Weyerbaeuser Grain Tanlc A General Utility Granary for field or barnyard. A perfect com bination of wood and steel and a lifetime of faithful service. Capacity one thousand to eiht thousand bush els. You cannot afford to store your feed and need in thirty-cent wicks, even if you do not intend to bulk thu crop. Lit the Weyerhaeuser Man figure' with you. You will find the price from to 50 Krcent less than that of the nearest coinjetitor. Mail him a card and he will call. Mi H. JONES, Athena, Oregon !! BLACKSMITHffiG I HORSESHOEING REPAM.'G We aim to make our work its best advertisement. TIRE-SLTTINU A SPECIALTY Snider's I Shop Women and Misses To dress correctly your rlothcH should Ihj MADE-TO-ORDrJll. INDIVIDUALITY is the key-note of good dressing. We tailor garments ttt prac tically the Hame price as a ready-made, but give you superior garments in every detail. See our complete line of SUITS, COATS. DKKSSfcS and SKI UTS (55 fashions. WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud t .... J KOOAKS AND SUPPLIES - GOODWIN'S DRUG STORE ji; VESTON CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS of all kinds Wholesale- Retail FISH in season A. W. LUIiDELL MANAGER 1 ti Sew Lwurj . :n ....!!' Attractive v Desirable. . Durable THRIFT, STAMPS FOR SALE . DeMO BREVITIES I have a new Ford car rdy for the flint comer. Come flrrt. II. I lle.lri.k. Mr. Dirk Harris and baby sm left Kunday on their return home to llinglmm, Montana. W. 8. I'aync and family motored to I'llot Kock Sunday- for a day'a vUlt with relatlvei. Memorial services will be held Sunday morning- at the United Brethren Church at II o'clock. Walter Simpaon and family ar rived Saturday for a visit with rela tive and friend near Weston. For Sale Associated "(We Itoy" ifa engine, If h. p. Nearly new and in iwrfeet running order; $55 cahh. Wnton trader. Miss Ilanna of the Malen Bur m tt School, who has had a cluss in piano at WestAn, is leaving today for her home near Kansas City. John Ileamer is the latest local buyer of a W T Overland, having deal yesterday with Dr. Kennard for one of these nifty cars. Snow fell in Weston this morn inir, following "juite a spell" of weather. We feel justified in pre dict ing. however, that spring is still near. E. M. Akers, brother t.f Mrs. A. W. tumlellof this city, died Sunday night in Portland after a long illness. He is survived by a widow and two children. The Blue Mountain sawmill is ex pected to begin the season's run on fruit boxes the first of next week. Manager Avery has had the mill in readiness to start for some time, but until recently mountain weath er conditions have not been favora ble. We have it on good authority that a gentleman who is about $80, 000 strong contemplates putting in a hardware and implement stock In Helix which will be able to com pete with Pendleton and Walla Wal la dealers, joyfully reports the Helix Advocate. Mrs. C. D. Yates and son Dwight of Tacoma, Wash., are visiting her parents. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Wrig gle. Mrs. Yates expects to remain a few weeks and upon her return home Ml Violet Wriggle will ac company her and will attend a sum mer normal at Tacoma. J. O. Russell and family were guests over Wednesday of the J. E. McDaniels on the Weston up lands. They are going to Portland for the vacation period, after which Mr. Russell will begin his new du ties as superintendent of the union high school at Pilot Rock. L. W. Barnes recently sustained an operation at Portland, and is re ported to be improving. Mrs. Barnes is with him. It is hoped by friends and relatives here that they will be able to attend the pioneers' reunion. Their daughter Lois will graduate May 31 from the Chelan, Wash., high school, and is the class valedictorian. Mr. and Mrs. James Beamer en tertained the Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren Church at their home last Friday evening. After a business session the young people spent several hours in a social visit and in plac ing game.-. An excellent luncheon was 6erved by the hostess. Several auto loads of young people were present. Miller R. Hopkins, the twelve-year-old son of Irwin C. Hopkins of Weston Mountain, died May 20 at Sand Point, Idaho, where he had been taken for treatment. The boy had long been ill from diabetes. The remains were brought to Wes ton for interment, and services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Klein, pastor of the Free Methodist church. Mrs. F. C. Fitrpatrlck was hon ored with a urprlse party last ev ening by her class of young ladies In the United Brethren Sunday school, and was presented with a handsomely bound copy of the Rubaiyat. The affair was held at the home of Mr., and Mrs. J. H. Williams and was enjoyed by all present. Miss Violet Wriggle made the presentation in behalf of the class. .- ':'v'' : - A delightful entertainment was given at the Methodist church Mon day evening under auspices of the Epworth League. Miss Brown, the Columbia College artist, gave an other Illustration t of her magic power with the violin. She ap peared in a solo and also in a duet with one of her pupils, Mary Bur ton, who is a captivating little player. Mrs. Saling sang, there were instrumental numbers, and excellent readings were given by Vera Tipton and Gail Williams. Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 90 One hundred 1 20 Two hundred 1 75' Each additional hundred 0 45 if A real satisfied farmer's smile is one of the most pleasing sights we have about our place, and now we are having many of them every day because of the arrival and appearance of the Fta EMormick Combines Grain sacks are higher and scarcer. Place your order for GRAIN BINS and WAGON TANKS The third carload is here and your time is well in- U you place order at once. Probably the price will be $500 to $700 higher next year. This year's price is the greatest e o : v,,,,v tV.o P-mfunnvmnt ollnnra fha material fnr the. earn- Bargain we Know ut, aim it ia ov uci.usc nmvu. , bines, as' they assist in solving the labor problem with the farmers. Think of it! If you Ij have a healthy wife, she and you can do your harvesting and Mr. I. W. W. can go to that ' 4J real warm place thumbs down. The makers are anxious to show the world what a wonder they have in this machine il 1 ( Two-spool Sewing Machines j ELECTRIC WASHERS and BINDER TWINE (Better take out your Binder Twine while the taking is good and sure.) iTVV555M5i m ItsniSIOUR NEW BOOKKEEPER 1 J "'' Guaranteed to handle everything correctly but balks T. Enrmarc hrV ftf VftCT at overdrafts. Join the crowd and see it work. iuwiuiuv. . 3 t