- 0rvg,m &houIJ llf ,(rvn,pt1y forth.
Hindy were ssaasin.ted. is that it onstnted. Cattle have Un-n w,n-
i tered on two pounds of oil meal .
apparent :.t .11 th strw
While by no means getting
a matc 9 mnvtftmrnt la arowlng Itt
anv they would eat, coming through in rUS!iu, and It eould not be any wore
Hun bouquets, the Allies have fine shape.
stemmed the flower of the German With hay at $20 per ton and
KVKfm scarce at that figure wc must look
' for substitutes. Straw is the most
Those who evade the food regu- abundant thing we have,
lations to save themselves the smal- For further information on this
lest sacrifice while our brave young subject, call on the countyagent.
soldiers are making the supreme -sacrifice
in France, need not delude Not infrequently on the streets
themselves with the notion that of this village a half mililon Huns
they are "just as patriotic as any- or more are drowned, shot and cap
jxxjy" tured in one tremendous bunch.
Generally the news travels from
Tbe youth of eighteen will be Walla Walla by word of mouth,
better off in the army, we ken, and loses nothing in the telling.
than in
mi celebrated Chicago jokesmith, B.
thsn some other morenients thst bare
grown there recently.
Bom enterprlalng butlnea msn
could get a phenomenal amount of
fre publicity by selling something at
the same old price.
On of the German submarines
chased a steamer pretty close to Sandy
Hook, but not cloae enough to absorb
any Ideas of liberty.
If the new meatless dsya bresk no
the monotony of "bacon sod" at many
a boarding house breakfast som good
will have been accomplished.
The frllnwa who hare for year been
looking forward to getting bark to th
farm have their chance now.
There are tlmea when on get peee
Uh t a potato, notwithstanding th
potato' well-known patriotism.
The boy who wield th ho la ap
holding th big brother who Is operat
ing th machine gun or tb airplane.
When a certain order ef alacker ap
plies at tb pearly gate be may find
that St. rtr la a conadentlotw objector.
If men's suits would be sny cheaper
If th pantaloons were converted Into
knickerbockers, thst would b another
Another American revolution was
peaceably accomplished when It was
decided that baseball Is a nonessential
America must feed th world, and
take It from the American farmer,
America can do It and th dinner bell
la about to ring I
n. L.u UttHfl MM tn AH, ATlltlfl . l k
iff in the army, we ken, and loses nothing in the te ling -.Vi JXZTS
places where he is often Therefore, this observation or the m!lon wny Germany Is so anxious to (hf Md ttukt u tht M1 who
celebrated Chicago jokesmith, B. end th war before we get well under returnt
in the Mominar Orcronian
T in the Mominar Orcronian
Their threatened declaration of js pertinent here: jJtn materlsl will b pot Into men's
war on Japan would not be in line a wild rumor, a hoax, travels clothes this year. Any warm wt-sther
with the wisdom which the Bolshe- tttcr than the newspapers. The ZUSi rttam n fa'd
viki have never displayed. report that the Crown Prince had Jn wUn cn,r euff W
; Deen laaen peneimieu v ui? if
We must feed 120,000,000 allies rnotest lajronouse ana remameu
... . .. there for at least 48 hours, cells
and ourwgannyaitneirom.saya . whistles blown.
Nope, you're wrong. A keynota
speech Isn't for th purpoae of
throwing the con Into th convention,
but of putting the thews Into th enthusiasm.
and Broad streets.
Main 253
t Pnone
' ' were rung and wtiistics oiown.
Oregon Food News. Food must go Nobody doubted the glad tidings,
across the water and we must make Newspapers are scoffed at as bear-
At l m i l ol... orltnAce hut a Yarn
Wean save in many inirenious that starts outside a newspaper Guarantee the aoM.ere rations by
We can save in many ingen ous accepted without question." aticking to your own.
ways, besides denying ourselves F .
the foods most needed oversea War wa5 fought
It mi save until it hurts, and be . . t
glofeceto J I mm
mconvemence for the sake of those J n Unvu,
who.are giving up the,r hves. to ; ff I . "
m;. f. w,t in the draft law, widening the lIlMy OUIgCllil
Wliile the Crown Prince wasn t . . .
airs limit tn IK and 4.i vears. AC- "
willing to we 11 bet tDltItlto(l ihe 0re- Hospital at corner of Main
his army would be willing to lore i ,
the Crown Prince. Qf McPheni0n Po6t No.
While slipping down his broken G- A R- mllJ
ladder of ambition, we'll venture the 'Union army were 4,778,304
to say the Kaiser has gotterdam- en. of whom 2 159,798 were 21
erung occasionally. J oId 8nd tmdeJ' 1'01,511L403,8' J!
years old and under; 844.891, 17
Some time early in September ev. years old and under, and a lessen-
ery man in Oregon between the in number on down to 25 for 10
ages of 18 and 20. and 32 and 45 years and under. Less than one
years, inclusive, will be required to quarter of the total number enliet-
register under the new draft law, ed were over 21 years of age. -
now before Congress. 'These age
limits are as yet tentaive, as the Thc nkin ot 8notJher hofP"
bill has not been finally acted M was not ret'u,rel 10 make
upon, the German offensive.
Of coarser humaniarian fibre .f8' y.?.?r UK?
. . . , . ... . more than five million soldier boys
than the president, we d like to fee ... , .
the "Httle brow; men" tumed are d.ppingf rumour nabonal sugar
loose on the Bolshevik!, with per- bowl.-Oregon Food News,
mission to go as far as they liked. The (um ptW , tMiTiawi
by Clatsop county for scalp bounty wss
Recent dispatches remind us of giren to W. M. Hunter. His warrant
the remark of the Newark News amounted to $1077. and was for 359
to the effect that the Germans are e" C,I Mr- Huntr bM ,bMn
. , . . . making a business of killing es!ions
perhaps more advanced against m3"thC0Mt Md ln MllUm thoM
than advancing. ihot Blong the cutsop beaches ha
- turned 11000 worth of scalps into Tll-
Ould Ireland's sulkiness is apt to Umook county and f 1100 worth In
convince the Allied world that Curry county.
there is a good deal of sham in the ' ordef r1ece,;i b' th? vlc
, tervlce commission from Director-Gen-shamrock.
ermJ MeAllo0( instructions sre isaued
!SJ . to railroads to th effect that tber Is
The man who doesn't have his justification for reduced rates for
mind on his business is apt some transportation of freight traffic on so
day to have his business on his count of ehsrlty and also that there Is
... - no special ren why the government
m hou1d hesr a part of tbe eipenae of
" i ,l city, county or state government and
If you are. not a member of the BM.tteBt), B0 ip(K., r,tes are to
rmv that fijrhts. you must te a
member of the one that ra es',
Bakers say they oont know how to
raise dough with tb new wr flour.
Father find It equally hard to ralsa
hi to py for It.
Th old-fashioned mother who dtdnt
raise her boy to be a Midler la bow
reserving a ebole pc on th "what
not" for a Han helmet.
Weston Leader subscription!! are diBcon
tinued at expiration. Renew promptly when
notified, if you want your copy to continue.
No exception is made.
CLARK WOOD, Publisher
Coder the "work or fight" order
many persona are going to learn tb
satisfaction of doing for themselves
Instead of hvlng thing don for
The r great days for th ulti
mate consumer. He Is being protect
ed against etortlon on the on hnd
nd agalnat hla own appetlta ea tha
It Is predicted that egga will go to It
a doten soon. Wheret the great
Amerlcnn hen give a cackl of defi
ance and tell th plln peopl to get
behind her.
Never will the people of this coun
try be sufficiently grateful to the press
for not printing more than a tiny frac
tion of th so-called poetry that Is of
fered to It. '
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 90
One hundred : 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
a r -w
be allowed on building or highway ma
terial for the us of such political di
Out of th 1.300,000 men lo th nw
army only 600 claimed to be conscien
tious objectors. But from the fuss tney p , , ! i
x2 zs&sr i Practical Patron.
"Wear Tailoring
tost eombuM fair pries with
food workmanship and eerviee
sll fabrics. You get both in
garment tailored by
R. L. Reynaud
Icsl Rsprtatti
We may a well realU that the
eampalcns for the sinew of war at
home will have to be kept up Just as
long as the boys st th front hata to
keep Up th fighting.
The dentl corps of th army I
large enough to er for 6.000,000
men. Needles to say, th men them
selves would rthr show their teeth
to the enemy thn to th corps.
Th most complimentary thing that
ha been said about th German-American
I th Berlin tokl Anielger's
admission that they "are Insufficient
ly equipped with koltur."
It is wild that 200,000 young women
are studying stenography In th Unit
ed 8tate. They must think that It la
the purpose of th United States1 poli
ticians to talk Germany to death.
"The best is always
the cheapest."
t sai l aI TA
If there I a coat famln next winter $ U0SSa -Uipainw H
and suffering throughout th country g
It will be Interesting anywsy to hear vM&&tigSX&$
-hnt la anld about whr there wer not Aaz&&&SSA!SiSiJi!i&S.,3
. . .-.1 M.M mwIm ttt anmrnee. i
enuuKii .uui vm uu....s .
Made by the
t We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, Grain and
Millfeed of all kinds.
Free City Delivery
Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
Pendleton , Oregon
1 Transfer and Sterage 1 1
rtim la to b enouih sugar
hand, It in snld. to meet all require
ment, but let a not rorgei moi
whole lot of tlilnir that sugar la Used
for nrs not requirements for instanca, u
fudge. '
j&jraviSJR I Vestco Transfer Co.
baby hUMle not Having neen eiasseu k
essential by th government u- y
thorltle. Perhap th babies can b A
Davis L Ellis
persuaded to tk up wiikiai s a ad. jmimmmmmmfxa
1 .
Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
Brandt bid.; Mairi St.
ButUr wrapt at Ltd shop.
pays the Oregon Food News.