The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 22, 1918, Image 3

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This, you know, Is u bitf national event-u rec
ognition of the fnct that the well ordered homo In
tho buHW of tho nation'8 8tri'njfth. During the week
from March U5 to March 111 we will hold "open
house," and all of our out-of-town friends are in
vited to visit this store, Jo inspect tho new Display
Kooms, to attend our viiiioiw Demonstrations of
Food, Fuel and liiibor-Savintf devices. On tho ev
ening of the 25th we hold in our store a HOME
TALENT TONE TEST, which is free to every
one. Make up n party of your friends and come to
this interesting recital, for which a splendid pro
gram has been arranged.
livery tluy during thin w'k, hoiiiu cvrnt f unimual in
tr'Ht will take place in thin More. Make this your head
quarters when In Walla Walla.
UAc Davis-Kaser Co.
Homelurnlshlng Department Store
PUaos-Music Phonopaphs
10 20 Alder Street
Walla Walla, Wash.
TT TQ "IT ..
JsJi bEu cwp
The Firestone Tire has long
been classed among the lead
ing tires of the United States,
and with the new process of
vulcanizing tread to fabric is
among the peers of the tire
Let me convince you of
Firestone merit.
Weston Garage
Subscriptions Taken
for all
at regular subscription rates
Herman Goodwin
Druggist - ' - Weston, Oregon
on delivery
P. T. Harbour
Choice randies and M-miy aweeta
at Andy's Grwery.
U-ui (1irinU-nn waa in twn
yesterday from hi upland farm.
T(iuImm' g tor hatching
for l six egg for $1.00. Mrs.
K. (3. Blomgren.
KoU-rt Reynold left yeslenlay
for Connell, Wash., U mint his
brother, Otis, in grain seeding.
After itx-nlinic the winter with
the ('. I.. I'inkiTtonH Mrs. J. H.
Henry Ifft Sunday for her homo
at Ia mU, Oregon.
Ir. II. Kw Than luia Urn corn
mli'ned an fin.t lieutenant in thf
Medical Corps of thf United State
army, and to, now awaiting thf call
to service.
C. W. Avery," dfputy wfr fr
the Weston diatrict. haa taken dealt
room In tho real estate office of V.
(5. I.ucan, where he may Itc found
by taxpayer.
Dr. Alfred F. Sempert is prer
inir to leave about the first of April
for I'ortlund. where he will remain
until callfd to the color aa a lieu
tenant in tho Dental Corpa.
Tho revival conducted by Evan
gelist Jew It. Kellemaat the Chris
tian church in Milton result! in
no Uim than 213 conversions, and
ia described aa the greatest revival
in Milton 'a history.
Mias Josic Lavender of the Wes
ton Mercantile Co. is pleasantly em
ploying week' vacation on a
visit to her couin, Mina Ruby Price,
who ia attending Washington Stat
College at Pullman.
We offer a limited number of
brand new auto tires sites 30x3,
30x3. 32x3 and 31x4-at ten
percent discount for cash. Call
toon if you want to take advantage
of these bargains. Pennington &
II. M. Cockburn, William Harder.
Arthur Spence and A. R. Shumway
have contracted with the Burrell
Construction company for a 30,000
bushel elevator, which will be com
pleted in time to take care of their
1918 crop. '
Jesse L. York, young Dry creek
farmer, has embarked fh the Belg
ian hare industry as a aide issue,
with special efforts in the direction
of raising a blue-blooded strain of
thia edible animal. The Leader
printed some pedigree blanks thia
week for Mr. York.
Walter Adams has bought and
put in commission the caterpillar
formerly owned by Wilbur Woods.
Other "cats" started this week in
this neighborhood were those of
Iley Winn and Sim J. Culley.
Weather conditions arc now very
favorable for plowing.
The contract for concrete work
on the new garage building was let
this week by Bud Nelson to C. H.
Scott of Milton, at a price not giv
en out but said to be more than
$4000. The contract price include
the glasa front and corner front
with which the building will be
A movement has been launched
at Athena for the building of a
$15,000 hospital, to be known a
the Athena Protestant Hospital, and
the promoters are confident that
$10,000 will be raised within a
week's time. Zeph Lockwood and
wife have headed the subscription
list with $1000.
: ... ! . flT)
Engine directly behind seat
; .One man in seat
One man on bag platform
and with 8 or 10-
j t ". i "' :
horses you are ready
for biisin!
(Bteti Yarn? Map M
' xis. We have just contracted agen-
pSff cyf of, the best wood grain storage
-... 1 'i . -i , i
Bfr ianK we nave seen ana we ai-
I ready have the best metal tank. .
1 . Here it is.
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . ' Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
PUre White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in' the Northwest.
, Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
R. E. Madscn was in Milton ono
day this week, reports the Eagle,
and was a much noticeable feature
on account of his great height. He
is seven feet six inches tall, weighs
210 pounds and is 20 years of age.
He asserts that he will be a tall
man when he gets his growth.
Madsen posed as Uncle Sam in the
movie picture, "The Slacker's
Jess Gordon, well known young
farmer, who has been successfully
operating on leased holdings west
of Athena, has just invested In a
place of his own. It is known as
th Colburn quarter, located four
miles north of Athena, and was
bought by Mr. Gordon from Clar.
once Zerba for $150 an acre. He
will continue to make hil home in.
his present location.
Clarence Rhea and.Billy Warfield,
upland nimrods, went nimroding a
few days ago In the Blues for bear,
on the theory that spring weather
might have tempted bruin from his
winter quarters. They were disap
pointed, however, as the snow kill
lies deep in the mountains.. They
measured it last Saturday at Aunt
Sarah McDougal s camp and found
it to be no less than five and one
half feet in depth at that point,
which is about 16 miles east of
Weston. It is three feet deep at
tho Bluo Mountain sawmil. '
"Over The Top" will be the sub
ject of a lecture to be given at the
United Brethren church at 2 p. m.
March 29, by Mrs. Jennie Kemp,
Field Agent for the Food Admin
istration. Mrs. Kemp is a platform
speaker of ability and prominence
and Weston people should make it
a point to hear her lecture. Her
talk is not exclusively on food con
servation, but deals with what civ
ilians behind the lines and women
especially may do at this present
moment to help win the war. jSpec
ial patriotic music and songs will
be arranged for in connection with
tho event.
While preaching his regular ser
mon Sunday evening, Rev. E. S.
Powell collapsed suddenly in the
pulpit and had to be removed to his
home. He has since been improv
ing somewhat, but has not yet been
able to resume his work.
More machines are now available
for Red Cross sewing, and it is de
sired that as many ladies as possible
come out and help in
The members meet for sewing in
the library room on Friday and
Tuesday afternoons. -
Mrs. Maggie Andross of Ritter,
Oregon, is visiting at the home of
her brother, Frank Skinner, local
chief of police.
Chris- Thoeny took out a new
Ford touring car this week from
the Weston garage.
, Overland Country Club car, in
good condition, for sale. " See Dr.
The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis
Subscriptions, Jobwork and Advertising
The Farmers Ban!i of Weston
Esta&Osbed 1891
One vital phase of war Ia the same as in olden
times; namely, the gold pile,
Cleopatra robbed Pharaoh's tomb to secure funds
with which to withstand the Roman invasion of
Egypt. This was buried money, " as dead to the
world . as was Pharaoh himself, and doing no more
good. . ;
If you are not like Pharaoh, send forth your gold
to help stem the German invasion.