The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 28, 1918, Image 2

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. . . .1 ..... ...n.l that ...... s
Record of Enilitmont
CUW WOOD. NWW v""r vl. ,m ,hch.Dh 111 IH tiUn aUDfllWUftL ,hrtRr..lhrn-SuiJy
ThaY..r W wnto having his profits Inter- 7 ,! at 10 a. m. ohinir at
Six Month. - JL. wWl hi. pleasures interfered Lowell Hyatt. thc Weston wy U t. m. 1 W. S. at ; P-J
Foar Months.. 0 M .T1. ,' ' . ......... ,nter- who learned to swim when the Hible Study. Ufe of ir rt. at 7:30
. ; w,thlhi8,f". 1 J transport ITw.dent Lincoln wmm, John HonewiU. rider.
FWDAT. JtWE SI, -,k. hwdet .regulated; on J""1, K , nf 1 ..... ... -,h.Kt
i n 1 1 a-t Litrvr 1 1 i m - im air niuiini i jiuiih ii
c.hms ai tat pjic- o- jj,, capitalist who forestalls
a l - II ..... tn . .a I.I
Regular. Pr inch per Insertion .....
Transient, per Inch per Insertion....
Loral. per line per Insertion
forestalls as j,n0i tne 31, of May. arrived . . ti m inching services at
much aa the law will let mm; on Wednesday for a visit wun ma pa- n a m ,nj g p. m. r.pworm
,K- .-.ii caniuliat who will not rent. Mr. ana mm. -. v.. i(Myru t 7 p. m. iTayer "-" uranch u( aem
. Kind whenhecan Lowell's furlough is a Dnei w, Thursday evening, a. r.. loweu.
.15c buy a Liberty bond 1 when he can f ,uty , -
gvt eight Hrnt on a m.wtgag. Ju, 10 ,t Ncw Ywrk city. He haa V M iwthrm Oiurch-Piwrh-!f
onthelaWr kador and wagen-arncr Uvn to the U. 4. S. S . . ,, mt ,n,i K p. m. Kanh
j ",,; who will Btrike-even againut the Arrow. s , ..i t i0:0 a. m.
domonetratmg " .ur who Th Linco n waa atruok with tw ."i.T r t .t!:3fln.m. C. K.
- .tu,H I,. W7 " .
hia production torHMio-a ami nnt-ting at 7 p. m. iTajvr mm-
t. L for minute It was wiling between vUntA evening. K. V.
nign wk-i f)lmr tmngiKirw returning
i' 2i:a.n .. a. . . i... ill la aa .- -
In WW that Russia the help. He W h ,u,,i.t Church -The Oiurch with
Hume adtlrwa :
Oecupatton IWfora War
, ' Where!
Entered Service, When T
. .
lunana .. L'ZZ Go-ernment; on
that the nun enam r.ther let
than iU Austrian link. off (hm w
(include I'rwmution and de.)
SS2 kHaHS H-s
eastern frontier. uppcr hand and surrender. JJ tt had t-n one of the interned o'clwk in the wmmg. W. 1
. :n U.nnnintnt: u: ..L.. kii !Tni-l StomtS. MSlOf.
If the winning of the war d me ivaiscr wm uerman snipe w
Nearest Kulstlve
Present AddrM
Slgnslure of Informant
II toe winmim "v -- -
. il. l... .i. . i. invnn pneourasre mm. sum
pended upon the economy ox mc OUv uv v-
4n.r.Mn iwnnfl in UK U6C vt
niiivrivau kivK.. - - .,. . merava. ana
gsoline. the Huns wouia now rAKHMUlU bi wwwti
shelling the Statue Of Liberty.
. VAI1P homo
, II jgu mnrV "- i)me vny immwi . n.-
town paper, the kindly interest you rought out during our recent tour m.- t ,if
a. ....- .V.,... nnorht In k nufli. . .. , Xl.rlv itv.
in us iui.- oiivii qj mc wn'i truiiiiTc. were jeen
. ft a MMnMM it v)itor to stay. J - i.Ytrim.nt IJ..M ani lfi-c I
900,000 AMERICAN
fired when sub-
was never seen unui
;t ha.i smnlotHl its work oi obs
truction. It then came to the sur-
. 8. Shrock.l face, and took photographs of tlw
e .. 5nt..r.tin.r facta were wreckage in order to prove ita
Some very interesting laua wen. ijneoln surv vor , ...... rt.. u..ihi
iffta intherestlm 5 T
red and Uunted by the Ahead of PrOOrim For Send-
cient to encourage its editor to stay. tn ttrmet does some experiment- hu sailors from the deck of the Qwarseas.
l i" ither consciously or uncon- submarine, whlcn cavom-o in cirv
The merchant who doesn't adver- , l-Ttf his experi- about them and drenched them wth
Themercnani . . . ., ciously. The results of his expen f it3 w,ke- 0nce the u ..M.,o. Nine hundred ihoa-
t tn the loca. paper -nts are interesting, whether tney . fUn upon them, but M Ur. bn shtpM aero..
Ihri. ami rel-tlve. of boy. In .mice .re ..Ved U fill out .bo. .and
mail to M. K. Chwn..ii. Secretary. iMmllelan. Oregon. I bone 1H.J
for some reason did not fire.
ici. u... ..v . nMrtive. It was lor
a ti f- - -
' cairea only lor your aouara anu Mimn(, of the results Lowell had sweet revenge later.
pothing for the welfare of your , 'd;in- methods employed After being picked up bygone or
town. , Z "f of the most prominent of "ne'e tarn . sw, uc.yen, u-
.v.. ... n.n.r.1 U.reh told aewspaper
corre.poodnt. at th. weekly confer
enc. Saturday.
The United State, hi ft, month.
h.d of It. proaraia for placing .a
army In rraac General March Mid.
The figure, on American troop
In almost every community vis- ca ana tnc aesirwjrri uiw .. r .lalcn n -
.. . thnt will full speed, dropping depth bombs . hli nrt conferenea
Sundance while other men - without at the proper apoU Jht fUed the number .tor. . haa IW,
their lives! Sacrifice a little, in- ' . r , ow in explosion mi n. 000. (be addition or iuo.wv
ine puruuoc - - - -
, . -m .rj . g, -
. , nf th most orominent of " ," . ,
v - .v- - ... Lincoln survivors wmim-
.v:.... w. Hn,.H these experiments that the trip was of , u boat by this ocean
uo you uu- ,v- . ntd oreyhound. A periscope was sight-
that should be required of you when v u vis. Za a k H..trov-r made for it at
- .ioei ever wnnu". - vu
lnn vour money out oi your ... .... ,, .n4vi. HroDDintt" deDtn bombs
' - . u.. Kaur aome neius uiai -m -i , .
make practically a iun ctvf - - ... .
UKU - fnpthf.P rainf,ii. We also saw in n. .,.. M it .. away
xlulge yourself less, save more.. oan every community some u returned subsequently to find
.all you can. and then be sorry you P Imost a total faii. the ocean covered with oil. showing
can do no more." mcthods of farminK in tht the German shark had met iU
There were women mayors in the good fields were very similar himself doesn't exactly
Asia Minor five thousand years all the way through. Early plow- know how h? ,earne1 to 6wim, but
.kL AtLf .t our vote ing and thorough weed control were swiro he did. He is a fireman, and
ago, but they didnt get our vote. Ing . M
. 'in war time every unnecessary Ute plowing and wee.- are found gV.n.gJd to eoma'
purchase is an unwise one. the very close companions or the tQ the gurfaCC in thc BUbnierged
. poor crop in every case. bunkers, after the explosion, but
" Do not excuse yourself for dodg- We saw men plowing summer was going down for the third I time
, Zr. l. f.tin.n. June 22 on three differ- when a ahipmate dragKcd h m out
ini7 1 1 a vutci iiuivnk - c
K h nlea that Others may ent farms, but
iivikj a -
r tvn.,M vnti fl he. iitk on these farms. Next
DC UOWJi u. i. wtiiu w
cause another man is a thief 7
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
forUS.Mannei-orp5 recruit.
Join Nowl
t. ee.
i Practical Paliicfca i
pa.t week .howlng the rata of pro-
ik. i ! hnt made.
Oener.1 March accorded high pral.e
to the American, .baring la th. pre ha commend th. flrt
regular dltl.lon under General Hobert
L BulUrd for Ha gallantry ai
. . a -I At.
llgny. th. Rainnow nauonai a"-' g
mion under General ti T. Menober ?
for high grade work to d.ta; th. J3.
T..ntaixih dlvl.loa la doing very
On. of the moat atrtklng thing, oe
the wfiem front, the emer ot
The beat is always
the cheapest"
. a rtn
. kit thi. hair. Aft the Lincoln ItSClI . . . . .w .. I
we saw no icoou - - ... aw iw, " !""-
1. . . .l Mw vnnr . .,'T-.-.. . . of a unineo commenn.
Wnn i von ateai De rroDS on wese t" " ".-
.u. .;,! ..J uinlr until he thoueht
fcilC C I VJ V Hliu Bw.m
regardless of weather, the drought he woud hit the ocean's bottom.
ill be blamed for a poor crop on He was a long, long time teaching
. , .u. -.)-. .;ih the surface, and much to his own
C,1M1U 1 S- vm UlvCv V 1N. v .
" . a a .1
a Knit Your Bit club.
Other thinrs may stow scarce in
Germany, but she Is never short
of lies and liars.
Having made an idol of the state.
Germany's people are due to dis
cover that it has feet of clay.
teins now oe,n8 vr- wfts ..!-,! when
We saw some splendid demon- . .
strations of the superiority or cer- gwam a stn(kc before. He managcil
wheat and barley ... swim to a bit of wreckage some
over other varieties under thc 200 feet away, to which he clung
nit;nn until he could get aboard thc life
same conditions, in pursuance of the orders
At the Moro experiment station, . guch cascg th Lin.
where we spent a day, we found co,ng liii.ter gbjpg fpiHiAeA away
thc most interesting work of all. and left the survivors in the water.
-.-i-i . ! Thi 5?. O. S. had been sent out,
Here vanieiai wroi"'. "c . , - .... ,.
" j .nQM m-thoHs however, and brought the rescuing
tion systems and tillage methods wct dind
of a unified command. Tbl. aa flrt
adoc.ted. he added, by Freemen.
Wilson and carried through under th.
n,..i.i.m-a eonitant preMur.. antn
unity of command was realti.4 la Ihe
..intmnt of General roen. uen
KrV.... -
.r.t March retarded that a. on.
the greatest single military aehlere
ment. of Ihe .III-" which .re already
howlng IU effect In lha fighting.
By using
Made by the
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay. Grain and
t Millfeed of all kinds.
. Fret City Delivery
Transfer and Storage (
Germany's chance is by no mean. ."--" 71.,-.. destroyer atfer .the wet. cold ana
. . -i .. k- naveoeen wm hunirry men had been in the water
so mucn in farmer's time -.Ct k-.
1. id ci)(umii llww.W.
. f The Americans have taken Bel
leu wood while, as the late Bill
. Nye would say, the Huns have tak
en umbrage.
to visit
this station and study the
Washington. Secretary Baksf and
n..r.i March, chief of staff. Inform-
The only casualties on 1 oard the ed the senate military "
Lincoln were of men killed by the they nppo.ea u pr-m-
explosion. All others were saved- neceewry th. propo. ext.n.lon of
even wounded soldiers coming back th. .rmy dr.ft age i limit.
from France. Every man on board In asking hat th. draft '1
"kept his head" with the single.x- go oer for me pr--u,
a rppfived from Vr. r. v. wntionof a vounar neirro. rngnt- k.r ana wraer.i m.reu ... --
Westop Tourists Have Nice Trip
A cara receiveu nvm u ception oi a young m.-siv. -- . .
' Watu who motored eastward with ened to desperation, he shot himself. In 0 or 0 day., prob .bly
The Weston country is over the Watts, who owrea himMf mU1dle of Au.u(ti , tl0r tB, proposed
nis lamny, u. worse fwf hj(t t.xpcrience, although races, of congre... tn.
cago, 111., under date of June 17. ten in wcigl t from will submit a new comprehen.lva army
"Wo machfd this city without u iu He weftra oroBrtm. cortrlnf not only th nunv
, ... . f . ,himk accident and with the same nesiwi w new un form and typihes her of men it is propose, w r..... -
The proverbial knot on a chunk Not 8 puncture fhena"ant oung fighterg who are also dealing with .hipping and oth.r
b v-. o-- .nn numueu uu w u
top, of course, with the W. S. S
drive. It has the habit.
in- i u
of p ji fj
S i A If TlfflW HOP h :! Wach Trancfpr fn 9
14 Vi I. ViUlV I waava ,j ij HVallVU iiHUtfivi wve u
Odessa Kirkpatrick Davis & Ellis
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 90
One hundred 1 20
Two hundred.. 1 75
Each additional hundred....;....... 0 45
i - BI1U uiiij-t
cVtiinf. rnmnurpfl to the local lTier hut nnce.
chant who will not advertise. "We have camped among the
Mormons oi uian; me uncey"""10
10 eu serving Uncle Sam on land and sea.
Death Summons J. L Fuson
. .f womlnir. with jackrabbits ga-
Perhaps the Austrians were rout- jn theyard8 of thrifty Nebras- James L. Fuson, for many years
ed wrong in their recent excursion farmer8 and in the schoolyards a wen known citizen of Weston,
across the Piave; they were routed, 0f i0WB( where floods raged ten dje(j 8Uddenly at his home in this
' nyway days ago. We have never seen a city at o'clock Thursday
, - ' SSSSSSBS!SSSS more beatuiful country than some nigntf m-( Fuson was a sufferer
- ... ...... u.. hav. naid throueh. but every- trnm hart. frnuhle and had been
- The Huns seem to oe irouonng we cxplain from 1' fMn9 heatIh for the past six
tnemseives buii "" -" whence we came and we tane priae
After a conference with Secretary
Baker and his aides th. military com
mittee decided to follow their recom
mendations and to oppose any legisla
tion at this time changing th. draft
age limits.
terms, as
that detail.
ji ... !..,. one listens wneu ln ianing nraun iw ure bi
needlessly about peace whence we an(j we take pride months, although his condition was
the Allies will attend to jn the telling," - not regarded as serious and he at-
' . . . t . J J . . VI. wnvtr. An of.
tack of smotherng was the imme'
iw Mwiiwi. nftpr 1 f 1 1 er" I liaf. Miisii nf hi. death.
ivir ruiwn who uui 11 in iuiKjuuii
a-ewM nn limps, in nrmi c H rm n
. & J(ira J-. -....-wt
nA in talk, we have run across
this idea, remarks the Saturday Ev
ening Post; "Even though he beats
the French army and the Italian
army, the Kaiser cannot bring Eng
land and. the United States to terms
unless he shatters their sea power.
How, then, can he hope to win
It Is an easy conundrum. He ex
pects England and the United
States to lie down. He hopes there
jg enough laziness and selfishness
and cowardice in them to give the
gjie info his binds, lie thinks
will pull your small com
bined harvester easier
than 12 horses, do it
cheaper and with le6S cost
and work.
Get it NOW
Weston with his family twenty
years ago. He is survived by Mrs.
Fuson and five children, who are:
James W. Fuson, a newspaper cor
respondent in France Mrs. W. H.
McKinney- of Weston, Wilbur Fu
son, Mrs. Alfred Pambrun of Ath
ena, Miss Maggie Fuson.
Seven grandchildren and two
stepchildren also survive him. The
latter are Walter Milton and Mrs.
Alberta Frakes,- both of whom re
side in Kansas" City, Missouri. ,
At the hour of going to press,
arrangemenst had not been com
pleted for thc funeral.
Butter wraps at Leader shop. '
TbeEord Model T One Ton
Track is really the necessity
of farmer, manufacturer, eon
tractor and merchant. It has all
the strong feature, of th. Ford
car made bigger .mi stron-er.
It has the powerful worm drive,
extra large emergency brake,
acting on both rear wheel, .nd
controlled by hand lever, 124
inch wheelbase, yet turn, in a 49
foot circle, and has been most
thoroughly tented. We know It
is absolutely dependable. W. ad
vise giving your order without
delay that you may be supplied
as soon as possible. Th. demand
i. large ana order, are filled in
rotation. Leave your order to
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1866
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected blucBtem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest..
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company