i - ' Weston EADER VOLUME 41 WESTON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 1 . 1118 NUMBER 7 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Harvesting has Cfgun To in (Irsnda Hondo valley, U Grande I to hve a liberty chor U of rolmately JOfl voli-ea, A Itin.mtn cherry crop for Ui Milton Vrvrtvr cuuntry ha Just been mur trWt, Kiweliura's new ramiery began oper ations Im( cek will) run on lgn Iterrlrs. A Mllr lank (or I'eiidlelon K will ho constructed ta soon possible. Thomas Reynolds, aged IS. waa droned III Ihn Willamette river near HlTll.nflrlil. The planing mill at Meacliam, owned by 1. t ('nr. burned to (ha ground with a Ion of $600. ellaa will toon be almost preach erlese town, all the paatore but one leaving to engage In war work. The JUth annual meeting or tba Presbyterian synod of Oregon will meet at Eugene from July 33 to 2. The coming session of the Oregon annual conference of tha Methodist church will bo hold In Portland In Sep tember. Tbe flrat two cart of 191 wheal from I'matllla county were ehlpped from Adama and Eastland alatlona laat week by II. W. Colllna. Mayor Galea of Medford haa iseued n order prohibiting tha use In public and private meetlnge of any alien en emy language In that city. Wiih the lalmr ahoriagn no aerloua that farmers cannot handle the hay crop, young women have begun woik In tha flelda In tome parti of Linn county. An average of almoit 10 per cent of Oregon's clergy have either partly or wholly given up their church work and are now engaged In army or Y. . M. C. A. work ('ear orchard! In the north end of Jackson county will net the grower 90 per cent crop of good quality fruit, while the apple crop wll aver age S& per cent. A break In the A line canal of the t'malllla project, near llermlston, dur ing a alorm put the Irrigation system on Ihe project out of communion for two or three daya. After a week of peralatent search Ing, Iho body of Vernon A. Forbes, who waa drowned laat Sunday evening In Crescent lake, about 70 mllea eouth of Rend, waa found. Fuel dealera In Oregon who have not turned In their report to the fuel administration have until July 111 lo do ao. After that their coal aup- pllea wilt be cut off. Twenty additional Oregon Agricul tural college atudenta and four faculty membera, making 44 persona In all. were eent to the epeclal 60-day train ing camp which will open at the Pre aldlo July It. At the residence of 8. P. Timber lake, In Newberg, the Roelofaon clan gathered Sunday from all over Oregon for. their annual reunion and picnic. There were nearly a hundred persona in attendance. In the thirty-fifth week of the 8torr. Conn., test the "Oregon" from the agricultural college at C'orvallls won the honora for the week with re markable yield of (3 egga. Since lta Inception, November 1, 1914, the Industrial accident com tula alon hai disbursed 13,404.837.45 out of receipt aggregating $4,431,612.(7, or had up to June 80 thla year, according to the report for the fiscal year. , The large farmers' elevator at Bate station, two mllea weat of Milton, on the O.W. R. ft N. tracki, la hearing completion and lacka only the Installa tion of additional machinery to be ready for the annual harvest run. Henry O'Malley, formerly In charge of Clackamaa hatchery, haa been pro moted to the poaltton of representative of the United State flah commission on the Pacific coaat, with gone.al su pervision In that part of the country. The Baker Commercial club haa ap pealed for aaalatance from the govern ment through Representative Slnnott to revive the Sumpter valley Irrigation project, completion of which would water about 80.000 acre east of Baker. The atate game commission of Ohio ia making an effort to get that atate atocked with China pheasants. fire wnirn nroae out in in rinisn Init h'-i-I of (he Western Cooperage foiiii any Hi HI. John practically de stroyed Hie !mI, toKfilii r with a large amount of the valuable machinery. The loss la estimated at between $25, lino and f 10,000. Owing lo the fart that but $fiB0,000 if the bond Issue of ll.600.ooo tikH f the capital Uauea committee by the slate highway commission haa been authorised, little If any new road con struction will be undertaken In Klam ath county thla year. Flailing on Itogue liver la Increaalng In volume and fleet of gasoline schooners. Including the Hustler, Tramp and I Mia. are transporting the park to Cons bay for reshlpment. The run will be heavy until the close of the season In August. iUlpli llorion. aKi II, of I'ralrlo dry, tirant county, waa arcld'-ntnlly shot and killed near that place by .loi.se Graham. Graham saw Morton In the brush and mistook blm for a bsr. firing with a hitch power rifle and killing him Instantly. Drilling for petroleum lll start at Waldport soon. A company, which ha options on SnOO acres of land In the vicinity of Waldport. haa erected a derrick at point one and one half mile eouth of the city, and la prepared to drill to a depth of 1200 feet or more. The atate highway department baa rgun graveling the aection of the Co lumbia river highway between Cat cade Ixx-ka and Hood River. A dis tance of about 20 mllea la to be grav eled at an estimated cost of 150,000. The work waa begun at the Caacade Ixks end. Sergeant Porter W. Benedict and Corporal Henry F. Temple, of the Fourth company. Oregon military po lice, assisted by federal and Klamath Fall police officials, arrested 29 men for violations of the liquor law dur ing a 10 day period In and about Klamath Falls. Confident that It can pave the C. M. SCHWAB SERGEANT PUTNAM i j bj i THE MARKETS Portland. Oat No. ! white f-nd, 141 75 ton. ' llarley Htandanl f-ed, 33 pf ton. Corn Whole, $75; cracked, 176. Hay Timothy, S31 p r ton; alfalfa. $:.&. Butter Creamery. 45c per lb. KRKa Ranch, 33c per down. I'otatne llurbankx. $l.!nf I. US per hundred; new. S'fiJ'ic per pound. Poultry Hen. S7ft2Hc; broilers, 30fi32c; ducks, young, 3'lc. Seattle. Butter I'namrv, 49c per lb, F.KK Ranch, 44c p-r dozen. Poultry Hen, heavy, dresxed, 35c; I'jtht, 35c; broilers, 40c; rryisteni, irvssed, 2Cc; duck, live 30c. dressed i4c; gee-su. live 27c, dressed Sac. hv.vw.v.v.v.v..v.v.v. ChaHs M. Schwab, Emergency Fleet dlrector-general, who la en a tour of Inspection af Pacific eoaat ahlpyarda. OVER 1,100,000 U.S. SOLDIERS OVERSEAS Sergt David E. Putnam, of Newton, Mas., reported to have downed five Oerman airplane In one day. ALLIES IN ALBANIA ADVANCE STEADILY !; WE SELLri, ! i rracucai rainousm : ! ' the cheapest." N Washington. American troopa over eaa and on shipboard on route have pasaod the 1,100.000 mark, according to a atatement of General March, chief of ataff. Thla represent an lncreaaa of more than 90.000 alnce laat week. Three army corp of from 225,000 to sun nnn mn rh have been definitely Salem-Aurora highway with a cheaper or$,nlMd froB AoC.n dlvlatona tn ot Alb,,,'a- y ysnee ine rreucn uu imu, iu aiuu m.J. r-.n.r.i ii.mi.p i.ieeett com." have carried their tinea ateadlly north- mnnding the 41at tthe 8unel dlvU-- Rome. Italian and allied troop In Albania and Macedonia have succeed ed in perfecting a single front extend ing from the Adriatic sea to Salonlkl on the Aegean aea, a distance of some 200 mile, according to the latest re porta published here. British monitors and Italian destroy er are co-operating with the Italian troopa which are penetrating Into the and better pavement than the paving companies, the highway commission la considering moving lta paving. jiUot to the project, and commencing oper ations In the aprlng. according to State Highway Engineer Nunn. Governor Wlthycombe called tha atate tag commission together Mon day for the purpose of taking up the 'nieslloti of how much extra money will be needed to conduct the slate during the coming biennlum over and above the amount that will bo allowed under the 6 per cent limitation amend ment. Two trainmen were killed, one waa Injured aerlously and the fourth had a marvelous escape from death when the bridge over the reservoir at River Mill, on the Kstacada line of the Port land Railway, Llght-ft Power com pany, collapsed aa a aection of a freight train was being moved acroaa the atructure. Oregon has tha lowest fire loss ratio of any state In the Union. In 1915 Oregon stood In sixth place tn this re- PEACE gard and In a comparatively tew years tins jumped from the 4 2d to the first place of all the states. This Is one of the outstanding statements In the I Ion. national guard, haa been detailed aa temporary commander of the first army corpa. Commandera for the aec ond and third have not yet been desig nated. The U dlvisiona comprising the corpa. consisting of four regular, nlue national guard and five national army divialonal unlta. probably will com pose the first army which, with aup plememal army troopa auch as heavy artillery, will total a million men. Instead of one field army on Janu ary 1, 1919, aa originally planned, it now appeara probable that two such armlea will be opcraUng In France by that date, backed by full American built and maintained supply lines. The great project of establishing the Amer ican army as the right, flank or the battle line will then be within sight. Tbe town ot Do rat, tho most Important point in southern Albania, haa fallen. Official reporta Indicate that the ad vance of the French and Italians la reaching further and further east Into the mountains and toward the rear of the Bulgarian posltlona around Mon astic Serbian posltlona near that city have been savagely attacked by the Bulgarians, who, after gaining a mo mentary foothold on the Serbian trenches, were driven out io. CIGARS jj TOBACCO CANDY and jl CONFECTION'S Jj 1 K. CANDY SHOP I Odessa Eirkpatnck . BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR DRIVE IS Baron Burlan, Auatrlan Foreign Mini ter, Oeflnea Acceptable Term. Amsterdam. Baron von Burlan, the annual report of Insurance Commis- Auatro-Hungarian foreign minister, sloner Welle Just being Isaued. b" written a note to the Austrian and Four peraons were killed and three Hungarian premiere and the text or ocnriua. Occupation of Bcrat and the capture of quantities ot war materials and many prisoners by the advancing Ital ian army In Albania, were announced In an official dispatch from Rome. In Albania the French and Italians are giving the enemy no rest, pressing OPENED him back dally, mile after mile, and capturing strategic positions and vil lages. The latest French official com munication shows that the French troops have taken the villages of Nana and Gramshl, which brings Uielr eastern flank appreciably nearer Lake & iHOOVERIZEi By usiriK RYE FLOUR. BARLEY FLOUR, GRAHAM AND WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Made by the YANKEES BREAK UP" GERMAN ATTACK Cau.iler Attack Throws Enemy Back and Many Prisoners Are Captured. With Ihe American Army on tha Marne. A atrong American counter attack south ot the Merge river bead'' completely up At the Germans, who broke la retreat Tbe American troopa drove tbe en emy back all the way to the 'railway aklrtlng the Marne in the region south west of Jaulgonne. This position bow is being held. Tbe German prisoners captured la the counter-attack by the Americana at the bend of the Marne number be tween one thousand and fifteen busy dred. They Include a complete brig ade ataff. French and Americas forces fight ing together have recaptured tha vil lage of St. Agnan, Hill 223, to tha northwest and the village of La Cha pel'e Monthodon. They now bold heights dominating the Mama valley at various points. American troopa also recaptured F os soy and Cresancy, towns oa tha south bank ot the Marne, taken by tba Germans when they crossed the river. Comparatively large forces of Amer ican have been engaged, especially in the region of Descrivec where they were brought op to support the attack ing French. Within a short period tha American were hotly engaged la tha fighting. The defense ot tha Marne crossings by both the French and tha Americas troops waa magnificent and a number ot vigoroua counter attacks marked the fighting. Paris. In the desperate fighting which is reported In tha official coat tnunlcation from the war office tha ' .American troops are give tba ereaia -for driving back tbf Germane who had succeeded in crossing tbe Marne south west of Fossoy. ' The battle is proceeding furiously on various sectors along the whola 50-mile battle front in tha Champagne, the French war office reported. Fighting is particularly violent south ot the Marne, where Americana, after clearing their own sector of Germans, are aiding tha French to their right Other battlea are proceeding be tween tha Marne and Rheims, and east of Rheims. At no point bava thai Germans made considerable gains. WESTON MilllNG CO. ! GERMANS ATTACK AMERICANS AT VAUX t We do custom milling, buy and sell Hay, Grain and Millfeed of all kinds. Free City Delivery The Germans renewed their offen sive on the western front Monday, vio lent attacka being made between Cha teau Thierry and the Main de Mas siges on both sides of the city ot Kholms, the fighting extending over a persons were Injured when a fast live- the document has been sent out from stock trsln on the O-W. R. N. crash- Vienna by way of Amsterdam, ed Into an automobile driven by Earl What is apparently Intended to be Nunn at the government crossing at the outstanding feature of the note la Caacade Locks on the Columbia river n Indoraemont of four new points hinhwav. Tho dead are Earl Nunn. made In President Wilson's speech of Mrs. Margaret Nunn, Frank Nunn, of July 4. Accompanying thla Is an adroit front ot about 50 miles. West of Portland, aud Wallace Price, ot Eu- note of eulogy for Wilson in the atate- Rheims tha Germans forced their way g(,ne ment that "nobody would reruse nom-. across me xuarna bv several pmces, During tha past week there were re- to his genius and nobody would but east of tho city their gains were ported to the state Industrial accident refuse his co-operation." small , commission 826 accidents, of which "We are prepared to discuss every- American troops were involved In four were fatal, as follows: Henry thing," said Baron Burlan, "except our the fighting on several sectors and I Waller, Portland, construction; Chas. own territory." they successfully withstood the en- Mitchell. North Portland, meat com- Baron Burian's statement was made emy. At Vaux they not only broke 5 pany; M. Moriya, Baker, lumbering; in one of his periodical reporU to the down a violent attack by the enemy, out arove mm oacs several nunurea r yards. A spirited counter-attack car- Chas. H. Carter Carter & Smythe LAWYERS Pendleton ... Oregon With (he American Army on tha Marne. The Germans at daylight Monday launched a violent attack against the American positions west Dan P. Smythe of Chateau Thierry, especially near HAZELIVOOD ICE CREAM H. Brooks, near Hlllsboro, non tres- Austrian ana Hungarian premiere, passer, sttempted to board moving train. Tobacco Ratlona Possible In Amsrlea. Promise that If tha waters of Sum-' Washington. Government control mer lake contain valuable mineral de- of the tobacco Industry may result posits they will be worked to their from the heavy requirements ot the utmost Is held out In communications gates and tba American military received by Governor- Wlthycombe forces abroad. Rationing of the Amer- from H. C. Pendleton, ot Oakland, Cal ican population Is believed to be a and referred by tha governor to tha possibility.1 state land board. Mr. Pendleton I now experimenting with samples ot the waters. Haiti Declares War en Hun. Port au Prince, Haiti. Tha council ot state, acting In accordance with the The legislative powers given It undor the I.lnn Rtntneck Pheasant farm, of Al- Haitian constitution, has unant- bany, shipped 8000 pheasant egga to n1' 0te1 alaratlon of war tha game commission thara In tha past P" Gmany demanded by tha pr.t It VitkJ. ' - ;.,.,., Ot tt WUhUo," This year hns evidently started in to make B record, but If It keeps on stead ily as It has begun, the world will only begin to realise what tbe strenuous life really means. rled out by the American troopa drove back on the right bank ot the Marne enemy contingents who had reached that bank southeast ot Fossoy. In the counter attack between 1000 and 1500 Germans were made prisoner by the Americans. The captured contingents included a complete brigade staff. Tha Americans, French and Italians have inflicted terrible losses on tho enemy by the accuracy of their can non, machine gun and rifle fire. Although the allied troops seeming ly have the attuatton well in hand, It ,1s not Improbable that the Germans ICE CREAM SODA Mrs. E. E. ZEHM Brandt bid., Main St. Vaux. The attack came after a most vio lent bombardment of high explosives and gas shells throughout the night The American troopa sought shelter wherever it was available. When tha enemy Infantry appeared, the Amert-, cans swarmed out and met the attack ers with a rain of machine gun bullets, The Americans wore their gaa, masks as they fought tha attacking! Germans. Heavy shells from German naval guns fell in regions far behind thaj actual battle area, many of these pro-t Jectlles having fallen in tha city otj Meaux, 25 mllea from Chateau Thierry.; . Reports from American advance poi aitions said that tha American troopa were "handling the enemy well" lnj the desperate fighting which la coo-) tlnuing. I Transfer and Storage The boys In the cantonment have; soon will throw large numbera of re coined slang to fit the days. A girl who serves into the tray. They are known knits for herself Is called a "pig knit- to have thousands ot these men behind ter" and the officers who hang around the battle line, especially northeast ot the homes of the big noises who have Rheims. eligible daughters art called "parlor , gnajKs." .t.,;-.-- - Dancing Saturday night. Sugar Board Created. Washington. To equalise the price of sugar to the consumer in tha face ot prospects for an increase due to a threatened shortage, and to secure bet-. ter distribution, President Wilson cre ated the sugar equalisation board, on recommendation of Food Administra tor Hoover. i I Weston Transfer Co. I I Davis & Ellis Allies Owe U. 8. 8lx Billion. Washington Great Britain haa been granted an additional credit ot I17S, 000.000 by the treasury department, making the total loans to bar, to date, $3,345,000,000 and the total credits l tha aUiea $66690.009, .