The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 08, 1918, Image 1

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Prlncloil Eventi of the WieK
Brieiiy sneicnea ior imgr
mitlon of Our Readers.
Portlande million dollar poalofflr
will ba completed by July 1.
plana are under way for the aeventh
annual I'olk County fair at Dallas.
Tha Oregon Agricultural colloge baa
loel aeveral of tta faculty member.
Th Oregon Clayworkera aaaw latum
will bold Ha fourth annual convention
to Portland March 7 and I.
Th war prlcea for lumber bav
rauecd 1 general revival of lha timber
Induatry In tb Mold lllll dlairld.
E. O. Lamb, prominent retired ehecp
owner of Pataley. waa ahot and killed
by hi wife, Hen ha, foltowluc ft
Th formaUoo of th Bouaw rre
ii. .Ho. .i.iHxi near Rand aa a a-
aurad when tb settlor laat wk
voted il to I In faror of th plan.
Production of airplan aprura may drive to steur tb ll&oo which la ak
b expedited by a riving machine that rd of the county for the Y. W. C. A.
haa luel been Invented by E. 1. Oor- work, but Instead will borrow the
man, Ot rortiaiiu. a praciirai ivwvvr-
mtn, .
Fuel oil ahortag In Oregon will com-
re gome of the lar.e Induairlal planta
10 cloaa If relief la not (Ivan eoon. ac
cording to ruel Admlntatrator rrd J
A platoon of th 4Md ro conatruc
tlon regiment baa arrived at Toledo
under command of Lieutenant Tretnpt
from Vancouver barrack. Th men
will get out tpruc.
Arnold Jenert, a frenchman who
waa employed In th logging camp
of th Oregon Lumber Company, near
Ilateavlll, waa killed by being atruck
by a logging train.
Aa agreement ha been cloaed with
A. 3. Wellom. of the United Con-
trading company, of Portland, for
laying 11.000 yard of w.ur-bound
macadam at Hcppnor.
C. II. Oram, of Portland, former
dputy state labor commloioner, baa
filed a declaration of his csndldscy
for the republican nomination for the
offtc of labor commissioner.
Inaurance Commissioner Ilsrvey
Walls, In a statement Issued, says the
10 per cent war tax on fire Inaur-
anc premiums wl.l not bo charged
by Insurance compahlea operating In
thla atais
Vale chapter, American Red Cross,
.1.1-,. k. ..Ik. -hamnlnn knitter of
th slat. Mrs. R, F. Farmer, chair- Solder, a Gorman subject, designed ' Oregon delegsUon In congress by Narva. 100 miles southwest of Petro
man of tha knitting department, haa to render Ineffective the attack of a 'he Portland chamber of commerce, grad, bas been captured by the Ger
oompleted awealer Ic eight hours and submarine on a ahlp. has been ap- Representations uisde to the chsm- mans, and the enemy Is reported to be
41 minutes.
Anothsr 100 namw bare been added
to tha list of thosa school children
who have sold ftO worth or more of
thrift stamp, making 700 now all told
enrolled In lb Junior RaluUow rogl-
ment ef th state.
Aeeordln to a survev of the wheat
acreage In Raker county compiled by
County Agricultural Agent Henry
Tweed the county haa 80 per cent
more wheat under cultivation in 1918
that It had last year.
With barley quoted at $90 a ton,
Umatilla county farmera are specu-
latlng as to whether It Is not a more
satisfactory crop to plant thli spring
than wheat At the ruling prloe wheat
will bring about 1 8ft a ton.
Portland stand first In the north-
west In high atandard of milk 'aa a
result of the awards msde at the West
ern Dairy Products show at North
Yakima, Wash., where Portland von
13 out of IB prises offered. .
Tht Millionaire gold mine, three
miles east of Gold Hill In th Black-
well bills, an Old-time producer, which
bas been in the care of a watchman
hands and will be ropened at one,
New bulk grain elevators costing In
the aggregate hundred! of thousanda
of dollar, will ba ready for the hand-
Rn o the m wheat c
iom.U new elevr. wH have b..n
JoZlied5 within Z "JS few w.ek.
S Ml ccldent. reported to state v
i...,i.i .eetH-nt .nnliaainn for th.
week ending February II. two were
f.t.i Th. dead man ar. Charlea
fatal. The dead men art Charles
Brerwlok, of Mllwaukle, and Harry
Moore, ot Mist both killed while en-
gaged In logging.
An ngneerlng report outlining
plana for the Irrigation of 19,665 acres
of land near Medft rd by the Medtord
Irrigation district, ' as been filed with
Slate Engineer Lewis. Tha eatlmstod
coat of the project la 11,465,(163, or a
little over 174 an acre.
eua. f 4ti. STaeai Pnntraettne
company itteceiafully axplod.dxa hug.
Hut f llulhioii lllll link of lh
Ci,l.ii M K;hway near Hood
Klvor, mot It, g liiinilimlii ot tons of
rock on Ilia huanlt cliff around which
th new grade, of Ilia highway winds.
Oregon's per raplta Investment In
thrift '
u just shout doubl'i that of the cuun-
try at large, base! on tlio treasury
department's report that ! tn the
nation bav uow passed tha $70.000,.
ono mark, reprreentltig a per raplta In
vestment of TO rents. Balce In Oregon
to dato total ovr II, I20,ooo, per
capita of tl 40.
A maximum price of 25 crnla earh
for grain bag for lh 101s harvcat
haa been tutitatlvrly fixed hy the
United Statue food admlnletrallon.
Thli price waa agreed to by Pacific
coaat bag dealer at conference held
In Washington with tha officiate of
th food admliilatratlon.
Itskers may continue to use rye
flour a auhalllute for wheat flour
In Victory bread only until Mi.r -h 31.
In making thla anoum cinrnt tlio food
admliilatratlon sdvlaed bakcra ualng
th re aubatltut to aecure othor aub-
alllutea at one, as there would be no
furthar extenalon of tlm.
L'matllla county will not mak a
amount tur tne time uoiiig biki u-i
t (a Immediately, planning tj collect
th money at om future time by
combining thla with aomo other drive,
Tb. Oregon Potato !, ...ocla-
tlon haa mad petition to the public
aortic comtulMion
grade and provide
uiiliina. Tb aaaociatlon alio aak for
compulsory Inapertloa and grading of
potatoes, a the assertion la mad that
torn of th grower are shipping
their product without being graded,
gupplle of cheese held by Oregon
factories In atorago must b aold by
June 15, unless there are cumin Ions
which warrant Issuance of a special
permit by the federal food adtnlnla-
tratlon granting an extension of th
time 1917 cheese may be bold, lluiee
covering Iheee potnta have just been
rwclved by Biato Food Admlnlatrator
Th winter fishing season ended at
noon March 1. and no more ftahlng for
salmon In the Columbia river will be
permitted until May 1. An effort was
made to have the food administration
suspend the spring closed period, that
people could have fUh to est, and thus
cut down the consumption of meat, aa
th government requests. Tbe effort
hrouxht no result and all f lh u. In
tha river Is prohibited.
Tha Invmillnn of a Itaker man. R. O
proved by O. It. Babcock of th naval
advisory bosrd at San Francisco and
the drawing and plans have been for-
warded by him to the navy department
and naval board at Washington. With
t few changes which he suggested,
M. Rabeock stated that the Invention
would nrove ry efficient
Uf V V V T VI vt t IWIUUas
According to word just received by
Superintendent J. M. Johnson, of
Klamath Indian agency. Commissioner
of Indian Affairs Sells, at Washington,
haa notified Senator Chamberlain that
timber sales have been authorised on
behalf of tha Klamath ifidiana, calling
for paymenta which average over 1100,-
000 annually for a period of IS years,
These sales will be largely for tribal
timber, and the rest will be taken from
the lands of Individual aged and de
ceased Indiana.
Governor Wlthycombe deplores the
tendency of Oregon farmera to cut
down the, acreage being planted to
oropa because of fear that a shortage
of labor will exist at the harvest period
and in a statement urged that the
farmers increase rather than dtmlnlah
the orop acreage. To help meet the
ahnrtarr nf lahnr th ffavarnor Buff-
gesta that city residents who are ac-
customed to taking their vacattonsjn
the country go Into tha field this year
as harveit hands
the Sitka spruce
.. o Washington and Oregon!
5 X "LI the fore.I Sc.
indicates that there i. about 11 billion
r... f .hi. ttmher within tha "anruc.
belt" of these two statee. This inven-
torv waa undertaken under th dlreo-
tory waa undertaken undor the dlreo-
tlon ot District Forester Cecil for the
us ot tha spruce production division
of th signal corps, that there might
be available positive data as to the
amount (and distribution of til the
possible, airplane, material. , "
For the first time the sute industrial
accident commission has awarded
money, under the workmen's eompen-
aatlon act to a widow in Japan. She
la th. ,Mn nf Twablrhll fliiAvnaht. a
Japaneit laborer no vai kU;d ta ;
On June 8th Next a Path of Darkness Will Extend En
tirely Across the United States About Midday
Headlight burning at midday In order
to light tip th that will coin ' Km with ineir uauni una ntne-w..h-tUUlel.p..oMhU.un.
Ib'- J-j'Trnf-.h.. point I no doubt
what la to happen on lha Lnl.,n Vu : fie w,,n,erli,g whnt the aoldl-re In the
Hvaltm on June kill next, The Union
1'aiifle will bav practically a monopoly
on thn eclipse, III inth of Iniulliy fol
lowing Its lines across Colorado, Wyo
ming, I'toli, Idaho, Oregon anil Waali-
Tim need for turning on thn head
light I no Joke. Tlio moon la th
caue of It ull. On that date Luna be-
contra Inonry and step directly In front
of old Hot, shutting out the tttit almost
ni comidelrty a) If an Incandescent
globe bad had In current switched off.
Among Ilia ft ikn that tfer around
Denver and In K-x ky Mountain National
1'ark: In Ilia canyons near Ogden and
Bait Lake Clly, where you eee lha
Devil's Hlide, through I he Oniae (ureal
and mountain clrislra on th way to
Yellowstone I'ark, and down tha Colum-
Colun.Ula Jliver Highway, the oorknesa
will be more real than out on the plalne
Never before In the l.letory of the
world baa a (Ingle rUlroad eyntem had
a monopoly on eurh an Important event
ae mn Allt,M nf that enn. and far that
reaeon the l;nlon 1'acine byetem la get-
J,nh'v,,,lhl0,f ('he'counir" who may
,,5, 'oT'u'-nty out to the7iountaina to
take a look at their private ecltpee
Ba.aVIla, akaawl ft a kiaW Ball , la I It AV A M
r .i frpT,t .ri"""r "
Scientists, neor-sclentlsta and lust
to adopt atandard curloua will make th trip and they will better half, th mocn, that come along, ville, Ky, 14 per cent: Nashville, Tenn
; . ,. , he given a regular little eclipse, too. about every quarter century and pulla to per cent; P.eno, Nev, 17 per cent;
for Inspection Of Tnl wat always does these tilings bet-. off a total eclipse In order to make th Pgcramento, Cal, 82 per cent- Halelgh,
ler than other folks.
Quite some time will be consumed In
getting the moon directly in front of the total ecu p hum aeen only In the
boss" snd l will uk a little while to' far-away placea of the world, the South .
get her away again, but she will "heaUiBea Islanda or China, and never before,'
tate," that I, she will demonstrate one I at least ao say the folks ot Denver ob-j
mor. to old Sol, that he I not th aervatory. hai the path of totality been j
whole thing and ahut him out "totally" j laid out over a course that take in a
for nearly two minutes. That la tb big telescope like that at tbo Colorado
time the light will bar to be turned capital.
on. If during those two minute the busy j Long's Teak, In Rocky Mountain Na
hsnds of the mothers, sisters and sweet- tlnnnl Park, will be one of the hlehest
bearta ar to continue with (weater
and imufflera, and th Union Pacific
a logging camp at Cochraii, Waabli
W mIJp tb iiow h
v" "u ' '- " "
oi, who live wlfi their mother In
" of UWehlghashl mura In
of Okays-ueken. Japan. The
dow l receive from the Oregon
accident commissi 142 a month un-
ho dauRhlera " 1 'rs !d.
Immediate federal protection of the
condensed milk induatry of the Wil-
lamette valley. If production Is to con-
iipw s iiri n irsm i w
slty of slaughtering their dairy herds, .
IS requested in a leiOgTBm soni to
ow commerce oy nm oi
nll condensers and dairymen from
valley point are that the federal eon-
trol of their output for export, which
t Into effect two months ago. bas
P"1 the warehouse of the various
condanserlee to cat actty, without out-
1 to the marketa. As a result, two
Plants have failed, and othera are con-
ronieu wu mo imuimtuv Urt..v,
for cloittig their doors unless relief U
offered, . . , ....
Washington. On April o. the first nounced to the Stockholm foreign of
annlvcrsary of the Called States' entry flce n8r intention to occupy Fluland
Into the war. tbe third liberty losn tn(j tliat Sweden has protested".
will open. There will be a campaign
of three or four weeks.
In announcing the date, Secretary
McAdoo kald the amount of the loan,
the Interest rate and other features,
auch as convertibility of bonds ot pre-
VloUS Issues, maturity and terms of
payment are to be determined, and
new ellation will be necessary
before plans Can be completed.
Prom the fact that the amount of
'the loan is dependent on further leg!.-
latlon It i. expected that It will b. for
more than, f3.600.000.000. the remain-
dor of authorised but unissued bonds,
That certlflcatca of Indebtedness as
now being sold lu anticipation of the
loan bear 4 per cent afforda Some
indication of the interest rate.
How large the loan shall be depends
largely, however, on the fate of the
pendlng war finance bill carrying an
appropriation of a half billion dollar,
and action on the railroad bill with
Its appropriation of a similar amount
Although Mr. McAdoo made no spe
cific announcement, it is now taken
for granted In official circles that
there will be but one more loan before
- o 80, the end ot Ui. flical year.
I traina are to glide Into tha canyon and
trniii lie will think of the lle. Well,
lhey aren t In uti It, 1 lil la un Anierl
an ecllr-. In fuct a fmcn l-aclflc
rllpae, which le aometblng vittrth think
lug about wfcen we reniemlx-r that we
will not have another total erllpae
thee good old United fctutcs for twen
ty-aeven yeura.
Iteault: lnver I rlht there, as she
alwaya la. Ijeun Herbert A, Howe
1 Mover Unlvrrslty ha poilrhed up his
big telescope, fixed up a lot of extra
thine to o with tt and has sent lettcre
all over the country vi'h the legend,
liKNVKR WKU'WIKH YOt. printed
In big type. The folks at Yeikes Ob
ervatory at Oreen Uay, Wisconaln. are
going to be at lenver. Other observa
tories will aend their best scientists. In
order to make sure, however, that they
will not mlis anything that may be re
vealed behind the skirts of the moon,
delegations ar also getting ready to
visit Green ftlver, Wyoming. On the
runs near thla little mountain town
they will set up their Instruments and
get thing U ready to take a look.
The thing they will be looking for
most Intently la what the astronomers
rail the corona. The corona Is a ring if
llght that completely surrounds the inn
and by aom la called a hnlo, the sun
being the only thing In all the universe
that haa a real honest-to-goodnesa h.-ilo.
Many men have been reputed to we.irieent- thwni ah n u.h;.
haloa and many other think they do,
but the un I the only thing that can
. prove It, and oddly enough It la hli
'old world sit uc
halo w hich old fcol wears. Usually a
. r 7. . . . '
points In th path of totality and all the
1 big summer resort hotel tbat cluster i
ft jJQlrt plp!ITC
nUOalfllSO LJiUUrtlL
Ijinrlnn The Rusalan eovernment
haa evacuated Pe'roerad. Three state
ministries, according. to a Reuter dis-
patch from I'etrograd, have left the
capital, from which the population also
Is fleeing hastily.
The Bolshevik government purposes
to declare Moscow the Russian capital
oo retroxria s ires Fru
ii.i """''
Previous reports that the hard terms
of the German peace treaty, which
takes from Russia thousands of square
mllos in Europe and Asia, would not '
be accepted by the AIl Russlan con-
gnss of workmen's and soldiers' dele-
gates, indicated also that the nonpeace
elements In the Bolshevikt were gain-
lng the upper hand.
Protests to Berlin Against Occupation
of Aland Islands.
TVa.hmetnn -Germany's oecunation
W ashlngton. Germany 8 occupation
of the Aland Islanda I only a prelim- lPB lecure noloer aminaung poai
Inary to the total occupation of Fin- t,on from nlcn Mul1 complete
land. Official dispatches to tha Swe
dish legation say Germany has an
Germany advised Sweden, the dis-
pBtci, gayti tnat jt j8 necessary to oc-
cupy jand temporarily to restore
orde. out gavff agguranceg that she
n(llj no intention to take permanent
poBgeBBion of the territory. Sweden
Wand, Delng paced in the . gone.
Th9 K,l,er G!0te,'
Amsterdm.-EmPeror William tele,
sraphed a message of congratulation
to Field Marshal von Henburg on
the "glorious conclusion-of the w.r
on the eastern front The telegram,
as Quoted in a Berlin dispatch .ays:
"Now the costly prise of victory in
th. long Struggle la In our hands, our
Baltic brethren and countrymen are
liberated from Russia's yoke and may
again feel themselves Germans. Ood
aa with us and will continue to aid
Alleged Bootleggers Indicted.
Portland, Or. Operations of two ex
tensive bootlegging rings in this state
er disclosed in the arrest under two Trotzky and Lenine, th Russian Bol
eUM8l.to41.yaep.t)i of. 29 as. taviH leader. .
near It b, are ii tKnr i.i.u.e in up
ply tli'lr Kuceta with hii,okM'l r.):a arid
other thlnae throuxh wnuh II, can
observe the appeuraiu' of tht lun dur
ing the time ho la put In the Hm.o by
the moon.
Other well known point on the Union
Pacific Hyatetn are getting ready too.
Among them are: prvai-llo, Idaho;
linker, Oregon; The liall, Oregon;
Hcpimtr, Oregon; Chehaiia and ilo
qularn, Waahlrigton. ti nphur tiprlnga
and Central City, Colorado, which are a
little oft th line of th Union Pacific,
are alao getting ready. Portland, Or
con, will wltnene a per cent ecilpa
and beattlej Washington, at per cant.
It la ut In the mountains and on tha
hleh plateaus, however, where th
etilpee w ill be beet obaervad because of
the clourfl"-" skies, the rarltleo air and
the absence of ilut and smoke, which
(Matter In the lower altitudes. Por
thla reneon. It seems certain that more
eclenllsta will travel over th line of
the Union Pm-ine Fystem early next
ln;j,Jtl ,hon have vlelted the weatern
country (or many year.
While the Union Pacific System and
the cities and towna through which It
ofltuna in the slatea named above will
have a monopoly on the total ecllpe
mere win be a partial eclipse over !
moet the entire area of the United
r-tates and a ronelderahle portion of
CunailH, ranging from t per cent of
total at New Vork City to 74 per cent
at lyit Angelee, and from per cent In
Tallahassee, Florida, to l per cent at
rv-attle, Washington.
Other cltlea and th degree of totality
ar a follow:
Minneapolis, 71 per cent: Chicago, S
per cent: Galveston, Texas, II per cent;
Philadelphia, Pa, 71 percent: St. Louis.
Mo., I, per cent : Cheyenne, Wyo, 7 per
cent: Helen, Mont., 92 per cent; Oma
ha. Neb, 8 per cent; New Orleans, Lau,
1,5 per cent; Lincoln, Neb, 0 per cent:
Jacksonville, Fla, per cent: Bait
,'Lak City. Utah. S7 rer cent: Toneka.
k'n as nee rent-
U per cent; Atlanta, Oa, 2 per cent;
Id Moines. Iowa, 5 per cent: Pierre,
g. rj., per cent: Detroit Mlcb T4 oer
., wia, 76 per cent; Spokane. Wash,
per cent; Blrrrarck. N. D, It per
irent Pltt.tinrir :-i.-74 renf tymia.
1 s - Pr cent; liount Hamilton
(Lick Observatory). Cal, 71 per cent:
Mount Wilson (Carneeic Solar Obaer-
vatory), CaL, 74 per'cenf Portland,
jje, (0 per cnt: Portland. Ore, per
cent- Colorado Springs, Colo 19 per
cent, and Boston, Mass, (1 per cent,
All who can ret ready for a trio to
the mountains over the Union Pacific
and aee a real eclipse of the eon If
you can't come, get your smoked eiase
ready and on June 8th about noon
go out Into tb back yard and Uk a
In Ban Francisco and Portland. 1 ne
men under arrest Include wholesale
liquor dealers In San Francisco and a
number of alleged bootleggers, to-
eeiher with exnreasmen and railroad
employee whose services were neces-
tn the h-pm of tha conaniracv.
which mnaiated of imDortine lame
quantities of liquor from San Francis-
co into this sute.
John Redmond, Irlah Leader, Dead.
London. John E. Redmond, the
Iaish Nationalist leader, died at 7:45
o'clock Wednesday morning. Death
was due to heart trouble, following a
recent operation for an intestinal ob
struction. :
Turkish force advancing in the Cau- are meeting with little resistance
and are massacrelng Armenian real-
aenu of oi9 districts retaken from the
The German socialists have bitterly
attacked the peace treaty with Russia,
In a debate in the reichstag there were
charges that Germany and Austria al-
re Q"ellng over the apolla
of war.
Determined efforts by the Germans
to obtain possession of Fort La Pom-
P"". to the southeast of Rhetms, and
, .
tne aesiruction oi tne city, nave mei
with a sanguinary failure.
The Americans the Germans claimed
to have captured on the Chemln dea
Damea probably were the larger part
ot a patrol of 13 men aent out when
the raid began and haa not been heard
of since. The enemy obtained no pris
oners from the American trenches.
Russia's delegates at Brest-Lltovsk
hare halted the German Invasion of
Great Russia by agreeing to the peace
terms offered Februwy 21. Peace waa
made, they report to the Bolshevikl
government because wry day of de-
? o demands hy the Oer-
mans. Added provisions require the
Ru88tan8 not only to retire from Tur-
,ey, Xsi tle , b t , t
territory in the regions of Kara, Ba-
toum and Karabagh. taken from tha
Turk, during past wars.
Socialist Congressman For War.
j.ew. yora.New Tork'a great east
.!de .M astounded t0 near m rousing
WJr gpeecn oy Meyer London, social-
(gt cong-eggmgn and heretofore a pro-
nounced pacifist. Not only did Rep
resentative London urge a continua
tion of the war against Germany aa
the only agency that could bring about
a lasting peace, but he denounced
Yankees Beat off Strong Force
of Best Picked "Shock"
With the American Army la France.
The three recent ralda, one la the
Toul accior and two along tbe Cbemln
dee Dame, bav demonstrated that tbe
American soldier, notwithstanding hia
prevloua Inexperience, now la perfect
ly at borne la a gaa mask and able to
flgbt Juat aa well with as without IL
Tbe Americana met tbe best picked
troop of tbe German army troop of
tbe "shock" type, capeclally trained for
raiding and beat them at their own
game of war.
In tbe baad-to-hand struggle tbe
American lost some la killed and
wounded. Including officer. A few
other were reported missing.
After the fight 12 German bodies
were found In tbe American trenches,
while about a acore mora bodies were
seen in the snow aad amidst th
barbed wlie entanglements.
The attack waa made In a driving
snowstorm against a salient oa tha
American front. A heavy bombard
ment of the American position accom
panied the attack. But Instead of Had
ing tbe Yankees bewildered, stunned
and crouching gaamasked In their dog
outs, the Germans met a maddened,
crowd or bareheaded demons, lntozl
cated with excitement and the Joy oil
Hurling themselves upon tha Ger4
mans the young Americana fought dej
perately, entirely smashing tha care
fully laid boche program. The Ger-
man turvlvors were sent acnttllnq
back to their lines, while tha American'
gunners slammed down & riolent ber-
rag through which tha fleeing troop)
had to pass. Three German prisoner
remained In the hap da of the TaiikeeaJ
two ot them having been wounded.
A plan of attack. Including napj
of tne America positions, Indicating
every dugout, which was removed tromj
tne Prussian captain who!
led the rrent "W'lt upon the sectorj
o"osm oi tout, snows now conw
Plt'T the Germans prepare theiri
rald8 Ir ,n fact WM but lpla)
raid, not having as its ultimate object)
the retention of a portion of the aa-
Tne mgp goe, ,nt0 iucB deU1,
show every machine gun emplacement,!
every trench and eTery depression In
the ground within the American lines.,
Washington, Five Americans, In
cluding Second Lieutenant Harold F.
Eadle, ot Tllton, N. H, were killed.
. ,
nve wer 8everely wo,oe ftnd four
slightly wounded in the fight with the
Germane north of Toul March L the
war department announced. ,
Those killed, besides tbe lieutenant,'
.were: Sergeant Anthony Amodei, Bal
timore, Md. ; Privates Edgar Parsons,
0btda' N' C: HanT J' HenT' L8n
nort. Ind.. and Matthew Brew. Fsvetr.
port Ind., and Matthew Brew, Fayette,
N. D.
The department also announced the
following killed In action:
Sergeant Joseph P. Chaisson, Derby,
Me., February 24; Corporal Eph Boggs.
Red Jacket W. Va, March 2; Private
Hugh Weatherman. Beaman, Ia,
March , and Cook Thomas H. Hsr4
desty, 12 Ramsey Apartments, El Paso,'
Tex., February 28.
The death in Europe of Private Wal-.
ter E. Helna, Crane, Or., from pyemia,
waa reported. Other deaths from die-,
ease among the overseas force were
reported as follows:
Privates Thomas J. Quirk, Lowell,
Mass., pneumonia; Harley B. Salxman,
Beach, N. D., embolism; Alfred H.
Clapp, West Union, la., tuberculosis;:
Artie O. Ledbetter. Ellzabethtown, 111,'
St Louts, Mo. The ' one-eighth in
terest In the estate ot the late Adol
phus Busch, wealthy brewer, owned
by his widow who but recently left
Germany after a visit ot many months,
has been placed in charge ot a depos-
itary named by A. Mitchell Palmer,
United Statea custodian ot alien ene-
my property, it was learned here.
BUI to Commandaer Lumber Reported.,
Washington. A bill commandeer
ing lumber was reported favorably by)
the senate committee on military f '