.TTTTT" tin Herman K. OMUrra K fi Fannin, In CaUfOruU aJM ' . f Sunday evening to rejoin hi com- i , rmiuinu-f(r the Load front J M m si s. m i brevities iissrsrfc st nroip tjmmi k? fl Df n W fl MW J furlough with hi iwvnts, Mr. nu.uhi8 papor on its newsy hm.I X I lit I X I I I I ) Vf 111 i i 1 ' Mw. J. M. 0 Iarr. m- inUnisUnr ohHrHlt,T. Wo .,unte I H I f II I I I WEfll VI 1 II Ml 111 VI G. A. U. McGrew is here from bor,UHHK Ju!tt ,)rior to coming J" ' ' s',llirM vicissitudes in his WO UUJ U UUVWfl Ulr U fl iaJ -... ... I rim.ir V'orirnom K,uit J -.In Sutnnliiv nuirninir the VJI I K V ....... " " ' - " V . j . .....tk'i riM. 1 , ,., .1 A Kinir farm on tht enildovor Who wants nave n'luriiru irviu a ' w-vm- ... . n - -- -- . . . r-.i: i... v;i.l ll.ir.. hoiinl th. irtnnt'n a II he ran. WO have lion inp in hiiii'miu, mi- ii im 's - w -- - . ... i . .oi.;n . awful fns.4. anil Kiiitirr Ixvts. 42 acres I WalUT Mllt,mhrvturntMfr..m ,,h Vorf hokljnR , bolsho- lens. 17 J acres of Udy WahinB; Vtnmn ,nvktion. Uter investigation ton bean. 10 acres of corn ami ployed for the past two months thal dw (0 B ,,. fcW of UrUv. hon the Mr. ami Mr. W. P. Hambelton deer which had somehow wandered Ivans are harvested in October wv iif Knternrise. Orciron. were recent ,,.. from its mountain home to ulant the Fame ground to barley, Y ? ? X .f ivtnrlv Orrtrim. wo iv rvtvnt fism !r fimiintmn home to i) ant the wim irroumi uuwu1), a guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pink- PXpore the haunU of civilization. rablmKC nd field pent), and the fol- & ' tv. a., Anaiiv hivimo frightened lowinir Kirinir we us it nicain for X All parties indebted to the late at the pea fowl and jumped from beans or cm. J. L. Fuson are requested to settle an alfalfa fie d into Rons Kinir 8 their accounts with Mrs. Fuson or barley field. When last pn it was Stockmen tO MCt with Walter Milton. making off in the direction of the - with wamr ai.iion. Culley ranch. An important meeting of Pleasant Howard, representing i ; h. tonN stockgrowers will be held Sat- the Kansas City Life, is up this Har- bciritw noxt ia-k in Iho Ju, in d,y um,r wetk from Pendleton ci.llah,rating VSi-ston ne.ghU.rh.Hnl. with pn- , of thtf NVwton Livestock with the l.x-a airent. A. W. Lun- pceis oi a g"m enT ... -.. ... . - , . d ii Spring sown on summer fallow ' ... , . also promises well. Gwler weath- Virgil Neild. who has not jet w n(J the .nj yhwer have reached the draft ape. is newrthe- , f eswcial lH'n'fit in the less anxious to serve untie cam, and expects soon to apply for en listment as a seaman. w - - - - CJ most strenuous and anxious days for 1 flvm fl10 fltriiro Jlf wVllVll Wfi its to grow aj vtitii tiv. .v - 40 acrs of lima i Y ? X v Association. v All users of range, whether mem- A U-rs of the aiat1on or not, anil X all others interested, are invited jt upland districts, wher crop pros- " " -l .;'T1 nects are improving. Farly Bart wr ',V?.,V. "l " V; " . , . : i i i.. ..,..,,.,.,. i th. ww aiscussea. Attpr lonKinir over cunsiueraoiv urjnii'i-is t i""1" country J. B. Gross has again lo- uplands, and are damaging the cated near Washtucna, Wash., where potato vines, he sold out not long ago. He has According to the East Oregonian, invested in a welt mproved farm of jt took a! thc c)ius8 ont, men 0f about 800 acres. year's reglstranu to fill I'ma- Miss Diza Morrison of the Wes- tilla county's quota of 92 called to ton Mercantile Co. left Sunday for report before the local board July her annual vacation. She will visit 22 for induction into the nattonal friends in Vancouver, B. C, and army. The published list Includes will also make trips to Seattle, Vic- the following from Weston: David toria and other points. . L. Read. John A. Olson, Bert rer The meetinir will be attended by Supervisor L. E. McDaniels. who has charge of the Weneha reserve, with headquarters at Walla Walla; Mr. Jameson, agriculturist of the Walla Walla banks: Mr. Shrock, Umatilla county agricultural agent; Rangers Bottcher and Jeffreys. A X X Y X can replace them; Y w - - j TJ i i. . i. ? 1 i... ...... .,.1!.a.. C Kit ititi 4-lw 1i4-rri4' JL uut we inust suck 10 our puncy ui uuvuik tuu uilcol jr patterns to show each season and prefer to close out every yard of this mater- ial. Many of these patterns are worth as high as forty cents, but to make a clean, quick sweep we shall place the entire lot on the table at the low price of 15c the yard HARVESTERS-TAKE NOTICE I COVERALLS -In this lino we carry the famous Powell, the last X word in coveralls for men and boys. This garment is the outcome of years a of study to produce the best coverall possible. Those who have tried other makes and have been disappointed find in this garment the one they desire. f Priced from Y $3.00 for Boys' to only $4.00 lor Men's x H. Will Install Smut Trips X9 UVuOmafi In phttfera ftf ,. i r ppo-tnn nuw guson, van . iwauii, -cu . v.. . gmul control lor mc oirpm nun- JS'ove? hSTiK C1n L Gon' .ltnd OJI, is in Umatilla Monday for a visit with Weston Mr. and Mrs. James Compton county this week arranging for m-v- friends They will remain in this and Mrs. Cliff Culley arrived home eral smut traps to be placed on county until after harvest, and will Wednesday from their automobile farms in Afferent nations of the then return to theii home at Hunt- tour to felt Lake City and Idaho county, reports M. S. Shnxk. coun- ington Beach, Calif. ,- points. They Ford-ed 200 miles ty agricultural agent. " ' t .art - daily with only occasional tire trou- The object of these traps is to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Swart of ' M' Compttn was buz- gather data as to the amount of soil North Yakima N ash., were voting - cussed ntiltamk9 when Infection with smut spores through- friends in Weston the fir of . ' , puncture, out the threshing season, the week. The .rrepressle Jerry " , n fcjjon No matter how thorough the seed who a number of years ago was its impudence. .treatment, there Is always danger mured in railroad work. The Leader man is in leceipt or Rumm,,r fiiow A.MS onto which e.,. t r.m.nR! out box of splendid Roseburg. Ore- . hvc c8rri wprehoht ?n. rries from r . t, nupat- the wind from threshing ma, ...... v.. . . . ,nr n.nrfl.nt of the Weston :...;. .L. n.f I ,.hn HanlotDP - - 1 HI" tMt IIL III IUIHV uuicvuitiuiwuj ...... -...v-., .... h i an (,r(.hBr( st when , : i.i i... .l ...l-.l ... ussiance carrnu vjr irre wnm mii many other things are yet to be definitely ascertained. corner of the field. l 3 wiuibui pi.i.i( 11 e u.u on lhe farm of A. K. CopJMM k Oi ll.l. .mm fiiif W W iTai i in. m miair MMiaaaaMawaaal in ir-.lli-1.p.,L- -in-a.jri who is inclined to like everything 't teaching. We are also about this variety W its name. Pd fa Mrf FlU.trick for The stalk is-of course a relected . K , nnParv.,i. Of Mrs. D. B. Jarman and younger daughter of Salem hae been visit ing at the home of her mother in Athena, and called Sunday on friends in Weston. Mrs. Jarman is a member of the sales force of the J. C. Penney Co.'s store at Sa lem, of whicji her husband is man ager. ' tl the inside a nut. Athena, one on the farm of T. P Upon his recent return with an Gilliland of Pilot Rock and one in automobile party from Ciilfoinia, Cold Spings canyon. Jess Ferguson was taken ill and is thought to have typhoid fever. He is under hospital treatment at Pendleton. Mrs. Adolph Schwarz and child ren of wa a wa a motored to "- M.Af Un.) In. rini Ul if ktn c4 ! 1 1 in t which A UIUUSIIW dlCIIUlU IU 51, UUl TC UIV OHM III A 1 the xm and ari better fixed than ever to take X I care or your harvest needs. Fruits and berries are at their best now, and if you want them for canning, leave your orders. X Mike Eagleton was back in Wes- a vjiit with reiatives and friends. 251,000 AMERICANS ARE ON FIRING LINE Blackberries, Cherries, Dewberries, Apricots and Currants. Washington. American troops ac tually on the flRhtlng Unci In Kurope about July 1 numbered 251,000. accord ing to Information given by rj.neral March, chief of staff, and other menv ben of the war council at their weekly will have two combines in the field Suiday morning for Garfiel J, Wash.. IT Z , llZ7 tiiT' vbiici ii jjb -v ii r it l w u tvct:ivo viaib nun tn.n Miss Wilene Couch. - ton this week, after a long session with the county's steam roller on road work. This ha3 been discon tinued until after harvest, and he will run a steam combine for George Peringer. Mr. Peringer Acc'd.-ntal scalding caused the recent death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gould at their horn? near Amethyst,' Alberta. Mis Opal and Marvin Winn left oline power. . cousin, A card dated July 4, received by D. C. Johnson, residing on the his father from Alva Wurzer, says Umatilla river, bought a Ftrd tour that the force of men from Camp ing car this week from the local Lewis to which he is attached as an agent, H. L. Hedrick. artillery soldier, was treated royal- Mr and Mr8 T j, McCarty re ly by the people all the way to New turned gaturday to their home in York. They detrained at Syracuse, the upIjnd8 from their v)git at N. Y and paraded for the enter- White gaimon Wash, tainmnt of the populace. Alva and his comrades are probably now Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stanf. eld were on the high seas, bound for France, recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 14 ' W. Avery at the Blue Mounta n John Bonewitz is harvesting sawmill about six tons of cherries from hto M j g N ., , MUttcr Da-e orcnard above town m B ng f Pendlcton are v8itl at lhe cherries are especially large and dc- f u Iicious this season, a? the Lead er's agricultural editor will testify. aaic' He sold the crop through the Lamb A daughter was born Saturday Fruit Co. of Milton for shipment to to Mr. and Mrs, John Uanisttr different points in the Northwest, Junior. receiving an average price of ten Confectionery store for sale at a cents per pound, delivered at Wes- orifice. Mrs. E. E. Zehm ton. . The situation along the we.tern front he said, has developed Into con tinued "nibbling" br allied forces with A complete success being obtained. The most Important of these minor raids, J from the American standpoint, was the V attack on Vaux. - ... .fl.U.I M..I 1 09 ailaCa UII IIUI was vainou uu. by the 9th and S3d Infantry, supported by the 12h, l(th and 17th field artil lery, all of the 2d division, under com mand of Major General Omar Bund. The success attained then has been completely consolidated, subsequent counter attacks -by tha Germans fall ing to cause the slightest withdrawal from the territory occupied. BUNGALOW APRONS and HOUSE DRESSES Why sew these warm clays when you can buy these attractive garments y t u a L n It ...St., 1-1 itin MnVa tUnwi? TViair iim vanAtr tn mtf nn J 1UI UU IIIUIC Hiail ll WUUIU vvaii JUU W munc iimiit aiivj miw ivuuj juv vii a f and are neat and dreBsy-with a style to them that makes it a pleasure to X X wear them. Priced from ' a $1.00 to $6.50 (or the Dainty Ones The ? Y Summer Underwear for Less a a nntrlotle houwwlfe and cook AtVAVAVrf l ffnino to he a went factor in win a- ning roe war wncn iuiv "c stands her part In It. 0. Wood, a former Weston has enlisted in the United States army. He was among seven younjr men with families who join ed Monday.' July 1, from Ncrth Yakima. They were all in class 1, and being either mechanics or fire men realized how badly they were nee led to help the other boys over there. They went as willingly as may be in the knowledge that young wives and kiddies must be left be liind. Mrs. Wood will make Tier home with her mother, Mrs. ksan Xuckcr, in Wwton.. J. boy, Dr. S. L KHillARD Veterinary Sigeon Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone Main 253 ' The fellows who cut off their fingers to evade going to war, might hava let the Buns, who are more expert In such things, do the work. More single Dion thnn married men got Info the workhoue Inst year, thns illustrating nwln what practice will do even in avoiding trouble, Of course when pay day falls on a mentlciis day but even then ths fam ily con wntt,a day for the good old round steak and milk gravy. Trousers of paper are now being worn by a large proportion of men In Germany. Fancy bow careful ont must bs la atriklaf a. osteal t:inrMNnirot9rlii1itoUiiirM1 onus u nti mum-), wtwtfM or ynt arwi a. -.Hi.;;. t run SIAROH rr1 imi-alttiMlHtKr, fUnk rf trlte y. (hir frv liMtllrUlll hiw. wluUtti hivrm ami aaw. m mm... WHlai tlirtav. 0. SWIFT & CO. raTcnx 103 Seventh 6t., watninnton, v. c. The Prudent Man will fill his coal bin when the fill ing is" good. Better order your coal now, when I can supply you. P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon W. M. rcttnop G. H. Blihap Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS Dr. J. C. BADDUI HY OrtduU VtUriury Surfeoa I'hone 82F0 ' Athens, Orciron. HOMER X. WATTS Attorney-at-Law and rVtleml 'rci.pe In all Hi i e Courts. fandltton, Or. . Fraawatsr, Or, ATHENA, OKEQON