The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 31, 1918, Image 1

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Principal Eventi of the Wiek
Grlefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
A large as mill st Hklsh. In ths
mountain iilH of Pendleton, burned
A poatnfflr robbery Hi A !- netted
I hi' rotihrr little over $260 In rah
nil Ihrlfl manipa
The cli-parlim-til of lalmr, I'nlted
Klllri eniploUienl ecrvlce, liaa opened
an employment office In Medford
Over 10 mile of telephone. I Inn ml
trail la la be built In th Unipqua furaal
ihla sessun by Supervisor 8. 1'. Hart
rum A conferenrs of Red Cross workers
from Wsseo, Wheeler. Sherman and
01111am count If a waa held al The
Oregon eltlsens will pay between
I ll.0oo.000 and In settling
their ahara of Iba federal Income tai,
which becomes due on Juna IS.
Ileports of accidents (or tb week
ended May 23, filed by Iba atal Indus
trial accident commission, show no
fatalities Accidents reported number
Ily vol of (be atata convention of
Iba r. E. O. Sisterhood In Ita cloalns
eesaloo at Balrm. Eugene waa chosen
aa tba meeting place of tba convention
next year.
Shortage of (0 per cent In tba eberry
crop of Marlon county and aerloua
alienage of prara and apple la estl
mated by 8. If. Van Trump, county
fruit lnpctor.
Captain W. If. Hardy, aola survivor
of the Prrry expedition to Japan, who
baa apent tba paat aevaral montha In
tba land of Nippon, baa returned to bla
boma In Portland.
Arrangements art being made by tba
Baker Commercial club to entertain
tba annual convention of Oregon and
Idaho osteopaths, which meat at
linker May SI and Juna 1.
Tba farmers of Baker county art
preparing for orgsnlsed war Malnat
rodenta under tbe direction of the
county farm ageut who la organising
"poison cluba" In every dlatrlct In the
Able-bodied men can idle no longer
In Portland. An ordinance requiring
all men pbyalclally fit to engage In
aoma uaeful, recognised profeaalon,
trado or occupation, waa adopted by
the city council.
Forty cara of aeedeorn from Oregon
and tb Columbia river basin were
ahlpped acroaa tba Rocky mountalna
thla year to aid tbo farmera of tbe
Mississippi .vslley and great plalna re
gion lo plant the crop of 1918.
Loana for buying automobile, except
for utility purposes, will be dlseour
aged hereafter by banka of weatern
Oregon, according to a reaolutlon
adopted at a meeting of Group 1 of the
Oregon State Hankers' aaaoclatlon bold
In Sslem.
Portland's population la 811.351, ac
cording to the estimate given by tbe
1918 city directory compiled by It. L.
Polk Co. Tho population given by
tbe same authority laat year was 287,
000. The gain within tbe yesr ts ap
proximately 24.000.
Mentally enfeebled by a trouble from
which be realised there was no re
covery. Charles N. licyers, a long-time
resident and stockman of Klamath
county, committed suicide at Klamath
Falls by shooting blmself In the right
temple with an automatio pistol.
Tbe state food administration has
bean advised that aale contracts on
dried fruit from the crop now coming
In must be deferred until July 15. Un
der the original order such contracts
were forbidden before Msy S. The or
der later was extended until June 1,
and now goes over until July 15.
No fireworks of any kind will be per
mitted to be sold In the state for the
coming Fourth of July and a request
baa been made by the atate fire marshal
department to tbe mayorawnd counclla
of each city to paaa an ordinance to
prohibit the sale, storaga or handling
in any manner of fireworks of any
hind. .
j Ths preparations of the government
party at Baker for the study of ths
grest solsr eclipse June 8 are fast Hear
ing completion. The taak of focusing
the mammoth 65-foot camera, requir
ing many delicate adjustments, hss
been completed, and except for a few
minor details this Instrument is ready
for use.
One of the largest realty trsnactlons
thst has been mads at Corvallls for
sobs tlmt was coaeludsd last wttk, by
Mrh Kdward Twey, of Mmi, Aril.,
rritulr il th".()eorga llrowg ranch and
imtfli. local d on tho Albany read,
about two inlli raat f Corvsllls. the
ranaactlnn represntlug a raah outlay
of 150,000.
To enlarge the powers of tbe ststa
dairy and food rommlaaloner and make
hint alao commissioner of public; mar
keta la the object of a bill which baa
bn submitted by Professor Hector
Mcl'heraon, of the Oregon Agricultural
college, to Attorney-General llrowo,
and which will probably be Initiated
for aubmlaalon to the voter.
Judge 1ivelt, of tbe railway direct
era office, baa notified Representative
Hlnnott that Iba government cannot at
thla time sanction th extension of the
railroad to Burns, Inasmuch aa It does
not appear aucb count run Ion la Justi
fied aa a war necessity. General abort
age of labor and material la the pri
mary cause for turning down thla re
queat. ,A bill which will put distribution of
farm product, fond supplies and farm
machinery In thla slate enllrely.under
atate control la being proposed for
Initiation by iba Oregon Referendum
league, which Initiated the rural
credit law. This leagun I composed
of officer of tbe atate grange. Farm
era' union and the Oregon Stale Fed
eration of Moor.
J. C. Alnsworth, of Portland, baa de
clined to accept tho office of wool ad
ministrator for tbe northwest, tendered
him by the war Industries board. John
II. Burgsrd, of Portland, baa been
given the refusal of tbe position, and la
expected to accept Tbe office prob
ably will carry no aalary. Tbe wool
administrator will b expected to do
nate bis services to the government
Southern Coo and northern Curry
counties are on tbe eve of a big mining
excitement and when tbe wealth of
mineral deposit found and being de
veloped in the Iron and Salmon moun
tain districts become known a ruth of
unprecedented volume ts predicted by
John R. Smith, one of the prospectors
instrumental In locating some wonder
fully rich deposits of chrome and cop
per ore. '
Tbe Pacific Coast 8teel compsny.
now operating planta at San Franclaco.
Seattle and Irondale. Waeh., will begin
at once the erection at Portland of
1750.000 rolling mill and open hearth
furnace. An 11 acre tract baa been
purchaaed for the purpose. Tbe plant
will have an output of 400,000 tona a
month, will employ between 400 and
500 men and will have a pay roll of
150,000 or more a month.
With the adoption of a resolution
urging the Oregon legislature at Ita
next session to provide for establish
ment of a state detention home for tbe
Internment and treatment of persons
afflicted with social Ills aa a measure
of protection to soldier Oregon's first
stste-wldo war conference closed Its
two-day aesslon at Portland. Mora than
40 cities and communities were repre
sented at the session, as wore also the
state and federal governments.
The largest single transfer of prop
erty msde In Coos cout. y In recent
yesrs hss been consummsted by the
Buehner Lumber company and a syn
dicate repreaented by W. C. Slattery,
of Cleveland, , O., and comprises a
change In ownership of all the Uuehner
Intercata In Cooa county. The.prlca
of the milling induatry and logging
camp outflta and timber land la de
clared to have Involved a sum be
tween 11,750.000 and 12,000,000.
Opening of practically all Oregon
California grant lands classed as agri
cultural In the Portland land district
la announced by Commissioner Tall
man of the general land office. Ap
proximately 150,000. acres may be en
tered between June 22 and July 17.
Drawings will be made on the latKr
date where appllcatlona conflict Tho
lands He north of the line drawn cast
and weat through Brownsville. The
same regulations will apply as for the
lands now being opened in southern
Oregon and a descriptive pamphlet will
be ready June 1 at the Portland land
The state desert land board, by unan
imous vote, agreed to a change In the
contract of the state with the Jordan
Valley Irrigation comany which will
leave tbe upper unit of the project In
abeyance until some future time and
provide for tbe development of the
lower unit ' which embraces 38.000
acres. Another change In , arrange
ments Is sn increase In the cost to
settlers from 165 to $71 an acre, $5
an acre going Into the construction of
rosds from the project to territory
touched by, the railroad. Estlmsted
cost of ths construction of tbe first
unit is $2,000,000.'
American troops captured Cantigny
in forty-fiv mlnutss. ,
Question of Stamina
Send-the Wheat
Meat -Bats - Sugar
the fuel for F0iters
Seattle, Waeh. W. R. Horner, a mill
worker, who waa arreated In Okanogan
county by officiate Investigating the
tnurder of Mrs. Nellie Bassett and ber
two children at Kelso, Wash., on May
17. co abused to the triple killing.
cording to Sheriff John Stringer.
Following Horner'a confeaalon, when.,
fter four hours' grilling by the sher-
tff of three counties, he admitted that
be bad killed Mrs. Bassett. following a
quarrel over bis refusal to marry bcr
and bad then shot tbe two children, a
stenographer was called In and the
accused man dictated a lengthy state
ment covering all the defalla of the
trip from Snoqualmle Falla. where the
couple lived as man and wife, to Kelso,
where the murder was committed, and
Horner'a subsequent flight to the Bas
sett rsnch near Aeneas. Okanogan
county, where he was taken Into cus
tody by Sheriff Ward.
Horner In Jsll at Kalama.
Kslama, Wash. William n. Horner,
confessed murderer of Mrs. Fred Bas
sett and her two children, was landed
in the Cowllta county Jail here at S
p. m. Sunday. His arrival was without
Incident and no fear of a lynching Is
Horner signed a written confession
In the presence of Sheriff Studebaker.
of Cowllti cswity. and Sheriff Ward,
of Okanogan county; a halt hour later
he stood before Judge William .T.
Daren In a crowded courtroom, plead
ed guilty to his crime, and was sen
tenced to life Imprisonment at hard
Action Msy Bs Intended As Rsbuks to
Unltsd 8tstss.
Mexico City. Mexico hss severed
dtplomstto relatione with Cuba.
Tbe recall of the Mexican represen
tative to Cuba Is explained officially
as due to tbe fact that because of
the war In which Cuba is involved that
government has been obliged to dio;
tate measures that affect ths interests
of tbe Mexican government In many
Wsshlngton. The severance of dip
lomatic relations with Cuba by Mexi
co gavs rise to a report that Mexico
indirectly Intended a rebuke to the
United States and may later suspend
relation with this country.
Mexico's action, whjch was entirely
unexnected. is said to have followed
the seixure at Havana o ceria.n p.-
pera Deiug ut.tiu vj wouiy - -uw-i
Mexico's minister to Argentine, to
Buenos Aires. Senor Fabela la de
clared to have been searched by a
Cuban official and the papers taken
from him.
Low Railroad Fare For Soldiers.
Washington. Director General Mc
Adoo authorised a passenger rate of
on cent a mile for all military and
savai mia la Uultsd States lerric. ,
:ow- is a
Washington. Provost Msrshal-Oen-eral
Crowdcr bos promulgated a dras
tic amendment to tbe selective service
regulations requiring every man of
draft age to work or fight
Every man of draft age muat work
or fight after July 1, umur the amend-
ment to the selective service regulo-
tions announced by Provost Marabai-
General Crowder,
Gamblers, race track and bucketsbop
attendants and fortune tellers bead
tbe list, but those who will be rescbed
by the new regulation Include waiters
and bartenders, theater ushers and at
tendants, passenger elevator operators,
and other attendants of clubs, hotels,
stores, etc., domestics and clerka in
The full force of Provost Marshal
General Crowder's draft order of "work
or fight" will be used sgafnst 1. W, W.
and kindred organizations, officlala of
the board declared.
Tbe powers conferred on local,
boards under the regulations will deal
a knockout to the activities of the I.
W. W. officials.
More than 200,000 American soldiers
have been seat to France In May.
Twenty-four enemy sirplanes have
been destroyed by the British in air
fighting on the Italian front since May
18. It was officially announced.
In the Italian theater the Austrlans
have essayed several rather strong at
tacks agalnat tbe Italian In the moun
tain region of the north, but every
where have met with repulse
Sick and wounded soldiers number
ing 108 were landed In the United
States from France last week, the war
department announced. Eight were
landed the week before. Al' have been
sent to military hospitals.
Germany has launched another des
perate attempt to smash her way
through the allied armies to victory
before American troops can reach the
battlefields of France and Flanders In
With only brief artillery preparation
two blowa have been struck by the
Teuton armies. One attack was on
the line from Voormexeele to Locre,
southwest of Tpres; the other on a
' 35-mlle front from Plnon, north of
Soissons, to Rheims. This is known
as the Alsne sector.
I,n Flanders the Germans have gain
ed virtually nothing, but further south
the Berlin official statement claims
that the German crown prince's troops
. CMTieA the whole ridge of the
Chemin-dea-Damea and now are fight
ing on the Aisne river. -
The Italians have launched a blow
at the Austrian lines in the mountain
region to the northwest of Lake Garda.
According to reports, they have car
ried Monticello Pasa, the village of
Presena, Monte Zlgolon and the moun
tain spur to the esst Before them lie
parallel streams leading down into ths
iiv1sa yamr.gad tf livs.
luiiy KMt f mutt aiiax u..-;, -..
Is possible fur tbem to outflank the
ntlra Austrian position In tbe north
of Italy.
The Americana la tbe Montdidler
sector have carried out another of tbelr
raid, leaving their trenches without
artillery support and overwhelming aa
enemy trench. Six Oermans were killed
and one soldier was made prisoner by
tbe Americana, who returned to their
own line. Tbe British near Bucquoy
In a similar adventure captured II
German and two machine gun, and
In two other raids took IS prisoners
and a machine gun. In tte Aillette
river region tbe French abto brought
In captives.
With tbe Americsn Army In France.
Tbe American troops on tbe French
front nesr Montdidler delivered sn at
tack against tbe Geraisn positions,
fought their way through all object
ive, including the village or Cantigny,
and captured 140 prisoner.
' Tbe American attack was along a
two kilometer front and it seems to
have taken the hard-hitting Americana
juat about three-quarters of an hour
to complete their conquest which In
cluded thst amount of territory, as
well as the village of Csntlgny n
exceptionally short time for such an
The American line now runs 150 to
200 yards east of Cantigny as a result
of the successful attack. The nearest
German trench fa several hundred
yards east of where the Americana
bare dug in.
The Americana' first offensive blow
was struck In a mist The French
tanks apparently did not have much
to do, aa the American artillery al
ready bad prepared tbe way. A bright
sun came out and shone on the Amer
icans as they dug In In their new posi
tions. Several ""officers, descrying ties
scene, agreed that tbe outstanding
feature. In their minds, was the won
derful morale of the men and their
absolute confidence in themselves.
Thomas K. Kyan, of Clackamas
county, is the republican nominee for
state treasurer; having defeated O. P.
Hoff. of Multnomah county, his nearest
rival in the race by a majority of 253.
Charles A. Johns, of Multnomah coun
ty, la the republican nominee for
justice of the supreme court, victor in
a three-cornered contest in which he
leads John S. Coke, of Coos county,
with a majority of 1393. Fred A. Wil
liams, of Josephine county, is the re
publican nominee for public service
commissioner, having defeated Frank
J. Miller, of Linn county, incumbent,
by a majority of 849.
An impressive plea for extreme re
duction in the use of wheat products,
meat and sugar the latest issued by
National Food Administrator Herbert
Hoover waa made public through the
churches of the atate. The appeal waa
in the hands of 1025 ministers of Ore
gon, and very few of these failed to
read it to their congregations. In
many Instances the congregations
pledged by vote to give the co-operation
asked of them. Mr. Hoover's call
was for a limitation of the use of
wheat to at 'least one-third the normal
amount and for a meat ration noc ex
ceeding two pounds per capita per
Oats No. 3 white feed, $60 per ton.
Corn Whole. $73; cracked, $74. ,
Butter Creamery, 39c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 87o per doxen.
Potatoes $11.25 per hundred.
Poultry Hens. 25ff27c; broilers,
SO 32c; turkeys live. 27 28c; dressed .
37c per pound.
Butter Creamery. 43c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 42c per dosen.
Poultry Hens, heavy, dressed, 36c;
light, 36c; broilers, 60c; roasters,
dressed, 27c; ducks, live, 30c; dressed,
33c; geese, live, 27c; dressed, 35c; tur
veys, live, 2830c; dressed, S640c
Evergreen Dress for Statuettes.
Chinese gardeners sometimes, plant
statuettes of tiny men firmly In pots,
Just like real plants, and then train live
evergreens to grow up over these stat
uettes. The vines thus form a kind of
robe for the statuette men, their whit
faces and hands protruding from th
green lejure. ; .... .
Freight Rates to Go Up 23 Per
Cent and Passenger Fares
to 3 Cents a Mile.
Washington. To meet wage lav
creases just announced, and higher
costs of coal and other supplies thla
year, Director General McAdoo or
dered railroad freight rales la the
United 8tates raised H per cent and
passenger fares increased to 2 cents
a mile from the present basis of about
2V4 cents. It Is estimated that th
program will bring in between $800.
000.000 and 1 900.000.000 more revenue
to the railroads within the next year.
It represents by far the biggest rata
increase In tbe history of railroads.
Th new freight charges, which cov
er both clsss and commodity rates,
become effective June 25, and the pas
senger Increase will go Into effect os)
June 10.
Travelers In standard sleeping and
parlor cars are required to pay IV
cents a mile. In addition to Pullman
fares, sndln tourist sleeping cars 214
cents. Pullman rates remain the same.
Commutation hnd other so bur baa
rates on railroad are Increased It per
cent Fares on electric tnterurbea
lines are not affected.
Special excursion, mileage, conven
tion and tourist rates, with a few ex
ceptions, are discontinued, privileges
such as stopovers and free side trips
are abolished, and excess baggage
charges are increased.
Washington. President Wilson end
ed discussion over whether congress
shall remain in session this summer
-to enact new revenue legislation sy
appearing before tbe house and sen
ate in Joint-session and calling upoa
members to put aside politics and all
other considerations to provide money
for growing war expenses and to ad
vise the country In advance of tho tax
burdens It must meet
- The demand that with the war at Its
"peak and crista' congress do Its duty
at home, aa the soldiers are doing?
their duty in the trenches overseas,
brought Instant acquiescence.
; There still waa reluctance in some
quarters to believe immediate legisla
tion imperative, but plana for mid
summer adjournments were aban
doned and both democratic and repub
lican leaders expressed their deter
mination to go at the task of pssaing
a revenue bill with a will. .
A suggestion by the v resident that
most of the new taxes probably would
fall upon incomes, excess profits andl
luxuries and that profiteers could be
reached in thla way. waa greeted with
cheers, and congressional leaden said
later the money needed would com
from those sources. ,
Fifty-three Americans Klllsd by E
- plosion of Torpedo.
London. Fifty-three Americas sol
diers were lost In the torpedoing; of
the British mercsntilo cruiser Molda
via, aunk in the English channel. They
represent divisions from the eastern
American states. Th victims were
all In one compartment and. are be
lieved to have been killed by the ex
plosion of the torpedo. All officer
and members of the crew ware aaved
by British destroyers forming th con
voy. . : -. " ... -
Tbe Moldavia was struck at 4 a.' m.
There waa bright moonlight, but th
submarine waa not seen before th
attack. - Efforts -were made to keep
the ship afloat
She sank In about an.
hour. There was no panic and th
transfer of the soldiers and aeamen to
the destroyers waa mad without ft
Pay of Railway Men to Advance,
Washington. General pay Increase
for nearly 2,000,000 railroad employe
were' announced by Director-General
McAdoo, effective next Saturday and
retroactive to last January 1. carrying
out substantially the recommendation
of the- rallvay wage commission.
The aggregate of the Increases prob
ably will be more than $300,000,000
year, halt of which will be distributed
within a few week aa back pay ir
lump sums ranging from about 100
to aeeiiy 2iil ixh. -