The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 21, 1918, Image 4

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    tjuJ udw I ftllTII HY1TT .FARMS TO Ce frM
n lAi p n n $
about v
Hliilil WM
C. H. Nelson. In addition to the
members the fallowing guests were
nMt! Mrs. Rhinin Book of Wal-
l Walla, mother of the hoet: tAwl! llavtt. mm of
, Mrs. 0. C. Turner of Enterprise, Mrs. J. 0. Hyatt of Weston, was a V
Le Kirk has returned from Wal- Mr8, x. Walker and Mrs. Curran ftnrnm on b.vrd the U. S. S. Lin- A
la Walla. McFadden. Mrs. McFadden unite! toriwdoed 600 miles off the A
New Ford car for sale at the with the guild membership. A coast of Pramv. His parenU have X
VtZannns pleasing program had been ar- jU8t heard from him in a letter on
WCSton garage. v , ,' K th k.w.. Misa v m r A .,..l.m..rv fnun New V
. , , rallXTU Ivl V -' - 1 t iui .' r .-v. - - A
Mm. Amv Van Skiver IS Vl&lUnir . truiiu. marminir v..ub .n.t f.-.i f.vitimUii mi... hatttiv O
-- - nrtrn nruri " v
Mr. and V
fM.I firtnnu!t arul hanttV V
" , 11 trivia x: - a -- - 1 im nt -n. I
her sister at Hermiston. and read Hiawatha in cos- .hat their boy is still living, as he
Confectionery store for sale at a tume; little Katherine Nelson gave nHlj M exceHlingIy narrow escape. A
u E TJim l.ivir Mailinn. ami Mrs. R. ti. .m lliinir. he found that he -Jw
uM P r. Mim. im rlovrr reailiniro. anil Mrs. li.u. k-r nnx lliinir. he loumi inai n
! . .w: Saline ctntrilutod aonw delightful -,,u,l wim when he bad K vwn
tmvt waiaen was in iw - . - .ru,, . w .....
1. w:. K. nMF IW,.tt. soiub. inniwi - umK
wn-K inm iiio imam, - - - -
he m-vwr swam liefore.
n..i im n hi own worth, in
narrating the adventure:
"I was aUtut twelve iwi wiow a
the water line, in the owl bunker. X
solos. Delicious rvfrvshmonta were
.1 (ho unaeifMia narlors and
For Sale One two-year-old Short- c,od an exceedingly enjoyable af
horn bull, registered. I. C Hop ternoon. The mxt me'ting will
kiiu UWnn. l hc, the second Thursday after-
a -v. aii h,.m Saturday to Mr. mnm in July at the htwne of Mrs. wj,en the triedo Ktruek. I was
A son was tx-rn uruay w .. i.M.k.Ml down and www m with
'?r!i: rjwans
was up yesterday from rendleton. Kn Stat, Counul ol f dwn lhe tiim. and ho jttSnK
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mclntryc and ,18lri(.t .irm-n for Weston of the wl In and pulKn! me out. X
daughter Erma were Sunday guests Umatilla County latriic Strvice "When word was inumhI for nil V
Dissmore. now of M'M.nnv.lle. is badge of office arr w ed I U -m K h didn't know V
visiting the scenes of hui boyhood .-land. AM i ct chan ht(HH, A
in Wcst0- ZZ of theTnrllf execute cm- and lked wise until the bout wa &
Mr. and Mrs. D.ILWood were Pendleton are authori.ed about to go out of sight; then I A
here Saturday from ftosp farm. ".r thVbadges, which signify jumped into the water and al- X
attending the funeral of the late .t Then tie ofilc7rs of the coun- though I though I never would J
Mrs. Martha Read. epilation undertake any war come to the top I finally did. and J
Mr. and Mr,. Robert Wheeler 2,r?&. not only acting as ton mm. I
came up from Pendleton reeently represenUtives of the county or; too. I Y
and went with Mr. hI Mrs. Newt tion but as duly authorized hung on to it JjS y
O'Hra to the UmaUlla river. officials of a legalized state and wM Jurt : wf h d ami rfum d r, a
week national war "Vr The was real
rough nd the waves would wash
over us.
"I lost everything I had. 1 had
that city. automobiles by C. H. Nelson and MVed ney joq to send home,
Mr .ml Mm L. C. Preston of E. U Rogers, ineir ouim oeing cvn- but it wont down with my clothes
Wfi mvo. on hand from a former shioment
five hundred pieces of underwear men's two-piece
garments, .ladies' vests and union suits cool and
comfortable, gauze, balbriggan, porous knit, many
styles and weaves. These are all on table to close
out at prices far less than the wholesale cost
$1.50, $1,25, 98c, 59c, 39c, 23c. 23c and 10c
Bargains in Boys' Suits
Ur I. H. Dowd left last
for Cottage Grove to attend the
funeral of her sister, Mrs. Olson,
who died Friday at her home in
Rw acouU of Weston to the num
ber of sixteen were taken to Bing
ham Springs Monday morning in
automobiles by C. H. Nelson and
E. C Rogers, their outfit being con-
. -t . .
Hnntinoton Beach. California, for- vcyea oy "5 -and now I must gei a new ouwu
ineriy It Weston.' e visiting at Z!?,
jtett t,A. Rev. E. F. Wriggle will be
Joseph N. Scott, near Athena. first week and the
Walter Wiillama has returned -Mnd week they will have the
Lansdale-Narkans Weddtaf
Miss Zona Fern Lansdale and Mr.
Walter wnlijvms nas reiumea mfMl week thev will nave me m; 7na Ki
from Portland, where he helped to rnmDany of their scoutmaster, Rev. taC0K Narkaus were united in mar-
ki;it diiia mnA wan Athrrwise ae- o r D..1I In thtt tntrm nartv : wwr
and Portland
s versa?
... a n
r aire Wednesday. June iv, ai u
residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs.
Abbiejs. Mays, in Pendleton.
The wedding was a quiet nome
build ships and was otherwise ae- g Powell. In the merry party
tive industrially. Weston rejoices ... Claud and Leonard Snider,
Harvey Lundell, Dudley Rogers,
4UUEI UIU vi.wi j- i lie n -rviuii ik "
Aunt Sarah McDougal's camp in Bulfinch. Anson Payne, Will wng- afrair, attended only by relatives oi
the Blues is rapidly acquiring its gle. Glenn Staggs, Henry Craigen. young couple. The bride is a
annual summer population. Among Jimmie Nelson. Gail Williams , Ar- pretty giri, and looked especially
those who lately established camp den and Gene Lucas, Ralph Nesbitt. tractive in a dress of ivory mes
were Mrs. McDougal. Mrs. Rebecca jy grading school will be saline and georgette crepe, with
Culley. W. A. Barnes, S. A. Barnes. held jfthe Farmers' Union Grain tulle veil The principals were at-
, d ssrjrss1 STr Sdi.riwhr:
iSTZ ZJfiJSL EhS.thr Thesis .daughter of Mr.
ZfZ grain grade- and standards, says J'JZ? Jfc
County Ageni oorocK. - - . ; " TKkri,,
rruwintr is our business lit us gel oi un- ,... .. -
all there is out of it. The govern- groom is a substantial i ami suecess-
mcnt wants every wheat grower iui young "."" -
to be satisfied with the grades es- Narkaus; will make their home on-
teblished. which is impossible un- his ranen in uie ieu anu nawiey
less we familiarize ourselves with upianus. ineir mounui.n
Uiese grades and the methods of u locawti in a ioveiy BW u,c
DreaKS OI me umailiiu rivtr, om-
nawg- manding a beautiful view t Bing-
, u r,- v d ji . i. 1W0 n)emDtrs.I w,e ham Springs scenery.
John Dish man of Pendleton has :, nniw who came ud from
7 bought 320 acres of land in the Portland for the purpose, searched
Weston uplands with a view to two places of business and a bam in
making a summer home and of en- Weston Saturday evening for liquor,
gaging iu wrc svw. out iaiiea io nnu anyuiiuK- Di0vcd as governmem surveyor, v
officers refused to vouchsafe the nag transferred from Califor- A
names of the person or persons n.-a t0 Nevada. ' The following ex- a
makinur comp ami. it is ine con-
We have decided to discon
tinue several lines of boys'
suits, and offer at a real bar
gain about one hundred suits
ranging in size from 5 to 14
yrs. at prices less than the
suits can be bought for today.
This is your opportunity to
purchase a boy's school suit at S
a substantial saving and still y
have the style and service you
desire. Priced from
Stevens Lodm No. 49. K. of P..
elected officers as follows Wcdnes-
. day evening: Clarence Hand, chan
cellor commander; Lester Wilsey.
vice chancellor: . Walter Williams,
crelate: Sim J. Culley, master at
arms; P. A. McBride, inner guard;
C. L. Pinkerton, outer guard.
bought 80 acres from N. Lover-
idge. 80 acres from George Triede
and 160 acres from J. . McDaniel.
Surveying in the Desert
R. 'English, who is still em
ployed as government surveyor,
$3.98 to $7.50
1.50 Auto Hats at 89c
iting her s
ra Mrs Morvick brouirht there- persuaaea w come nere auineunc Ior i woukl naVe natea wgn a
Sort t&L tta orosS Tfor . bS chase-' off here in daylight. This is on the X
wheat crop in Nebraska are excel- Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Staggs and desert, and it is red not. hand is x
lent. From Weston she went to Mrs. 0. C. Turner and children re- on .the Southern Pacific near the V
Portland, where her daughter re- turned by motor cars Saturday to shore of Walker lake. The resi- y
' u tj u - tr. ,: M Hmt nnnu ation of Rand IS four
Biues. uieir iiuiiic av j-.ii 1:1 yi 10c. wio. -- --- -- ,
Why ruin your good hat that cost a good price
when you can buy a neat, dressy auto hat for less
than one dollar? On a display table we have about
four dozen ranging in price from 90c to $1.50. Any
of these you wish for 89c.
Just now we are showing a very attractive line
01 uaimnff suits anu caua in puic wuui jciocj. xw a
will enioy using your own suit. Note tne winaow y
'Athena Press: Everett Zerba
leaves tonight for Portland in
answer to a selective draft call in
, the mechanical service of the army.
He will report , at Portland, where
he will receive a course of technical
' training. Everett is the third Zerba
. brother to report for service in the
last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Compton,
accompanied by Mrs. Cliff Culley,
- left by automobile Wednesday for
1 Salt Lake City and other points
and will be absent a month or more.
They will ' visit their daughter,
Mrs. ) E. Marsh, at Rockland,
Iadho; tiieir son, Rollie, at Amer-
' ican .Falls, and their son, Will, at
Salt Lake.
The 'esteemed Milton' Eagle is
"seeing things" or hearing them,
rather. It says: Rumors have
reached this office that a noise was
" heard recently on the mountain in
' the vicinity of the Charles Dcmaris
ranch, similar ' to that . of the pur.
"rinar of a motor thought by D. D.
t Wnitmore, enipiuc i urc ii-mono
ranch, to be that of an aeroplane.
Mr. Whitmore has heard the noise
at different times but has been una
ble to locate the source. So also
fcavi effier resets rf tt wctjon.
Turner was accompanied
sister, Mrs. Albert James.
Oats No. i white feed, 159.50 ton.
Corn Whole, $73; cracked, $74.
, Hay Timothy, $33 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 41c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 38c per dozen,
potato- 1 160 per hundred.
Poultry Hena, 2324e; brollera, 28
30c; roosters, lgi7c
Butter Creamery, 43c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 4Se per dozen.
Poultry Hena, heavy, dreaeed, 36c;
light, 33c; brollera, 42c; roasters,
dressed, 28c; ducks, live, 30c; dressd(
34c; geess, live, I7e; dressed, 35c.
her since we came it is fifteen. Our
boarding house is so small that on
ly half of us can eat at one time.
"I am in charge of a double sur
vey Dartv. We expect to finish
here next week; then I do not know
where we will be sent. I have
three high school boys from Reno
in the crew. It is imposisble to
get men. Nevada enlisted eleven
times her quota of men in the ser
vice." .
Is the flag on your building faded? Why riotjeplace it with a new one?
You will feel more patriotic-your neighbors will be more proud of you. It
will help win the war. " ' .
U. 8. Labor Corps Formed In France.
Parle. The United States army la
bor corps bas been organized to re
lieve able-bodied men engaged la work
behind the lines, and mike them avail
able for front-line service. Tbe corps
umbers 30,004 persons and Is com
posed of Italians, Portuguese, Chlassa
aad Atrfsana,
Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
Brandt bid., Main St
x - -v:
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when ,the fill
ing is good. Better order your
coal now, when I can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
lrlmiirkMKlmnriliioiliil arnn
i. a. iWitui uiiri naif na, ar mia ana
nrliOnfl far PR(( jMtAftOM ul Wort
en llmUWIItr. lluikrWwwM
fen. Our trm bookkU l-ll i, oluu tu itmnt
A ud ar. )hm mmwr. wrHntM.?.
LlD3 Sflvonth 61., Washington, 0. C.
xsis "aw,!.
W. M. Cdcrtea 0. H. Bl.ho
Peterson & Dishop
Pendleton, Or. TrMWater, Or.
Criduits VtUrlurr tuWk
Phone 32F5 - Athena, Oregon
, Attorney-at-Law
Prsctlcea In all OlRte and Kedersl