HERMTSTON HERALD TIMES HELIX ADVOCATE PATRIOTIC SUPPLEMENT PILOT ROCK RECORD ECHO NEWS MU.TON EAGLE ATHENA PRESS STANFIELD HTAHDAn i.r.Anrw CITY GOES OVER THE TOP IN HOY SCOUTS rOSTKlt TO AW TUKlll J WOllK FOR TUMI) JAUKHTY LOAKi WILL TRY 10 AVOID WAR WILL BE WON WHEN AMERICANS E IT LIBERTY DRIVE; COUNTY ALSO BELIEVED TO HAVE GOT QUOTA REALIZE THEY MUSI. BOYS AT THE FRONT I'tinmtcH of tlio Lihorty Loan .Sul)H ri)tions Not Bo Given to tho Public. SACRIFICE DECLARES KERR v? Till, war will he wn whan all th nml mnim illatrlrt In Franc th. civil American pimple rnlls ihal they must ii1m t Inn be '"" entirely without hi if 1. 1 rnitifiirt nml iir'f t In the end bread. Mia Ilia spenser. that Ilia sotdl.'r on III fighting Una hall have everything tirrary 10 their neeita unit Hint th l","ll' f "r nine hull have uffl. lnnl of th necrsal'le of IITo In he utile In maintain Ihelr morale Hn said. lr W. 3 Kerr. speak Iiik In lirlielf of nml wl'h Hie authorise linn nf the government here yatrnlay. The collar of Htiaala. Pr. Kerr When Hie New York hole! men mucin their rrn-ent past In ue mi more wheal. Ihal mraaagn win Immrdla'ely rnhled In the fund controllers nf the nllled na'lnns where I hi. newi thnt America also wag making a sacrifice In fnod Ihal Hie alllea force mlKhl he ntihnmpered could he lined In rnmiirar Ihe civilian population and relnfiirc tmlnie.i oiil. waa almi'ly due lo th fad ihe'r morale. Ihni Ituaa'a waa alnrved "i. II re. r. Kerr pointed out thai when 0-r. railed thai In temporary otlapB f many iwnpL'd Itueala, ah rame Into Ihe Itnllan army l"mi month iiu fol. toeelon nf a fond supply of M. 000. 000 lowed Immediately upon food riots fmi a year Hhe drained pnaaeaalon of amoiiK the civilian pop"'"0" ! "t pel" rent nf th ral nf Itni'ln and 7J per rein if an ner iron ann Th American people have nev.r yet "IT ore, for Ihe paa' loo month, hi. hron In ih am ltua'on a was ttnlv ul preceding the hrenk down f reanondrd In Ihe rail In any." ha a Hie llnllnn army. The fir! Ihal ana ha been alile l Veep going I due lo Hie greater lahlllty of h" Frenrh peo ple and to Ihe furl 'hai aho haa Imon deoeMIng on Hie promUm of Ihe t'nlied H'atea i. come to her aid I" supplilng llffl lenl food lo prrmll her In continue l i e.ith--r the a'orm. "Ani-rlra l a rrlUcal t;iga In the war." Hie dortor trorlnlmed. "Th! la a war "f Ihe entire people and. If America la I., win, the people nf Ihl roiiutry miirt ! I" 'hay nevr i1rt-ame, One i.f Hie mol Important bimlnease of Ihla country w'll ha to foftilh wheal for the other allied na tion " I In ioted trm rap'aln Cnrdu, Ihe Frem-h high romm'Mtonrr to this coun Irr In ayln thnt lh. Frenrh pop' ha,1 reached Hie limit of rr'fli" and suffering h.'hlnd 'he lines and thai Ann-Hia mil"! rnnie to the Immediate aid nf her ally ntlierwla the Frenrh. mnn aer'ed. Hie arrival nf a euff'rlmt force of American Iroop in turn Ihe tide may find rondlMnn rompletely altered It la a war of all the people." mn Untied Ir. K'T. "It la not alone In Ih l.rn.titccra and rnmumer hti' In the tnnmifncliirer and denier Ihal the rotmlry lKk Fngtnnd and Italy, aa well a Franca, fare a a'nta of depletion of their fond resource that threaten, unlea r"l'eved Immediately, to under-' mine the morale of Ihe-r people There rted "They mnt rome In a reallia- ilon nf th need nf their allle or Ihe rc.till w'll mean yer of suffering and nvlng hy the people al home. He Interpreted the peace erm of fered hv Oermnny at the time the Ttti Inn rollatMie a demanding 'hat. If Her many win. he Will demand of Ihe conquered nallona a uhmllv aplrlt. ..mp..lln; Ihem lo jrnnl everylh'nic i.ce.te hy nermanv In the future In th wtiv of raw material nnd In cnlnnle lr Kerr waa followed hy Captain le.t- r W, lliimphrlc of Camp I-ewl. who mada a llrrln plea to the rlvlllan I "Diilnt'nn to realat all effort nf Ihe Herman lo undermine the mnrale of the people of Ihl country. 'Thl la a war nf nil the people." he acred. "It rannn- he won hy Ihe military alone. It rannnl he won hy Ihe f.irmnra. hy the newapapera. hy the tied froa worker. It ran he won only hv Hie united aupporl of all the people In the country You wnuM nut ailcmp In hiitld a It a'ory hulMlnic wl'h a wheel hnrrow load of hr'ck Net'hT ran ru win three or five year war with II mlnutea worth of determina tion, 'We will bo lucky lrt wl i I'll war In ih re yonra and. In win It In Ihal I'm) mean Ihal the army mut have all the confidence and the ilronxeal mornln of the American people" Captain Humphrle nd of nm of the me'hod hy which the derman are ,1 w"v. "-vitv, v: .1 ' -'1' 1 v" A' ''"ii .hm MM r '-'7 1 . - -' s . , . - ........ ,v V I I , s ' I ) now avnllahle only a ahor' upply or ainvtny ni worn trying 'n weaaen me food offlrleni for trldly compreaaed morale of tha American On of lhaja. need" j ha ald la Q alander lha draft Iroop. pr Kerr jnted further from lha re port of lr Alonn Taylor, who upent aevera! month In Ih nation al war jirl preyloti to Ihe entrance of Ihl country In'o Ih affair fr Tavlor. he aald. found th entire l;fa of those peo ple lranformd and adno'e.t lo war peeda Ha riled two evamplc Thera are no mora watchmaker. They are ail In Ih mnnl'lon faciorle. making magneln for the big gun. There are no umbrella maker AH are engaged In mnklng alrptan wing. Only war eaaen'lnl are receiving Ihe nl'entlnn of Ih European n". Seven million of Ihe lhlrty-1 o nnd a half mil lion people n franco are on the fight ing I'ne Ninety. five per cent of tha women of the country nr engaged In war time Industry. A quar'er nf a mil lion women are engaged In agricultural ptiraulta. "Even Ih ration of Ihe odler I differing hy Ih arnrclty of food. The'r ration la now it per cent below normal than wh'ch there are none Iw'tar. 'Pon't bailey anything different than thai the draft men ara aa fin a body o' flghMng fren aa wer ever gathered anywhere la Ih world, ha demand" I. Hack them up with everything vl have. Wrlto lo thrm. Don't kep hook on Ihem. If Ihey fall lo anawer your letter, forge1 It. Write another, Pon't write aob tu'f, The hoya know what they ara tip axa'nat nnd ara anil fled with tha opinion Ihey have forme,! nf Ihelr rhancr pon't feel orry for youraatf If you happen to have a rnla tlva In lha aervlra. If the war ahould Inat flva year n per cent of the men, nt Ihe lenat. will come bark In aa good condition a when Ihey went away from homo. pon'l lot your prelud'ca Interfere with your backing for thla war. For- get your prejudice until nfter Ihe war. Thla la your war and your entlra up port In every way la Juat a necenry a placing an army In tha f'eld ' The Lcjendetktr boy toot poator for th Third Liberty Loaa campaign. j .! Rcaliiinp; the treat work dona by U Boy ScouU of Americm in tha .Ami two I.iU-rtv lian ramnaitrna tha trcaaury deparUnent haa iaautd one million coniea of tha bov nonUr for um in tha apociaJ Bov grout cam-, IpaiKD. which U to be conducted during tha last tan dayi of the Third Lib- t larty Ixian campaijrn. Thia U at tha apecial request of President Wilson.! no ua nrt rampaicn in &couia aacurea suDcnpnon iniuuiiuun vu yvuj WAHIIINOTON. April 10. Eatlmataa of dally Liberty loon aulwriiptlona will J not ba given out during tha campaign by national, district or local headquar ters, under instructions Issued by Sec retary McAdoo. Instead, tha treasury will gather tbem from each Federal neaerve bank figure on aubacrlptloM actually filed with them, together with receipt from th initial I per cent PT ment, and a tabulation of thesa wUl be made public each day. Local committees may compile alnu lur reports of subscriptions turned Into local bsnks and give out the results. Inaccurate Estimate Feared. This method of supplying Informa tion on the day by day progreaa of the loan adopted by Ibe treasury after long discussion. Is Intended to prevent tha publication of Inaccurate estimate, which might not be borne out by ac tual subscription. Secretary McAdoo requeued newspapers and Liberty loan committees to observe the new rule. Over long distance telephone from Richmond. Va where he made hla first Liberty loan speech on a southern tour, the secretary authorized this s'.ate mont: No Figures for 8ome Days. "In order to remove the risk of In accurate Information and of over-ean-gulne and misleading estimate con cerning the amount of subscription to the third Liberty loan, no figure will he given out for some days, and then ; only figures as to the actual amount of subscription officially filed wiin tne Federal Reserve bank. relying upon optimistic estimatea and unofficial subscriptions will thus be avoided. "Thla Information will be made public lover 23,000,OOU and in th second to mora than f 102,000,000. "BEAR YOUR BURDEN AND ASK FOR MORE" IS ADVICE 10 CIVILIAN E01K Ralph BtasfWfcl, , ,n a district of ttka, telephoned this O afternoon tatt vlia !, p. , tain 10 baw from. Echo bad doubled K . Twtnly-two O thousand fl'a-fciadrad dollsr waa asked of tha Echo glstrlct. Pendleton U war th to la the third Liberty loan atr. It I also belltved that th court hu fim over. No figure vttniltbl today in ad dition to tbos. m th dose of tha day's campaign yeatartsy, but George Hart man, chairmsa f th etty committee, mads tha tatnMat this afternoon that ha ws conflfctt that reports from all tha commlttaaa, ajajty of wWch bav not yet comtetel an then- work, will abow that th city ever the top. Pendleton, tawtrer, Mr. Harunan pointed out. H set go much over th quota assitnei far th reason that the community Is been pretty well combed and Ibera m not ba a large amount corns la aftsr th committees finish their wwt. Al i o'clock- yester- ! day Pendleton subscription totaled 4,W0 of tb required $760,000. In the county the total of all report turned In ahowed $890,000 raised of ihe 11.040.000 which Is It quota. In all district th committee still ar working so that there la little doubt th county I over tb top. Rletb thla afternoon reported a total subscription of $10,050 In that district alone. Railroad men's subscription la th Rleth and Pendleton districts tbl afternoon bad reached $9760. Meacham at noon had $100 subscribed. Buttons may be secured by Liberty bond buyer at any of the) bank on preaentatlon of th receipt given by tb soliciting committee. Tha commit, tee were not Issued buttons, but some of them are giving out the paper Lib erty loan flaga to subscribers. it I the Intention of the general committee to publish, a soon a th lists can ba made np, the name of all subscribers, together with the amount of the bonds they bonght These list will be published aa soon a they ar turned over by the committee, but, be cause of the large number of subscrib ers, It I probable that only part of th name can ba used each day. O BOND tUVERt URGED TO WEAR LIBERTY LOAN BUTTONS. Secretary at tb Treasury He- a Adoo reqasts that during this 4 drive every Liberty bond pur- 4 chaser wear tas Button Issued for 4 that purpeat 4 It I a ynrOer mi a mark of IHE NUMBER OF 2ND I.. Aa at. ft a.kM.U feu m at The danger of I T ' ' . .mmm . - . m . : ... -tTT t inff 4 ice nag. it mows uuu you are w tomuimee orK i roves m.- helping o (avenment win the war. j a n nMVfin ta disclav the a bcclnnlng at an early date, when thej bu!ton ym but create a wrong dcrartment will be prepared to atlv); - lmmeni0, asd ,et a bad ex- amole to aiaera. accurate figure. feetive; Figures May Be Available This Evening. After the plan hast been developed the Federal Reeerve . .. OBrtBUCTt iaDia of the There la little doubt that both Pen- CantainIIumphrevsEninha-!l,uin,,,,rr "e n"'"d ,he old fa' - , p, - i being sold. Ills company of J60 men ale 10 CUpiX)rt Amiy. (at t'nmp Ila are all equipped with . ni'ii ium niniii-u K'H'un hit mijb hiiu "W1rw you gtH aad nanra In ca- ; ihe rame accurate cheek Is kept of uallr llata fmm tlic front, lMNr your tlu e giirniint a la done with refer- hurt with iiiuram am aak for mm j ncr to all other equipment given the "When ratiaUlri nmw. piny tion ' men hanka will renort to the treasury de-1 . k ih-nfnM Piirtment the amount of su scrlpllon - h,Tebv unracted to wear the oleton and the county as a whole ara actually filed thire reports will b button ocgtaiiiousiy for the next over 0,8 t0P ta tn Liberty loan anve. given out dallv." - four VM(1. The figure t present ar not obtatn- ROBERT K. SMITH, Portland. able but will probably be ready thl Liberty Uaa executive manager evening. for Orefoi. , It is estimated that one of tha big a result of the committee work during thu campaign will be that tha number , , n.l....nmiirinTrff ! of subscribers to thl loan win ba AMERICAN SUBMARINES jdoub the number of tbos holding MISS HELEN STEWART WILL SPEAK FRIDAY AIM OF SOCIETY IS TO HELP FATHERLESS Mtlucation of I'Voncli Orphans Js Nol)lt I'lirjKise of Hranch ,or(Hl Here. Tliera has born orgnnlsed In thla city a branch known ftn the rathcrUaa T'hlldron of Krunce. Over 1(0 of tho cltlrs In the United Slates hsv b onme affiliated wl h this splendidly nonstructivo movement. It Is estlmnud thnt fully 1(0,000 faiher of Franca haVa given their live for tholr coun try and civilisation In this tllanlo Iruggle. Thoy wer called suddenly and unexpeo Mdly Into the service with o opportunity to mak provU'on for tholr families. As a consequenc, Ih need of ministering to then fatherless children ha been Increasing, aa the ' weeks and montha have gone by. Tha following taken from one of the Inn f lots of the society ambodlea tne appeal and explains th melhoda of the aorlety: Th manhood of Franca la dying to defeat militarism. On tha battlefield la burled tha splendid promise of her young son. If the old Franca, forced Into th'a conflict and spending every ounce of energy and manhood In tha truggla, la to give blr'h to a naw France, worthy Inheritor of her splen did achievement, her children muit b reared Into a young generation of strength and promise. No greater work can b don for Franc than to glva these children th chance of which thear fathers' death has deprived. Their plight Is an emer gency which must be met Immediately, for neglect during one or two year of th phyalcal mental and moral wel fare of th 'child cannot be repaired later. Over one hundred year ago Fefcnce cama to th assistance of the young ' American republic; today the rapubllo of Franca call to America through Ihe voice of each ef her son, dying in th cause of froedom: "I gave my Ufa. Will you help my little one?" Ten cent k.ieps n child I day In It mother's home. Three dollar kenpa n ch'ld 1 month In Us mother's home Thlriy-alt. dollars keeps n child 1 yenr In It mo'her's home. Hiiliairlptlniia may be paid by the venr, nuartor or montn. and a cnnn will b. assigned upon pledge of a yenr's enre. Kvary cent of the money subscribed goes lo the child. Fxpense nra met from voluntary donations for Hint pur- poe. Tho work I carried on through local committees, each of which Is provided wl-h a Ht of Fr.nch children. Upon receipt of your pledge nnd first pay ment, th nam nnd addresa nf a child will ba given you. As these children are "adopted" ihelr namea w tn tnoae nf ihelr "ndoptrs" are returned to ourj French committee. Payments are mndo quarterly to the mother or guar- dlnn of tha child, by postal money order bearing tho name and address of the American donor. FJverv war orphan of Franc who I certified to be In need and who la be ln brought uo In hi own horn la ellrtble to this help. With ererr ouartarly allowance I sent a letter from tn Fans mirrau ax nlnlnlng th friendship nf America and ns'ruct'ng the child or Its mother to writ a letter of acknowledgement to the American benefactor. Through thl personal touch w ar building up between tha two people a tasting and unbreakable friendship. Th officer of tha local society ar: president, Rev. Lockwood: v'ce presi dent, Mr. B'urgl: secretary-treasurer. Mr. John T. Lamblrth. Individual may adopt one or more of these children nd become responsible for Its support for a year, or groups of Individuals like club, or social circles, or Sunday school claasea, or fraternal organisa tion may combine In thla splendid work. Further Information can be re ceived from or applications for adoption made to any of the off'cer or at th county library. no auffcrm' feollnpi; allow no one Hi itay nHi your fcrtlng of affec tion. "Write o soldier, Tlicy arc hungry for letters from home. Itnt be cheer ful. Waiato no aob or aympHthy on men In uniform. Thoy nerat none ami want mine. They rewrnt It. flic people aa well aa tlie oldler are fighting the war- Tlie morale of the aohllcre will nernr break down iinlem the jveole firat break down. "lie draft army la a aneocaa. Tlie men are trained, loyal ami eager to i fight. Tlie morale of tlie army Is audi that there will never bo a tierman In vasion of America until tho Isat Am-crh-aii aolitier abroad haa been killed.'' The above are aome of the striking points In a wonderfully Interesting litlk nt Happy Canyon by Captain 1 --i(cr W. Humphreys of the National Army forces at Camp Lewis- Captain Humphreys Is detailed for a speaking tour with Dr. W- J. Kerr and hla ad dress Is considered by many more di rectly Interesting even thnn the ad- droaaes by the Canadian officer rtewnre of Inalilunus liermnn prop. Uganda, waa the warning of Captain The men of tha army are in a state of mind to face any danger and any hardahlp. Their fight spirit Is aroused, they will fight to the end ml take any punishment given them. The civilian population also must pre pare for punishment- It will com In various forms. When It doe do not sympathise with yourself. Tak it with a smile and ask for more." Rev. J. K Snyder presided a chairman at the meeting yesterday and warmly thanked both Dr. Kerr and Captain Humphreys for the In formation they brought- A musical rorram was Riven consisting of pa triotic songs led by rrof C. O. Preach and the Alta orchestra, and a duet by Mia Bather South and Walt er Rose, Ulas Xorgren accompanying. At Milton Also. Last evening the two men spoke at an enthualnattc meeting at Milton. They were taken to Milton by Marlon Jack and members of the party aside from Ir. Kerr and Captain Humph reys Included Rev. J. & Snyder, M. L. Shrock. county agent, and Lester Hurst. The Rev. F. A- Ross presided t the Milton meeting- WINTER WHEAT CROP L BE Manv Oaaes of Failure to Report Incomes Uncovered WASHINGTON, April 10. One thousand cases of failure to fU Incomt tag returns hay been uncovered. PORTLAND, Or April 9. Th eon dition of winter wheat In Oregon la 97 par cant ef normal, and barley ia 100 par cant, it ia announced. It ia esti mated that tha winter what crop will be 13,600,000 buahsls. Rye will ba 615, 000 bushel. Both are much abov last year crop. 4000 NEW OFFICERS NEEDED FOR NAVY SAN FRANCISCO. Aprpll 10. Navy officers were on a still hunt for men who know something about trigono metry and logarithms, following receipt of word that when congress passe the bill increasing the navy personnel about 4000 new offlcera will be commissioned All men enlisted In tha twelfth district naval reserve force, It waa announced, will be called Into service thl week. moro bushels and bnlea that we need in order to reduce the cost of living. Some people pretend that our na tional debt Is small by comparing It to the cropa. "What la 120.000.000,000." t'ev anv. "why. thnt Is less than the value of one single crop of the farms of America!" That la true; but we en' up moat of these crops In a year, while the debt remains with us 1300 for every mnn. woman, and child In 'he United States. A th farmers ara fooling them selves hy thinking of prices and dol 'nra in'tend of bushels and bales, ao Industry Is fooling Itself by looking to profl'a and wages Instead of produc 'lon and saving. Woman Who Spent 15 Months in France to Tell of Expe riences at Front. Miss Helen Stewart, librarian at Vic toria, B. C, who spent IS months In France during the war m canteen work at her own expense, will speak In Pen dleton Friday evening. She worked under a London branch of th French Red Cross and was stationed at Nancy, back of the front now occupied by the Americana. Arrangements for Ino vtBtt of Mis Stewart, were completed yesterday. She is In Walla Walla this week and was offered as a speaker In Pendleton on the payment of half her expense. Since the reports are to tho effect that Miss Stewart Is an exceedingly ln'er- estlng speaker and tnat her stories of 1'fe at the front are ln'ensely appealing, the offer was snapped up nnd final ar rangements were authorised. Mlsa Stewart will be entertained by rendleton women during her a'ay here. In the afternoon, at 2: SO. she will speak at the high school The time and place of her evening meeting will be given later. BREAD RATION CUT FOR ENTIRE FRENCH NATION CROSS THE ATLANTIC. yln'ow'.'Tr.'- of Bitter Gales Sweeping the Ocean. DOLLARS OR BUSHELS Secretary Houston, of the depart ment of agr'culture, has called my at tention to how we all are fooling our selves today. The newspapers are boosting that the corn crop Is the greates In history, when In bushels it la leas than In 1I1S. Tha south think the- ar rolllnf' In wealth . when In bale It cotton crop I lass than tn 1 1911. Papr price ar no good, in Radio Operators Are Needed for Positions on New Ships UNITED STATES NAVT TARD. PUQET SOUND. April 9. A hurry-up call for radio operators In the naval resrve force has been received by the r"orut'ng offices of this district. On tceount of the lnrge number of snips being put In commission, tha demand almost exceeds the supply. Men enlisting for radl duty are sent tn the radio school maintained at th t'nlveralty of Wssh'ng'on of lnstrue t'nn and training. Applicant for thl branch of the service are required to have a rood common school education nnd boys Jus' out of school have proved to be the best material. Any one betwen the ages of 18 nd (. Interated In el'her tha rd'o, sea man or fireman hmnch of tha service should make application to th nearest navy recruiting office. Tiny Children to Get But Ounces and Old Persons Only Seven Ounces. WASHINGTON. April 10. Franc has Just established a new regime of bread consumption the food admlnla tra'tnn announced, rrora now on bread will ba strictly rationed through all of Franc on tha following basis; Children less than 3 year old, IH ounces per day; children from 1 to 19 years old. 7 ounces; person from IS to 00 years, 10H ounce (hard work era In thl aga class may receive SH "itnces more); person over 90 year of age, 7 ounce. This ration 1 about two-third of the bread allowance here'ofore maintained. Bread consti tutes over one-half the diet of the French nation, and the price of meat Is so high a practically to prohibit Its use by a large part of the popula tlon. EVADERS OF DRAFT WILL BE DEPORTED CHICAGO. 111., April 9. The 10S draft evaders who were sen'enced to the house of correction hy Judge Landla. st Roekford. 111., will ba deported at the expiration of their entence, th Im migration bureau announced. 20,000.000 Subscribers for Third Libertv Loan Asked WASHINGTON, April 9. A treasury statement asK tnat tn country sub scribe three or faur time the amount of th Liberty loan and furnish 20.000.. 000 subscriber, doubl th number of th first loan. yellow cards are coming m - j but these will be carefully checked to Vovatre .AcrOSS Made in Face guard against any error on the part of - 11. 1, 1 An wn n I , U halAM tll.V ijig mjiiiitua; V -J ...... . w.w.v J are finally reported to the Patriotic league. Nearly everyone, able In any way to take a share in tha loan Is do- WASHINGTON April lO.-In the Most of th. pendle'on committee face of bit er winter gate American . rLtn thai- mrk but strac- submarine artasrt. designed for op- Mn ntn h banks. editions off tie borne coast, have Nq reports on the towns out crossed th Athat'e to engage In th (Je hare beejJ rt by w. I common flgit against German U-boats, .pmp,. -ounty chairman, who re Thevars aiding allied naval forces, .ki. -nml.. fmm Pitrtlaait as are Americas destroyers ana Amen-. can naval agate, am. they have been, In the war son tor tome montn. Tha first mbmarine left In early w'nter. No ah appeared In the pa ner and In hw until Secretary Dan iels spoke, a word of th partlcipa-1 tlon of th usnr boats In the war , agnlnst Gerasay h beea published. Officers aal mea of the submarines! raced hard " lr"J Cramped In atrrew quarters and with storms In pretpect they steered to sea. A lacon'c report of uneventful voyage bore out their confidence In themselves and their bait. t m ruw others got s'arted. While It wajfttr on rolling days, ahead of the submarines a WO-mlle gale was! brewing. It it they pioweo. ronn and tumbllnt Fven whel towflnes parted In some LONDON, April 9. Lloyd George rases, nnknnra to the tugs and ac- tod th house of common that whan rompanytng craft, the submarines bat- tn, battle commenced the German' to tled forward as A majority of (hem tal combatant strength an th west reached th destinsMon under their front was approximately equal to th own power tetiy tor duty. , total of the ant.nf He aid hi mn- Som. . boa's were driven far powsr proposal would Involv extra Some of th bo sacrifice by a portion of th. English L PERIOD OF THE WAR IS AT HAND SAYSJ10YD-GE0RGE Man-Power Proposal "Will Mean Extra Sacrifice for English People. ami 4ted their s'atlon. tittle h, besa sld of the work of the British Ki rrench "ubma,rlr, . the TJ-boat sunt They are playing a definite part, and lurk'n close t0 enany base. Tber ,. ""?: "7,,:: WILL VISIT MEDFORD AND HERMISTON SITES WASHINGTON. April 9. Colonel Edgar of the signal corps has made ar- submerges, rat w"Kn . rangements for the board of officers rintin. has been descrioea . . ,k ii--- , I ra me r-atuic w a trying tor which men or cp vll,nDty ot Hermlston and Medford as aviation sues. t,ui r.ugar warns that hlj should not lead to the con clusion that projects are authorized which "ar not yet contemplated." " .I Z . B-ded. can submartoM ,r nga RELATIVES " Anrtl 9 Tommy According to word from Washington, D. C a board of officers has been BAKER Or, Anru named by the signal corps to Inspect Levy. a ywloent ef "L,ted the site offered at Hermlston for an wnker Saturday w en" 1LZ,,, aviation training camp. The inspec- 8tt army tM "ZZ ' ,' Yon-; t'0" wln b made at al "t'lon. Mr. Urf "f, r,L at the same time. be ""n- He Is ",',d cl . . an examination of a United State "4 nn" ". I' . e BriMsh "rmy. "ur f ThTlt U brother, h ? " ,s tlm. that nel S representa tive of th LTT rmny' rrrav. mi p TN0. waa Wli'" TTTTnra e h Pacific division at San Francisco CWf. WOUU J-;- d a r.r, made as to it. desirability Wrw April 10- Declaring lnfantrv or artillery camp. All tbat th wgr has h"1 V.neral the members of the Oregon delegation million . ma fl be ?' ,ho have Inspected the site have prom- Wnod warstd 1 N" r-rincTand uPPrt for the propo"d cn,p- women that they "u,t j "". until It v ..k.ni of' Among the things that will oon ba ' ha msmoer oi , , ni k. tim ne addrn American "maoe m the New Tart cWPt th trenche. Hed Croaa. tlon will ba made at an early data, and. board will make proposed alt at Medford. Th member of the board of officer ar atatloned ol thl coast, ao th in spection may be expected to be mad shortly. Som time ago the camp was Inspect ed by an officer from the headquarter