The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 17, 1918, Image 2

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(he KSca Sweaters
Fcr Army and Navy
TIM JuMricu Be4 Craaa H the
tTMtMt velaateer rgialsatloa thai
the wertd Ma we It
aaaeeaced by oat af lha high offldale
la Waahlagte that atiUlooa of people
ara tat kara beea (or soma mootha
warkiai att days a week without a dol
larl par. TMa indsdra lha members
at taa Ucal chapter and all ether am-
Fleyeae la taia eoantry tad abroad.
Oaa atgatflcant Item la thla la the fart
that tta Ret Craaa haa gtteo tha
amy aaa aavy ave 1,000,000 eweatera
foa tka bay ia tte eerrica, or wmcn
.rr fOCOOO were aaada by tha uem
hn af tba laaJ chapter. Tan who
kaow tka dlfflcmlty af making sweat
er ni aatiaata tha character af tha
wait aad tba aal( aacrtflca that tha
wtmm af AbmtIc ara making to fur
ther tha Red Craaa' nlaaioa af marc.
rT ta tee times a wril
aat ervea 0 aorrota mi ufftr
lae eafelAaf wIMlim. a a,
aa4 eocfa-ts1 with le eiemeer.
ikia and rwHuvra of tka Wed
Ohm, artaatrd aa M if Chria
riea artwWalca, raa kott aatfer
taka tka Imwradoaf aareVft af
Mtmfi lalrlMfrat aad efffcirat
rtUtt. In particuUr f apamra
ef tka Red Orw arfMKr. a
le ara directed lotrarea tap
pnrHot Ik wareae and rri$
tor tk taaHra of oar pinna a4
ert aad aailor. fl U wa ran,
wl knaa tkat art of oar people
rU ckrrrala and prawoa.l co
operate iriik tka fed Cnwa roe
Mtftre ta tkrtr rfurtr loirere'a
reaping tka fuUfl eeeer of
raH tkat It atap k rwiW.
far tka aarrfrfa a attain.
Jams. CAioiMAt Giaaoae,
Arckkitkop o flalMwore.
CUKK 0UU, ruhllthti
Tha Vaar It M
Six Month 0 T6
Four Month. 0 50
of a now school buildinir. Wa wish
It understood that positively no ex
ception will be made in the opera-
tion of ur new rule.
aau-n. -l.. jl i-u- j j
rtlDAT, BUT 17,
The Kvening Telegram complains
that Hob StanMd and hia friends
Cmtna t ih iiitc i . Oitfa have n'nl a tarrvl of kale on hia
campaign - but would probably have
a hard job convincing- the country
ed. of Umatilla county.
i MCd cImi atll walltr.
AUVmiltlNU HAirt
Kotfular, wr inch per intortion . 15c
Traiwii'iit, Hr inch wr iitaartion .Site
Loral. r line er insertion 10c
Tha publikhcra of weekly ntwa-
. 1 n. . I ; I ) ('..iilIu L.i.,1 ,4
lHt to publi.h any Kl'"fl mattar of m t0 IiK't'm'1-
an advartiaing nature except at alvar
tiling ratea.
The poor Rum is in the ixwition
of a bumpkin who kicks alout be
intf roblnnl after hamling over hia
A No. 1, but only
25c tbe pound, at
IWajfc will he pretty hitch on
the New York to Washington aerial
mail route- - tcaMwise aa hijjh aa
the flyers fly.
The American Red ("roes, which u 1 j
begina next wwk a grvt national Russian words break no German
camaign for $100.(W0,(H0, has just bones.
issuiil a statement of the condition J
of its war fund on April 15, 1918. At all events, it begins to look as
Up to date the Red Cross had though tk rmnny will never U able
exjended for war purines almost to U.mlwrd Paris at a leaser dis-
$100,000,000 and yet had over J10.- tance than 75 miles.
000.000 left to spend. "
This was because the war fund. The leader is coming out a bit
i I ta t .... .i
with interest, amounted to $110,- u .. uwrv
A General Utility Granary for
field or barnyard. A perfect com
bination of wood and steel and a
lifetime of faithful service.
Capacity one thousand to eight thousand bush
els. You cannot afford to store your feed and seed
in thirty-cent sacks, even if you do not intend to
bulk the crop. Let the Weyerhaeuser Man figure
with you. You will find the price from 1W to 50
percent less than that of the nearest convict iter.
Mail him a card and he will call.
JOHN H. JONES, Athena, Oregon
swing the primary election.
Von Hindenburg is preparing
resume his job of making wido
and orphans in Germany.
V &
The Prudent Man
will fill his coal bin when the fill
ing is good. Better order y6ur
coal now, when I can supply you.
P. T. HARBOUR, Weston, Oregon
Twenty-Sixth Annual
All the balance of $10,000,000
will have been expended or allotted
by June 1.
This is why this great appeal to
the nation has gone out.
Oregon is called on to supply
$600,000, of which Portland is to
raise $250,000.
The report shows that nearly $31,
000,000 was expended in France,
and that includes over $3,000,000
for Red Cross hospital sen' ice;
nearly $2,000,000 on Red Cross your momjy t0 tne M Qxm,
surgical dressing service; over i
$1,500,000 to various hospitals;
$1,600,000 for canteens for Amer
ican soldiers and for French sol
diers; nearly $3,000,000 for recon
struction of villages; nearly 3,000,-
Fine Sipners but rather coarse in
their work.
"The boat lit always
the cheapest."
u U1U
Umatilla County Pioneers
over $2,000,000 on prevention of
tuberculosis, and much miscellan
eous expenditures.
Belgium received over $2,000.
000, principally in general relief;
Belgian refugees over $1,000,000;
while $800,000 was spent for can
teens for Belgian soldiers and reilef Friday.
for Belgian children ' Mrs. Scth Hyatt
tai o .! ,.f .,- Thompson of
The allied airmen are doing great Methodist Church - Sunday school
work, but will always be a bit dia- t 10 a. m. Preaching service at J n f I.'.
appointing until they bomb a Ho- 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Epworth j ffJCUCdl rHulOllSIfl '
henxollern. 4 ff "uf "l ."" T" 1 J
, , i Thursday evening. 8. t. Puwcll,
Unable to give your life which fma,,or' , . n .
. ... . .. United Brethren Cliurch Preach
every patriotic c.tuen owes to his ng t n a m Morning subject.
country on demand at least give Wny Are We at War! All other
meetings at the usual hours. On
Monday evening the business sea-
The Sinn Feiners are not even i"n of the quarterly conference
win convene at me cnurcn at o:au
p. m. District Superintendent W.
A. Nicolea will preach at 7:30.
E. F. Wriggle, pastor.
Baptist Church The Church with
all. Sunday
school at ten o'clock, preaching at
o'clock in the evening. W. K.
Storms, pastor.
An exchange has this garden hint
000 for refugees and relief, includ- "In time of war prepare for peas!" a cordial welcome for
ing the housing of 11,000 families;
News From the Blues
Mr. and Mrs. diaries May and
funily motored to Milton Sunday.
Mrs. Bcason of Walla Walla is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Miss Ruth Dowd closed a success
ful term of school on Dry Creek last
; oaessa aurxpatnex
Chs. II. Cartr ln V. Smytha
Carter & Smythe
1'urnlleUtil OreRi'ii
Weston, Oregon
and 8o 191:
and Mrs. Dolf
over --
' , nux d i oaa relatives nere mis weeK.
$4,500,000; Russia over $1,200,- Mr nf, slider
J 000; Rumania over $2,600,000; wcre Walla Walla visitors Sunday.
. Serbia $894,000; Great Briuin $3,- The Lansdale family spent Sunday
I 260.000. including contribution to umapine.
J the British Red Cross of $2,146,-
June 7
Mil Edith English, who ia U-ach-
000, and $436,000 for defraying artweckend.
the expense of the work it is doing Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn wcre
in Fngland in buying supplies for Walla Walla visitors Thursday.
the American Red Cross. Armen- Oeorge rerguson ana lamuy spent
- Snnriflv nn thA ITniannit.
Patriotic Program
I " Z ' ':::: :: 1 . Mr and Mrs. K. E. English were
K aian Kea cross ?&oo,ooo; falestine pcdieton visitors Wednesday.
l $390,000; Polish children $200.- The ladies of the Upland Red
000; while $361,664 has been spent Cross wish to thank the people of
ri fro relief of American prisoners in Weston ,or their help with the so-
T"' J" M Nenyof ndleton was an
J. supplies together so they will be UpIand visitor for a few days.
n ready for the great number of Robert Perry of Walla Walla is
a a ;
Since the day of tha caveman, who
liked his meat raw. civlliiation has
learned s lot about the scientific treat
ment of tha things we eat
Naturally none of ua would now
prefer to have our meat raw, our po
tatoes as they coma from tha ground,
our coffee unroasted.
And naturally follows the great dis
covery recently made by Tha Ameri
can Tobacco Cathat tobacco tastes
better TOASTED!
This wonderful new Idea-tlmple
like all great inventions was first
used in producing tha famous LUCK V
STRIKE Cigarette made of toasted
Durley tobacco.
Hurley but mellow flavor, entirely
different from tha tobacco usually
wed for cigarette. It is a tlpe to.
bacco and LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes
taste like a pipe.
i . .
visiting friends here this week.
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
American prisoners expected in
'SSXiUBXXaiSXaHX&v mat country. 1 1
Nearly $10,000,000 was spent on Hugh Taylor Alive and Well
relief work in the Uinted States. UlideT glad to iearn from
and the army and navy base hospi- Mrs. Hugh Taylor, residing at Al-
tals received $111,000; camp ser- bion, Wash., that the report of her
vine, innluidnir Kw.ati.r anA tha husband's death at the front in
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon a Waitsburg, Wash.
.American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
(No. 206)
Tha Farmera' Bank of Weston, at Wes
ton, in tha State of Oregon, at the
close of business May 10, 1918:
Loans and discounts ...1162,453 63
Honda and warrants 6, 1st 72
Stocks, . securities, judg
ment., etc 692 20
T ,, . ' , France, published in last week's Banking house 8,600 00
construction of Red Cross Convales- J U!!!,T. ?aZ, Furniture and fixtures 1.000 00
cnt Home over $7,000,000; while fe'd are in TAi
$15,000,000 of the national fund is receipt of a telegram from the War banks , 12,494 01
held as working capital for the Department saying that the young Checks and other cash items 460 69
, . unlrlinr ia alivp and well Cash on hand 7,422 40
purchase of supp.lca ,n thu, coun- isive "Jj". other rasource. 86J7
' friends in rejoicing over this good Total $227,327 IS
....,. , news, and only regret that ita, re- liabilities.
The Leader will not bore its read- port of the young man'a death Capital stock paid in $ 80,000 00
ers with its reasons for going to a caused unnecessary grief to his rel- Surplus fund 16,000 00
cash-in-advance basis. Let it suffice aUves Tte false report was in UjrjJU, tay -
to say that these are well-grounded ?ene.ra circulation here, and the Dlto banks and bankers... 791 26
t thu f;m .j ,,,, Leader's own information came individual deposits subject
at this time, and would convince from a WUICe that t could only to check !Z. 89,646 26
any one of our subscribers should regard as absolutely reliable. Demand certificates of da-
he happen to be called upon to run - Tirn7 and" ''saving.'depoi'iU 49',452 46
the paier. We trust that the few M,mor Day Observed By Prsy.r. Snfei nnd$iU rdi,, 2-m
,r"1 7 . . .. ' Bills payable for money bor
whom it may become necessary to Washington. National Memorial rowed 85,000 00
cut off the list will not feel offended Thursday, May 30, Is designated Other liabilities '. ' 63 83
Transfer and Storage I
Weston. Transfer Co. I
Davis St Ellis
over a policy that is strictly busi- b' r1'1 WI1on ,n proclamation
ness but will be trood snorts and ,Mue1, M d" of publlc num,I,tlon'
ness, dui win oe good sports and pnytT tnd faftlBf The peopl- of th.
mane nasie to get oacK on again
so soon as possible. They should
reflect that the Leader is not only a
fairly creditable country paper and
as such worth the money to anyone
who is at all interested in Weston
affairs, but also has its value as a
community asset and deserves en
couragement. For one thing, it
saved the Weston district' the cost
nation ara asked to gather on that day
In their places of worship and pray
for tha victory of tha American armies
which will bring a peace founded upon
mercy, justice and good will.
. ' . J J . this 17th day of May, 1918.
rrscuces in an state ana rea.r.i u tt.lklM
Total .,...$227,327 15
State of Oregon, I
County of Umatilla, ( '"
I. E. M. Smith, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to tha
best of my knowledge and belief.
B. M. Smith, Cashier.
. J. H. Price,
F. D. Watts,
- - Directors,
Subscribed and sworn to before ma
joialj notary Public.
(My commission ixpirss Nov. 13, 1920.)
Mrs. E. E. ZEHM
Brandt bid., Main St
By using1
Made by the
X We do custom milling, buy ?
ana eeu nay, uram ana
Millfcedof all kinda. "
. Free City, Delivery