The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 05, 1918, Image 1

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    WestoN': Leader -
' Florence D Hoyt. Portlan.
Thtt'i Whit We're Up
the Third Loan.
to In
It'a up to Ihl fight, buy or thorn
Every American who ran afford to
buy Mberty Nond will be i pec ted
to buy.
If he refuses, the searchlights of
public opinion will bo- o turned upon
blm that ho may bo put Into tha poal
tlon of hevlug to esplaln why ha le
nlaa tha government tha ua of hie
aurploa money. If tha plana of Ibt
National Uberty loan headquarter
t Waahlniton ara carried out.
Information regarding tha etandlng
of every Individual, bla worth, bla In
oma. bla Had Crow activities,
amoanta which ha baa eubscrlbed to
tha rtral and Beeond Liberty Loans,
war work which ha bq dona, hla
patriotic attitude, and othar details,
wilt all ba carefully Hated on a que
ttoaaalr which will ba kept on tilt
by tha government.
Qoeetlonoalree. prepared In Spo
kana for use In Eaaiern Waahlniton,
oontaln 14 questions. On baa to ba
fltlad out for every nian, woman and
child above II yearn of age. Amons
tha Inquiries war, nationality. pree
nt occupation, nama of employer,
othar Iradaa or oceupatlona qualified
la, Liberty Loan aubaciiptlona. earn
Inn. Red Croat war fundi. Bad Croat
member la family, miscellaneous war
donations, war activities engaged In,
patriotic attltuda. general reputation,
oppoaitlon to war work, If any.
Considering tba fact that Oregon'
percentage appear to ba rather low
la eotnparlaon with othar fadaral din
trlcta. tba local Liberty Loan Commit
too taola that It may ba neceasary to
Adopt (otna aucb mean bar of re
minding tba peopl that they muit do
something to hh tba rapoUllon of
themselves and thalr atata. Carda ara
Dow balng prepared. Tha Information
for thee carda will ba gained by tha
Prlnclpil Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mitlon of Our Readers.
Tb atata encampment of tba .0. A.
R. will ba bold at Albany May 15.
Tba German language baa been,
barred from tha Albany public schools.
Tha annual meeting of tba Orcgou
Retail Jewelers' aMorlatlon will ba
held at 8alm In June.
Tba farmers of Warren hava decided
to build erwarehouee for tba etandard
liatlon and handling of all farm pro
duct a.
Tba Southern Pacific company wilt
cooperate with Benton county In ita
campaign for a general poisoning of
gophers and ground squirrel.
Tba game department of the atata
of Ohio baa ordered Sooo China phese
ant egga from Cbarlea D. Aleiander,
of Albany, who conducta a pbaaaant
Tba Kmployed Doya' Brotherhood of
Aatorla waa organised at maaa meet
lag of boya between tba agea of II and
II year, employed In tba Indnatrlea of
Crew a hava begun work preparatory
to linking oalaaoaa for the plera of tba
new concrete bridge to ba built acroaa
Hood river Jointly by the elate and
Hood River county.
. Bakef county farmer at a largely
attended meeting under tba aueplcaa of
tha eountf agricultural council, decid
ed on 160 a month aa tba farm wage
ecale during tba planting aeaaoo,
Oregon pat rone of Ufa Inauranco .
comptnlee are a healthy flak. A slate
ment leaned by Inauranco Commission
er Weill ahowa that loaaea were only
about 1 per cant of tba Inauranco la
Tba emergency board authorised tha
creation of a deficiency In the sum of
1160,000 for the purpoae of carrying
on the work of protection of ablpyarda
and other Induatrlea engaged in war
According to Ira Itotchtne, vleo-
prealdent of the Oregon Cannera' aa-
eaotaina of the different city prc-
cineu. after the carda have boon as, aoclatloa and manager of the Browns-
algned to their proper districts by villa cannery, the Corvallls cannery
postal employee. In the rural die-
Irteta over the state, the work of In
dexing the Inhabitant! baa been going
on for noma time.
Authorisation for obtaining the In
formation cornea from Washington.
When the ayetem la finally complete,
and wben Uncle Sam make the ac
quaintance of all hi cltlien and
know their mean and their oblige
tiona. then John Jones muat b In
duced to make blm a loan or be able
to giv an excellent reaaon why.
The priia winning phra wat won
by Florence B. Hoyt of Fortland. It
la uaed In all advertising of the Third
Liberty Loas in Oregon. Many of the
other slogan from all over the atate
are uaed in connection with th car
toon being run by tha Oregon preaa.
Oregon writer and llluatrator have
all donated thalr beat- eervlce in aid
of th Third Liberty Loan.
Mrs. Emma Fewer, of Chicago, waa
'arrested in Portland and lodged In th
ball, pending her removal to the United
States court of Illlnlos to answer a
t iceunty jail In default of 110.000. caatt
charge of participating In a plot to
substitute some man, supposedly above
draft ag. for a Chicago conscript, re
eeatly drafted Into the army. Mrs.
Fewer ti arrested on a tslegrapblo
.warrant from th Units. States attor .
HrcUttA ....
plant ba been purchased by
Brownsville Institution, i
Revised reports of thrift stamp sales
in Oregon show that Union county1
with a population of 11.000, baa a total
of If In the Junior rainbow division,
compared with a total of 131 la'Mult
nomah and 120 In Marlon.
Pacific college at Newberg la giving
a abort course for minister this week,
March IS to II. This I being hsld In
connection with the annual confer
enoe of the Ministerial association of
Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends.
Porter Connolly have again put a
gang of men on the grade of the Gala
. Creek A Wilson river railroad, south of
Bank. It will take some time to re
pair the damage done to the grade
by the heavy rain of last winter.
Two out of 100 accident reported
to th state Industrial accident com
mission for the week ending March
II were fatal. Th men fatally Injur
ed were John Miller, Mill City, logger,
and Berton Sharp, Wsndltng, lumber
man. ,
A third battalion of th Oregon
naval militia has been authorised by "
Governor Wlthycomb and Immediate
recruiting of 1000 enlisted men and
all officer required on a regulation
United State battleship will begin at
once. ;
Lan county farmer ar not dis
couraged by th short bean crop last '
year, ths result of th unusually dry
weather, and will seed more than 1000
acre to that crop this spring, accord
ing to County Agricultural Agent N. 8.
Robb, - ,
A military organisation was created :
for th t'mpqua country at Reedsport.
Th organisation la to b called th
Port of t'mpqua Home Guard, and Is
composed of members from Gardiner,
Aeedsport, Scottaourg . and ' Smith
Establishing a new world's speed '
record in steel shipbuilding, ths Com
lumbla River Shipbuilding corporation
of Portland launched ths fabricated
hull of an 1800-ton government ship
Wedrrssdsy, just M day aftsr th keel .
was laid. ,
Under ths direction of th agrlcul- '
tural council, th farmers of Linn
county ar holding a campaign to raise
money to secur the services of a coun
ty agricultural agent. Ths campaign
will close April 1. Th farmer expect
to raise 01600.
1 1
In the Twilight Zone of War
This is Oregon's official eloganTIa Freedom's Call; Lend Your AH. r .
Defend yourself. If you can't eo across to flKht. you can do the next best thing by Investing In Liberty Bond
to keep your boy your .neighbor' boy on the firing Una
To Protect Your Country ,
To Perpetuate American Freedom
To Keep the Demon Hun From Your Door.
We can't act too, quickly. The danger la Imminent We will be tardy at best Don't slop to think, any mora
than you would atop to think whether to atrlke back If you worn threatened by an wsassin.
Will you jeopardise your liberty by falling to do your duty? He who hesitates is most sssuredly lost.
v All that your forefathers fought and died for Is lost All that the patriots of 'CS fought tor Is lost
This Is your great opportunity. Use It and ' '
Take your place a a real American.
"Our Minister's Honeymoon" at .Weston Opera House
Saturday evening:, April 13.
j (B John W. Kelly) .
Upon a time there was a farmer
whoa aheep were threatened by coy
otee, so be decided to protect them
at night with a high, tight fence. All
day he labored and wbea evening ap
proached It waa almost, but not quite,
' The farmer was fagged, twilight
waa approaching and Instead of Bail
ing op the remaining boards he Jnr
in the aheep and decided to take a
chance, la the morning he discovered
the ravages caueed in the flock' by the
enemy marauders; the fence be bad
built for protection waa no protection,
because when twilight came be failed
to finish it , .
Don't permit your patriotism to suc
cumb to the twilight tone!
In th Wilight there Is a slacking
of industry, a tendency to Uke things
Indifferently to loaf.
Having performed a good day's
work, twilight flnda a man tired of
th heat and th burdens, ready to
rest and congratulate himself on hia
accomplishments, f
The Third Liberty Loan la la th
twilight sane of war financing. ,
Twice have tha people of Oregoa
labored lndefatigably and accomplish
ed a great work In over-subscribing
the state's allotment
Now cornea the real test now is to
disclose whether they still have tba
vigor and patriotic strength hereto
fore displayed.
It remain to be seen whether tbey -will
consider their duty performed
and ar content to alacken, to take
, things Indifferently, to loaf on tha Job.
,of patriotism. .-; :
After a dsy in the fields it require
spunk and pluck to tackle additional
work In the twilight The man who
determine to preaa tha labor a little,
further to make a real fiqish to the
day' stnnt, is doing something for
himself. And ao is it with those who
bar helped ill the previous bond flo
tations. There la a bit more to do be
fore turning in; a little more exertion
and patience and drain on the re
sources. But if patriotism la not lulled Into
.Indifference of the twilight the fence
of protection will be completed.
. Take no chances. Every bond la
a board la th fence to keep out tha
Hun coyote. - .
wax :
-Send for''
Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book
It shows that Swift & Company selk the meat from
a steer, for less money then the live steer cost !
. Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products
covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling
expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by ; Swift &
Company's 1917 figures as follows:
Average price paid for live cattle per steer $84.45
Average price received for meat . . 68.97
4 4 rs 4 4 4
i ;.,f:.;, -,,-.; '
EZZ2 ..
t ,::.;;:;"-,-, ;., I
Total received
This leaves for expenses and profit
Of which the profit per stee was a
.,...... - -. ......
There are many other interesting and instructive
facts and figures in the Year Book.
We want to tend our 19l8Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free
for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
Swift & Company, U. S. A
Another German driv 1 kw&ed for'
en th wutara froob
I . "vl
s, a- aasBBaawa ' ----