The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 31, 1918, Image 3

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Weyerhaeuser Grain Tanlc
A General Utility Granary for.
field or barnyard. A perfect com
bination of wood and steel and a
lifetime of faithful service.
Capucity otic thousand to citfht thousand bush
ok You cannot afford to store your feed nnd seed
in thirty-ant sacks, even if you do not intend to
bulk the crop. Let the Weyerhaeuser Man figure
with you. You will find the price from 35 to 50
percent less than that of the nearest comjietitor.
Mail him a card and he will call.
JOHN H. JONES, Athena, Oregon
our work its best
Women and Misses i
oniuer S and tailor shop i
Shop iiii R. L. Reynaud j
Z To drcHH correctly your t
I clothes should be MAUfce X
t kcv-notc of trood dressinir. I
w 1 X We tailor garments at prac-
Vc aim to mane ljcul! tht, 8ame price M a
reauy-maue. uut Rive you x
superior garments in every
i X Sec our complete line of
X X and SKIRTS-5 fashions. X
' 4l.ii I." 1
of all kinds
FISH in season
Hurry ZumU-rg of Ui W.'M. Da
vis farm ha hounlit h Ford road-
rl-r from the ll ag'-nt. II. I
Mm. K. Proudfit visited for m;v
rral duy lutit wii k with hi-r rousin,
Mrs. Murray H. Wlnchcl, at Touch
et, Wah.
MiM Norma Smith of Ogden,
Utah, arrived Saturday fur a vaca
tion visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. M. Smith.
When you n' visitors hunting
meals during the reunion, kindly
direct them to the girls' dormi
tory. Mrs. H. C. FrlU-r.
Klmer Nolle won the W. & R.
prise flhing ole laid, week with a
Hi-inch trout, taken from Pine
cm-k below the WatU place.
it the Hami)
litMiher farm near Weitton Monday, ,
prior to leaving with other Athena
young men to nerve Uncle Sam.
kiilxTt Hodgson and I-on Lun
dell are weking to quailfy an ti
d farmera. The Ron King
place is the scene of their ambitious
Walter Herclur of the Weston
school faculty left Saturday for
Dillard to sjn-nd the vacation sea
son. He dea not intend to "play,
around," but has a summer job in
View. ; ''
John Ridrnour was here this week
for a short visit to the old home
town, prior to going- to Butte for
the Montana shearing season. He
had been shearing on the Snake
One hundred and twenty acres
of the C. Birdsell estate on the
Baxket uplands have been bought
by Mr. Sherman of Freewater for
$:i()(K). The tract consists largely
of timber.
Echo farmres have decided to pay
$3 to $4 per day for harvesting the
first hay crop, while wages for the
second crop will be governed by
the wheat laborers' pay. The
wheat farmers will pay a graded
wage ranging from $3.50 to $10.
Several red flags are seen at
Athena, where scarlet fever in a
mild form has made its appear
ance. One death occurred, in the
family of a Mrs. Cox, but it has
not been definitely determined that
the child who died had scarlet fever.
The popular Bingham Springs re
sort had a record crowd Sunday for
its annual opening. Saturday night
every room in the hotel was occu
pied, all the cabins were full and a
number of people slept in automo
biles. Dancing Saturday night was
an enjoyable amusement feature.
The W. H. Gould residence on
the Heights is being practically re
built since the fire which destroyed
its roof. Certain improvements
and additions are in progress which
will make the house better than
ever when the work is finished. J.
M. Ash worth has the contract.
Weston delegates returned Sun
day from the grand lodges of the
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. They
report a most enjoyable session at
Seaside and an interesting visit in
Portland, where shipyard activities
offer an unusual sight for .Eastern
Oregon people. In the party were
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Stanfield and Mrs. C. E.
Fred Pittman went to the Uma
tilla Sunday for another day of
fishing and took a dozen fine trout.
A number measured a toot or bet
ter, the largest being 14 i
A real satisfied farmer's smile is one of the most
pleasing sights we have about our place, and now
we are having many of them every day because of
the arrival and appearance of the
Mi UlcGormicIt
The third carload is here and your time is well in
vested to come and see them. We will get yours if
you place order at once.
Probably the price will be $500 to $700 higher next year. This year's price is the greatest
bargain we know of. and it is so because the Government allows the matenal for the com
bines, as they assist in solving the labor problem with the farmers. Think of it! If you
have a healthy wife, she and you can do your harvesting and Mr. I. W. W. can go to that
real warm place thumbs down.
The makers are anxious to show the world what a wonder they have in this machine.
Grain' sacks are
higher and scarcer,
order for
Place your
Two-spool Sewing Machines
(Better take out your Binder Twine while the taking
is good and sure.)
A The new garage of the Weston
Auto Co. has been opened to the
public, with C. H. Nelson in charge.
A goodly showing is made of Chalm
ers and Dodge cars. E. T. Walker,
a mechanic of experience and abil
ity, has charge of the work room.
was very beauti-
Momnrial DftV
npr, .- W -
inches ful,y and impressively observed in
imwr Tho lnttir was beaten how- vveswn. n. iraw
rMAUM flehai tha com Bt-rpAm. US w
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
I Durable
inz straight flies, and report good
The Umatilla County Agricultur
al Council will hold Its first meet
ing Saturday of this week in the
county agent's office at Pendleton.
This organization will take up all
agricultural problems that need
solving In the county and will put
on a county wide program for bet
ter agriculture. The county agent's
activities will he guided more or this organization. The
representatives from the Weston
section , are J. H. Price, Geo. W.
Staggs and J. M. Banister.
Homer I. Watts has tendered his
services to his country by offering
to enlist " fn the Red Cross work
or the war service of the Y. M. C.
A. In France, reports the Athena
Prmw. . Ha has written to
KPTt week has been designated
as "Coal Buying Week" by the Fuel
Administration. I would be glad
to have your orders. I can fill them
nnu anA inter nn mav not be able
to do so. P. T. Harbour.
Tim doesn't always fly. It certain
ly has not been flying for the German
people since they were told that six
months of ruthless submarine warfare
would cause the allies to seek peace.
In the Interest of conservation and
war efficiency, why not have the cor- a
respondents cut out of their cables
.... . . M VI w l .,t N K
-we Americans ioukui uiaitij, civ...
which everybody knows, anyway t
. ....
The Farmers Bai ol Weston
Established 1891
branches of the service and will ac
cept a commission from either one.
If he enlists it will be for work
overseas, and entails at least six
months service in each year of the
duration of the war, with all ex
penses borne by the applicant.
Poultry fanciers and dealers present
the prophecy that epgs will reach $1.25
a dosen. If the hens expect any con
sideration or attention at the hands of
xv. i,n.kn1a. ttia will hava
mo yrragTi imiipyiiwiu.
coin to fly lower than that.
) Of course. If a woman has a sluggish
mentality she may not be able to
chanice her mind more than seven times
In ordering In the restaurant while her
husband Is trying to decide whether be
will hava als eggs op mt.
This bank wants to be of the greatest practi
cal usefulness to the people of this commu
nity, and will welcome suggestions from our
We shall be glad to consult with you at any
time we may be of service. Tell us your
wants and if "we can help you out, the pleas
ure will be ours.
. 8