The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 05, 1918, PATRIOTIC SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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ATill 111 mllinr If
v I A V IN hK A IMI r l
Uinl 111 I linllUL 10
-- ami on, I M.nun for Itinrrlrd peraon
i i .l..lAn M'ldli l levy or aunm riinglnu
It'lVfrsiili' Hoy H MlJoyillK ll"Vrrm , rt on Im-omea belwaen
SijtlitH of Allied Country,
lli WritfH Parent").
"Kinc at living In France have
iin.vp.l uruunU a good dl. end n
luiiilly hve "it ""I deftl
Ih., cmiiury. which. In H.df. ' .ull
an elu ulliiti, more tiiuii one could learn
from it book." write, fi.rporal lleotg
Moiati f the One Hundred MlnlmnlH
inilii.ftn. I" hla parent. Mr. mid Mrs
Mnruan of Itlveraliln
"I guc you remember I used l
wombr where you got "r old-fashioned
hlcaa. but I himw lii.w On ri
iinilir.Un.l whr-it ihry iif In country
where everything count., rvcn if lift
iiii a r a nnll.
Mnl her would he I gues.
If aim knew tlml great deal f III
manual labor ! pntrnie.i ny wun.v..
here. They hae to, I suppose. "
o iimny nf the men In the war. On
never wyi any waete l"d " thi roun
try. If II won't grow garden. h
I ill tmea In and grow ft forest.
"Kveryone la In t'l health here. If
I were ullnwed. Id write you "'
Ineicad of a IcHcr. hut I'll I'll you my
-.1 M. In c. when I get l''' home.
I dun-i know tinihr I'll l ! h vry
a.nn or inn. nir - .
ri.l when I I 1'H'k l" wik
llopr I'll hmnr fr"m you ',n
iiflrit, Hflul arniio lolia on' IB
Th liv llr w wrlilun l'hru
ary ST. fmlor rtata of Irhruary 17. h
wrtli-a In ntknnw!1ii Ih" rrl't mikai. hli'h rrlvcil In Kw1
onlrr "We ! olirheil In ami h4
rral fcml.-' li . "anil. Iwlluv m.
fn.iy-. t HM llnrne vory
. nun lliiii-mary ftluin ih rnnklra tnd
I mtial any HuuM ! l'l
i-alvti thrin of l-n A ! lha randy. Iht
lrrllr and -lr worn fine.
"Wti am having funny woalhar
l.i.lny, II hna rained liilermlUenlly nil
.lay. and. fur alimil 18 or :o mlnniea.
II hita horn anowln. N"W l! haa
lurned tark Inio rain I anu" II
will rain a d-al from now on,"
PiitrniiH uf Kost tin runts Who
Critiiim' Mnii.'itffiiii'tit If'
fcrri'il to Official.
To aid tho reetauraiit men In tint
city in molting the objection of their
piurotia to the rule, which have been
agreed on. at the Instruction or thej
f.Hid admlnlfrfttlon, I'r. IT. McNary,:
repreaentatlve here of tha food admin-1
lairallon. and th" Itmalllla County !
trlolic Hervlce league hftve la.uea -rie
following card, which w, , placed
,he hand, of any ohJectorT ..J"
"Your attention
la invued to no
atrlt't regulalloiia
Impotod by
I . U ; W adm.n.atr.,.0,, upon!
re.taur..,t.. hotel., cafe., b.ker.e. .nd ;
Ilka eatabllahment. The.e regulftfon.
admit of but one interpretation, Tha
proprietor of thl place ha. re.pondod
to the call for cooperation In ih. con-
a. rvatlon of food re.ource. and ha. ac
i .....iMii..n. conalrued
f..r him by the ndmlnl.tratlon offhlala.j
He I entitled lo your cooperation, j
w hich can beat be given by ft cheerful i
.. .. ....n.iimeti! in erv-1
BiH'l ibiiii' hi ii 17 -
Ice or rat (una, The proprietor lm been !
........i.i ntunrt in the underilgned i
any lack of cmiperatlon manlfeated byjWIirth nnd purchna.. the balance. Any
patrona If you have any complaint to ! mPmber of the flret or aecond reg
make do not mak. It to the waller or ; nient mav become a member of the ... tin Hre ontw doing their !
tuiv Th underalaned will grant you i
a hearing.
W. I. McNAItY.
Kvery State and Territory In
cluded Are Sending in llo
tuniH to Uncle Sum.
When Kipling said "There's never a
law of Ood nor man runs north of 6S"
he wasn't f'uurlng on an Income tax
levied by th Congre.s of the Unl ed
Rote, for the support of a wtir against
fliTtnun nutocrncy. rtrlotlam. as l!
shown by the returns reaching; the
treasury department, know, no geo
graphical bounds.
Tho Income tax. In I'ft Severn! forms,
npplles 'o the forty-eight states, the
Milrlct of Columbia, the Territory of
Alaska nnd the Hawaiian Ialnnda. Re
turns ore com'ng; from as far north ft
tho Arctic const of Alaska alxty-nlna
degrees north of tho Equator a. far
south ns the outermost Istat of tha
Reefs of Flor'da. as fnr west fts the re
motest lalnnd nf Hawllan group ftnd M
far east ns 'ha farthest coast of Maine.
Within this territory, which comprise!
D .! nr0 soiiare miles, there were In
191, ftccord'ng to the cansua for tht
year. ina ;t.000 persona. Of thesa It It
etlmated that between 0.000.000 and
10 000 000 will be required to file nn In
come tnx re urn. tho law applying to
everv unmnrrled person whoa, net In
come for W17 was 11,000 or more and to
every married person whose net Income
wna liofto or more. The returns, mil
lions nf which already have been re
ceived, muat be In the hands of 'he col
lector of Internal revenue In tha d'i
trlet In which the taxpayer Uvea or has
h's place of buslneas on or before
Anrll 1. The penalty for failure I ft
flna of not lets than 120 nor mora than
ll.nno mid nit lonnl naaea.n.eiit of
t i" r ,,f Bi,,"",,t "' u 6u
Tl'veia will .y l l""l ! "Ul
every i or nei ini-"oin ut '
mle Inert naliiif with I'1" ItH'nm".
Th eiempllnng under tha war rev
l imn net of llclolier S. 1I7 nre I 000
fur unmarried peron and U 000 for
iii.iirlnt I'nder lha f H-plemlier
H, Itmi. w. licit rciiU'lna I" force, 'he r
mntlon ii i e ll.o'in tot uiiuiiirr cil per.
in non and .7."0 In 1" per cenl on in-
I'lltllna l Ml'M OF ai..'u."vu I. :ni"
i hy Ih. art of HIT.
Uoiinlil Skeen Saw (in-lit (Vn
t'lict nt 1'i'ixl Mhii'h Hill
nnd Other HattlfH.
I'rlvo'e Itonald Hlireii uf Portland,
who Mill ho Urn .prukcr in I'endleluli
A(irj ,
llna linn " i'r ""' "mal III-
i-...tli,i anrnksr In Portland, fto-
cording ! the m.aaage uf I'ubllc ty
Manager Mil'"" Kh-pper. who ha.
tnmle thi. arrahgcinont. to .end the
ai.nUi'r here.
Mr Hkccn la a, veteran uf the Ameri
can field arrvlr of the French army
lis Mriu l Kinnva In Jun. 117, from
vhl ..i.u.-1-.n v iin arrv. ill rnnnlha
n b f,i (1 w(h .uai kln illvlalon.
ami iturlnt th tlliu from jun" i
ninlirr of Inat year paruciiaieii in m.
unsanemenU al l--d Mnn'a lllll. Hill
04, Verdun and HI Mlhlel. Ha re
turned lo Ihla country lnl January.
lie la a I'oriland man and la lha tun
of lr. W. II. Hkeen now a captain In
the medical rn of tha national army.
ho lingular hava heon Ut lalka In
ortland that the cominMtia ronaldera
liaelf fortunata In acurln hla conaont
t,. remain "or a cu)l of weoka longer
hrfore relurnliif eaat.
I'mler hi preaeul plana h will leava
I'orilnn l April 17 for New Vrk. whera
ha ll leave Immediately for Franra
ih. i.rrirrra training arnooi
Ametlian army under tha command of
Oeliernl Terahlllg I
II i, ,.,all.r that Will e lllchle. i
world' a champion lightweight b"er. i
who la aiding In the athletic Inatruc. j
tlon at famp I.ewla. may he broiigm
here al-o but that mutter hna been left
In the hand of h.. t'o publicity com
m 'tee In porilnnd
. ,, -e,
( )vtT $1 (KMXX) 111 Hinft Mnilipf
Slt nixl Work of Sdiool
Cliihlren (Joes On.
s,.roy und
HA, KM. r U hf
,' .... of 1100.000 worth of
- -
ar tnrui aiampa. eoq i
rainbow WOO rnemher.
each have been c. mtdeted by K te
Puprrll.tendent f httrr,M- """
the hoy. and girl, have ftold in vral
nunnre.i m-n.r. " '-'""';
the exact total of tha
he calculated. Knrollment fr th. t
urth of atampt and
eeelment hna been begun
' . . .t.
"Any child not member of h
fr. or aecond regiment may become
member of the tnirn regimen
.ui.. nf nurchaalng 150 wnrtn
-., -
nmp." a Buperlntendent t hurcn
in "He may ell part of tho 15,1 hv elllng or purchae
i,,ik( worth of tampa ftf'er Mnlch
i 57 Knch child I Klvcn ft certificate
!of memherahlp algned hy me and
copy of the router of the regiment.'
Kanid Promotion Cornea to a
Pendleton Hoy w no is wun
San Piego School.
v..ia.m Tallman. son of Mr. and Mra
J. V. Tallman. la now nn Instructor In
the navnl aviation achool at Son Plego.
according to word brought back by
lllchnrd Ievlne, who was a member ol
Tnllman'ft claas, which Just finished
work there.
TMIman'a appointment came ft! re
sult of hi! high standing In the ex
amlnntlons at tho close of the training.
Mo made tha highest grade ever given
. man In trnlnlna- there. He will hftve
choree of a class In airplane wood
working and took charge a few days
Th success of their clussmftte Ii ft
mntter of much grn.tlflcs.tlnn to the
other Pendleton boy! In trftlning mere,
according to nevlno. The rest of the
hoy! there will ba assigned to flying
training squadron! In few dnys.
Pevine expect! to remain hera for a
dny or so.
N.mad en Board of Directors.
Mn. C, H. Williams, president of
the Pnrent-TeBcher! council of Pen
dleton, was yesterday elected to mem
bership on tho board of directors of
the Umatilla County chapter of the
Red Cross as a represontfttlvg Of Iwt
Rattle Snake Pete Back.
Tracy inmnn of troop r, who has
been stationed nt the remount camp
In North Carolina, hni been discharged
because of an accident to his left eye
Incurred In handling horses. He la now
with hli family near Adama. He fears
that th sight of hli eye le wholly gone.
lo enter the i.mrrr training ",,.-- ... n.n .ft Tlir
sr.:rrri2,$ 8495 000 S THE
work, he e,,.ecl to I.. na.lgned to the VIU,TUU,UUW IU
A drlv to tniiko I'lnotllla rouniy 100
n. r rent effli lell III Thr ft Hnlnn aell-
hiK ngencli' will ha atnrtod Iminedl
a laily iy County fhalrimin Itoy T.
i'l"lioi t'mler the .lim outlined by
Mr. Illahoii. every hiia neaa hou In lha
county will not only lia aake to carry
a (Ufrlrlent auppty of atnmpa In meat
nil demand hut will he inked to ad
vert'ae lh 'al of aiampi In vary
poaaltila manner.
The women who were In rharg of
the recent houe.o-hnu ranvaa over
the rminty will he In charga of Ih"
new campaign. It will he their duty.
Mr, Mlahop eiplalned to ""ur the
i.Hipernllnn f '"''h of the merrhanta
md hulneaa men of their community,
and k"P rl""" '"h on the reull In
order that the work may not ha per
milled l"g ''" onr" ,r'l'l",i1.
There were aevernl reona 'or the
declalnn of Mr niahop to en'er inio
thla kind of a cnmt'ln. In the f'rat
place t'ma'llla county-a le. while
during the recent ranvaae and follow-
tng 'he cempalfn. have n"t yet reached
a point where they w'll aure that tni
rnnntv will meet It obligation In the
nlea campaign
Ano'her reaaon wa an Incident
which wna brought to tha attention of
the manager recently. A man ought.
tat one evening to purchaa. etamp
Me wanted f0 worth tt we nweaanry
fr him to go to eveml of the ale
nrenc'ea In town before he W" able 'n
find uff1ctent amount to take up the
ent're lf . .
"r rtlhop htle that there ntirht
to he nn opportunity neglected to offer
I., nvlnga atnmpa for anle. On the
..'her hand while he wlahe, t pti.h
the aale, v.lth every poaalble f""-- he
f.-U flint every merchant In the com
emmltv ahould hw' hi part of the
Aa a part of the campaign, each or
the btialne men who advertlae 'n any
wav will be etpected to Incorponite
bin ndverllalng l"e innnm..." .
thnt he Bella
attnmpa In hla
KAN- I'HANi'lHCO. MarUi SO The
atate allotment for the Third Liberty j
loan wer onnounceo in m.
reaerve bank here. They are:
Waahlngtuife .Jl.OO0: Oregon JIM
498 000; northern California, l,71.
ooo: aoiiihcro California. U.!I.OO0;
Idaho. I7.H0.00O: I'tah. I10.JU.000:
Nevada. IJ.fHatrVOO.
0'hl allotment waa made on tne oaai
of the general allotment of IJlO.000.-
oi me ar,"" ' .
this federal reaerve aiamci..
i.iiTl.AN'iy Or.. March SO The
omit a Resigned Oregon Is about whfttj
Kdwnrd Cooklnglmm, chalrmftn of the.
general committee for Oregon, thought!
It would be. The Meconu i.ineny man
bond l.aue for 13.000 ooo.eoo anaj
Oregon's minimum quota was 1,000.-
000. Since that time there has "!
an inrrenae n oana ue, ....... ,
which quota, for, h. ' v-J'VU.".:,-t" i
ba.ed. and It waa thought that proba
bly there would be a slight Increase In
the quota for the Third Liberty loan.
Just as the first quota announced n
the Second Liberty loan drive was an
nounced a! a minimum, the present
quota Is thought to be minimum with
a probability that before the campaign
Is ended ft larger amount will be asked.
: V
Kijrhty Men Present Them
selves nt Meeting and Of
ficers Aro Elected.
I'mnplne U on tho war map with
... nr.nnlfMl !
ooo for thl. federal reserve district. What are you going to i"me your
and does not Include Hawaii or Alftskajown little plot of ground. IHtle alater.
which will be announced later. if you are lucky enough to have one
. j f your own In your own backyard.
company oi noma sui. : Rnm.
at nn enthusiastic military meeting j Tm,.j) hnve good luck with your gar
held Tuesdny evening which wna nt-1 1(n oj. ron success with It. There
tended by over 80 men eligible for ser- )(in.t muCn )ur), n the garden bul
vlce in the company. The meeting . BWR j, a t ,immm down to hard
aa held In the town hall and wnsn- wor) anfl th( rlRrlt knfl nf cnre, and
'hualnstlo In every respect. ;
The company was organUed and'
officers elected ns follows: Captain.
A. L. Campbell; first Heutennnt. !
Reauchampi second Heutennnt. pew- j ,n thB trenchea and t'nele Sam canine;
ey Dennis; first sergeant. Thomas , you , nelpT
Fernbncher; ftecond sergeant, C. I j ' There will be hot w'n yur
Jnmlaon; th'rd sergeant. Ray Oentry: j ,1B(,k aPhe and you want to go swim
fourth sergeant. Walter Record; fftnjmlpg; and cool dnvs when your knees
sergeant, Oeorge Oordon. inches and you want to curl up In the
The newly formed company will drill t ,of, ,ne bRrn nfl read, and go out
each Sunday. ' i tha lot and P'y baseball especially
This Is the third organisation In the: f ft catcher and have s per-
county. The first In thla city, the sec- j f(.0,iy od catcher'! glove; nnd you
ond at FTeewater. Only the Pendleton wl "nBve to ue to the garden and do
company hai io far been equipped with j ,OMP work for TJncle Sam.
rifles. what are yon going to name lhat
I little garden of youraT
Sohroed.r In rranoe. t will tell you whnt I am going to
A card received from Lefty Sohroed- rn m'ne mine 1. going to be ca'led
er former Trl-S'ata ball player, now In pnm Rrown becnuaa Sam Prown l a
France, anyt that he U fine. He Is a Doy wrio had never a chance In his
member of battery A. field art'llery iife t lit the war broka out. and then
nnd hna been In th eervlee now for
several month!.
Apoolnt.d aa Instructor.
waltee Mt'chell hna received word
that his hro'her. Merle S. MrcheJl. who I
was ft member of the second ordnance '
daaa at the TJnlevrslty of Oregon haft
received an appointment at first Serge,
ant In the ordnance nepanment ana
na been detailed as an 'nstrucior at
tha araenal at Benecla, Cat I
n. wapiipur dverllllig. where price
are iiui-Kd, he w ll he ! to 'luoie
mil only ho price of an artlcla but thai
.rl- .i, plu the coal uf a Thrill Btump.
If In. pluce, a curd In hi window or on
tha c.,uiit.T, he he eaked to let It
a I an curry the meaaaga that the atore
ihala wUh Thrift Htumpe.
Kvery patron of every place of bual
neaa ,n he county, nich time he ha
occealon to deal with ft hu.lnraa man
or cl. ik. will be naked If he wlahe. to
piirchua n Thrift Htnmp. Not ft few
atorca. hut every bualneaa houae In the
counly will he eaked to operate under
Ihla ayat. m. It la the purpoae to bring
the Thrlf- H amp Idea before the public
t .very tur and. Iht there be no
mlaiinderatandlng on the port of the
public Mr. IVhop make the an
nouncement that thl la all part of ft
county wide campaign.
The Idea of offering ft Thrift mp
i.. every cuatomer hna already been
; ,lprgMMiruy tried by one or two con
i hoB) ,nPr , o on approachea the i
rmlf)t.r wthout being ked by thai'
..mlftble clerk, riaranca l-atncg er
non If he or h" ha purchaaed a
Thrift Btamp thla mom'ng. The reeult
ha been that the enlre of the hotel
have been a.'onl-hlng. The ftuggea
lnn ! ftlmnat without eicep'lon. taken
on good pact bv 'he patron of the
place even though they may meet th
aalutatlon aeveral time a day.
That will be the experience of every
penton In ih county wh ha oera.lon
Invade the bu.lne.. dl.trlct of the
commun'ty during the remainder of
the campaign, which will la.t until the
rnt re lue of Thrift Ptamp will be
a"ld The cutomer may be ftaked If
Thrift Ptamp will he accepted ft
change or "me other elaboration of
the plan will be ugeted by ome of
the aaleamen but for every man wom
child In rma'llla county, every
. ..i.. iranaactlon d'ir'ng the day I
iroing to mean an opportunity to buy ft
Thrift Ptemn.
Hoys mul iirU Are Called on
to Kind Appropriate Title
for Their Plat.
WA8HINOTOX. April l.-There ';
new Idea In the I'nlted Mates sio-v.
j garden army, lift this:
' .. num. vour
wnux are you n'-i" 'o - -
what ara vou going to can your i-
,, lmrh. brother, you with the bright
py, lhnt weren't ao bright the day
yn w,, own to the station to see big
urother off wi n the rrgimrmr
0 ,h(f mllll,c of the
n,, and held "P 'r nn
r.ii rnnmn inr boiu"''"
mlh ,, strong enough to marcn
horfna mnrrTn., take a m.U.or.
nrlsonera but when he had gone nnd
you went home and mother put her
arms around you and lU her head on
your shoulder and nuked you to help
her to he brave aometh ne queer hap
pened to your heart ami you have never
re't quite the name since, have you.
And now they nre beginning to tell
you In school nbout Russia and what a
rich country It Is and how much it w U
menn In food If the Oermans really get
possesion of It and at home some
time, your grown folks look pretty ser
ious and you wonder If It could be pos
sible no. It Isn't, and you W'M
to help make It Impossible. Ton nnd
those strong little brown hands ior
Tou and your brave heart nnd your
lovnl soul. Tou and your war gnrden
that you are cultivating for XTncle
It t going to he hard work. too.
fjnthlng ensv nbout It; not ft thin,
v wouldn't want to be do'ng ome
thng ensv. would you. with blc brother
ne aw his chance and took It. and he
la over there in France todav fighting
roe you nnd for me and for Uncle Sam
and I am going to name my llt'le gar-
den after him.
Whst ar you going tn name your
garden? Who It the aoldler you know?
who Is the one you 'h'nk or when you
hear them singing "Over There." and
rna i,on. Long ithc t
i-a a long. long rrau ne- Touowimr.
brava boy, a long, long, trail and fnrj
awiiy from home and ho who love
him-may he follow It 'till It turna and
bridge him home again. Home to love
Hid ahi llcr and frlcndahlp. Hume o the
old fireplace and the old book and the
old aonir. nt evening, and the I'ttlr
lirother who Icia In en no faithful to hi
memory ever alnce he'g been gone.
And In the meantime M' name the
little gnrden In our own back yni.5 for
him, o that If there I a coun'y fair
and anine of our gnrden truck goe on
exhibition the nam of our particular
aoldler boy w'll be there at 'he booth
for everv one to ee and rememoer
Tome, little alater, you are doing
your part. too. and doing t fnlthfully
whe'her vou are tired or not; whether
you w'ah you could go down town and
pave nn Ice cream aoda and forget that
there waa uch a thing a a rake or
hoe In the world You are the comfort
of your lonely father'e heart nowadava.
Whrre'a that picture of the boy In uni
form' Tour own particular aoldler?
Tou wouldn't tike anything !n 'he
world for l wou'd you? How hand
ome he I and how brave It make
your ryee fill with teara of pride eren
to th'nk of h name call your little
garden after him and write to him over
her In the trenchea and teti nim about
I', and Jut wait till yoti get back hi
'etfer 'n reply.
"Pirn Prown," that la going to be the
name of my garden.
What I going to be the nam of
I'limtilla County's Quota Ja the
Iiiirpost in the State Out
side of Multnomah.
; Milton-Freewater
Stanfield .
Echo ....
Pilot Reck
I'matllla county' quota of 11.040.000,
to be ubcrlbcd In the third Liberty
loan campaign 1 the largest In th
itn. outalilc of Multnomah. It mean
lhree-iuartcra of a million dollara to
be aubacrlbed In Pendleton, with the
remainder divided among the other
banklnir town of the county, aa above.
The Jfflclot quota for the town of
thla county were announced thla morn
ing by Chairman w. U i nompawn. m
chaw dt the county campaign, and
are apportioned on a baaia of P"r
cent of the banking resource, at the
time of the call on December 31. The
- i tr
total rcaourcc. of the couniy oun
tlm, wer, $u.TTl,000.
k u (,e
slogan adopted by the state committie
! . . . . i-., nr,lln to
. fnr ,
j .,,.
, morl
i inr me nuiuiii i'i"s.
lalne ltnlloilt. anaiBinni ia:e mi-
In a letter to Mr. Thompson this
ii uy inm iwimira nrwu, u
i the larser subscribers In that city.
j ,llch a. tire shipbuilders, the manufao-
IUiits ana oiiifia, nvi ma, i, i. ....
pectiitlon of the committee that Port
land's quota will be subscribed by Wed
Several of the outside counties al
ready are sending word that two or
three days will comple'.e their work on
the loan, und. at that rate, April 13 Is
going to be a mighty unlucky dny for
kaiser bill." he predicts.
Miss Helen Stewart, Victoria,
H. Will Be in Pendle
ton About April 13.
lViulleton Is to have the opportunity
of hearing the personal experiences of
a woman who was, for six months, en
,-ngcd In canteen work a: the front In
She Is Miss Helen Stewart of c
torin. B. C. chief librarian of the in
Mitutton there. Out of her own funds.
she made the trip to France and re
malned there until her finances were
Mls'j Stewart Is on leave of absence
from her work at Victoria and her won
derful a-oiv of her experiences "over
there" have made her a much eottBht
nfter speaker.
She will be In Walla Walla soon and
the opportunity to bring her here under
an agreement with the waua waua
people to divide her expenses, was ac
cepted by the Liberty Loan Publicity
committee this morning. She comes
w'thout pay.
It Is probable that two meetings will
ba held here. She will come sometime
during the Liberty loan campaign,
probably about April IS.
Enlists in Radi0 Division.
Wlll'nm Alfred McNutt of Portland,
who has been working In the Pilot
Rock section, enlisted yesterday In 'he
radio div'slon of the United States
navy and will go to Portland tonight
to take the examinations.
Finley Pie'ures to Be Shown.
Word has been rece'ved from Will
iam Finley. s'nte biologist, that he will
be glnd to show his wild animal pic
tures In Pendleton for the benefit of
the Junior Red Croas. The (Izii !ic
anrgested was April 4. Thursd-.y. It
probabl that he picture will b tUnt
shown during tha afternac.'. it thi I. a:,
school, where no charges will be made
o the nuntls. In the evening, nrohnblv
st the Arcade, thev will be showa to
adults and admission charged.
HKEMKIITGN. Wash, March it
An added Incentive waa given the re
cruiting drive of the naval reeervea to
day when announcement waa mad
Urn' the Thirteenth naval dlatrlct baa
been railed upon to furnlah a quota
of 40 men month for the officer
material achool. Opportunity to at
tend thla achool I to be given recruit!
who have the neceaeary requ altee.
Th'ft achool 1. a branch of th naval
auxlllt.'iry rerve.
At 'he present time the achool I
graduating deck officer on an average
of from 100 to 180 a month. The
monthly draf of men from thl dl
trlct will be trftnferred to the V. B. P.
Oopher t Chicago. The men will be
kept aboard the Oopher for preliminary
training to teat a month, af'er which
they w'll be moved to Cleveland for
n.alrnment to h!pe on the Oreat lake.
The training aboard ahlp will ron Into
two montha when tha men win be re
tMrned to the Oopher for final .elec
tion. Subaequen'ly, hort crolaea will
be taken bv the prospective officers
and they will be picked according to
Individual merit. Those who do noi
measure up to the required standard
will be given whatever other rating
hey prove qualified to fill
Qualification! necessary for en
trance t the achool require an edu
cational training equivalent to at least
completion of a h'gh echool course. In
chiding a good knowledge of trlgon-
nmentry and lognrlthm". The age limit
Is 21 to SO Inclusive.
The naval reaervea at present are
enlls'lng second class seamen and
radio operators. Those desiring
chance to ft'tend the offlcere achool
wo-ild be required to enter th aerrire
a. second cln neamen. and aa ftuch. if
the'r qual'flcatlons are deemed to ft
them ftr training as line officers, they
undoubtedly will be given an opnor-
tunltv to go to the school. Even If ft
15.000 1 recruit waa not accepted ror me oi
75,000' fleers' school, there would stl'l remain
20.000: rrany other wave for advancement.
15,000 wi'h the pernnal of the navy on
12,500 constant increase, and the scope of the
22.500 navy's prorram In the war likewise.
25,000 h chance for rap'd promotion are
-lent If nl.
The goal of the recruiting drive
hih Ha heen nnder'aken la 10 000
iiinnni naval reeervea. Thl "'
la he'ng sought wl'hln the llml'a of 'he
TMi-eenth naval dlstrtct which em
brace. Washington. Oregon. Idaho.
Von'ana, and Wyoming.
Purther Information may be obtained
n annlvlna a the t'n'ted States naval
training camp. Seattle, or by writing
f i...t.nn r n Ell ngnam. omrm
enrolling officer, at the navy yaro.
ruget Sound Washington.
vol. I. close! v related to and pos-
...... mnv of the characteristics ol
cabbage. It is very hardy and may be
planted In the autumn In the enUre
southern portion of tne umieu 01--i
-m thrive on any good soil and re-
spons readily to liberal applications of
stable manure.
Kale may be sown in drill! or in some
cases may be so -a broadcast. When
nn tn drills a Quarter ounce of seed
Is sufficient for a 100-foot row. Kale
may be sown as soon ai the ground Is
In condition to work. Successive plant
ings may be made at Interval through
the summer, but picking! can be made
from the first planting during the en
tire season. When planted In drllhj the
plants may be thinned aa soon aa large
enough, using the onea removed for
A sandy loam with plenty of ell
rotted manure Incorporated in the soil
is well adapted to the production of
muskmelons. The muskmelon la a
heut-lovlnir crop, requiring a long
growing season, about four months,
and cannot be planted until the ground
has become warm. For this reason it
is useless to attempt to grow the musk
melon In sections where the growing
season la not sufficiently long or where
the temperature la not uniformly high.
The northern portion of the United
States la not suited to the growing of
this crop for the reasons cited above.
It is advisable to start the plants In
berry boxes, or on sods in the notbed.
transferring these to the open ground
after the ground has become warm. In
this way considerable time can be saved
and much better result! obtained. It Is
a good plan to place plenty of well
rotted manure In the hills, which should
be about ilx feet apart. Sufficient seed
should be planted so that four good,
strong plants may be had In each bill.
Another plan Is to sow In drills In rows
six or seven feet apart, thinning the
plants until they are from IS laches to
two feet apart In the rows.
Cultivation should be frequent and
thorough, until the vines begin to run.
After this the only cultivation required
is to keep the weeds down.
Muskmelons are liable to be attacked
by several diseases and have at least
one serious insect enemy. For Informa
tion on the control of Insects and dis
eases affecting the muskmelon, refer
to Farmers' Bulie'ln 858. entitled "Con
trol of Diseases and Insect Enemies of
the Home Vegetable Garden."
Out of more than 800,000 factory
workers In Japan, over two-thtrd are
I'mial Generous IlesponHO It
Made by the County for
Heading Material.
The third call for booka for soldiers
Ii. franca has met with the usual gen
erous reaponaa In Pendleton ftnd th
county. To data the returns are as
follows, with four branch libraries still
to hear from and mora booka offered
If needed. They arc listed In tha order
the report! were received. Pilot Rock,
with a population of 100, top tha list
with 200 book given and reports they
can get s in mora ji neaaea:
Pendleton lit
Adam IS
Pilot Rock 200
Weston SS
Milton 12
Kreewater 11
Athena 1
Helix It
Umatilla It
Hermlston 2
Besides being the largest, this is th
finest selection of books so far gath
ered her for the soldiers and some of
the gifts deserve special mention.
Nearly all were In first-class condition,
with only three that needed mending.
Included were sets of Dickens In 21
volumes. F. Marion Crawford In 21 vol
ume.. Richard Harding Davis, 10 vol
umes; English and American poets la
25 volumes; Stories of English and
American Authors, IS volumes; Detec
tive Rtorie. I volumes: Shakespeare's
Works in 7 volume. Masterpieces of
Humor. I voluroea; Muhlbach. is vol
umes, as well a sets of Bret Harte,
v Unnklnacm Smith and Robert Louis
Stevenson. Three of Elbert Hubbard'
beautifully printed and leather-bound
books "Little Journeys," The Man of
Sorrows." and "Hollyhock and Gold
englow" will delight th booklover.
The remainder of the nearlv 1200 books
so far received consist of the most pop
ular of recent fiction.
Amnnv ih. Pendleton donors. 60 fam
ilies are representad, several of whom
brought In 10 or More book!: Mis
Ida Boyd, 41: Mr. Edith Carrol, is;
Mrs. Sylvan Cohn, 12; Mra. . E. Crom-
.li. 11. W Mrnarrlearla. SO: Mr.
C. M. Hoague. 20; Mrs. F. E. Judd. IS".
Mra. Olive King, 20; Roy Kitner. i.
Mrs. W. L. Thompson. 1; Mrs. Harold
JWarner. It: C S. wneeier. a
Wlasler. IS; Hase) Wyrtck. 10.
In th September and December col
lections there were TJS book! and I2JS
. i.iinfi riven, in this drive only
books were called for and the response
has been very encouraging. Because
' General Pershing has asked for 100,000
books a month to be shipped to France,
there will need to be more collection
later and book will be received at any
time at the county library and held for
further orders.
The boo!: have been placed on spe
cial shelves In the stack room await
ing Instruction! and the public will
find them an Interesting collection and
are cordially invited to look them over
within the next few daya
$1 .040.000 IS THE
Umatilla eounty'a quota In th third
Liberty loan will be Sl.040,000, accord
inj to a message from the atate head
quarter at Portland, received thi f
ternoon by W. L. Thompson, county
ehftirmn. Thi is considerably lesa
han had heen expee'ed by th bftnkera
her as they had f 'Bud that the coun
ty would be asked for at least a mil
lion and a quarter.
This quota Is about 10 per cent of
the deposits shown by the December SI
statement and about 5 per cent of It
will be subscribed through the Pendle
ton banks. The amounts to be assigned
to the various districts of the county
have not yet been determined.
The ra'lng comml'tee of the Patrio
tic league will meet this afternoon to
complete their part of the plans for the
dr've which will begin on Saturday of
this week, April S.
Glen Storie May Fly.
Glen S'orie, young Uma'llln county
farmer. wh0 has Just completed his
prelim'nary traln'ng in the aviation
school of the navy at San Diego, is
making application for a transfer from
the ground service of the aviation sec
tion to the flying service.
Will Enter th Army.
1-..-1 initfreann of Pilot Rock, who la
staying at the Hotel St. George for a
few day, will leave next xuesuay
Portland, where he will enter he army.
He received hi! official notice last
tn rennet Mr. Anderson Is well
known over the county. He has been
n the well drilling business ror inree
years and prior to that was employed
on some of the biggest etock ranches
In the county.
More In Fsinbows.
Thirteen high school student! hav
. th. imi" tn the Thrift stamp
campaign and have made the Rainbow
division. The list for tnis weea in
cludes: Austin Ford. Fred Oranholm,
Kenneth Tul'oek. Carlton I How,
Martha Sayer. Vivian Glbbs Allen Fol
som Ned Cheney. Ned Strahorn. Mar
. ra..un ir..hei- Smith. Velma Per
kins and Allen McLean. Thin list is
not yet complete, as many stuoems .ra
h nualifled have not turned In their
name to th principal.