The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 15, 1918, Image 3

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    Another Big Event
at Davls-Kaser's Kext Week
Wo nntirinnto flint thin announcement will
bring thousands of thrifty housewives to our store
next week, to attend our ANNUAL 9c SALE.
The Sale bctfinH Tuesday morning, February
19, continuing until the end of the week. Thou
sands of articles will be Hold nt 9c each, which in
some- cases will be less -THAN TWO WHOLE
Writo for our bargain ixwter.
Vho Davis-Kaser Co.
' Bomelurolsblog Department Store
Pianos - Music - Phonographs
10-20 Alder Street ' Walla Walla, Wash.'
The Leader's subscription list will be
placed on a cash-in-advance - basis gelical meeting!
March 1. 1918. After that date no
K. K. S5-hm return.! May from
Used prrludicaU lire wanted at
the local library.
Dr. A. F. Semx-rt i confined to
hi home on tlw MetJrew farm with
illm-M. has Invests! in a
paU-nt mixer fur umu in his m.
mte work.
4wrrnn Pennington wan m busi
ness visitor In Pendleton the first
of the week. '
Mrs. J. Hodnwm ha Uvn se
riously ill during the wwk at her
home in thin city.
Potato planter, buggy, Unt and
saddle for naif. May U seen at
the Pruebrtel reidi-noe.
Mes Taylor was united in mar
riage Monday at .Sxkane to a
traimtl nur of Walla Walla.
Mm. !. I. Buell of Pendleton was
visiting her sister. Mm. G. W.
.I'roebflU-l. the first of the week.
Over 10 order placed at Walla
Walla for the MeCwmiek Harvester
Combine. See, Watts & IWres.
Claud Cainea of Athena was
among the Oregon soldiers on board
the torpedoed transport Tuscania.
Mr. and Mm. Koss Maloney have
moved from Walla, Walla to a arm
near Weston to make their home.
Rev. E. S. Powell was In Walla
Walla thia week assisting in evan-
at the Marvin
It is run by two men. Cuts 9 feet . wide, 15 to
acres per day, using 8 horses. Does clean work in
all grain and pays for itself in two ordinary crops.
Can you beat it? Can you equal it with a big combine?
Eight orders Uken last week get your's in before
we are stopped. , ' '
w Ask McKride Bros.llalph Tucker. Lieua'len and Beamer, Fred McCrew, Frank
Creer, Itobert I3iomgren, Linus Anderson and Charley Kirk what they saw and what
they know after seeing one that has cut over 700 acres. '
:. Watts &: Rogers
The February meeting of the La
avaw. v..v v.vv A St. valentine a aance win oe Mf8 rank Graham In
papers will be mailed that are notj
"nilfl fYlt in JlflvfltlPP ant's "jazs" band. " were present as guests. Mt
JJtUU J.UI 111 UUVtUIUU Mr..'J. O. Davia of Echo was a became a member of th
nnnoaisi cnun n. , . - -. . , - ,
..... ... . oics uunu was nciu m mo iiuine vi
A St. Valentine's dance Will be ,anV Graham. In addition
nt, Mr. Will
Doris Barnes
i. Miss Barnes
Mn 'J. O. Davis of Echo was a became a member of the guild.
Long experience has convinced vatt&l&?ttStt&TZ
that this is the only' system which is d atM'-JS;
just to both subscriber and publisher, "'S'k 't?JSZXXri-
' '' . ' . , m ,ne?,- Ivitu Vlt, W one- The next meeting will
Wp trUQf thflf tlinSP Of OUr friends f0f 1 hed the first Thursday after-
we irubt inat inubc ui uui inenuo Brandt hM Me6 a new noon in March when Mr8 JHi
who are interested in the maintenance LLTlrlil i"-
of a pioneer newspaper in a .pioneer jjjj -:phe'?dothcr ,nte;nv;nuMetrh?,stLr 5
. . , , ,. . . . . , wrrguu, lias uctu iivhu wj v
y Frank Snider Is busy at hw i black- (Treasury Department at Waging-
miin anoji wiwi uw hwiuiu.- torn D. C that the time for filing
l.1 i it a a. a iiav'siio ma iiuiium
All Coal, CASH
on delivery
p. tma
town will cheerfully respond.
,? 1 - amitn anop wiui me manui
Although, the cost of publication has li'ZtZ
increased, the Leader's subsOTption
rate continues at the same figure,
$1.50 per year.
CLARK WOOD, Publisher
ilivrrvw l,;- in.livMnalo nni-tvnpa. Z
tions. has been extended to April
The Reed and Hawley mounUm- 1, 1918. thus giving an additional t.
eers came down fifteen strong the month to that provided by the war .
other day and worked all day on Tax Act of October 3, 1917. As
the Pine creek grode, which had soon as the blanks are received each
become almost impassable. corjwration will be notified. Col- y
, t..iwll,-K h Kh.j lector Miller would appreciate the U
C""h!t rly riling of returns, so that the, k
msalot atthe eomcT of Mam and notbeun-
Water street from Mr. and Mrs. J. . . . . '
I 1 U nnrfH that Mr. du'y C0ne8lea-
Nelson has in view the erectionof Robert U. ("Bob") Stanfield,
J b wncrcM gifW buiding on the candidate for United States Senator tj
f ' I property. on the Republican ticket, is mak- 'U
Saturday, February 23. at 10 a. inga good impression among the
m.. the sale of seat resen-ations voters in his tour .of Western Ore
will begin at the Office of Frank 8n- The people like his platform.
Price for the series of Chautauqua it is said, and believe he means ex
entertainments March 1, 3 and 4. actly what he says in it. Many
Reserved seats may be had at 60 who have heretofore been inffer.
cents each for the season. ent regarding the Senatorship are
is our watchword. Thp furniture
we sell is good furniture.
ons I alien
for all 1 -
mm and m'SPAPERS .
at regular subscription rates
Herman Goodwin
Druggist - - - Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
v Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected biuestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by .
Weston Mercantile Company
W. L. Robbins hauled a couple in Mr Sunflcld'B candidacy.,
of houses through town the other
day just as easily as though each -
were a load of hay. He bought
them from the Grant-Smith com- ..... tl. rrnillltv titO
pany and they wM be used at his MADt'IN-utKMAN I LlW
conduct services again next Sunday ;
at the Baptist church both morn- , pmada is also having trouble with
ing at eleven o'clock and evening Made-ln-Germnnjr lies calculated to
at seven-thirty. Mr. Storm will be hinder Canadian food conservation ao
nlsted at the evening service by cordlnt to a official statement re-
assisted St tne Milt celvedrom thConadlnn food con-,
the Y. M. C. A. team from Milton. tfoUer by VMeil state9 food ad.
The Weston school board met ministration,
Wednesday evening and re-elected The stories botherlug Canada are
the entire5, faculty . from Superin- of the some general character as those
tendent Fitzpatrick down. This the United States food lAdntabv
?4ion of the board Is reirarded as tor recently denounced in this conn
action 01 tne ooara is regaraea s ridiculous salt and
reflecting the community's satisfac- fawlne uu BtH, th9 wport
tion over the gratifying success of Umt the g0Vernment would seise
its school. ' uousewlves' stocks of home canned
Rudolph Proebstel, who has been Cana,nnn food controller estl-
operating the Sam Thompson cater- mMM th8t when tne peopie n8ten to
pillar near Pendleton, will be exam- nnd pnM 0n sich stories, each one
ined today under the army draft, has the power, of destruction that ilea
Rudolph Ms anxious 'to again don m a battalion of soldiers,
the army khaki, having much re- "stories without even a vtlge of
gretted the necessity of his dis- foundation have been scattered broad-
charge from Company D because east.- said the Canadian statement
of a Dhvsical defect. This has "Nor have tliey come to life casually.
t'on . each Instance have been calculated to
Frank Price of the Weston Ware- arouse public indignation
hoL Company paid ?60.25 the ton JTtg g S
JasTweek for three small lots of wsntlaI , th. work
barley aggregating. 600 sacks, and ..1-on,roIi
the growers got their grain bags lt wlth evcry hullviduai to foi
back besides. The barley was a bit feflir tnml criticism: to refrain from
V ' "
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office !
Sixty (minimum)......: $0 90
One hundred..... 1 20
Two hundred .: 1 75
Each additional hundred... 0 45
The Fanners Ban! of Vestco
Establisbed 1891
oh grade, and No. 1 brewing Mming on the Tagrant and harmful vj
would probably command ?6S in tory, and thus the more effectively $
tho local market. Mayor Banister to co-operate in work which Is going ij
recently sold $5503 worth of barley to mean more thnnjhe majority of g
Paul M. Warburg of the Federal Reserve Sys
tem says: . t
"Any unnecessary consumption of goods,
and any unnecessary use of credit, saps and
weakens the fighting strength of the na-f-
This does not mean "slow up," but it does mean
"use up" (not throw away) any surplus before ask
ing more; and to not start any new enterprise that
will use money and labor unless such enterprise is a
necessity and will assist in winning the war.
from 75 acres of ground.
people ret reaUxe,"