The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 26, 1918, Image 1

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planted on land well drained and prop
irly r"ll I !! Is producing a good
rrni Due In Ini'h of rain, Cba aprlng
grain la practically a failure.
Tim t'nlver.lty of Oregon received
nolle from the war department that
Principal Eventi of tha Wiek ' ;"-" to .end additional
r . . students to llifl cadet ufflcar' training
t I're.ldlo up to on half Ita
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
filiation ha good prospects of hav
Inn a flouring mill e.tatill.hnd there.
Tli" rim of aaltnon In the Columbia
river for the paitt week has been r
ripllniially good.
present student quota In Ilia camp.
There are now 17 students and four
faculty member receiving Instruction.
Eighteen additional students will be
appointed to attimd.
Approprlailnna tarried In tha r I vera
and harbor bill for maintenance work
and Improvement. In tha first district
A drastic, meaaur forcing all Idlere 0f Oregon of .o.0no for the.
to gn to work ha burn adopted by Coqiillle, Coo. and Yaeiilna
the. Klaniklti city council. rv,,r lm ,, Tillamook and No-
Tha Columbia river highway bn- balem ba. and IJiO.ooO for thn Co-
tween HimmJ River and Caw-ado l,otk lumbla river ahd lower Willamette.
w opened to traffic Bunday. County Agriculturist II. R. Ulslsyer,
Marlon and folk counlle will rein- f Klamath county, and J. K. I'lttman.
brste thn romplrllon of tha new Inter- f , department of Irrigation and
County brldiin over thn WlllatnettO , who hava been rnr.,1 urllnr
river at H.lcm on July SO. r.perlineni In this county, report 0,or c Taylor, pr.sld.nt of tha
According to rep ord. 10.600 mora tmt the application of loo pound of ""'X organised American railway tx-
nitnmobllea ara In operation In Ore- sulphur per acre on alfalfa lands ha company,
gon already thla year than were In inrreaaed tha yield about ona ton par .
oieraiion nunng an 01 ivii, acre.
pgr f -m
thest German Operations
Is Taken.
Attendance at tho summer school of
tha Oregon Normal at Monmouth haa
Valuable fir timber on an area ap
proximately two wile wide and four
Cnral March fttataa 1,200,000 Amert.
can Troop Ara Now Abroad.
Wablngton. General Marib'a week.
ly statement on the war waa ona of
victory. The .Franco-American coun- ComerStOM In UflS Of Flf
ter offensive which took Khrlma out
of Jeopardy was along a front of 22
mill, be aald. Approximately 270,004
American troop, or lx divisions.
wept forward along this front. In
arb division, he explained, were about wltn ,h Army In France.
27.1)00 fighting men. A full dlrl.lon, Chateau Thierry, the cornerstone eC
Including non-combatants, numbers ,b ,,M ot ,ne fart heat German ad
t j 000 men. vsnce, fell when the French occupied
The six divisions were the First. u clt' living tb Germane before
Becond, Third and Fourth regular tem-
army - and the Twcntralxlh and The nfmr tun hto
Twcnty-clghtb-atlonal guard. northward under heavy preeaure from
Incidentally March etated we M ,lde French. Americana and Brit
now shipped more than 1,200.000 Un " Participating ia tha throat
troops abroad. "blch ta P"llng the Germans Uck.
The German position In the vicinity
Americans Capture 6000 Huns. - of Chateau Thierry waa doomed from
Washington-Fresh successes for the 0e dlvlelona recroased
the American forces In their drive be- ,b M-
tween the Alsne and tho Marne were Franco-American troops carried oat
reported In General Pershing's com- B c'rcllng movement from tb
Rlchsrd Folsom Cleva land, a son of munique to the war department Tha "orthweat at the same Uma which
former President Cleveland, who haa Americana were driving abead with ln" blutely necessary for tb
nllstsd In tha marina corps.
London. Th Japanese diplomatic
undiminished vigor and SDlrlt. the eDemT 10 withdraw.
statement .aid. More than 6000 pris- 0n mln b"tUe neW 'et,w
oners, over 100 cannon and many AUne Ma tba M""ne tb Oermaa
trench mortars and machine guna 'n b bn art" back a eonsld-
have been taken by American dlvl- er,bl They hava been posh-
tlona In the last few days on the Alsne- el bck tT Solseona-Chatean
Marna front. General Pershing re- Thlerry rod at MTer1 P1dU
ported. of urca'
South of tho river under the corn-
French Deliver Blow at Montdidi.r. blnt Vrmn of French troops ad-
vanctng from the west and tha Franco
American forces who followed tha en-
th war Industries board petlUona for grcalve deign. In Intervening In Bl- ,n n"w ''"T"1'011 " Montdldler. according to advice, re- r tbf " b
Almr mtxA nt mll until f ho V MlinllV . nw niiahlti-r Kin anvthw Jt V nka.
now passed 400 and I a few In ad- mli. ionli ,h. r-,.denc of J. C. Wll
vanr of th attendance last year. ,,, on 0IU, r,V9i , ,b, mMUn
During tha month of Augutt tha ptri ot Jtekton county, ,n,i m,ny
state supreme court will take tha an- bultdlnaa owned bv farmers In tha
nual summer recess and mo.t of tha aittrM bdly burned. Is tha toll of a council baa agreed to the American
juitlrea will leave on vacation trlpa. forMl flr 0D ,,,. ioul5 ot Roju, propoj tot Joint Intervention by
Mr. Mary Klliabeth Hryant. ona of rlr. j ,nd lh- t,nUe4 Stl(ra ,ni8l.
me oiliest pioneers oi uregon. wno At the renueil of to Klam. K,rl. .v. rfl.n..rh frnm TnVIn A
Washington. Provoit Marshal Gen-
cro..ed th plain. In Infancy, died at ,u, coun,yi Hepre.entatlve Blnnolt proclamation will be lued awurlng Cro"1'r ,U,U"!1n " London.-The French began a new
her bom In Portland at tha aga of 27 ,ubmutl to tba wool division of Russia that th entente baa no ag- "ie of C'"V', e"I",, UPT0 tbem f ack In the region northwest of
Fruit growers of tha northwest are ina,. .,.i,i nn r.i ih.t k..i. ,t.. i.-..k .
balng urged to pl.c. their ordora for bllrMU hM promlMd ,0 uki lb, m,t. prob.b th.t a relief commla- u "'" ,lnt0 "mp
boxes a aarly la th .eason aa po.- , UD wh lh, ,,, ldmlnl.t. .Ion will accomnanv the lolnt exoedi- Rpfr TouneUnu
slbt In anticipation of a possible tlon ,n(1 iecur, gny Mllef thkt u t(on ,t , tutcd
shortage of boi shook. foun(J prop(,r x Pekln diip,tch to the Tim- aaya
j. v. Mcnennon, president or ma i The Pendleton waur commlaslon that the character of tba contemplated
dlers and not wait until they actually eelTed here- jla new allied blow now PMbln b,m northward, the Oar-
was delivered about 80 miles north- aum IeU P'F-
west of Solssons, which marka the
western end of the Alsne-Marna sa
lient in which the Americana and
French have been winning enormous
selected fra
ternity of active patriots," say Gen
eral Crowder. "Encourage thoae who
are weak. Inspire the Indifferent In-
cana are known to be in the battle
Grande city commission, haa offored h MUW a chlorine plant at tha allied action at Vladivostok baa caused f?rm, the ,nor,nt 8crcb out tbe auccesses over the German.. Ameri-
puuuciy 10 rurni.n a sunaoie sue ror ,nUke of ,h cly witer ,ytttm lively satisfaction there. " j .w .
any repaUbla dehydrating firm that ,wri Mnit tny lnfecon , Pekln Mnnol d0 Have you ever thought that our en-
will Install a plant tber. from rir water whlch WM turno4 for the m0Beat th,Q the Clcho. r 1. attacking u. not only In Eu-
Farmera near Redmond ara having ,n,0 tb, ,yMm iom, weeka ago to Slovak, by occupying Vl.dlvo.lolc rPfb,Ut at hoT. H y mltaed
difficulty in obtaining help In their voM . ,hofl, dur,n, u,. Unt Tbul ,upported lb, c.ech. can F. lb",h trickery consist, n
harflelda. Practically avorr boy over ..... ., .i.. seeking to make men dlaloyal here in
new extension to Chapll.h springs Is ceed agalnat tbe Bolshevlkl.
11 years of aa I out on the ranchea tinii completed.'
ooing ins wora men usually oo. i..,.., fo. lh. run of ..imon OB
our own country? Have you tried to
discover and suppress the enemy's
With the American Jjtnlea la
France. Tha Franco-American ad-'
vsnce continues everywhere from Sola
sons to east ot Chateau-Thierry.
OuIcby-le-Chateaa haa been pane-
A'deadim. on Ya.u.n. bay to pro OrTZZLS BRIEF. NEWS OF THE WAR work her in the peaceful region, of
a .. a.. ..... i j .-.. . ii i. ii i ntir nrimpi '
in. anu by w. D. Ayer, federal food admlnle
the supply i being plannod through xmati fon0wlng several conferencea
the cooperation of th oystormen and ,ld ,ppr0val of tho prices by the food
our homes?
The big offensive which the Germans "it will take some time to make
launched early last week along a 6S- 'good soldiers out of you. The sooner
tho st.ta fl.h and game commission. .aralnUlrtt(m W1 w..Mnton. ZZ ,'h.,e.u Thterrv , e,ern rhlm rU
Th. fir.i antiu.i convention of the -. J v . from thsteau Thlerry to eastern Cham-
i iin siiiiri-Yeq price mr enmoosa ia
Portland. -
Oats No. 2 white feed, 161 per ton.
Barley Standard feed, 153 per ton. t rated, placing the railway and tha
Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $76. main highway from Chateau-Thierry
Hay Timothy, $34 per ton; alfalfa, to Eismea under allied control and
Butter Creamery. 49c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 40c per dozen.
Potatoes Old, $2.25 per hundred;
Oregon State Elks' ...ocl.tlon will be pllired V, , Th.t totMuZ "AtlV: IT. CZECHS ATTACK CAPITAL w. 3Hc per pound.
held In lH.rt.anJ August 26. 27 and 26 ,ot ,t 614 cent., and that for chum.
wiien an attmuianra or kik. and tt t cent.
their friend, will Join In a three day.' Secretary Lane haa aooroved Con-
greuman Slnnotf bill granting tha (poop.
patriotic celebration.
The body of R.lph V. Polndaxter. cltl.en. of Malheur county tha right
manager of the Owl Pharm.ry at to cut timber In Idaho for agricultural
Bend. who. with Vernon A, Forbea. ,nlng or olbPr d,ne.tlc nurnose..
waa drowned In Cre.ceut Lake, ha Tb pMK0 of the bill will ba of
neon recovered.
and the whole German line In tbe
great Alsne-Marne-Rhelms salient was
badly shaken by a powerful counter
offensive ot the Franco-American
Tha French and American counter
attack, which was started without tho
usual preliminary artillery bombard
ment, took the QermdiiB completely by
Mr I.V.rhe' hodv h.,1 . .... .. "" vuu ,un
- k i v a i lu uuiroi ok msineur i
been previounly recovered. county ,n Cnrdon v,lo ,nd M, s,. . i"".. Samara and Irkutsk.
- - me wool oriumui pic-vn vi wui iu . .
tbua adding to the difficulties of tha
German retirement from tha Marne.
American and French Infantry are
across the Marne in great numbers,
heavily reinforced by allied artillery.
Poultry Hens, 21fT23c; broilers, which effected the passage without op-
Army of 12,000 Operate Agalnat City 2630c; ducks, young, 30c. position. French cavalry la operating
of Khabarovsk. northeast of Chateau-Thierry, far In'
Vladivostok. Of tho 14.000 Cxech. Seattle. advance ot the infantry,
who reached Vladivostok, 12,000 are Butter Creamery, 49c per lb. American field pina ara firing on
engaged In active-military operatlona Eggs Ranch. 61c per doxen. Soiasons, while tha Franco-American
at Khabarovsk. Poultry Hens, heavy, dressed, 35c; line haa been straightened aouth of
Forty thousand Cxecho-Slovaks hold I'sbt, 35c; broilers, 40c; roosters, that city until practically all the main
the Trans-Siberian railroad between tlressed. 26c; ducks, live 30c, dresaeS highway from Solsaona to Chateau
34c; geese, live 27c, dresseu 35c
The immediate aim of tha Cxecho-
Slovaks is the occupation of Khaba-
Cantaln W. C. MeN'aneht. wall .. . . . .. .
known in m.Vln. ,lre i Pnrtl.nV . -nueavor .o nav. ,ne same tb, w,r, Btrlking over t so-mlle front
known In marina circle. In Portland. ,ntcted on r.convanlng of con- , P rtK ,
Or.Hon atltTboLrd of oTot col U . to th. of Chateau-Thlcrry e'1 l 'T 0r'a
1Z I LlZl WHhvLmh. o PrinClP"i, 'nd th. American, and French were able Amu' orde' 'Kur elt r,bt
lieeead c JZ7 Llilr r!n Ch00lt ltondnc6 " to advance their line, to a depth of f 'ter hlch they will proceed
UDlver,"y of OMon ,fh00, 10 mile, in aome place, before the Ger- 1nR he 'a"'y un-
nllon of tha price of aub- ,ra icndg out lettora to the achool ,.. ,.-. ,h.i. junction la effected with the Cxecho-
on h!. bee?re0ueed,bv h. It M f 'taU Ur8'ng ,h't thS So S1!k','r, '"'f
gon ha. been requested by tha na- d itr cti Mnd iom. m.n o( (hfll. ... iL the attitude of the
tlonat food admlnl.tratlon, according cuity t0 the ieoond ,ummor Csmp at i'2J"l"i. the Siberian government is that of a gress. President Wilson Issued a proc- part In tha acout work In tha river
to a letter received from Senator tha unlver.lty, which open, on Augu.t the important roada of aupply for Wendly neutral, but they will oppose lamatlon taking all telephone and tela- region.
V...U.M.....U w. ... -. 3, mat mey may ba trained in military th. n,n.. ....i,,,..... ,h. any mreaienca armea aavance on np im .uitiuui-m v(..
Tha high cost of living haa Invaded work ind , tbl, t0 ,MCb tbe i, M trnm rh.: v
Thierry ,is in our poasesalon.
The district aouth ot tha Marne and;
east of Chateau-Thierry la entirely
cleared ot Germans. Two badly cut np
regimenta were left aouth ot tha Marna
In the German retreat Allied aviators
bombed the brldgea across tha river
and their escape waa Impossible.
Washington. Acting under tho au- Indian acouta who were with Per
The attitude of the Czechs toward thorlty recently conferred by con- shlng In Mexico, played a prominent
lha of Ore-ton summae ,. .1 1 - . . ..i-nj . scnoois. Thierry. Tha number of prisoners
camp. Aa a result men who attend reduction la ahown thla week In ...... .. . .. v ,.
vaauu i. rcui iuu w iro ci larsa aim
Former CzaV Reported Shot
rvaTlVZZUTn0.1. f'JS numbarJ0f tcc,denU reported 10 reat number of gun. and a large London. The former caar of Russia
tl. ?h. e innt... It JH indm ccld'' con"'- QuanUty of war material tell into the wa. shot on July 16. according to a
hava their expenses inorea.ed 25 par sion. Burins tha week h wm rm. ?-.. t -. .-. - . . .
nanus oi ine aiues.
..I...... -II . V. j .
ported 634 aocldenta. of which flva 0vM the entlre 0.mIIe mm run- hera. The advtcea stated that couneir pI"ye" w11 .
Uon at midnight, July 31. ALLIES CONTINUE ADVANCE
Tbe president a proclamation piacea
administration of the wire systems Important Galna Made In Solasona and
with Postmaster-General Burleson and Rhaima Salient
provided that until otherwise decided Paris. important gatnl by th
the piasent managemenU and em- Frencb American. Italian and Britiah
troops in the territory comprising th
A. . ....... -. ....... I....... UIOI VVUillO WUUI UII' M . .1- ' HV, DVIV ll.av CUUULU , , , ... -
Aa t reUlt of lnva.tlgatlon COtt- w.r. .ui tt follows: Louis Oiortsen. .... . o .w- .. tt... Postmast.r-General Burleson will Soissons-Rhelms salient are renorted
? 1.' '. J! 01ny' logg,n,: Let.r Vaughn. Spring- ed troopi ,re flghtlBg wlth . deter. ,entence on the former cxar ,nd that personally take charge ot the adm nia- ln tha oIflclal communication baaed
irauuu u uia i u Kuuiiuuuiuuuu jy ijq war OluCa.
and will be assisted by a committee under the double pressure ot the
of three composed of John L. Koons, Franco-American forcea between the
first assistant postmaster-general. In ourCq Bnd the Marne and the French
Inn inuUI nnnuntillvl nt lh. M. ..... ....T:. - .. .J. " .- " . ,. HV. 7 . T ,urao"""' rorv mination that brook, no dental. Prae- It wa. carried out on the date aet
eral trade oomrala.lon, price, of ooal i,nd, shipbuilding: Charlea Eckort ,i..n- .n .k. -.i-. .v..
are to be Immediately lifted. accordln Tillamook loaalna- William O Mur- 1. . .V Z 7
to Fred 1, Holm... .tate fu.l adminla- llr vTlrln ? '.Ut.h of tb' Mar" Uve bMn TwP Fm" cm" "
- - oiuueu euu
That loroe ot the Indiana
Vl-mXl. u..n.ll-a .III ..I
.....-vm ............. very acute, wany or me farmers ara n.rm.r.. y.A ri.. , .. " ""v
to take .tock. available this year un- ,ble to obtain only about one-half the esl to Parle, ha. been recaptured by P ,n June ber the tarltf commlttee- on ,ub- Bexu St Germain and Mont St Pete.!
uer w ..uw.vvu oongressionai appro- number of men required for harvasv th, French lur ovrrooa., u.s .rnveo saieiy in jecU of operation; and wuuam h. Heavy German counter attackai
- The .hortage of harvest hand. In chateau Thierry which repreaenta Portland- Ore.-Cable messages ar- 8Ubjecta of organlxatlon and adminla- an(t8 wbo crossed the river between1
on the thi prineville community Is becoming tb, polnt tn tbe battle line where the rlV'ng Portlnl Indicate without tratlon; David L. Lewis, former con- Fossoy and Charteve the German i
be able very ,eute. Mttny ot f,rmer, are nermana had driven their wedge near. d0Ub .lhat " . iUt Dlvislon- gressman from Maryland, now a mem- were driven back beyond the line of.
prlatlon, on account of shortage of in hi. ernn. a .mu, r m.n . .." t . . . France.
. , w. m enure aoumern oana or toe
r.n'; !,tn. 7 ,0ra hm fr0W th' t0n' ,n!!,udln' Marne having been cleared of enemy . ,
prominent Indiana. iter 0ierk, ,nd professional men. are foroM( French, britiah and Italian '""wo-ltallan. In Albania.
A forest fire which haa been burn, working In the harve.t, field., because troop, are now harassing thoie south- Rome.-Franco-Italian troopa again
Ing on the northern boundary of the 0 the .carcltv of labor. Tha waaea - dli .. .v. ...... w have taken un their advance ln Ai-
VI .Ik T. Jl.. .. .1 . 11 .. : - . .. - - ""V " vu..u. auu iu. . .. .......
- '-" " paid average rrom to a day, in- been forced to fall baclt
ath county, now haa entered the aouth- eluding board.
era portion of the Deschutes national ' ----------
forest and threaten, great tracts of San Diego Mlaalng Reduced to Six.
.tending white pine timber. A iecon4 thlpment of foxglove, 850 Washington. AU but tlx ot the 49
banla, according to the Italian war of
Plague Attack. Moscow.
less message.
i i .... i , . .
For the purpose of educating the pounds enough for nearly 510,000.000 men reported missing after the alnk- '..,. . . . ou, ,n 0f justice agents. It was learned.
...VII. ... J...,- J.-.. .f ll.l Jl-,.!. . ,1.. . -. . . . , . - M-otuw, -wwiuiut .u nuEBIBU W1TW-
f.u...w w m . ..... v . ii.unbi. u-.. .v. .iii.iuio v. u p.i i . o ... i.u i UK vi ui- unuurvu vruiBvr Dan liego
aa a food and stimulating the almost and shipped by cltliens ot Oregon at off Fire Island, New York, have been
moribund .tate of dairying In part, of, tha request ot the Untted State, gov- accounted for, eald an announcement
Oregon, Governor Wlthycorab will be ernment, haa Just been lent by Dean by the navy department It la be- Major Roo.evlt Wounded In Action.
asked to aet aside an entire week tn Adolph Zlefle, ot the Oregon Agrlcul- lleved the crutaer atruck a mine.
Augu.t .. Dairy Product, week. . tural oollege achool ot pharmacy, to
Threshing outtlta have begun work the federal
In Linn county threshing fall grain, alty of Minnesota,
Lamar, solicitor for the postoffice de- launched for the purpose of checking
partment on matters of finance.. the progress ot the alllea between the!
- Marne and the Ourcq were without,
Army Contract Frauda Numeroua. tTa0 accordlng to tho war otflce an.
Washington. Fraud and grosa prof- nouncement and the French and Brit
lteertng has been uncovered in many isb made further advancea tn the re
contracts for army shoes, shtrts, leg- gi0n of Le Croix and Grlaolles, aa well
gtngs and other soldlera' supplies and as northeast ot Mont St Peter. 1
equipment as a result of Investigation The Bavarian crown prince an-
by army Intelligence and department swered the German crown prince'a ap
peal tor help and sent some of his
Quentin Roosevelt'e Death Confirmed.
Amsterdam. The death of Quentin
divisions from the Picardy front
An equal number of British divis
ions waa detached from the northern
front and moved to the battle sector
southwest of Rheims. , The Britiah
Ov.ter Bav. N. Y. Major Theodora Roosevelt ia confirmed by a Wolff Bu
Roosevelt. Jr.. haa been allahtlv rau message, according to a Berlin . , . .
laboratory at the Unlvor- An Irish Port-The giant W hite wounded and taken to a hospital In dispatch. The remalna of the brave
nesota. where it will be Star liner Justlcla haa been torpedoed Paris, according to a cable messaeo yunS 'rman were buried with mili-
The fall grain generally 1. yielding a made Into tincture of digitalis tor the, nd wk- No PMngera were lost, received by his father. Colonel Theo- hono, by German airmen near Petrocrad-Hundreda are dying ber
;ir prop god tn mpr. " rUn vmrii4 p!7u.
. and only 10) ot tb ortw war Ullad. j dore Roosevelt
Chambray at tha apot where he telj, ny 0f diokra.