tpassssss&aa COMMERCIAL CLUB TAKES A RAP AT SOCIAL "FEEDS" i i GENERAL WOOD We are now receiving new Spring Dresses, Suits, Coats, Skirts, etc., ;! every day. Some of the new col ors are especially attractive the ij Reseda, Joffre Blue, Plum, Pekin, Old Rose and Silvertone Cherry I predominating. We invite our ; g many customers of Weston and J: I vicinity to inspect these beautiful garments. b ii ii . in n i S Old Raso Georsrette Silk Dresses. $23.50 8 Joffre Blue Georgette Silk Dresses $27.50 t Extra size Silk Dresses, 421 to 461 $18.50 l Cafer and Navy Blue Serge Dresses . . : $5.90 to $14.75 8 Misses' Black and White Check Coats $9.90 h Misses' "American Beauty" Coats $9.90 8 Ladies' "Silvertone Cherry" uoats S Tn and Grev fout size) Coats. . . . . .29.50 to $35.00 At a livtly ntwion Tueaday cvvn injr the Weston Commercial club diacuwed the depot road, the ro posed community club roonta, tht Chautauqua, the Wwlon Imml, hitchinir rarka, tho mini of morel and educational entertainment and variety of other topics. Even after adjournment the club, mom Un wouldn't no home, but kept up a friendly yet enrrnvt argument un til the tire died down. Definite ami coiu rete notion was taken with nvrd to LhIko Mippcra andaocicty lunchea. It develop that it was tho unanimous view of the club that community ruling of this sort rfiould U frowmd ujHin in the time of food conservation and national iM-ril. The aubjoined ret luttun was passed without a dissent ing vote: ' . "The local custom of provid ing refreshments at social gather ings -whether of a mixed crowd, old or younghaving become so fixed that it is considered by some a necessity, it ia thus becoming a menace to our.peae and happiness' for the reason that some are unable financially to provide and others un willing to go to the necessary trou ble. Mhus preventing many Bocial gatherings that should promote good fellowship. That the mother may feel that her little onea may entertain her playmates; the young FtMX copyrlaht br Clln4iat. Ganaral Laanard Wood, ha waa lightly woundad by an aealdanUI ploalan, whlla lour of abaarvatla. In Franca, FEW OF MEN ON J Navy Tan ana urey ioui size; uoaus t.,w.w j entertain her playmates: tne young ..,, TanandCopen (Bninella and Gaberdine) Coats ........ J, meet for a social fining or the TlftfUN A IN IllRED : . $12.50 to 35. 00 ! elderly gather for a visit without V lUOUfUllH I.UUIU.U a (Out Size) Suits-Navy Khaki-Grey . . . . it Navy Blue suits serge. Fancy Tan Check Suits $30.00 to $38.50 132.50 .$22.50 to 30. 00 ....$37.50 any tnougni or expectancy iv freshments; be it "Resolved, That the members of this club express their disapproval of all refreshments other than the regular meals until after the close of the war, thereby assisting in food conservation and promoting better health and fellowship among our neighbors and ourselves." TWO-BIT THRIFT LEADER munity hundreds of dollars in free CLARK WOOD, FMWw . puoi.cny wur ... r- its several normal school campaigns, WESTON The Year . Six Months . Four Month. $1 50 besides subscribing in cash a much Within the next few days twenty five million post cards asking tho receivers to purchase War Savings Stamps will be sent out by Secre tary McAdoo. , - ...... 0 60 0 H greater sum than its proportionate Says Secretary McAdoo V t. nA ivmrfl a VAtl ouier things, . ... iilu.n-niiiirn rrw A VI O 1 1 w iaiG ..-."- - ----- share. It has done nUDAT. FEB. 11 but 01 enumeration would be Continues hell's own broth to brew e.h .t h. f. .t w,M.. Or.,., tedious. It has always been an ac- This course we ought to make them ,,, ..U -..., Uve force for commumty progress, McA(,w i These things are not said in a fcavs secretary mcaqoo. ' TEE UTSTCS LEACEX boastful or complaining spirit. We Our boys will go abroad to fight, merely wish to point out that all And it is only fair and right . The Weston Leader was estab- Leader subscriber, who are at all Thatjshould help all our lished in 1878 and ranks second interested in Weston or Weston's AnJ M thig ,ttter injitc only to the East Oregonian as the' good are justified in residing x0 y, Please loose your purse oldest newspaper in Umatilla cheerfully to the Leader's request strings tight. - v county. for advance payment. tjv Secretary McAdoo, S fleader claims indirect credit In the one item of the normal Addressing me and also you. for the appropriation made by the school plant alone the people of Come, give your government a lift, Oregon legislature for a normal Weston school district owe ,the JJjSjS!eIottd . school plant in Weston. It claims Leader more than they could repay rjft that but for its presence, work and in subscriptions in a hundred years. An(j 'tni8 Prussian crew adrift, influence this appropriation would This ia used by the district and has We can if we will practice thrift, never have been made. saved the expense of a new one the Says Secretary McAdoo, It claims direct - credit for the district's, own facilities being en- A-meaning me and also you. actual construction of the plant, tirely inadequate. It is virtually Two-bits I ask to beat the foe; R..t fnr .thp ativi. nnii twrsona Weston Drorjerty. a deed or irilt l wo-oiw to ainiv mc u-uvau. work of its editor in securing the having twice . been offered by the donation of a site to the state, it state. Two-bits to let the Kaiser know Ao Irian Tort. Tha eorrapondnt of tha Aaaoctatad lrwa. who vlaltal tha ilrk and Injurad Amaricana con fined tn hoaoliala la two widely apa atad Irish aaporta. found them pro nrwwlns farorably. In fact many of. tha man hal beea dlacharaad from tin hospital and had wjolnod their com radaa la camp. There waa a remarkably amall auin bar of tnjurad men, probably sot mora than a doaen. They received fracturaa of lega or arme by gettlns caught be tween tha lifeboats. Tha majority of tha men ara Buffering- from mumpa. meaalea or pneumonia, of hlch thaw ware many caaaa aboard at tba time the Tuacanla waa torpedoed. Tha correapondent found tho Ameri cana comfortable and cheerful. Tba townspeople at both places have dona and are etttl doing everything to aaa.l the local authorities in giving tha boil potalbte attention to tha Americana, NEED BIG HERDS Europe's Moat Supply Mutt Come From America. Warring Natlene Have Depleted Live took at tnormeue Rata, fvel Killing Dairy Cattle Par road. American almk breeder art being abd lo roiiMwa Ibelr Rorka and honla In or.lir to meet Eumpa's tr nimdoua diinla for meal a during I he war aftl rolably for many years afterward. The I'nlled Ktaies fond admlnla t ration reporta that Amertraa stork ralarra have ahowa a dlapoaltloa co'wmt with the government In In crranlng the natlon'a auppty of H aturk. Germany today la pnhahly better aitllel with live alix-a than any oth er RitroHan natlnn. When the Ger man armlee innila their big advance, Into Krniir ami then retreated vir tually all the cattle In the Invaded territory approximately 1.80O.000 hPNil were driven behind tha German line. Hut In Kiigland w hero 8,400.000 arrea of ptur landa have leen turn n Into grain flelila the cattle herd ara decreanlng rapidly, thia of tha reaaona apparently la tha declining maximum prlra ala adnplad by tha Knellah aa followa:, Kor Heptemher, llT.Td per 100 pound : CVtoher. I November and Ivrember, $l.0; Jan i.rv. tu.40. The effert of theaa prlcea waa to drive beef anlmala on tba mar-, set aa eonn aa wllle. In rrnnce tha number of cattla as well aa the quality have ahowa aa ennrmotia decline during tha war. Where France had UJKRAN head of cattle In 1013, aha now baa only 12, M I.OOO, a decreaae of WO pe' cent And Franca la today producing only one gallon of milk compared to two and one-half gallnna before tha war. Uenmark and Holland have been forced to enrrlflce dairy bertla for beef berauae of the lack of neeeaeary feed. Clone atudy of tha Kuropean meat alt tint I on baa convinced the Food Ad mlnlatratlon that the futura problem of Aroerii a Ilea largely In tha prodoo llon of meat prmluring animal and dairy protlucta rather than la the pro duction of ccreala for export wbeo the war will bare ceeL si i ft 1 II Practical Patriotism ;f S "Tho iK'Ht la alwayi J the cheaiK'ttt" i J ' !j J 1 0. K. CAIIDY SHOP Odessa Klikpatrlck ; I . WE SELLTJ CI U AIM TOUACCO CANDY and (CONFECTIONS If 1 I SHE'LL UKE YOU BEST la Our Band-Tailored Suits i lircathca thcrea man with soul bo dead who never to himself hath said, a a well groomed lady passed hia view: "Some class!" Surely tho rulo works both wava. Kemcmbcr, . . "cilL" ...ill Ilka uml nieiii- ii win " j a best" in a high class real Custom-Tailored garment. Seo Our Dig Spring and t Summer utapiay. Tbe District School Eighth grade play. "Tha Diatrict School," at High School auditorium tomorrow evening. v- . .' The Weston Leader is on a Cash Basis Subscriptions, Jobvvork and Advertising Two-bits to end this Hun-made woe; Two-bits to let the contends that the appropriation The time has come for him to go- would have been forfeited. Despite the grim shadow of war, Satan complains that he is slow The Leader claims direct credit unless 1918 is the most prosperous Two-biU, says William McAdoo, for the return to Weston of the year ever known in the nation in Just take thesfreDt1Tf,0U ' pioneer reunions after these had,gral and in Weston in particular, Kiwn frnnsfiTpl to another town the Leader is willing to be rclegat- ". . . A, , . Deen transierreo w anoiner vown. " they can Ket and the kaiser wants for the tiersonar truarantee ed to the ranks of the false , t. ... ... made by its editor to a non-resident prophets. committee these reunions would . " " , have been permanently lost to Wes- e Ler may have some doubt T in,t; maAU "0 vo.wiutt vicgwi hkud, uuv 10 A If L-IOI1I1IT IIIUIIVV rl VU1V AVI i . a . quite positive mat one tning to punish America which he may yet succeed in doing. j. ton doea'nt need is the DroDosed Non- tion, we trust, fJoes not Partisan League. enabled to eradicate the pests of U mankind, the kaiser will be the l first to get the hook, but we fear 4 that because' of his obscurity the Bulldoffircr ed. may be overlooked, u the success of each recurring reun ion since Weston became the perma nent home of the pioneers associa tion. ' ; ' The Leader claims direct credit for the return to the Weston com munity from the state legislature of more than $3000 subscribed by the community to graduate the Weston Normal class in 1909, after the school had been lefttranded g 0 p hjU) 6nown it bythe Btate in tlie middle of , its Wt aIways wrong by denying ite school year. - campaign chairmanship to a man It is likely, moreover, that the wit 8 pGerman record. Leader is indirectly entitled to credit for the esUblishment in Wes- Jf the jjoJahcviki succeed in their ton of a community business enter- renorted Khcme to double cross tiiu0 at tfriHit. atirl trnKiftvp itonoiH. ... t B , WM arc auuDie crossvr, Germany, n to the town. Had there by . i,,, demoMization order. newsDBDer here, or had the newgpa- -.m u.,- i..j r... H . - Vllv will iiotc okuuvu ivi a muiir iiA. kauri inat&aA fit b.- jr. irev.. tude 01 sins. n Uve' and loyal In iU support, in all n U likelihood the enterprise referred The worklngman wants higher W to would have been numbered wages.. -the farmer wants more n THtT. The worker will rule," says it Charles M. Schwab which predic-, Include the I Won't Worker. among the things that might have money for his wheat, the food pri been but are not. vateer and tho munitions maker Th Leader has saved the com. gnJ Ehip builder want all the profit &B.C.Co. WORL0 5 BEST Billiards ;j OAT-CS PASTIME K. K. 2ehm , YOU COOK YOUR FOOD WHY NOT YOUR TOBACCO? YOU know what broiling does to steak, baking to a 7 potato and toasting to bread In each case flavor is brought out by cooking by "toasting." So you can imagine how toasting improves the flavor of the Burley tobacco used in the Lucky Strike Cigarette. IT'S TOASTED m 1 IN t i - - - i v -r: I WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP I R. L. Reynaud t iiHOOVHUZEii X By usinjr RYE FLOUR.' BARLEY " FLOUR., GRAHAM AND ;; " WHOLD WHEAT, FLOUR ;; Made by the . !; WESTGH MILLING GO. I We do custom milling, buy t and sell Hay, Grain and 1 Millleod ox ail klntia. X Free Qty delivery ' a" I rail innrliik aivt n'jnhw a.! w m (v. kmhI flwkl MM ar tHiM. Mt a arrlHtMl U PRfg SIAMOH WMl mmt PATtNTS aoao roaruMtt.r fw, Umr Inm ban. I.I. K. thrtW lawwit aala.airnw.a.y, Wrlta la4y. D. SWIFT & CO, patcht LAWviaa. r3 ftAvanib 61., Waahingtoa, 0. 0. Transfer and Storage a Westea Transfer Co. Davis & Ellis LlEi'DVEL GARAGE VULCANIZING BATTERY RECHARGING PROMPT REPAIRING New Overland car for hire Peii::3aO'iIaiTa 4 ' 4