The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 31, 1918, Image 2

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CURK fcOOD, heWUfcet
Th Yar 11 M
Six Months 0 78
Foot Month... ...... 0 60
tateta t In peetofflr l Watte, On fea
a He1 tt Mil mMn.
Regular. pr inch par Insertion ...... .15c
Transient, par inch pr insertion SOe
Locate, pr Una pr InMrtion. 10c
R due a crvditabl country por and f . YOU ARE 21 YOU MUST
to do iU duty hy the community.
On of iU achivvtmu'hu alone u
worth mora than $40,000 to the
Weston school district. Such facta,
however, are without significance
to not a few local rwidenta who
content themselves with taking the age of 21 year since Kegistra-
daily papers and borrow their home tion lay on June 5 one year ago.
paper when they condescend to read For on thia eomintr June & will
it at all. be held another Registration Day,
on which every man who ha taiwed
hi 'JUt birthday since last June 5
must register with hia local draft
Wednesday, June 5, la date of
great importance to every man in
the United State who haa attained
KSSOP-OICHT OF TEE AH Slowly but aurely the plunge of
the German Crown Prince a armies
William A. Bishop, V. C. D. S. ia being halted by the French and
O., M. a Canadian flyer, ia the British armies, report the Asso
only man who haa ever received ciated Pre. While the monun.
three decorationa at one time at turn of the German masses haa not
the hand of the King of England, as yet spent itself, there has been
One of them ia the much desired a noUble slackening in its advance
Victoria Cross. during the past day. The chief
This applies to non-citizens as
well as to citixens. No man who
comes within the age limit is ex
empted from registering, unless he
is already in the military or naval
service of the United States.
And men 21 yeara old who for
any reason have been discharged
from the military or naval service
Bishop's wonderful score includes efforts of the Germans now seem to mU8t renter on June 5.
40 enemy airplanes and two bal- be devoted to the widening of the
Iaau IkJ l.w.i!i. all n kU rn tku hav tnrn in th luwitinn
, . , 7 . ... ii- . . n: ... i informing himself of the time and
marvelous aerial adventure he of the allies between Tinou and , u ,
No excuse will be accented for
failure to register. The burden of
has passed
bined cool
unscathed! He com- Brimont. This work seems to be
placed on the registrant himself.
caution with intrepid progressing slowly against the des- Failure to register is punishable
daring, surpassing skill with sagao peratc resistance of the allied
ious strategy. Sometimes he would forces.
... t i - r l. i : n..
auaca unaiaea an enemy squaaron ine rrencn nviK im w . Ufmti.m t.l.- in n..r must
of six or more airplanes, but only from the limits of the city of Sois- wnj wnw competent eraon to the
by imprionsment up to one year in
Men who arc too ill to appear at
1CI.P consum tl
WIT rteorit nreak
Ing potato crop.
Hrf b satl-
mmH that ovtr TOO.000 tr
acre of potato wr planted
last year. Th United Statea
S'ootl Administration I endeavor
Ing to puh th nation's lilg po
tato storks Into channels of
trail ami ha plsrett potato
on th Hat of uhatllulo thai
may b bought along with wbaat
Potato aoup ha becom war
(linn. Ilr la a recipe that haa
hern tested by t'nltnl Blair
fwn Administration x"tta, In
gtxllvnta atled r thro pota
to, on quart of milk, two
slice nnlim, thre tablespoon
butter substitute, two tablo
iMKini flour, wo and one-half
tatilpNMina alt, on quarter
trMMin celery alt, one-Ulith
teMin wr, few grain rajr
nn and on teaspoon rtud
CNMtk poiatne In boiled sltxl
water. When Hoft run Ihroiigli
a atralner. Vcald milk with on
ion, reniov onion and add milk
slowly to potato. Melt th fat,
add dry Ingredient, stir until
well mixed, thn stir Into boiling
otip. Cook on mlnut, strain
and sprlnkl with barly.
Mrs. E. E. ZEIIM I
llritntlt I'M., Main St.
('has. II. Carter Can I'. Sinytdo
Cartor & Smythe
IVmlli'lon - OrB'"i
Hut tor Wrap ofilem prompt
ly filled lit the lender shop.
when he waa in a position to sur- sons have
prise them or take them at a disad- against the
No knight errant of the vaunted
Age of Chivalry has em surpassed
the record of this modern knight
stood their ground
attacks of the enemy
and the German official statement
fails to show material advances
there during the day's fighting.
The French here are fighting on
of the air. Sir Launcelot, the familiar ground, which has been
great Cid and Richard Coeur d made historic by numerous battles
local board to obtain a registration
card with authority to fill it out.
This card when filled must be mail
ed or taken in iwrson to the local t
board in time to be filed on Regis-
tration Day.
S. A. Barnes ' is the registration
officer lor the three weston pre
cincts and for Reed and Mawley
nyl t ... i K k C nMw.tMrt, All ;
... ... j iiu ttiuuiu!!, umtiivwi nit I vol-
Lion would, a Uiey were living to- some oi wnicn are namea among dtfnta of thww prccincU who are
day, be compelled to doff their hel- the decisive combats of history. subject to registration and all othera
nets to him. Indeed, thousands of On the eastern end of the fighting so subject who may be within the
mitan AAm i. ;, nt lino tnnw nf th fort he fore Rheims limits of these precincts must call
have' demonstrated that the Age of are said to have fallen, which was
Commerce has not thinned the red to be expected from the fact that
blood in human veins, as many pes- they have been outflanked by the
simists prior to the great war tide of the invasion that has swept
would have had us believe. far to the south of the city.
Bishop has told his own story 1
quite simply in a series of articles Those who lament tne tact mat
in the Saturday Evening Post. And Administration does not Uke
yet it is such a story as would Colonel Roosevelt to its bosom and
have been regarded as utterly fan- riv him hc sks, should
tasticand impossible if printed as try to remember when the bellicose
a prophetic romance less than five Colonel has ever shown a humble
years ago. forgiving spirit.
There truth in every word, and
DATinuiun m Aim!
imiiuiimu ri-fiii a
American Women Volunteer to
Buy Fixed Amounts ol Meat,
Bread Flour, Sugar
and Butter.
Twenty-Sixth Annual
Umatilla County Pioneers
at his office in Weston on June 6. i i
This will be open from seven PLAN STARTED IN NEW YORK.
the morning until nine , i
lda Supplement U. . Food Adminis
tration's Ntw Horn Card New
In 10,000,000 Homt.
o'clock in
in the evening,
as required by law.
Attention, Farmers I
If you haven't gotten your stor
age for harvest, you'd better see
me and get in on the car of distil
late to arrive in Weston about
July 1. GUY CRONK,
Agent Standard Oil Co.
100,000 Homt. It
Weston, Oregon
and 8. 191
yet to the reader in a humdrum
sphere far removed from the scene
of the great war, the narrative
seems unreal.
Bishop and his fellows regard
air fighting as a game. They shot
down airplanes much as a sports
man shoots day pigeons. Only at
night would Bishop realize that
when he brought down an enemy
plane he snuffed out a human life.
Often, then, this thought would
keep hm awake. This is signifi
cant as showing that the great
aces of the Allied air fleet have not
become hardened and remorseless.
The late Charley Barrett was a
true and loyal friend to Weston,
and his passing is mourned by such
of our people who are themselves
true and loyal to their own community.
In the sweat of onr face we eat
bread and In the chill of onr feet w
dig for coal.
And to add to all onr other trouble,
remember that the spring poets ar
Just In the offlng.
Circulator of baseless rumors
should henr in mind that they are eas
ier startrd than stopped.
Late reports from Washington
say that General Pershing and not
"politics," as alleged by the Ore
gonian, has kept General Leonard
Wood from the front.
If a wine hasehnlt player. In this
porlod of pnllfttlng and being traded,
that know hi own master.
Tup11ps dny are also crncl for th
good old grouch that always finds the
street curs too cold or too hot
American cot are killing the rat
In the trenches. Here I another tri
umph for Uncle Sam "orer there."
"The Bridge of the Gods" will
be an outstanding feature of the
1 pioneers' reunion to be held next
A patriotic duty which should be week in Weston. '
easy for the people is to determine is will be a grand pageant
their fuel wants for the winter and ir ll f J
, mance of Oregon Indian life writ
order their stocks of coal. By this ten by late F. H. Balch.
means they may avoid the possibil- Only the high lights of "The
ity of discomfort and inconvenience Bridge of the Gods" will, of course,
for themselves, and also assist the be embodied in the pageant. Chief-
iwi a ;i::-it: ly featured will be the great coun-
Fuel A&mniatration in carrymg of Wauna presi,d over by
out ita comprehensive plans for Multnomah, their warlike ruler,
"keeping the home fires burning" The audience will be kept in touch
while at the same time feeding the with the story by megaphone, in
fires of industry. order that the significance of the
VT . . T . . speech made by each Indian at the
Next week-June 3 to 8-ia may Mt logt ,
coal buying week" in Oregon. It background will be an Indian set
has so been designated by Fuel Ad- ting as nearly realistic as possible,
ministrator Fred J. Holmes and has The entire net proceeds will go
so been proclaimed by the gov- ? th V"uAa nty 9ha.p,t?r,?.f
v. ?. ,,-
the pageant,
Itaylnff a thrift stamp Is not so
much, but (retting the thrift habit I
a great and glorious achievement
Itpstanrnnt keepers would make a
hit by throwing In a microscope with
each order for a large porterhous.
If pork continues to go up w may
have to reverse th old ayln and
make It "casting swine before pearl.''
Nobody Is taking the weather man to
task because the much-advertised cold
wave failed to arrive on schedule time.
No hot wave next summer will uf
flee to take the average man's mind oft
the question of a coal supply for the
following winter.
Another summer should not pas
without sending a committee to Inter
view the Eskimo on how to spend a
comfortable winter.
ernor. The four-minute men and uam. h nwiinn of'
Victory bread Is good, and is gen
erally liked, and that Is pretty lucky,
An Impression prevails that Germany
has gone to more trouble than Is rea
sonable In advertising ber strikes and
other local dissensions.
in the work snd th glory of winning
the wsr.
The world Is unfair in many ways.
Soldiers sing while under fire, but
many soloist have been allowed to
slag their heads off without having
a shot fired at them.
There is a point at which th vain
of money halt. The fact that 70a
have the price doe not entitle you to
eat meat on meatless days.
the state council of defense are co- which is by far the most ambitious for we probably shall have to keep on
operating, to make it a success. production ever undertaken by lo- esting it for some time.
"I want to keep hammering be- 081 wJent- ,
fore the people the absolute neces- ' .
, . . , Those who cannot fight can save
sity of laying in their fuel supply WBMt ,,, ttMt for thoM wbo ntL
early," says Mr. Holmes, "if they There is no citizen who cannot shore
do not want to experience a heat
less and lightlcss winter.'.'
All freight rates go up 25 per
cent the 25th of June, which means
an increase of a little more than
one dollar s ton in the coal price.
Thia mayj be saved by ordering at
one. It becomes quite evident,
therefore, that those who heed the
Fuel Administration will be' wise as
well as patriotic
, The Leader today enters upon
the forty-first year of Its existence.
The government is now warning
women against the use of rouge and
hair dyes. In these time of trouble
everybody Is having a turn In taking
some of the Joy out of life.
This winter will h known as th
season of a plethora of Jam Ice Jam,
railroad Jam, snow Jam. There bar
been few if any Jamles days.
The fellow wbo runs for a ear and
misses it by a second knows that It
doe no good to watch the car for a
block, but be has nothing else to da
London, motor vehicles are burning
feal gas carried In bag. Their por
traits Indicate that soma mechanical
Burbaok has succeeded In crossing
For four decade-jt baa tried to pro- th automobjls wtft th bsUoon.
Why betlroldl Why not com out
nd state your predictions boldly. Ilk
th Chicago News, which says: "Any
how, there'll b a long tlma after th
W1I." . ....... r .
Tb women of America, wbo ar
soxlou to do their great part In tb
winning of thtwr, r now, a
whole, familiar with tb moat Impor
tant aspect of food conservation. Tb
Hem Card, both m Ita original form
and lo th revised dlUoa for 1018.
which provide for two wheatle day.
on meatles day a week. In addition
-to a wheatles meal every day, ha been
placed by tb Food Administration aft
er a vigorous campaign In lO.OUU.ixio
American home. An Intelligent and
conscientious observance of the Mom
Card' requirement I all tb Food
Administration asks of tb housewlve
of th country.
I Th Food Administration bss had a
great moy requests, however, particu
larly from the horn of the well-to-do,
that It should Issue a worked out plan
for a voluntary system of rationing,
i Thl desire for a voluntary ration
Spring from two ctUMe first, be
cause It Is fsr simpler for th house
wife to save feed when h ha a con
crete working plan by which to pro
ceed, and, second, bee suae th loyal
woman of America aeslre, unselfishly,
to put themselves on th ssm basis
a th woman of th Allied countries.
Th ration proposed by th Food Ad
ministration I almoet th sam a
that adopted In England for voluntary
observance All over the United King
dom. In hundred of houses thr
hangs In th front window a ard with
th stirring pledge, "IN HONOR
The ration recommended by th
Food Administration, and adopted first
in New York city, whenc th Idea lis
spread through th ntlr country, Is
th following:
Per Person.
Meat Reef (fresh, salted, tin
ned nd bashed) ; mutton,
lamb and veal (mutton by
preference) 2 lbs.
Butter lb.
Cooking Fat (margarine, lard,
lard substitute, vegetable
oils) U lb.
Wheat Flour (for use In cook
ing gravies, etc., wher
corn starch, cracker dust
or bread crumb cannot b
substituted) H lb.
Victory Breed (containing at
least 20 per cent of a sub
stitute for wheat flour).... lt lbs.
Sugar (including all sugar . '
used on th table and In
cooking and all sweatmeata '
and candles, but not that
. used for canning snd pre
serving) ib,
Tli Item lilted sbov ire th only
one which r definitely limited. In
th cs of milk nnd cream, as much
msy be used as necessary, and chil
dren, of course, must bav their full
allowanc of who) milk. Fish sod
poultry, sny cereal other than wheat,
vegetable and fruit snd cheea msy
be used as freely as is desired
Th sbov ration Is In no wis In
tended to supplant tb Bom Card,
but rather to supplement It, It ha
been published with the Idea thst It
will be a vary reel aid to th Ameri
can woman In her splendid effort to
carry out th great food conservation
Patriotic Program
'it RYE VL
i Practical Patriotism ;i I
! "The best is always
the cheapest."
t ::
a i i
Ity using
Madu by the
We do custom milling, buy
and sell Hoy, Grain and
Millfcod of all kinds.
Free City Delivery
;j Transfer and Storage
1 0. K. CAilDY SHOR J Weston Transfer Co. I
Odessa Klrtpatrlck jj
Davis & Ellis
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
' Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company