The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 21, 1918, Image 2

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Record of Enlistment
Nui ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Narkaua
mul tlu'ir flv daughters are visiting
Ht the Narkau homo on (he Rwd
hihI llawley uplands.' They nut
, ton-d down from (iramim, AlU-rta,
in tlulr Oldniohile Kight, nml had
an enjoyable and eventful trip. Tho
fwnti consisted in two rathor "nar
row wUCMk" whon thi'y lin t other
automobile on Kooky inouDtain
Mr. Narkaus l now one of Al
U-rta's moot suwtwful f armors.
He Imil tough luck for a numUr of
yoar after ging north, but stui'k
it out and for tin last few yvara
things huw Uvn coming his way.
TIh Calgary Canadian says of bin
Hum address ,
Msrrlud? ,
Occupation llvfora War
KnUrvd iwrvlca, Wtion f WIm,mT
llranchof Servlca
Transfers ,
" " vm
BOYS! Help Win the War
Get out and sell War Savings Stamps on
June 28th
National War Savings Day
On that day everybody is asked to sign a personal pledge to buy
War Savings Stamps
War Savings Stamps are a direct loan to Uncle Sara Nothing can lessen
Iheir value. They're always at par. They pay you well, though that isn't half so
important to you as what money does for our soldiers "over there." Back them
up. Keep food going to them. Keep their clips full of cartridges. And shoes
en their feet
Boys, fcet out and sell W. 5. 5. and send our soldiers over the top with
the go-et-'em feeling that comes from knowing you will see that they get what
u coming to them
War Savings Stamps cost $4. 1 7 each
on June 25 and pay back 55.00,
National War Savings Committee
Tkia ipnt contributed for to Winning of tho War by"
"11)1' opportunities which wheat
farming in tho (ironum district
offer tho pngriivi farmer an ex
rmplillod in the sweet of Thomas
Narkaua. He landed in tirantim
nine years aw from Weston, Ore
iron, with very little of anything
have courage and optimism. He
now farms 2'.Mt) acres of land 12
miles cast of Granum and ha. pro
duced between 3tl,(KM and 33.000
bushels of wheat each year during
the at three years. In 1915 he
produced an average of 51! bushels
to the , acre; in 1SM, 41 bushels;
and in l17, .17 bushels. This year
he has 12S0 acres in crop and hopes
to produce, if not as xrvnl an aver
age yield as in the pHl, at least
as great an aggregate. In addition
to his farming interest. Mr. Nar
kaus established and is the princi
IhI owner of the Motor Inn garage
in Granum."
Tom added a Rum ley combine to
his equipment last year, and with
it threshed no less than 3160 bush
els per day for 20 days. He clear
ed $300 daily in custom harvesting.
(Iik IihIo I'roinoliim ami dalss.)
Nsarvst Kalativa
Atklrvss - KeUtlonslilp
I'rvsvnt Aildrvss
Signature of Informant
(Friends and mUtivus of buy a in service ar asked to Nil out above and
mad to M. It. Chessman, Secretary. Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 12:1. )
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
foru.narine VaOrps recruits.
Join Nowl
laws MOrt
jLgueaNT taiblta
f t
the first line trench unless we as- appreciated that the quota of Uma
surc them help in the food crisis tilla county is $450,000, which is 45
that threatens their rear guard of percent of the Third Liberty Loan
brave men, women and children and more than ten times the amount
left behind to build ships, make of money contributed in the Red
munitions and prepare clothing for Cross drive. East Oregoniun.
those at the front. s
-. ' CtAKK WOOD. raUMwr
Tbe Year $1 60
Six Months 0,75
Four Months- 0 SO
ITIPAT, JWE 21. - - - 111
-Calm al th partaffka al Wctlaa. Ortjaa
m mcmS-cImi aull aullir.
Regular, per inch per insertion 15c
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c
Locals, per line per insertion- 10c
Recent events
wonder how it
Kernel Boyd did not seek to
ify as a Butter creek sheepherdcr.
Austrians crossing the Piave have
have led us to been split in two, and the brave
happened that Italians have only begun the process
qual- of division.
Make a good investment for your-
Banking on his name, we'll bet ,n(1 h,.iD our hovs in France
Having successfully removed the that if General Wood were sent to by buying War Savings Stamps.
Dray works of a jackass the vets France, the Kaiser would begin to
will do well to experiment upon wilt forthwith.
that disloyal spouter, Eugene V. '
tvk While necessarily quiet,
Butter creek booze-makers were
The report that Austrians are somehow unable to keep their moon
eating each other suggests, how- shine still,
ever, no probability of a change for 1
the better in the Prussian Diet. Russia " growing to hate the
1 Hun, but hate will not restore her
A German diplomat having said lost integrity.
The grim war is not without its
jests, as Berlin newspapers still talk
of destroying the Allied navy.
Church of the Brethren Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
Ha. m. C.W. S. at 6:30 p. m.
Bible Study, Life of Christ, at 7:30
p. m. John Boncwitz, elder.
Methodist Church Sunday school
it 10 a. m. Preaching services at
11 a. m. and 8 D. m. Enworth
League at 7 p. m. Prater meeting tj
Thursday evening. S. E. Powell, I
pastor. 8
United Brethren Church Preach- ji
ing at 11 a. m. and o p. m.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
Junior C. E. at 2:30 p. m. C. E.
meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening. E. F.
Wriggle, pastor.
Baptist Church Hie (liurch with
a cordial welcome for all. Sunday
school at ten o'clock, preaching at
eleven. Also preaching at eight
o'clock in the evening. W. R.
Storms, pastor.
Practical Patriotism f;i
a s::
"The best is always
the cheaptat."
By using
Mude by the
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hay, Grain and
Millfccd of all kind.
Ftm City Delivery
1 1 Transfer and Storage I
0.K.CAHDY SHOP 1 1 Weston Transfer Co.
Odessa lirtpatrick jj Davl8 & Ellls
that there are no submarine
on the Mexican coast it's about
time to look for them.
, With due respect to the memory
of St. Patrick, we would at all
'times prefer snakes to Sinn Feiners.
There's a pleasing prospect that
its anti-German population will
soon wipe the Hun out of Hungary.
It is becoming more and more
evident that Congress by no means
has a Kitchin treasure.
And some of our thirsty ones are
complaining that they never had a
chance to drink the whiskey that
Wasn't found. '
Having suffered
whatever, the least
people ought to do
from kicking about
no hardship
that Weston
is to refrain
the little pin
' "When this cruel war is over,"
, .Germany will be under.
' . You can be doubly patriotic by
, l ' - i n i i i -
selling your surplus nour oaca w
r .the., government ana Duymg war
' , .Savings Stamps with the proceeds.
Now and then a man will be
'found who still classes England with peace,
Germany which indicates either going to pieces,
amazing ignorance or downright
The most recent exploit of "Til"
Taylor confirms the Leader's belief
that Umatilla county has some
Today the wheat crisis abroad
has grown most acute, says the growing scarcer in Germany.
;!j"ood Administration. This is the
fag-end of the cereal supply the One of the biggest obstacles in
: last few months before the harvest, the path of the W. S. S. goal is the
The home supply of the Allies is at general conception that he W. S.
r ite lowest their need for outside S. campaign is a two-bit affair. A
help is at its highest. The Allies better idea or the magnitude or
cisaJIt ta P tf8 00 tbek to b gained wfien It is
The successful bombing by Ameri
can aviators of a station and railroad
tracks in a town behind the German
lines was reported by General Per
shing. A number ot direct hits were
made and all the American machines
Tbe excellence ot the American ar
tillery fire was largely responsible for
tbe capture by American marines of
approximately 400 prisoners In the
fighting which resulted in the clearing
out of the Belleu wood, northwest of
Chateau Thierry.
In Macedonia the operations dally
Increase In Importance. Along the
greater part of tbe front there hava
been heavy reciprocal bombardments
and Bulgarian troops several times
have endeavored to penetrate the at-,
lied lines. All tbelr efforts, however,
met with ill success.
Five days sufficed to stay the Ger
man offensive between Montdldler and
Noyon whose objective was Com
plegne. Despite long preparation, the
Germans were unable to overcome
French resistance and brilliant coun-
V 11 " ter attacks by tbe allied troops took
Austria-Hungary' Is crying for bck everything of importance which
which she can only get by fe" the bands or tn. enemy aur-
ing mv iirit ruDU wua jarfv diiivi
of troops.
Italian and allied armies are sus
taining an Austrian attack along tbe
front of the Italian theater from the
northwest of the Aslago plateau east
ward to the Plave river end thence
along that stream to where it joins
the headwaters of the Adriatic sea, a
front of nearly 100 miles. The allied
' troops everywhere are strongly hold-
Both soup and supermen are ing the enemy. Tbe Italians have ta
ken more than 3000 Austrians prison
er, among them 89 officers.
Germany Invaded by Bolshevlklem.
London. German soldiers returning
from Russia are imbued with Bolshe
vik Ideas and are everywhere circulat
ing revolutionary pamphlets, General
von Rlsberg said In the German
relchstag, according to a Copenhagen
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company., For this reason, he said,
strict discipline was necessary In the
pricks and annoyances resutling
from tht war.
An exchange has it that "new
potatoes are now defined as pota
toes that have never been used before."
It showered today, glory bet It
has been a long, long dry, spell,
but the Weston country has never
yet had a crop failure, and is get
ting a bit too old to go back on
its laudable record.
Wherever Ford cars have
Eioneered, Ford service has
ept pace. It is the factor
which strengthens the per
sonal relation between Ford
owners and the Company.
To get the best possible
service from your Ford car,
bring it here when it needs
attention and get the bene
fit of Ford supervision
throughout. We use the
genuine Ford parts and
give you the benefit of Ford
prices. Touring Car 1524.18.
Roadster 1498.32.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 90
One hundred.. 1 20
Two ( hundred..... 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
Chas. H. Carter
' Oan P. Smyths
Carter & Smythe
Pendleton Oregon
Butter wrsj at Ltdr ihop. ' "
Dr. S. L KE71ARD
1 Veterinary Surgeon
; Hospital at corner .of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone - Main 253
MM. ...MMMMt
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1866
Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
o-ando '
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills . in the Northwest.
, Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company