The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 28, 1918, Image 1

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a'aln Industrial errldeut commleelnn
1 r 111" wr-k ending June 20 than fur
any oihnr week : ( tb rompenaa
linn set became rfftwllve. The total
number of accident reported n 161,
of which all wr fatal. Tha fatal
KMnelnal Fvanta ftf thi Wink ' ': Jhn Maxw.ll. Portland.
"i'- I T . ahlpbulldlm: o. K. Ay.
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
The annual (ration of lha Pmpqna
llaptlal association waa held In Roe
burr (jursllnnnalree ara being malli'd Ihta
wnk to fount men who rrgletered In
tha draft Jun I.
Formation of two eompaiilea of tha
I'matllla county guard from tha old
Pendleton company baa been complet
ed. Tha loganberry eeaeun la In full
hlaet In tha L'mpqua valley, and tha
different eertlone ara scenes of great
activity at tha present lima.
Peter Autsen. president of lha renin
aula national bank at Bt Johna waa
almoat Inalantly killed In an autoiuo
blla sotldent near Portland.
Tba annual csmpmeetlng of tha
Seventh Day AdvenUsl church of t-
Ayara, Llnnton,
lumber manufacturing; C. Noreoe,
Portland, ahlpbulldlm; Mlka Baccel.
lierl, Hand, lumbrr manufacturing;
Chart McCormlrk, MarabfUld, lum
ber manufacturing; YV. W. Knight,
between Oawego and Good in, killed In
railroad wreck.
Tha memberahlp of lha fifth junior
rainbow regiment haa now climbed to
mora than looo, but J. A. Churchill, su
perintendent of public Inatrurtlon, wilt
nut close lha enrollment until all tha
namea that ara likely to bo reported
from the public school ara In, a
another regiment will not ba atarted
at Ibla Uine.
Pake aaleamen of corporation atork
have made their appearance In Oregon,
according to Corporation Commleelon
r Schulderman, and bava eucreeded
In making aalea to bualnaea men In
Portland and elaewhere. Their method
la to alop for a abort time In each
town visited.' aell stock and finally
' ' I I
V A If
(s i) V J
J a jL
- " firmer ' ii,i..n........i,,-i. J 4
suit of Badly Defeated
Oeneral Perahlng'a Report Show SU4
Killed, Wounded and Mleeing.
Waahlngton. Caaualtiea In tha
American army overeea thtia far re-
ported by General Pershing. Including Italians PftSS ForWSrd if! Pur
the Hat made public Sunday, total
8(34, aa compared with 8085 a week
ago. They were, divided In tha war
departments weekly aummary aa fol
low a:
Killed In action (Including 21 loat
at aea). 1312.
Died of wounda, 432.
Died of 128.
Died of accident and other can,
Wounded In action, 4811.
Mlaalng in action. Including prison
er. 265.
Caaualllra among the marinea ara
not Included In thia liat
With tome 900.000 men now In
France, the email number of death
for disesae reported la considered remarkable.
Rome. Prom Montello to lb aea
the enemy baa been defeated ' aad
forced by tha lullana to reeroea the
Plave river In dlaorder.
The Italian bava croaeew the Ptav
In pursuit of the fleeing Austrian.
Infantry and cavalry forces hav
crossed the flooded rirer la the r
glon of CapoaUe, It was seml-offlclally
Tbouaanda of Auatrlana kave been
captured. Other thousands have been
wiped out by artillery, machine gnat
and rifle fire, by air bombs and bp
Italian eavalrr la nuraulnar the en
emy far beyond the Plave. The horse
men are pnahlng forward toward the
line between Conegliano and Oder.
er Oregon and southern Idaho opened get out of tha atal before officer can
at Dakar and will contlnu unUI June apprehend them.
Oregon will play a highly Important
part la tha Fourth of July program for
tha emergency fleet corporation and a
minimum of II wood bulla will be
launched In thl district
J. D. Parrell, president of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad Naviga
tion company, will be the corporate
bead of tb Union Pacific system In
the west, with headquarter at Port
land. Oaorge A. Steel, pioneer In Port
land, twice postmaster of the city,
builder of Its first sleet rlc lines and for
on term atate treasurer of Oregon,
died at lb Oood Samaritan hospital
la Portland.
Lorn Comb I dead and Robert
Potter and Cordon Rtmbo ara suffer
ing from serious Injuries a the re
sult of being caught In a cloudburst
In Little Duckhorn creek, about 4S
tulles west of Fossil ,
Prohibition of the sale and uaa of all
klnda of flreworka and a perfectly aafe
and noiseless Fourth of July sr asked
by State Fir Marshal Wells In a lat
ter being sent out to lha mayor of
cities throughout Oregon.
A Gorman church, located In lha
norihweaiern part of Polk county, haa
rvaaed the us of the Oertnan language
and In the future at all services. Includ
ing Sunday school and the weekly
prayer meeting, English, alone will be
The first east of the big six ton
propeller for the emergency fleet
ships wss successfully poured at lb
Astoria Marin Iron Works In tb
foundry department. "As casting la
th largest of It kind ver mid la
the stats.
A campaign to nllt Portland bust- -nes
men for farm service in Oregon
at harvest lime will be started on July
1 by J. W. Brewer, federal farm help
specialist. In co-operation with a com
mittee representing various civic or
ganisations. Sheriff throughout the stats ar
experiencing conaldorsble difficulty
tn retaining competent deputies, due
to Increased wagea In all lines of In
dustry, according to complaint mad
at the slat convention of sheriffs tn
session tn Portland.
Chester J. Mogue, Oregon secretary
of th West Coast Lumbermen's asso
' clstlon, has obtained a temporsry leave
of absence that he may take charge of
construction work on a 120,000,000
shipyard now being built by th Union
Iron Work at Ban Francisco.
Confronted with a serious short
age of driver du to many of Its em
r ploy entering military service, th
Oorst ft King Automobile company, op
erating a Jitney servlcs between North
Bend and Marshfleld, Is contemplating
employing young women drivers to re
place the men.
I A serious milk shortage In Portland
may result from th scarcity of bay
J and feed and the high cost of labor,
; two " factor which ar becoming
burden that th milk producing farm
ers cannot bear at the present prices
of wholesale milk and which Is sen-
Ing msny milk cow to th slaughter
J. R. 8tannard and Frank Tlchenor
received four vote each for the demo
cratic nomination for representative
from Coos and Curry counties, and C
J. Edwards and R. J. Moore also re
ceived four vote each for th demo
cratic nomination for representative
from Tillamook and Yamhill count!.
Under th law breaking of tie of thla
kind ta decided by lot ,
Becauee of the prevalence of aheep
cable In Mini Wlllsmett vslley
flocks during last winter and spring,
and bee uaa of danger of Ita spread
ing to other flocks In th state, th
state livestock ssnltary board haa de
clared a quarantine sgalnst tb move
ment of any aheep in western Oregon
that have been affected, the quaran
tine to bold until due precaution hav
been taken.
Representative Ilawley waa assured
by tha aviation section of the algnal
corpa that an aeroplane would be aept
to Eugene to participate In th Fourth
of July celebration if Major Emmona,
In command of th aviation camp at
Sacramento, deem It feasible for one
of hi men to attempt th 600 mil
flight The mschlne used at Sacra
mento carry only enough gasoline for
12S mllea.
The public service commission re
ceived word from R. II. Aiahton. re
gional director for tb railroad admin
istration at Chicago, that th Southern
Pacific haa appealed from th com
mission's order requiring th Installa
tion of a reinforced concrete crossing
at Divide. In Lane county, because of
war conditions. Tb regional director
asked the commission to postpone con
struction of the crossing.
' A price Interpretation committee
' which hss been appointed by Federal
Food Administrator W. B. Ayer to pre
vent profiteering In food products will
Investigate costs and publish weekly
reports. Figures at which the articles
are selling nd suggesting prices at
which they should reasonably b of
fered to th consumer will be an
nounced. It is then hoped that the
retailer will be forced to sell at the
latter figure.
if th labor shortsge, already acuts,
becomes mor sorloua. Salem stores
will make arrangementa to slose, so
tbst employes may go to th berry
yards and orchards as harvester.. A
raolutlon to thla affect was paased at
a special meeting of the Salem com
mercial club. To overcome a short
age of more than 2000 pickers the Red
Cross chapter hss taken tha situation
In hand, and mad a house-to-house -canvass
for laborers.
By an ordsr issued from the office.
ot Federal Food Administrator W. B
General Sietosar Boreevlc,' "
mender of the Austre Hungarian
troops which failed In thslr offensive
en the Italian front
Washington. Celebration of July 4
thla year will be made notable for all '
tlm by th launching from American
shipyards of tb largest number of
hip of th greatest aggregate ton
nag ever put Into the water In one
Independence Day' contribution to
th merchant fleet will be at least ti
vessels, with a capacity of 43M8S
deadweight tons.
...Thirty-seven r( the bulls expected H with the Haienbach Wallace abow.
which was traveling In two sections or
a Michigan Central train going from
Michigan City to Hammond. At East
Ivanbo a hot box caused the second
section to stop. A train of empty Pull
msns crashed Into it, the locomotive
plowing its way through the waycar
and four aleeplng coaches. 'v
Edward If. Ballard, general manager
of the circus, Issued a statement say
ing that figures Indicated that the
death list would total 84. He said that
a hasty check up of the scattered, em
ploye showed a Hat ot 60 missing In
addition to the 24 Identified dead.
Mr. Frsncfs C. Atell, who haa been
promoted to the ehslrmrfnshlp of th
Unltd Stats Employ Compensa
tion Commission.
Chicago. Sixty-two persons ar
known to be dead and US Injured aa
a result ot the rear end collision of a
circus train and a atrlng of empty
Pullmans at Ivanhoe, near Gary. Ind.
Tha wreck caused by the collision
raugbt fire snd msny of the desth
resulted from the flame. The disas
ter occurred Just at break of dawn.
The victims of the dlssster were
mostly connected In varioua capacitlea
Lumber Output Decreaeed In 1917.
Waahlngton. Lumber cut in th
United Bute amounted to 25.S31.23,-
000 feet in 1917, th- forest service an- The Infantry haa followed th cavalry
nounced. That waa approximately 10 across and la operating on th east
per cent less than in 1916. Tb do- bank at three points on the 20-mlI
crease ws du principally to largely front between Muntello aad Pontl dl
curtailed private building operation. Piav.
carclty of labor, and transportation Th work of th American aviator,
difficulties. Waahlngton waa th larg- bo appeared on th front but week
est producer with a cot ot 4.S70.000,
000 feet; Louisiana waa aecond with
4.210.000,000 feet; Oregon third, with
2,685.000.000 feet
Town of CI Elum, Wash., Burned.
Cle Elum, Wash. Fire awept a path
through thia city Tueaday afternoon,
destroying more than 20 block in the
business nd residence district, mak
ing 1500 people, mostly foreigners,
homeless snd entailing a money losa
In excess of 11,500.000. Th fire burn
ed itself out at midnight, leaving
wreck and ruin In its path.
be launched will be steel, with a ton
nsga ot 254.680.
The Pacific coast yard will launch
26 wooden and 17 ateel vessels, total
ling 250.700 deadweight Ions.
Th Bethlehem Union plant at San
Franriaco will hav the honor ot
launching the biggest Individual ton
nage -of any yard In the country with
three steel ships totalling 2S.400 dead
weight tons.
Seattle will be the acene of a triple
launching, but the three hulls will
be distributed among three different
Aberdeen, Wssh., with th launching
of four hullSj will hav th honored
position among th wooden shipbuild
ers. Tacoma. Wash., and Portland.
Or., will each see three wooden bulls
slide Into the water.
Ksrensky Coming to United State.
London Alexander Kerensky, for
mer provisional premier of Russia, haa
arrived in London. Former Premier
Kerensky 1 on hi way to America.
for th first tlm. contributed notably
to the disorganisation of the Austria,
A th Austrian wer pressed by
the Italiau they threw away thefr
gun aad equipment They even left
on the Montello stack of bread,
canned meat and preserve which Aus
trian aviator had succeeded ta bring
ing to them.
All the Italian guns loat on thla
front last week are reported to bava
been recaptured. Nine Austria di
visions (108.000) hav been complete
ly annihilated. Fifteen other have
been worn out in th Sn Dona dl
Plave region, where entire regiments
hve been deetroyed. V .
Eight hundred nd thlrty flv Ger
man airplane have been destroyed
einne January 1. according to an of
ficial French announcement.
Along the French front th action
of th last week consisted mainly ot
ralda. The lull there Is advantageous
for tha allies because It permits them
to replenish (heir manpower. "
The aerloua food shortage In Austria
Hungary hss given cause for sensa
tional rumors. One of these, from
Amsterdam, says an attempt has been
made on the life of Emperor Cbarlea.
American forces hsve continued
their Intense activity on the front
where they are holding positions.
Northwest ot Chateau Thierry they
have pushed their line forward once
more and east ot the city have bom
barded bodies of German troop.
Th defeat ot tha Austrian armies
on the western bank of the. Plave
New Scalsa Increase Douglas Fir $2.75
Per Thousand Feet In Northwest.
Washington. Maximum prices for
fir logs and fir lumber produced In the
Pacifio Northwest were announced by
the war Industries board.
Douglas fir prices, applying to lum
ber manufactured tn the Pacific North
west, represent an average increase of
approximately $2.75 a thousand board
feet. It was officially announced, yel
low pine prlcea are increased approxi
mately $4.80 a thousand.
The new prices apply to govern
ment, allied and civilian purchases
alike. It waa officially atated. Douglas
fir prices will advance only alightly,
fivery consumer of coal In Oregon,
householders excepted, will be immedi
ately recorded and classified in the or
der of their importance to the govern
ment in the winning of the war. In
accordance with the general plan of
the national fuel administration for
this census. State Fuel Administrator
Holmes addressed letters to every
coal dealer In Oregon Instructing them
to aend in immediately the total
amount of bituminous coal they sold
last year. At the same time he began
a survey of industrial concerns with a
view of ascertaining their fuel require-
London. Dr. Richard von Kuehl
mano, the German foreign secretary,
declared to the relchstag ia Berlin
that Germany could not bind herself
to any pledgee In regard to Belgium,
says a dispatch from Amsterdam. ;
Referring to Germany'a war aims.
Dr. von Kuehlmann aald:
We wish tor th German people
and our allies a tree, strong. Independ
ent existence within th boundaries
drawn for us by history. W deslr
m.nts and their Importance a. a direct oveeM. ,d,n ts
of the aea, carrying our trad to all
parts of th world."
Chief blame for instigating tha war
wss laid at Russia's door by Dr. Tea
Kuehlmann. Franc and England wer)
named a th next power ia order el
or Indirect factor in the war machine.
The action of the Oregon public aerv
Ice commission in granting a franchise
for logging operation on the Sulslaw
river, from Its source to its mouth, to
the Sulslaw Boom company, is th
first step In a tremendous project for
the cutting ot timber In that water
shed, according to a statement mad . . .
by L. E. Bean, attorney for the log- YANKEES HOLDING 33 MILES
ging company. It la estimated thar
are 14.000,000,000 feet ot timber in the American Are In Six Different PlaM
watorahed and moat ot this wiU b ,on0 Frneh I1",
taken out through th river, he stated. Washington. American soldier ara.
The Starret t Hover' Interests, own- now holding the fighting line for Si
if any, to the commercial trade under' )ng lftrg0 tracts of thia Umber, are distance of 38 mllea on the western
th new rate. The prices. It w ex- fin.nClnB the Sluslaw Boom company, front, according to Information slvn
It is atated that an expenditure ot ev- members ot the house military cos.'
eral hundred thousand dollars will be mittee at the weekly conference witn.
required in cleaning out the river and Secretary Baker and General March
the construction of dams tor losstna chief of staff.
plained, are maximum prices, not fixed
prices, and lumber may be sold below
the government's figure and usual
trade discounts allowed.
Regulations have not been made for
transactions other than sales by man
ufacturer at acheduled prices, the of
ficial statement said.
' 1u4 ( Mtnnl.ta 'Tha ratrABl wtitntt
Ayer. housewives of Oregon re now ; ,n M ordw, be.
permttt.dtopurchabut25poundiotJCimt wnd dlgorg,nUed d con.
sugar for canning and preserving pu , M thousands of Austro-
; ' . i . .1 J" Hungarians surrendered at the first
family is sttll llmlted to the purchaae , opportunlt wnen ov,rUken Dy
of two pounds ot augar st any one
time, whll th rancher's fsmlly can
obtain but tlv pounds on sny on trip
to town. It I provided that where
pursuers. So hurriedly was the retro
grade movement of the Austrian at
aome polnta that they did not attempt
to aav their guns and stores, great
Bulger and Turks Dispute.
,. Amsterdam. Differences have aris
en between Bulgaria and Turkey over
the division of lands taken from Rou
mania under the peace . agreement
with the central powers. Dr. Von
Kuehlmann, the German foreign sec
retary, Indicated In addressing the
relchstag at Berlin.
Befor th Counter-Attack.
"I , wonder what tomorrow hss la
store for me." said Mrs. Bargtns, scan
Bint the Sunday advertisements.
country buyers may need a quantity : quantltlei of whlca now , ,n ,UUan
i.' The state highway commission must
I advertise for bids on highway repair
iWork as well as tor regular construc
tion work, and If no aatlstactory bid
: is received the commission may then
'do the work by force account, - Assis
tant Attorney Oeneral Van Winkle
, holds, In reply to an Inquiry by Btate
. Highway Engineer Nunn.
.larger than fiv pound to car for
" threshers or special crews of workers
they may obtain a permit raising the
five-pound limit by spplytng to the
county food administrator.
, More. fociBU wars fstorUl to th ipsritncs la tb futiu.M
hands. Th losses to th enemy are
described a enormous, both tn men
killed, wounded or mad prisoner. An
official statement from Rome to the
Italian embassy in Washington asserts
that th Austrian hav lost 40,000
Worth Whll Quotation. ' men In prisoner alon.
" "Some people seem to take tin all,' . . '
th sorrow of th past! to them they Nureery Not,
add the burdens of the present ; then It costs Paris nearly $100,000 a year
they look ahead nnd anticipate a great to care for the trees on It streets and
many more trials than they will over boulevard and In its parks, more than
Rallroada Lea Money.
Chicago. The railways ot the Uni
ted States after tour months ot federal
operation show a deficit of $250,000,-'
000, according to computations an
nounced by the bureau-ot railway
newa and statistic ot Chicago, i
Oats No. 2 white feed. $59.50 ton.
Barley Standard Feed, $50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $73; cracked. $74.
Hay Timothy, $32 38 per ton; al
falfa, $24.50-
Butter Creamery. 44o per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 38c per doxen.
' Potatoes $1.251.60 per hundred.
Poultry Hens 25c; broilers 30032c,
roosters, 16 17c ;
This mllesga ia held by "all-AuerV
can" forces under command of Anttrfc
can officers, located at six different
places along the fighting line. Othefj
Americans are at the front with Brit
lsh and French units. .
Members of the committee war told
that ther wss no thought of dimin
ishing th movement ot troop serosa
the Atlantic because of th operation
ot U-boata off the American coast, i
: 1,000 niw ones bslcx planted tonualij. Btt ot Gotham."
Wlae Msn'a Town.
The original Gotham, a name some
times applied to New Tort, was a
vlllnce near Nottingham, in England,
aad was the reputed horns of th "wis
Seattle, v
Butter creamery, 49o per lb.
Eggs Ranch. 48c per doxen. '
Poultry Hens, heavy, dressed, 35e;
light. S3c; .broilers. 42c; roasterr,
dressed. 8ci ducks, live, 30c; dressed.
jltc; gees, Uv, 27c; dressed. 35c
400-Yard Gain Made by Americans.
With the Americana on the Marne.
The Americana in Belleau wood drove
forward 400 yards despite fierce Ger
man resistance. They inflicted sever
losses on the enemy, captured a num
ber ot machine arina and then dug
themselves securely Into their new
lines. Only a little fringe of the woods
now remains In the hands of th
Boche. i
Not Much ef a Hardship.
"Fob. de life o me," said Cads
Eben, "I can't see no hardship In food
regulations dat puts It up to folks to
cat mostly cornbresd an' chick eo,"