Weston eader volume: 40 WESTON.iOKECON, KIUDAY, MAY 17. 1918 NUMBER 51 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Wiek Briefly Sketched for Infor mitlon of Our Reader. Tnlntn will Inrrease III tester supply by building a rervnlr twice aa lart aa the old one. Thn Order of Kaglee will bold the lain ronni(lnii In Maraliflrld, Juno 10. 11 mid 11. More than a.ooo.ooo trim I rase will be tii Ken from tbo streams of Klamath county Ihli srsson by the stsi. Mra. Sarah M. Davldaon, one of Linn county's oldest pioneers, dld In Irtation al th age of (3 ara. Aproilintoly 000 aquara yarda of paving will be laid In The lalla tbla spring, work to coinnituire aa soon aa passible. The dlrertors of tbo 1.1 on County Pioneers' sMorlstlon have derided to hold ihe annual plrnle and reunion aa usual tbla yrar at Drowosvllle. Albany cltlsrns bsve started an agi tation to have the clerks and Judges of tha coming primary fleeting paid to Thrift and War Savings atampa. Ily order of lha war department all bonka dealing with th subject or ex plosives are to be removed from lb open shelves of Oregon libraries Oregon's war ssvlngs atamp aalea for tha month of May to data amount to 1220.000. tha IJ.000.000 mark In aalea for tha campaign having been loft way behind. A total of J05.77 voters ara regis tered In Oregon, according to com plete compilation of tba reports from all county clerks prepared by Secretary of State lien W. Olcolt. Tlie county court of Lincoln -ounty baa applied to the atata highway com mission for permission to construct a wooden brldgs over 3000 feet long, over "tbo Yaqulna river at Toledo. Commanders of every borne guard unit In lbs stato have been Invited to attend special session In Portland, May 11 and 13. In connection with Oregon'a first war conference. With 1C0 delegates from Sherman, Wasco and Hood Itlver counties pres ent,, the annual convention of Union No. 10 of the Oregon Christian En deavor waa held at Hood itlver. In the Intereat of economy of opera tion ths 0.-W. n. A N. and the Northern Pacific depots In Pendleton will bo combined, ths Northern Pacific using both depot and yard of ths other com pany. There will b no roa feativat In Portland this year. It bss definitely been ruled that the holding of tbo floral celebration would not be In keep ing with tha trappings of Mars and the press of war-time. duties. L Orande'a new antl-I. W. W. ordi nance has stood the teat la the first of s series of struggles la court. Mu nicipal Judge Eakln held the law valid In the case of John Dixon, accused of spreading seditious literature. Robert W. Dawltt, of Idaho, alleged to he one of the robbers who held up R. Doswell and his son,. Robert, Jr.. at their placer mine near Holland. May 3, has been caught and la con fined In the Josephine county Jail Oregon Is now shipping large quanti ties of chrome ore to the automobile manufacturing centers of the east A large deposit Is being developed In John Dsy canyon, at an elevation about 1000 feet higher than Canyon City, the nearest postotflce. Several carloads of wheat flour and quantity of small lots cava have been returned to the, food administration of' Oregon, in compliance with a recent appeal by Administrator W. B. Xyer, for all consumers to turn In flour sup plies In excess of their needs. . Because of the practical Impossibility of securing assurance of a supply of oil for fuel during tha coming winter, and sines ths price has almost doubled since last winter's supply was ordered, the eastern Oregon state hospital at Pendleton will hum coal this winter. . In ths latest official count of nsw wooden hulls In the water for the ship ping board there are shown to ha 41, of which 10 are In the Oregon district Manager Heyworth, chief of the wood en construction division, has compli mented Oregon builders on their rec ord. The Oregon third liberty loan com nlttee honor cup for ths greatest total ' subscriptions by employes of sny ship yard In the district was awarded to ths workers of the Foundation com pany of Portland, which Is building' vessels for ths French government iTbs 1116 employes of the plant Invest- a &iii,i:iisk Ka&un. ivstLt IM4i tier msn, wntca, ine snipyara nianmiini nt ssvs. la a record. Far the purpose of siting up Port land' ability to entertain Ilia National Urand Army of tha Itepublle next Aug ust and to perfect uereessry prelimi naries, heada of tha grand army and affiliated bod Ire spent three daya In Portland laat week. Among them were Commander-in-chief Orlando A Bonier, of the O. A. It., Kokomo, Ind.; Adjutant (ienerat Robert W. Mcllrlde, Indian apolis. Ind., snd Quartermaster Gen eral C. O. Stow Its, Buffalo, New York. With the exception of some rough places In Cow Creek canyon the Pacific highway la In excellent condition be tween Portland and the California line. State Highway Knglneer Nuiin reports, and heavy summer automobile traffic la already under way. Twelve million, six hundred and forty thousand pages of reading matter are Included In the 101,713 republican and (S.IOS democratic pamphlota, which have just been mailed to the registered voters of the state. The total coat of the pampbleta waa 111. 608 8. The 17th annual encampment of the Department of Oregon. Grand Army of the Republic, the Woman'a Relief Corpa and the Ladles of tbs O. A. R. waa held at Albany, beginning Monday. Approximately 1000 people from all sections of tbs state attended the three conventions. Contracts for nlns wooden ships of the Rallln type, to be 4500 tons each, have been awarded by the shipping board to the Kern A Klernan Ship building company, and to the Columbia Engineering Works, of Portland, the largest snd of ths contract going to the former concern. At a recent meeting In Med ford It waa decided to hold the annual en campment of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion association of southern Ore gon In Oranta Paaa September I to 14. The assocatlon haa members In Curry, Douglas. Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Lake counties. A great Industry Is looming la Polk county. With the growing of beans and beets found Inadequate .to replace the hop Industry, a dehydrated vege table evaporating plant haa been erect ed on Horst Brothers' hop rsncb, be tween Independence and Salem, and Is now In operation. A surer rationing system, affsctlng all canning and manufacturing con cerns, waa put Into effect Mi.y 18. Manufacturers who uae sugar must fill out a report, showing amounts on hand, and must thereafter, present a certificate through the food sd ml u titra tion In order to obtain supplies from the dealers. Lumber mills of the Willamette val loy are threatening to burn the slab wood piling up In their yards it cars for transporting the fue! to Portland and other points of distribution ais not forthcoming. Some of the mills, In making report to tbs Office of Fuel. Ad ministrator Fred J. Holmes. Indicate that they are already burning some slabwood In tbslr plants. The Bend Commercial elub has wired Congressman Hawley that the passage of the bill for the enlargement of Crater Lake national park would be a decided blow to ths stock Industry of the state, aa It would reduce paaturage by 13,000 acres. The club urges Mr. Hawley to endeavor te secure the with drawal or defeat of the measure, which was Introduced in tha senate by Sena tor McNary. For the first time In 10 years Silver lake In Deschutes county Is dry at this season of the year. Stockmen living In the vicinity for many years have depended on the lake aa a watering place for their stock. Farmers In the . southern part of tha county are also reporting extreme dryness. Many of ths crops are said to be badly In need of rain, and unless a change of weather occurs In a short time heavy damage will be the result Six fatalities were reported to tha state industrial accident commission out of a total of S06 accidents for the week ending May . Names, addresses and occupations of the fatally Injured workmen follow: David Bradley, As .torta, loggsr; Dan McCrlmmon, Blind slough, logger; Alex Hill, Astoria, Iron worker; Everett Jetfery, Tll'amook. logger: Charlea Noatrum, Cascade Locks, contractor; C. A. Price, Port land, shipyard worker. T THE NEW JOAN OF ARC St Arr,,td for tosartln, Mlnar Tueion, ArU. Twanw-on. ot th. laadlftt mln. company ottlolala, am ployea and buitne, nan at lha war raa dlatrlct wara .rraM at BtabM on Indlctm.nta ralurnad far tha t.d.ral Srand Jurr which Uat waak complat.d an In.aatlfaUon et tha deportation Uat July ot naarlr lioo allatftd m.m bar, ot tha Ip.dultri.1 Workara ot tha i i 'i iMm Hf fell Couulbuud bv V. I. Siairntt. Cash ill Advance After this' date, May 17, all Weston Leader subscriptions will be discontinued at expiration. Renew promptly if you wish your paper to con tinue and we hope you do. CLARK WOOD, Publisher THIS MAP SHOWS HOW YOUR RED CROSS DOLLAR WAS SPEIIT ' ' American $A)iS ! :-- ; Red Cross df ilWA WAR pfc MAP norm, W ' ; CAaH ' jlP' 6SA WjK RUSSIA ertTH ' VXiHlL Hw 1,1,243.845 1500,000 1 J-rfe TOR ..J Srvh, t,c 8 M fwfl AMERICAN " , AM C5 ATLANTIC USiW - - V200'000 y OCEAN 7.J AS K ,te A z223 Wtum kUUa m rrJ2j n WLb ) 0UUJAB.A SloTlr 5.000.000 Cji . J iVA! HSINO CAPITAL roa ' y gpA!N ?NTERfAT10NAI. ZJ-'fcffj .OHAsaorwrPua - ( BED CROSS sM AFRICA 1 SEA 3M050 Lj ii. " : : ff. I ' RIIT7nH MRR.!!?! CHARGES FBAIO? Contends That Accusations Are Effort to Discredit Air craft Inquiry. WaahioctoB. Ia ft statement issued here Outsoa Borglnm characterised as "a scurrilous frame-ur the cbargra - made aialnst htm la Waablagtoa la relation to his eoonectloa with the in vest I gat lo a ot airplane production la ths United State . He counter-charted that tbs accusa tions made against him ia the senate were for ths purpose ot trying to dl credit blm la the eyes of the people and prevent public knowledge ot the real conditions existing la the aircraft production program. - Hs declared further that tbs war de partment had "erstematlcally directed the opposition" to Investigation of sir craft production, la which "a billion dollars la 11 months haa provided as with no planes," and charged that "every eubterfuze had been restored to gain time." . Sensational swora statements, let ters and telegrams from the files of the army Intelligence service were read Into the senste record to show that Gutsoa Borglum. while holding a per sonal commission from President Wil son to Inquire Into the government's aviation programme, was negotiating secretly for the formation of a private airplane company to take war con tracts and capitalize bis friendship wtffH .Via. nMaMAft. Gutxon Borglum, storm-center ot tha aviation controversy, made public a letter to President Wilson, denying that be had betrayed the president's confidence, renewing bis assertions of grave misconduct In the government aircraft production organisation, and, Insisting that the senate military com mittee should conduct openly and thoroughly the Investigation which he um IS a. nravanlMl fiM, mat Vtn m "by the war decartment under Secre tary Baker." CONFIDENCE IS HELD AT ISSUE Washington. In a letter to Senator Martin of Virginia, democratic leader in the senate. -President Wilson do dared he would regard passage of th ' Chamberlain resolution calling for aa, investigation of aircraft and other war activities as a "direct vote of want o confidence in tha administration" and an attempt by congress to take over the conduct of the war. Ha pointed out that tha Chamberlain resolution directing a renewal of the Inquiry Into aircraft production and other war ac tivities Is unnecessarily broad. ; :. The president Informed - Senator, Martin- that be had no objection to the most searching inquiry Into tha aircraft situation, but that ha deemed1 inadvisable at this time any investi-j gation of the conduct of the war. It was 1elleved that the president's attitude was due to the form In which Senator Chamberlain, ot Oregon, chair' man of the senate military committee, introduced tha resolution. Tba reso lution "authorised and directed" the committee, "to Inquire into and report to the senate the progress ot aircraft production in tha United State of into any other matters relating to tba conduct ot the war, by or through th war department" ! OVER 1,300,000 DRAFTED Huge Ameriean Army Expansion With In a Year la Predicted. Washington. More than 1,300,000 men have been called in the draft aa far and either are in Prance, in camp, or under call to go into service before June 1. The total of 1,SOO,000 in cludes all men summoned In th May contingent ' ' ' There la every Indication that even a larger Increment will be summoned in, Jane than was summoned In May. and a progressiva monthly mobiliza tion continue through the summer and, fall months as the cantonments ara expanded. It Is thought that at such a rat tha. army will report a full strength et well over 3.000,000 within tha next 13 or 13 months. It ia possible, soma eft fleers say, that the number will ba. closer to 5,000,000 than 3,000,000. J A quilt made by Grandma Hoon of Umapina brought $5000 far Red Cross.