The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 12, 1918, Image 1

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I'h'ioJ A'ate Tss Commissioner Gil
loaay. Losaon Roes, a ratiiman ef Poe
'valley, in Klamath county, has been
arrested In connection with the poison
ing of lb 27 sheep In the vicinity of
. , , - uW ,rrlll. The ehep were found poison-
Principal tvsrui of mo weex , ,h. noro?i of )w0 promioant
R-I.ftw Htehart far Infflfv ranchers and a warning waa left to
Only One Sentiment Permissible Today
and That Is Absolute Unity '
nation of Our Renters.
Kills Beggs. in. t pioneer of llsker
nd Grant counties, dN at Canyon
A horn guard company waa organ
ised In lleppner with about 10 mem
bers. Tim la which candidates for state
keep lha anlmali away from Urysnt
Mountain, whlrb heretofore baa been
used for cattle. Fred Btakel. of Too
valley, and John McFall. of Donansa,
Central Focb baa succeeded during riAiiTiii
tbe pest wsek la definitely haltiog Von FIHHTI1IU SPEECH
Hlodsnbur.'s weetern drive every- 1 a-a.ii
where, except la lb a direction of ' . t
Amiens. 0uty of America If to Cast
Tbo original aaonaotuai of tba dee- '
man advance,, which extended over a tVCrjf SelflSlI DOralftMtl
front of 10 milee, baa now baaa cob- " r.,.
centrs'ed la tba small aactar ! aha
eaat of Amiens,
lllndenburg aoatiauaa ta throw
Baltimore, M4-Preoldeat Wlleeu. at
aad dlairlct offlrea may file their d- mwf, nhBrm.0 rm c.iChlng them
claratlona wlb Secretary of State 01- , ,u,nltoa with the .result
cott ends Friday. (hlll lnrjr ,r gol(i 4t sxtrsmnly low
A contract for tba construction of fguro,
a M.000 bushel concrete elevator at VrnlitM W(K)B h ,MtH ,nolh.
Tba Detlee at tba approxlale coat of w ,,. fiI for mfiao m,B of
$28,000 waa Mdad. .t,M t tclegraphle Instruotlons bsv-
rifty eltlsens of WendUng forward- by B ,
ad a petition ta Adjutaat Oenerel John , charge of the select Iveserv-
" "' " lc. B Orel00 ,0 entr,ln t21 m,n dur.
'J'hrro is but tmo seiilimcut pcnniMibla tods;' tliat acntimcnt is
ibaoluta unitjr. 1
Our coutilry is at war our nation therefore Deeds us all. every man.
bad bon apprabandad la woman and child of us, to strength. Iicr, to lwsrtcn her, and to stand ttmh tooP uu ,b k"t,1 " 11 to Ilbrt Iatoa.ta bara.
connacUon with Ibis affair. f.itlf..1lv h. ,,m,I i,. i k i 1.... !: oaUmaud that appraalroataly . ava Aaortca'a aaawar to tba Oarmaa
v 7 7'" ' . nHa MUy.y aagatad la th torn- drta on tba waaUra UtUafroot; I
v... ,...n,m arnre. , , bata thai baTa laa In proraaa dorlaf
Cod and our nation! Iet us lift up that cry to heaven. Xaither tba past faw daya. Tbia aatiaata. of
ha no bate nor sullen anjfcr may dim the glory of our Bag. But let tha eouraa, doaa not laelnda tba rasarraa
Jovo of tnie freedom Mnwcd, Otxl-given freedom which above all otlier w behind tha liaaa.
Tba snmlt run, unuauatly heaty, eon
dnuaa In tba Randy rUar. Tba llttla
flab ara of flna quality and many
paopla ara dipping thnin, wblla com
tha roaewad propagaada far a Oanaaa
piada paaca. to ail prat ass la la aa4
tba war bafora Oarmaoy W vakaaa
from bar dream of world dominion.
la eabatanca. Pratldeat WlUoa'a an
swer in bla apaecb ta tba German
drive and tba German propaganda
Tore, force ta tba ntmoat. Cerea
of a borne guard at Wendllng
Tba annual convention of the Ore- AprJ (
lag tba five-day period commencing
lands ot.r country has cherished aud defended, let that be the thrillin V 'J I JJ. a w!
1 ' - . 4 1! .1 1 . over a rathar broken country, and tba
power that will quicken our pulws, into a still greater love of America Cenn,Dg ,r BW)ung with the fiercest
than we have ever known till now. reelstanee an every Inch of H, aad
We are of all races; today we are one Americans. Whatever wa they ara open ta eouotsr-attaeke that
can do in honor and justice, that we must in conscience do to defeat our Pmoua for them. Tba alight floe without sunt or limit, tte rtgnteaan
..wm,;.,. n,l m.t, fl tr;.n.nlM.,i tuationa In the lines In tba last few gad triumphant force whlek ahall
enemies eni make our nair triumpsmnt. ' . . . . . . . . . . , .t .
. . . . 4 . . .. , - . days show bow the French and British make right the Uw of the world aod
Christ is risen. He has tr.nm(Mver iniquity and death. Let ue gr uklnf,, of the natoral east every aelflab dominion down In
look up to wncre fie now sita in glory, and reaU anew from tiie story of conformation of tba ground, while the dost ; -,
Germany has once mora said that
gon State Sunday School association
will be bold at La Grande April li to
II, and at Salem, April 25 to 17.
Out of 111? physicians In Oregon
110 have been eommlsaloned or been
recommended for eoramiaalona In tha
medical reserve corps of the army.
That tba recent heavy frost baa
practically deatreyed tba pear and
petite prune prospect In many locali
ties of Douglas county, 1 1 the opinion
of orvbardlata.
Seaator McNary has introduced a
bill to enlarge Crater Lake park by
adding tract on tba north. Including
Mount Bailey, Diamond Lake and
Mount Tbielsen.
Deposits in all of the baofcevla the
slat aagrexated IU4.891.JOI l en
March 4. according to flic urea complet
ed by Superintendent of Banks Ben
nett.' This waa a decreaae Of $14.317..
461.71 from December of last year,
but an Increase of I20.417.034.2t over
March of I17.
Reports received from various coun
try communities In Marlon county In
dicate that Ibe early peach crop waa
heavily hit by recent frosts and la
many Instancea orchards will show a.
small percentage of a crop. Logan
berries also probably will be later
than usual and somewhat reduced.
So far aa can be learned there has
his passion and his triumph the greatest of all lesanna man can ever they are strengthening their defensive
learn that evil is conquered only by divine courage; that death baa no "nM na weir eruiiery.
terror for the man of faith, and that not all the riches of this world are
worth passing thought in compariwm with the things which endure for
ever. Let ua hasten now to act. We have spoken enough. . .
Slay God preserve and blcsa America. 1
. . 1 3 '
force, and force alone, ahall decide
whether Justice and peace shall reign
la the affaire of men; whether light
aa America conceives It or dominion
aa aha conceives It shall determine tba
Let Us Watch and Avoid Slackers in
Ranks of Our, Civilian Army
Mack madman, IS ism oU, one of W) no ,0,uI eoun,
Ue oldaet tf not the oldest pioneer of
Baker county, died after a short ill
ness at the homo of bla eon, Albert
lilndman of Durkee.
Ralla on tha new Klamath Falls mu
nicipal Una. being constructed from
Klamath Kails to Dairy, 20 miles east,
by Robert A Strabora, have been laid
for a distance of aevrn mllea.
Robert A. Booth, of Eugene, one of
tha stste'a leading men, waa named
by Governor Wlthycombe as state
highway commissioner to succeed E.
J. Adams, whose term baa aspired. 1
Members of tbo Loyal Legion of
' Loggers and Lumbermen tarred and
feathered two proOerman members
of the I. W. TV. at Knappa and then
beaded them up the road with a warn
ing not to return.
The Eugene Frultgrowen associa
tion Is closing Its season run on broo
' coll wltb a record of almost 2500 raaea
of thla canned product aa compared
with 100 esses, the greaieet output for
any previous arason.
Tba postorriee In Berlin aoid 1319 42
worth of war aavlnga atampa and
122 76 worth or thrift atampa during
the month of March. This Berlin la
not the capital of Oermany, however,
but a poatofflce In Linn county.
Portland's fire loaf ea' for tha first
ty wheat crop from the recent cold
anap, despite tha fact 'that much of
tha grain on the reservation waa In
a condition where It Is highly suscept
ible to the cold. Farmers forecist tha
largest crop In tba history of tba coun
ty. '' '
District Attorney Ooyne. cf Tilla
mook eounty, waa advised by Attorney
General Brown thst only a majority
vote la necessary to select the site for
a schoolhouse or to do any other act
under tba school law requiring a vote,
with the eiceptton of determining upon
Uie removal of a schoolbouao, which re
quires a two thirds vote
' Linn eounty will have a county agri
cultural axent within tho next two
weeka. The committee which waa In
charge of raising a fund for the pur
pose baa announced that Its efforts
have been auccessfut and that the
money la ready. An agent will be
selected upon Uia recommendation of
the board of regenta of tba Oregon
Agricultural college.
Deploring the fact that Oregon
soldiers when absent from tba state,
ara without tha right to vote, tha
Marlon County Veterans' association
The anniversary of the entry of the
United States into tbo war waa made
the occasion of celebratlve functions In
London, Paris and Rome and tba Bend
ing of numerous messages of felicita- destinies of mankind,
tlon by allied leaders. A notable nt- "I accept tne challenge, I know
terance was tint by Premier Lloyd Uat roa accept it AH the world aball
George, In which be predicted that know yon accept it It shall appear
during "tba next few weeka" the TJnl- u the utter saci-triee and eelf forget-
ted States would give the Prussian fulness with which wa shall give all
military junta tba surprise of their that wa love and all that wa have to
Uvea." redeem the world and make It fit for
' 1 - t free men like oorselvea to live In.
Americana Helped to Save Amlena. Thla now la tha meaning of tfiet
London. But for the gallant da- wc da Let everything that wa say,
fense put op by General Carey's im- ur fellow countrymen, everything
In war time the moat damning tag we can tie to a man is the despised provtsed army, in which American rail- that wo henceforth plan aad accom-
'Slorkcr." Any dcacrtcr disgracingjiia country's uniform, and coward engineers played a prominent pUsa, nog true to thla response till
K..n;H 4Wnnifnrm we call a slacker But the arm of the United Part- tt correspondent on tha the majeaty and might of our concert-
shunning tho uniform, we cal sucker. Uuttne array oltne tmtea veter front ttt Dally .Mail, the power shall fill the thought and
Stales is not all uniform, and the western front is not confined to France MWBy nlgU htTe pu,ned te ,y Mml rortM ttc who
and Flanders. Our army includes all that host of men and women supply- Amlena in the first few daya of his fcont aad misprise what wa honor and
ing our food munitions of war. . Tsy are heroes aa much as their more great attack:" The Improvised force hold dear."
relatives, and there is desertion and failure to er,lit beld an Important atretch of the front Warning anew that a triumph of
in this army aa well aa in tho force, to cross the Atlantic There are 6lnat fartoua Cerman onslaught
alackers on our western front
This battle lino which we protect over here is under the control of a
arms for Germsny" wooli mean ruin
for all the Ideals America baa won and
Senator Stone Stricken with Paralyala lived for, tha president reiterated skat
Washington. Senator Stone, of he waa willing ta diaousa at any time
civilian army. In our factories and fields we are waging war against our Missouri, chairman of the foreign re- fair, Just and honest peace, staoere
enemr. Are we fighting as hard as we can ? Are wc putting all our force 1,l0llt committee, waa stricken with ly proposed- peace ta which tha
.t.. V. t.A ,t r. ... M; ; Pr'y - - eirong ana vw uu uuw
BU''I J V mv vvw7asjr awe ouu uuu(ivun 1VI vui 4711 IU
France? We must fall to md do our work to make theirs worth while.
For all the fighting in France will fail without our campaign for work
in America,- Our farmers and manufacturers have been called to join
the ranks. Will they dodge the work, tho self-sacrifice? Let us watch
and avoid tho slackers in our civilian army.
ea route to his office in the capital.
Winter Wheat 560,000,000 Bushels.
Washington. Winter wheat produc
tion thla year will be about 60.000.000
bushels, the department of agriculture
. t ;
Washington. One year from the
day tha United States entered the
world war, the nation started collect
ing 13,000,000,000 from Its citlsens as
London. In . a new attack on the
British line between La Bassee and
Aroieutleres. the Germans gained
1. . . ..(A..t.J m Mailnttnrt ftVAHnff tit irmiinit lit Ih. nAlfrhhnrhrtrwt nf Kaiit
enactment of a law removing this dls-v Chspelle, Fauqulssart and Cardonner- "llrd Uberty ,0n t0 ""N
t.llfiw k m .1 ri,ni,lna thmt mAmhnrt farm t. Affli.lftl nnnrt trem V1etn
.L- ,V. ..ll.l , "" """" --r- -
lour mom... . .....v-, ...... of aMOCton wm refuM to vote Marehs! Halg states. - ea w- -. (or ,ny CMfldate for the leglalature
against a loss of 1108.584 for tba cor- . ....u
responding four months of the laat
flseal year, or a decrease of f 42.85S.
' Tba Gold Hill Lumber company's
bos factory at Gold Hill and Its ssw
(inlll and logging railway on Sardine
'creek, six miles north of Gold Hill,
which baa been Idle the past four
not favoring such action,
v. The 81st session of the Central Bap
tist association will be held at the
first Baptist church, Salem, April 19.
11 and 12. Rev. O. H. Young, of Albany,
will be moderator. The association em
braces Linn and Marlon counties, and
tha churches having membership are
It waa a day of patriotic celebra-
Tha Germane delivered a heavy etA"0"' .Sl
tack against tha British and Portu
guese on an 11-mlle front between
Glvenchy and La Bassee and north
eastward to Fleurbala, near Armen
tleres. V... .1 V A D1.H..N ,ll4 A Tim.
X . . v and gave material evidence of their
tillon the enemy appeared 0 have V million, of dol-
sniuvu m awwvasafi as shiuvvi wv.wihivh,
aymboltxe the important part each
must play In winning the war.
. Throughout the United States com:
m unities observed the anniversary of
the nation'a entrance Into the war
,,, - . . mm cnurcne nvm u.riuuiui gainea a iuoun in aoruBw vvmuiwi , ... ,., ,
villi. Holly, Laoomb, Lebanon, NortU a tierce battle waa raging all along
v:.r'a . I:":. JS'.: PalesUne, Providence. Salem. Sclo. the sector. La Plantln ia northwest
VlieCl IU1 U.u whw ftiv (.Mv.uaii
and do not worn will be eonsidered in
the same light a a slacker or traitor
.n wm uk w...- vvm.- 1(o Motlon 0n yj, pclto coast
' , ... wtbllshed at TUlkmook. when
Flr manufactttrera of tha northwest ., . ..r.
... v . ---I " - ' -
man, received 11700 for bis herd bull.
Saint Mswes. One of Mr. Curtiss'
Stayton, Tallman and Worth Santlam. of Glvenchy. and Petition Ilea to tha
What is said to bea record price MSt of Laventle. ,
for Jersey dairy stock sold at pub. . v . , .
ara pleased with tbe prospect of ob
taining big ordera for material to bi
used in the construction of 100,000 new
freight cere which tha government ia
to order through a series of contracts
how under consideration.
! A tout of 488 accidents waa report
ed to the state Industrial accident com
jmlsslon for the week ending April 4,
of which two were fatal. Sam D,
jClarke, of Philomath, waa killed while
logging, and A. Emerson, a railroad
man, was killed at Kerry. y
; Tha Lane County grand Jury Indicted
Elmer Paine, Jess Fox and Harry
CaplUl Stock la Nearly Doubled
12 Month
Spokane, Wash. The federal land
the struggle against Germany.
While publie meetings were in prog
ress in nearly every city telegrams
were pouring Into liberty loan head
quarters at the treasury telling of
towns that had exceeded their quotas
In tha first day of the tour weeks'
campaign, or even within the first
"Our boys must have their smokes.
Send them cigarettes!" This is a
familiar appeal now to all of us.
Among those most In demand Sat .
the now famous "toasted' cigarette
LUCKY STRIKE. ' Thousands of this
favorite brand have been shipped to
France. There is something home
like and friendly to the boys in tha
sight of the familiar green packagea
with the red circle. -
Tbia homelike, appetizing quality
of the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette ia
largely due to the fact that the Burley
tobacco used in making it baa been
toasted. "It's toasted waa the "sto
(ran" that made a great success ot .
LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year.
Now the American Tobacco Co. is
making 13 million LUCKY STRIKE
Cigarettes a day.
A good part of this immense pro
duction ia making its way across tha
wa'er to cheer our boys. The Red
Cross has distributed thousanda of
LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes.
London. David Lloyd George, the
British prime minister, made tha Bold
est stroke ot his career by eotrpitsg
hoipe rule for Ireland with tha eon
ecrlption of Irishmen.
This unexpected announcement waa
made in an address by the premier In
tha house of commons, la presenting
the near eonscriptloa bill to parlia
ment Tbe premier said that tha man-power
act would be extended to Ireland
under the same eonditiona aa to Great
Britain and that a measure ot self
government tor Ireland would be In
troduced. The first impression waa skepticism ,
aa to whether the war cabinet eould .
frame a measure which would stand
that test and the tear that the country
might be plunged again into the old
fury of tha Irish quarrel while fight
ing for its life against enemies out
side its walla. , ,
The atmosphere ot tha house of
commons did not foreshadow success.
From his first sentence on Ireland,
the premier was assailed with what
Renter's correspondent describee aa
"running, hostile comment front tha
Irish benehee."
- - - - spoaane, wasn. ine ivaerai isna ..,. nape unu
Jersey cows brought 1850, another (850 Unki whloh operatei ln Oregon, Wash- MANY HONOR FLAGS WON
and two otnera 1500 eacn. wr. turtles ,ngton( l(Un0 tnd MonUna, waa 1 year
disposed of his entire herd ot blooded 0ld this week, -
Jersey stock, formerly maintained lust Twelve montha operations were
north of Pullman, the sale, totaling n a. rvanaa. nresident
118,010, considerably mora than expect- f0n0Wi: Lowe applied for. 1T.33S: ' nd eotm"8 which have reached
-m : -.. .... ' ' !' .... ' . .nnl.i In tha third Ifhartv 1nn
a. " '
seretary of Treasury Urges That
Campaign B Pushed to Utmost
San Frar-cisco. Honor flags to ct-
P, Ten sen, ot Ontario, has complsln-:
sd to State Veterinarian Lytle that a;
loss Is being suffered by stockmen at .,
Ontario and Tayette by a federal regu- .from $750,000 to $1,882,742 through the
Portland. .
Barley Standard teed, $72 per ton.
Oata No. 2 white feed, $69 per ton.
Corn Whole, $77; cracked. $78.
' Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 40c per lb.
Eggs Ranch. 35e per dozen.
Potatoes 80$t0c per hundred;
Yaklmaa, $1.25 1.35.
' Poultry Roosters, Old. 20o; stags,
22c; bens, 26G27e: broilers, 40c;
amount applied tor. $43,233,213; farma etr e third liberty loan
appraised and . reported on. 11.820; are nying rrom iexas w m vuu.n
loans approved, 1198; aggregate ot Dd from th8, folfl, oce"n '
leans approved. $20,748,170. ' Mhni- llh(ri loan head-
tn . vr th. h.a lnnrennert quarters announced here.
RTMnnfti i siiJ 74Sthrn,.ffhth In the twelfth federal reserve dis- iducks, 82c; geese. 25c; turkeys, live
iMarUn tortmwVkhwrtni taUott hleh rolllblu th "'Pment 1 itock aubscrlption. ot each borrower. trlct Madera county won the first ie27c. drea.ed 15fJI7. per pound,
EngeneS ..' .;
a.linuM at Hnhura and Its content. :vwicmhb wwrewn i um wnen ine capiiai rec.. ti.Quu.uuu - ----- ... ..
'MtmrttoX & ucn eltl9 CM be tot 00 the bank start, to pay oft to the gov- Secretary ot th. Treasury Wll lam
Including 8700 sacks potatoat, wittt DrMent Ontario or Par- Mm-nt it. r..tni eanit.l of 17B0 000. O. McAdoo telegraphed liberty loan
intent to aerraua insurance companies. . ... , . .-....-.
The state of Oregon for the year ' ett because It is necessary, in order aa provided tor In tha law. and ultt-
1111 on the 1917 assessment' roll, bst ,0 mcB T'i hP the catUe ately all stock wUl be owned by the
levied $23,203,140.88 for all purposes. Into Idaho and back into Oregon sgsln. borrowers.
..... ..,,. ' Dr. Lytle states that a bill Is now . . -
headquarters to put every effort into
Butter Creamery, 42a per lb.
Eggs Ranch. S8e per doien.
Poultry Fryers, fresh dressed. 8Se;
cities and towna and miscellaneous Wm in eongress which proposes Annual "Clean-up Days" Friday and
usas, according to lUitntiaa. o Madj this, cdmoa. . Baturiay, AprUW and 80, .
the drive. Mr. McAdoo asked for cam- roosters, fresh dressed, S3c; trosen
palgna ot education ln the schools and hena, light 30c, medium 32c; ducks,
the organisation ot war savings socle- live 30c, dressed 32c; geese, live 25c,
ties to push every campaign for the dressed 30c; turkeys, live 28 30c;
alt ot gover am est aocuriUea. i qxeusd, Ifftfftb.
American Leaeea Given Out
Washington. Tha largest easualry
list for any day since the United
States entered tha war waa announced
by the war department Wednesday.
There are 283 namea on the list
(These are in addition to the 44T
.names announced Tuesday, covering
alx days.)
. Secretary Baker ordered the war
'department to resume issuing casual
ty lista of the American expeditionary
forces. Four hundred and forty-eevea
names appoar on oaaualty lists tor
April 1 to i, Inclusive. On AMI 5
124 namea were reported.
The combined lists show:
' Killed In action 18, died ot weosda
11, captured 21. died ot accident ,
died of disease 48, died "cause un
known" 8, severely wounded 103,
slightly wounded 241.
''Our Minister's Honermoolh" at CD
art Btt&e. prU 1