my nvnmiTr i i ciiiocntj inrn TiirMT nprcrm I M n iSTTO liCvfl HUES UNUSUAL THB PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE REPUBLICAN o MULTNOMAH COUNTY UNITED STATES SENATOIS liaiaree May 17, 1911 Winning on His Record as a Citizen, as a Legislator and as a Republican' Farmers and City Men Both Are Buying This Car Model 85-Four Thirty-Five Horsepower Tsar tmOr b ewHtleo' to the MaYM cAdflKy conkfafT style md i 1 1 ill ii HI that make thi. Om teat ao popular la enrtrepolttao It MiSt m4 at mua ami MUaunnyiMa i AS Ike shrewd buyer an not bxfciaa. The tansvr ales know the Over tanet as th only car of audi acceen' ancdattaaa and attraction that caa ba astsiitnj at anywhere aear And h family know a tnr car M Gfffttnl from a pteee of f.rra mactunny It moat do morr than hard work. It must be a pleatur um tome thine to enjoy and to b proud of. Tht Overland success it due to tha tact that in addition to year -after-year utility, it fives you roomincia, style, comfort and I equipment. It k as simple and reliable any member of your family can drive it. 'And to efficient yon win wonder how you aver lived without it. Liberal room for nve iassinirl extra provitiont m upholstery, duMrmon and material. A marvel for power, speed, dura bility and easy control. Its economy tt appreciated whew you compare all that it I've to cars costing much more You tet 111-inch vheelbsee cantilever spring Jlinch tins, non-tkid rear; vacuum gasoline syt tern; electric starting and lighting system, and 35 horsepower motor Oat your order to at otvea. DR. S. L. KENNARD, Dealer, Weston, Oregon. When L. J. Simpaon, candidate "Our Minister' Honeymoon" for the Republican nomination for whji presented with uniualillHl uis Governor, finished hit recent tour for Saturday evening to caimelty of Central and Southeastern Ore- audience at Wcitton opera houte, iron, he had made one of the moat under autpice of the Saturday Af unusual Journey ever undertaken ternoon Club, by a candidate for oflke In Oregon. Since . everyliody uml Ida wife In many placet he waa the flmt and children were there and like man ever to apiear In the Intercut wine "hia sistera and hit cotialnt and of election to the tight olllcw In hit aunt" t review of thlt bright the Mate. Thlt waa true at lake- and amualng little operetta would view and at other point in the ex. be suHrfluou. Showintr the effect treme touth which formerly were of raiable drilling, nil member of reached only through lonit journey the cant enacted their rolet with by rail through other atatc. complete understanding of the re- Hit fatiiign waa carried to the uuiremcnU, and the costuming waa people of Oregon directly and in alto a delightful feature, with bl all the territory which he covered aarre louche in tho comedy rtt. he wat able to tee more than 15 Mimic by the Wetton orchestra percent of the regittered voter, enhanced the pleasing nature of the Hia aytlem on thit it at unutual at operetta -which wat declared by, hi ttur. many to be the best amateur pro- Before leaving rortland he had duct ion they had ever wltnetaed in hit pocket a schedule which told in Wetton. At thlt it a eommunlty him exactly how many oeotile he which ha reason to be proud of ita iilendweii Garage, ft HATTKUY HKC1IARG1N0 VULCANIZING I'ltOMPT KEFAIHING New Overland ear fur hlrt Penningtoii & Ollarra wat to ace in each city. He rnaue it a point not to leave town until a amall pocket Indicator which he punched regularly ahowed the re uuired quota. The appearance of a candidate for p latitat; Mr. K. M irovemor all covered with mud at manager, and A. amateur talent, auch a compliment Kwicca an added aigniflcniuH'. SMeial crelit for the tucceta of the affair it due Mrt. J. 11. Wil liam, director.: Mrt. K. D. Watt. Smith, bUKinen W. Lundell, di- the tiller of a tmall auto led many to believe that. Mr. Simpson waa in deed in earnest In hit endeavor to reach meet of Oregon before elec tion time. Hia journey covered more than 1400 mile in thit light car and wat made at a time when the road for the most part were considered Im passable. He rroMctK the state first from The Dalle to Lakeview arid rector of music. Gross receipt were f 104. Tart of the net proceed gov to the Weston band, and the balance will be used by the club ladica for war work. The Weston player will go to Athena next Tuesda evening, the 23d, and present the tame attrac tion in the High School auditorium there. The Weston Concert Hand then went directly east to the Idaho will accompany them, and a street line, disposing of hit tmall car at parade It announced for 7 p. m. Ontario, where it waa raffled for i " i i .i i the benefit of the Red Croat chap ter of that place. In the ten days that he wat en route he made himself known and talked over hia principle with more than 1900 individuala, beside talk ing on the Liberty Ixan before audiences numbering in all more than 8000 p'reton. To Keep Trade of Fuel maining on hand and the quantity desired. Tho statement mutt be certified to, and any wilfully false declaration open the way for gov ernment prosecution. Purchaser will fie their statement with their dealers and the dealer in turn will forward the data to the fuel ad ministrator'! office along with their reports. Although no limitation hat been fixed on the amount of fuel that may be stored, FuPl v Administrator tembcr . Holmes has completed arrangements grand jury, for registering every fuel purchase ; in the state of Oregon. Within a few day every purchaser of wood or coal will be compelled to file a declaration a to (he amount of fuel used last year, the quantitiy re- Lester O'Harra and Frank Price are again with ut, having been ex cused from jury service until Sen- Lester wat drawn on the weewewweewe I Dr. J. C. UADDULUY wlefcalsVtUrtUrt SttgtM I'hons ai'r'S Athena, Oregon eewee-teeeeeeeee BLACKSKG H0RSESH0EC2G . REPAIRING. Wo aim to mako our work its best advertisement. TIRE-SETTING t A SPECIALTY Snider's ! Shop W. N. Psltrsaa C. H. BUheei Peterson & Bishop IAWVI RS I'andloton, Or. Kreawstor. Or. .. im i in- aa.ii-. in mi" ueernw i P" A nrR otherwise waste, and will attest everyone would have subscribed RKwOOD r.wi.h.r yur Patriotism. Ahead with ev- anyway, the declared infention of ' ' ' ' erything else, Umatilla county is the newtpapers to print this list un- The Year.................. - x 60 still behind with her thrift stamp floubtedly had its effect upon a few - Six Months 0 75 program. Help out your home confirmed tightwads and secret Ger- Four Months........ 0 pnlinty 1 man sympathizers. To be published nuDAT, iTVL 19, - - - MH as a slacker throughout tho length Catered at .h. 0-., Th Crown Prince is reporkd as Bnd breadth of Umatilla county, it iscand-claMRwil maticr. saying that war is great fun, but not a pleasant alternative to doing " he has never yet been forced to keep-'one, plain duty 'as a citizt;n. , ADVERTISING BATCi a few jump ahead of the barrage j;- Rejrular, per inch per imHki ........15c fire frorn hi8 own guns. Although the Hohcnzollern war Transient, per inch per insertion..... 2Uc - ... . h- . Z i-in r- . . , i , lord is prepared to lose a million W"t",yCr"'" " " ABaker Oregon, g,r. got drunK fln(, a half of Gtrman lives in his gjT The publisher, of weekly news- and climbed a action hUat wd gtofjenaive. he will papers of Umatilla County h.v. ed we do not hesitate to describe a , much-measured by not to publUh any political matter of quite unladylike. ..o (.n,i.i. an advertising natar except at adver- , other than Hun standards. tising rates. The Leader man never knew he ; ; had so many warm personal friends Advance when you a--e ready, Are you saving or wasting your unU, he began to hear from the General Foch; but we hope that extra hour of daylight? - . divert and sundry candidates for you will be ready toon. Oakland has the unenviable dis.'0rcKOn J'obB- ' . ... t. . . ,, , . ... "Another good home guard is tinctwr, of being the only Oregon We e unedinedto observe that the home garden" saya an ex town that ion ilast Monday had I not A W. ufferty has resumed his change. J aubscribed it quota of Liberty job of running for Congress. ' BoDdB' , Perhaps Finland, like grasping Right flow is a good time to With 80 manJr Peop'e running for Belgium, has threatened the integ- ab'ate the manure piles and thus officc- 8bout the on,y distinguishing rity of the German empire. discourage the pesky fly from -feature tBe candidate is his dis- propagating its kind. ' , couraging frequency. The Portland library board has s insisted that an unpatriotic Miss The rivalry between West and Mr' 1 m "ow' Hunt s new job. King merely means that the demo- and fu not have .to Bwat h,m cratic party is getting to be "some 80 often later on- - Announcement pumpkins'' in Oregon, since a hope- - less minority a always harmonious. hsve,JI j10 dne to I herewith announce myself as a ss . 6erve the world from these hor- candidate for the Republican nom- M ThMlore Roosevelt is "do- rors?" asks Kaiser Bill. Well, old ination as County Commissioner, Mrs. Theodore Koosevelt i Up. b the f thg yvUfn t ing her bit" by working 14 hours a "Prt, you haven t done those you tneJprimary ecction May l7i mjJ. day in a Y. M. C. A. canteen at aren t able to do. (Adv j j M ashwOKTH. Aix, France. ' It is said that the list of "yellow HOMER I. WATTS If you haven't been able to buy card slackers" which every oewspa- Attorney-t-Llw .Liberty Bond, buy a thrift stamp per in Umatilla county has agreed pel)e , , tllte d Keder,r or several thrift, stamps. You will to publish, wilj be so small as to be Courts. thus be eavimr money you might almost negligible. While nearly ATHENA, OKEUON LUCE.Y STRU CIGARETTE EVERY month we make enough Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach, end to end, from New York to China, the long way around. That's 15,000,000 A DAY Regular men like the Lucky Strike Cigarette good, solid Kentucky Burley tobacco, fine for a cigarette because IT'S TOASTED FT roar sValrr tot, art eerry them, aent tl.IOlor aeartoa of 1 3 aackaitca toThc Totwcco eoaioan, at CaUloraM, aa . rrtncUco. ' jr . 07 Guaranteed by wt TMwaCcad(a Met Dr. S. L EEZL' Veterinary Surgeon j Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. I Phone Main 253 J i f it I Ttansfer aid Storage I mm w Weston Transfer Go. Davis & Ellis I HAZELIVOOD CREAH ICE rAT-r i : "The Paslinie" i ! E. E. ZEHM tteee HOOVEiM! By using . RYE FLOUR. BARLEY FLOUR, GRAHAM AND WHOLE WHEAT FLOUK Made by the v.estc:, go. I We do custom milling, buy X nana sen nay, urain ana Millfeed of all kindu. , Frw City'DeUvery