The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 19, 1918, Image 3

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    Mrs. Price's Canning Compound
may bo used in canning all kinds ij
01 HUH. iUlll in ebjRxmuy vaiuaujv; ;j
for Corn, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, jj
Tomatoes, etc. i
May also be used in making Cat-
sup, Sweet Pickles or any tiling that
is liable to ferment.
For sale by
We aim to make
our work its best
1 Women and Misses
Snider's j j
Shop R. L. Reynaud
To diCHH correctly your
rliilh.-d nhnii Id bo MAUL-
key-note of good dressing.
We tailor garment at prac
tically the Hame price as a
ronriv.mndo. but ifive VOU
Biiperior garments in every f
See our complete line of
and SKIKTS-65 fashions.
of all kinds
Wholesale - Retail
FISH in season
ir s "WV
' ... .....
Mix Lls Porter leave today for
a wivk'i visit with friends at Port
land. W. II. Gould and family left
Sunday to join the recreators at
Camp MrDougal.
Mr. I. K. Haling is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mm. L.
M. Funk, in Walla Walla.
Mrs. ft. F:. English arrival home
Saturday from her visit with rela
Uvea in the Willamette valley.
A uncial hop will be given to-a
morrow evening at Weston ojmt
hour, with mubic by I'ayant's Jaw
Murvin iVice, Frank Price and
KoU'rt Irulflt xnl Sunday on
the Umatilla river and report nice
Mr. J. S. Neil and son Dale re
turned Tuesday to their home near
IVmlMon. after a oleasant villi t in
the upland.
C. II . Nelson has based the Bul
findi resiilenc on north Water
street, wltkh he will soon occupy
with his family.
K. E. Zehm returned Tuesday
from the Umatilla river, where he
conducted a profitable stand during
the Indian celebration.
Miss Josephine Starka of U ma
pine has been the guest of the
Misses Opal and Cora Pcfllcy at
their home in the uplands. ,
The Farmers Hank of Weston baa
twenty pigs available for juvenile
enterprise in pork production, and
wanta twenty boys to buy them.
Fred Dupuis has been appointed
by the city council as chief of po
lice to succeed rYank Skinner, who
resigned in order to engage in other
Captain i. W. Ingram of the
Medical Reserve Corps has arrived
in France, according to a letter
received by his sister, Mrs. R.
Mrs Fannie McBride left Tues
day for a month's visit in Portland,
where she will be the guest of her
son, W. H. McBride, and grand
daughter, Mrs. Bessie Sturgis.
Ernest Ross was in town Tuesday
from his ranch on Thorn Hollow,
and brought a nice sample of Jen
kins' club. He has one hundred
acres of this variety, and looks for
ward to a good crop.
Uncfc Sam has advanced the pay
of his rural route mail carriers out
of Weston to the amount of 120 per
month, dating rrom July i. wcn
now receive $1440 per year but,
of course, horse feed comes high,
Joe Hodgson and his husky hope-
fn Kitxrt. eft Wednesday lor m
I .ramie, where they will seek per
spiration in the harvest field. Ray
Jones went with them, but as he is
much thinner, will endeavor to per
spire as little as possible.
Mrs. W. E. Driskell left yester
day for an extended visit with her
dnuirhter. Mrs. G. H. Fontaine, at
Great Falls, and her son, Craig
Driskell. at Hiffwhood. Montana.
She will also be the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Kate Peterson, at For
sythe, Montana.
Homer L. Hedrick, who for sev- A letter received by Mrs. J.
eral years has conducted the Wes- Wurzer from her brother, Private
ton garage, is leaving soon for c. H. Bischoff, now at Camp Mills,
Portland to enter the service of New York, sleaks of an interest
the government as marine engineer. ng tour which the Ninety-first
Mrs. Hedrick and children will con- division made in Ontario, Canada,
tinue, for the present, to make while on its way from Lamp ew i.
v.nii. hnmo In Wexton. rtm. trnnH niMirhbors in the north
- " w-
id I
Reed's Plain and Anti
Rust Tinware
As an addition to our already complete stock of
tinware we have been fortunate in securing another
shipment of the celebrated Reed's Anti-Rust and
Plain Tinware. We have secured these goods in
spite of a great shortage of this commodity. Reed's
Tinware, both plain and anti-rust, is so well known
in every locality that it is needless lorustoawen
upon its merits. In this line we are
the following popular items:
now showing
oilers, Dairy Pails, Strainers
and yundry Dippers
It is our suggestion if you are needing anything
in this line to buy early while our stock is complete.
In fact, it would be well for you to anticipate our
tinware wants, in view of the inevitable shortage in
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis -Subscriptions,
Jobwork and Advertising
5 ?ril ,C' ftWi reC?V1 SamTsoldKf Women and girls S
Vufeiii- orders from the local board atn",B,M Hn., tn the fie dsS I
Preston-Shaffer Milling Go.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburj, Wash.
ka 1 1 1 o tn.. . v. - . -. - . .
rU ivtiTw work ntf in the nekis
TV I IV vt v
was registered, to report JUiy . . ,oro nrf,.nted to each sol-
Santa Fe New Mexico, where he
who iviwmvu, v .K.v --. wj,jch were presentea 10 eacn eui- c .
sBrSsS! The Fanners Bank ol Weston
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
board. He tried to enlist in the ;;;" impnt Private Bischoff .
navy while at Santa Fe, but was a ,;,, 8
trifle underweight. . A call for 175 men skilled in log- 8
, ging and sawmill work must be h
The wind storm Monday evening volunteers fnm Oregon
blew down part of the "high line," by july 23, 0r enough men will be a
and also part of the line between drafted from special and limited U
n.i. m1 Alhona Aa n Minsp- i : rio.o 1 fn fill the ii
iivoivu B" ...... y- service men iu w -
quence consumers of electric juice qU0t, The skilled workmen re
were without this convenient com- ore as follows; 70 choker-
modity until Tuesday night. The 50 head buokers, 24 doggers, .
scaffolding of the new concrete e general sawmill foremen and 25 a
elevator at Athena collapsed from paner trimmermen. The volun- h
the force of the storm. In its fall teers w;n be sent to Vancouver, m
It crushed in the roof of the ware- Wash., for engagement in protluc- A
house adjoining. ng 8pruce for aeroplanes. a
The historic Toll Gate property William King has gone to Den- 8
at the summit of the Blue moun- ver, Colorado, where he will make
tains has been sold by Mrs. M. A. his home with relatives. Mr. King
Woodward and associates to a Walla has been suffering from a protract- g
ivito man tnf 3nnn. Several at- xt illnAss and it is feared that he i
tempts have been made in recent cannot long survive.
years to get Umatilla and Union Mrs R L Wi)son an(J two chi.
counties to buy this property and re visiting at tl,e home of
open the toll road as a public high- husband.8 brother, C. A. Wil
way. but without success Under a . Asotin,
irrant from the legislature the 8
Woodwards have been collecting Milk customers wanted. Her
toll on this road aince pioneer days, bert Baker.
Established 1891
In order to meet the requirements of the
Government we must have conservation of
credit as well as of food,
The Government is asking the banks for
$750,000,000 every "two weeks until the next
Liberty Loan, which is expected late in Oc
tober. With this burden on the banks, you should
call for loans only 'when in absolute need.