The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 15, 1918, Image 1

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Principal Event of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Raiders.
Portland' ninth annual automobile,
Irurk and Irarinr show waa held lait
Tha John Day river la lha blabait
sine 1SA4 anil murh damage In lha
taller la reported.
Thrift atamp and war savings cer
llflraia galea In Oregon amtrrgst
$tl4.M0.02. according lo lha latral re
turns. Crop prospect In lha greet central
Oregon wheat holt ara eaeeedlngly
bright and grower ara Blowing with
epilmltm ovar lha promise of record
breaking crop.
Arrangement ara now being mad
to open lo an try and ettlement a con
siderable area of Oragon A California
railroad grant landa elaaalflad aa grl
cultural In aouthara Oragon.
' llaralnafiar physical aiamlnallona
will ba made of boy committed to tha
alaia Induatrtal eebool for boya. and
parol vlotatora' muat report to tha
superintendent at laaat onea month.
Mra. .na flergmaon. wtf of Cap
tain Pergmann, for yr In cbarga
of tha lifesevlcg atatlon at tha mouth
of tha I'mpqua river, near Oardlnar,
dld luddanljr from baart troubla at
ror tha flrat tlm In mora than two
jraara tba Southern Paelflo company
laat waak overcame I la car ahortaga
la Oragon and raportad to tha Oragon
public arnica commission aurptua
of It cara.
A drtv for 11500 la being mad
among tba Linn county farmara to
eura county agricultural agent.
Should tba II BOO ba ralaad It will
make a f 4500 fund available for hiring
aa agriculturist
, raaaanger and freight traffic oa tha
Una of lha Vallay Sllets railway,
running waatward from Independene
to Veleet. haa Increased to auch aa
itant that 120,000 baa been expended
la aaw equipment
A number of Oraaa Valley rancher
will build an lvtor for bulk hand
ling of grain. Tha lvtor will bar
a rapacity of 100.000 bushels. Mora
and Hay Canyon paopla ara consider
ing an 10.000 bushel elevator.
Accldanla raportad to tha aUta In
dual rial accident commlaatoa during
tba paat waak total 454. of which two
war faiat, aa followa: William Laka,
Deer laland, logging, and B. A. L.
Cbrlatanaon, Cornucopia, mining.
Tba atata highway commlaalon haa
employed tha firm of Crandall 6
Roberta, public accountants, to expert
tha hooka of tba atata highway depart
- mant and check up U system or ac
counting being used by tb depart
ment Thar la no bop for atata lire for
1911 crop, and what the chances arc
for next year fall depends." Dean
Cordley of tha Oregon Agricultural
colleg atated this to tha gut Urn
committee meeting recently bald at
Tha resignation of J. W. Pomeroy
of Scappoos aa a member of tb
state board of horticulture for tha flrat
dlatrlct wai accepted by tha state
board of control and Homer 0. Atwell
of Forest Orov wa appointed to fill
th vacancy.
State Veterinarian Lytle aaya be ha
received report of a great outbreak
of rable la northern Klamath county,
oauslng heavy losses of cattle. Rabid
eoyotea ara aald to ba running ram
pant in th country there and attack
log cattle freely.
Last year 1201 Industrial club mam
bar of th boys' and girls' cluba pro
duced food materials valued at $81,
112.91, and they will exceed that this
yVar, according to a 'booklet on th
club work Just isiuad by th depart
taent of education.
Tba Camsgle hero fund commission
haa recently awarded to Homer W,
Carsoa of Eugene tba aum of 11000
and a medal for an act of heroism don
by him In rescuing Lawrence E. Parka,
a 10-year-old lad, from drowning near
ly two year ago.vV: .
Acoording to Flra Chief Lawton's an
nual report, Medford, in the state fir
marshal' opinion, la "on of the safest
cities in tha state from a fir stand
point" There-were only 13 flrea In
11T, at a total loss of $6761, entirely
covered by Insurano.
Representative of : th Orange,
Farmara' union and the Oregon State
Federation of Labor at a meeting In
Portland decided to affiliate with th
KaUoaal Noo-FirUun laatua aai u
ke steps Inward forming in mm
al a branch of lha new political
nertr. '
A farm survey to show kinds and
amounta of crops and also farm labor
conditions In Linn county la to ba
mada under tha direction of tba Linn
county council of defense, It will
show how much tha county will pr--duca
this year and lha facia are being
compiled for tha government. Tba
work la In charge of a commute coi
elating of A. C. Miller, of Albany; lies
W, Davis, of Ilarrlsburg, and M. Sen
dera, of Albany.
Coming to Chautauqua
Julius Caesar Nayphe lo He Feature Attraction
f of Second Night
Senator fr imbe'in'n ha rcH.i
Iitwi lb h i l jf i' ii i i.i'il to.-i-a a
tier Indicating ihot tf 12 a'
aautlcal at ai tare. li'r'' it" d
partment pmrHMoe eaialCkh ng In -roast
stale, will be lvaird -m'ln ra
an tha lower Columbia river.
Spruce production In Oregon anl
Washington, will . hereafter be It
iharge of the I'arlflc coast committee
it tba aircraft board, which will con
sist Of Colonel Plaque. W. M. UJi
-and Amoa Hanson, of Portland. Or,
and J. If. llloedeli. of ftelllngham.
McDonald is Yaujhan, who have a
three year contract for cutting sprue
and while cedar on tha Cooe bay pe
ninsula. In tha Interests of tha govern
ment aeroplane programme, have a
craw of aurveyora In tha field laying
out tha logging road which Is to Up
th area, and will construct tb camp
aa faat aa possible.
Tha aaa of th eulachon, a valuaM
but neglected fish of the Paelflo coast,
la being advocated by tha bureau of
flaherle, department of commerce, not
only on account of Ita Intrinsic value
and excellence, but aa a solution of th
problem of finding a supply of aea
fooda during tha winter aeaaoa when
tha catch la reduced.
Th skeleton remains of a mastodon
or some other prehistoric monster
war unearthed near Helix when work
men for th light company were dig
ging a bole. A tooth weighing II
pounds wa taken out and a tusk sev
eral times as large aa an ordinary
lephant tusk. Several other bono
war found. Tb discovery haa been
reported to Smithsonian Institution.
Val W. Tompklna, euperlotendcnt of
Caacade Locke and co-operative ob
server for the United State weather
bureau there, haa received a letter
from Professor Todd, director of th
observatory at Amherst college, who
ay that numerous astronomer will
visit tha northweat to observe the total
eqllpae of tb sun that will ba visible
In aouthern Washington and northern
Oregon thla spring.
Elmett Bailey, auperlntendent of
schools for Dakar county, baa written
to Bute Superintendent Churchill that
tha achool at Bourn haa aet a record.
Each of tha children In the achool
haa eotd $50 worth of war aavtng car
tiflcatea and all are anxious to Join
th Junior Rainbow regiment being
formed by Mr. Churchill to Include th
flrat 1000 children of th state wh
alt ISO worth of thrift stamps apiece.
Prospects are good for a new batch
ry for allverslde salmon above tide
water on Smith river, a tributary of
th Umpqua, according to Information
mada publlo by Carl D. Shoemaker,
ttat gam warden. Flahermen on
Smith river, aaya Mr. Shoemaker,
have petitioned Oovernor Withycomb
for th establishment of th hatchery,
offering to tax themselves t cent
per fish through th season for th
wectlon and maintenance of th hatch
ry. ; ,'. , !
Stat Treasurer-Kay ba returned
from the east after an investigation .
of th J. Sidney Starling linen factory
at Tonnowanda, N. Y for th Portland
ohamber of commerce. He found all
of th mill in th east anxious to ob
tain Oregon flax, deolartng it was th
beat produced in the country. Ha visit-'
cd mill at Lockport, North Andover
and other point and all of them In
dlcated that Oregon flax It in big do
mand and that there will no scar
city ot a market for any'uiat 1 pro
dueed. ' " " '
The government hat abandoned at
impracticable Ita original plan ot con
atructlng wagon roads into -th Lewli
and Clark river district to haul aero
plan timber from th forest on motor,
.truck. Instead U will foster (he build
ing of a railroad by the Oregon Paelflo
Mill ft Lumber company from 8tav
bolt landing, on tha Lewis and Clark
river, along the old Reld grade -a die-V
tance of 11 miles. Under th con '
tract th government will do the graJ
Ing, while lha mill company wiU
furnish Hbe rails, ties and rolling stock,
Owing to the demand for alfalfa,
tanda In Umatilla county during th
paat two years and tb many thou' "
landa of acres developed and in coursa
of development, the Hermlston com i
mirolal elub hn loupdid th cry (or '
if V' "- .
1 :- i
Defines Terms Acceptable ta
United States In Address
to Congress.
Washington. President Wlleo at
12:30 p.m. Monday addressed con
greaa on" the attitude of the Vnlt-1
battarle. trenches. roa fo4a, dugjgutea toward tb recent speeches
Mumps again have appeared among
tb American soldiers in tba tranche
in France. A number of soldiers ar
The Austrlane have launched an
other attack against tba Italian poet
tlona west of tha Brenta river, along
the same Ftenxel valley leading to
the plain where the Itallana recently
defeated them with heavy loss.
The American artillery la keeping
up a harassing fire on the German
lln-. The Americana ara bombarding
3. C. Nayphe, tba Athenian, presenU a great dramatic spectacle on tba
econd night of tb Chautauqua reatlval. Aided by coatumea of bla native
country, hle'lecturee will give you a new conception of lha orient and he wilt
give you too In an Inimitable manner the oriental conception of America.
Born In Athene, the ancient eat ot culture, and reared in Caeeare
Pblllppl, ba baa both the blood and th temperament of th tar East, Ita life
.and It learning.
Nayphe la a royal entertainer. H haa a mualcal vole of great richness
and power, and bla story la aa beautiful aa a poem. Nayphe tells It with great
loqucnc, with dramatic Intensity and with superb grace. It la not right to
characterise bla program aa limply a lecture. It la a dramatic spectacle,
totally unlike anything you have aeen or beard. It baa been one of the greateet
successes upon th Chautauqua platform in recent years.
outs. Ilgbt railways and bouaea la
which enemy troops are billeted.
Pome American prisoners have been
captured north of Xlvry, 10 milea eaat
of St Mihiel, aaya the official atato
ment of the German general staff. Tbia
point on tbe line la along the aouthern
edge of the St Mihlel aallent about
10 milea eaat of SL Mihlel itself.
No formal treaty baa been aigned
between th Russians and tbe central
powers, but tb BolabevlkJ government
baa ordered a cessation of boatllltlea
against Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Turkey and Bulgaria and th with
drawal of Ita troops from tha trenchea
and fortified posltiona from th Baltic
Sea to the Roumanian frontier. '
Peace having been effected both by
th Ruaalana and Ukrainian with th
Teutonio alliea, th altuation of Ron
mania oecomea a moat oritical one.
Cut off now from ber allies, the
Roumanlana apparently ar faced with
the absolute necessity of effecting a
separate peace or being Overrun by
superior enemy armies.
bow under irrigation. Tbouaanda of
acre of tbia land Ilea tributary to tb
Umatilla project and th water It
available from tba Umatilla river It
stored In reservoirs from th Spring
flood. Committee war appointed,
and the work will b etarted at one'
iMnn If noMlhltv lha fiM-flurf
appropriation or leglalation to do tho!.1" Jurr"
Directors of tba Rogue River Publlo
Service corporation, with headquarter
at, Salt Lake City. Utah, have voted
lo close up tb affaire ot th company
and ratified the filing of bankruptcy
proceedings in Portland. January 18,
by the Salt Lake City and ChicaKO
creditors, with clalma aggregating $76e
00. The company for a number of
yeare baa controlled and operated ex
tensive Irrigation projocta and power
planta at Granta Paaa and Gold Hill,
coating tn construction $2,500,000.
Bonda ar outstanding to the amount
of $500,000 and tbe company own
more than 2000 acre of land. It also
baa a lighting and water franchise
with Gold HU1 which will cxpir naxt
rr. .
charging S5 persona with conspiring
with William D. Haywood, secretary
of the Industrial Worker of the World
and others to hinder the execution
pf lawa of tb United States in th
Salem, Or. Warden Murphy haa an
nounced that officiate ot the peniten
tiary laat week discovered a plot hav
ing for ita object a wholesale eacap
from tb inatitutloa. Guarda of th
prison found a bol cut through th
prosecution of th war wlti Germany. BorUl mU h
waa returned by th United StaUs . m ,1WlMn , , ...
and 60 feet of rope. Tit. latter waa.
mad of string stolen from th flax
Every American Shipyard la Buey.
Washington. The last strike In any
way Involving shipbuilding ia the
United Statca haa been aettlcd with
the return to work ot 2000 metal trades
workera In New Orlcana. "Not a man
ia idle in any shipyard In America,"
declared Assistant Secretary Post
Rooeevelt Now Out of Danger. ,
New York Colonel Theodore Roose
Telt who underwent two operations at
Roosevelt hosoltal last week, la ateal-
ily tmprovlng and hi physician be- 64 nf not adjustment of rival
lieve that bla recoverv la ImnlT iina.l. States' Claima.
made by German Chancellor voa HerV
ting and th Austrian foreign minister.
Count Csernln.
In the apeech of Count von Hertllng.
tha German chancellor, tb president
found no approach to tha path of
peace, but rather a proposal to'end .
th war oa German term and to aet
ap a league of nationa to maintain th -balance
of power o established. -
Count Cternln, th Auatro-Hungar-ian
spokesman, employed a very
friendly tone, aeemed to aee the fun
lamental element of peace with clear
eye and probably would hav gon
much farther If It bad not been for
Austria's allianc and bar dependence)
upon Germany.
Members of congre aocepUd tb'
address not a a peace meaaaga, but
is Dotic to th central power that
th United 8tate cannot be turned
said from th object for which It I
fighting, and a warning to eongrcs
and tba American people that the task
of sending th nation' fighting man
to tb front must not b Interfered
with by equivocal and mialeading al
terance of Teutonio atateamea.
Tb president wa warmly received
and cheered aa b concluded, and
leaders, without respect to party, af
terward expressed hearty approval of
hi words. -
Preaident Wilson laid down th ba
de of tutor negoUationa oa tb fol
lowing: ..:; '
First Eaeb part of tbf final aettl
ment must be based upon eeaentlal
Justice to bring a permanent peace.
Second Peoples and provinces, ar
not to be bartered about like chattela
to establish a balance of power.
Third Territorial aettlement muat
be for th benefit of people concern-
Finger Print Identify Tuecanla Dead.
Washington. The war department
haa ordered finger prints of all th
unrecognisable aoldtera recovered from
the Tuecanla. By comparison with
records here It will b possible to
Identify them.
ter of time.
Agreement May Open Rloh Grain
- Flalda to German.
London. A pcc agreement be
tween the central power and Ukraine
baa been aigned, according to an offi
cial Berlin statement forwarded from
Ukraine, formerly a part ot th Rus
alan empire, embrace part of tb tor
rttorie of tba old kingdom ot Poland.
It 1 traversed by the Dnelper rlvr
and la one of th moat fertile landa In
Europe. The fact that Ukrainia nor
mally ia a great wheat producing re
gion may account for tha anxiety ct
the central power to arrange a ep
arate peiea. Permanent cessation of
hostilities with Ukrainia would open
a great aourcc ot food supplies to th
German and Austrian!, ,
Barley Standard feed, $57.50 too.
Corn Whole, $74; cracked, $75.
Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery. 62o per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 40c per doxen.
Potatoes $1.101.25 per hundred.
Poultry Hena, 2H27c; geese;
19J?20c; ducka, 3132c; turkeys, live,
25c; dressed, 33334c
' Seattle.
Bi;tter Creamery, 63o per lb.
Egga Ranch, 51c per doxen.
Potatoes $27.00 per ton; Yakima
Gema. $30.00. '
Poultry Hena, 27$2$e; dressel,
2S32c; fryers, SOc; turkeya, live,
28 Q 30c; dressed, J7Q3Sc
National Faat Day Proposed by Smoot
Washington. A national faat day
one a month to conserve food and
money waa advocated In the senate oy
Senator Smoot of Utah. The senator
would allow only one meal on faat day.
"when a lurni mvs mi election oet '
anld Uncle Eben, "lie doubles bis div
appointment. He feels dat he wasn't
oble to save either his money or bla
Fourth Well defined national as
pirations muat b accorded all possi
ble satisfaction.
250,000 Skilled Workmen Wanted.
Washington. An effort to enlist at
least a quarter ot a million skilled
workmen in Its shipyard volunteer re
serve will be made tbia week by tb
Emergency Fleet Corporation through
state council of defense. The purpose
in establishing the reserve is to cre
ate a body ot akllled worker who can
be called on for service In th ship
yards aa they ar needed.
All Tuecanla Victim Live Insured.
Washington. Every American sol
dier lost on tb Tuaeania having de
pendent was protected by government
insurance. v
Weaton Chautauqua-March 13-4. AMERICAN NOW IN CHARGE
I JSlllllllIlli!! AifMP 6Ak'i): bF"TT " ; i,
7 ,,; IXytpl tiJx i. :
fWIP 1? Wheat JJ .
. 0 HEAP O' t-
Command of U. 8. Sector Turned Ovar
By French Authorities.
With the American Army in France.
An American general now com
mands the aector ot tbe front recently
taken over by our troopa. 'When the
Americana first entered tb aector it
was under the command of a French
general commanding a certain large
uult ot the French army. Now wa
have control. '
' In turning the aector over to the
American general the French com
mander issued a general order In
which he expressed complete aatisfae
t'on with our troops and waa confident
that the aector was in good hands and,
If attacked would defend it with great
valor. "; ... - : .: .
Washington. A general order out
lining the new organisation of tb
war department and giving full power
tn their respective field to tb assist
ants to tb chief of staff at tb head
of tha flv division Into which th
staff baa been formed wa mad publlo
by Secretary Baker.
Tha order emphastxea th authority
of the chief of staff, who, with tb
war council, la th immediate advisor
of tb secretary in all question ra
diating to the military establishment. ,
"The planning of th army program
in its entirety," aay th order, "anl
the constant development of thla pro
gram will be the duty of th chief of
staff and th war counciL"
The duties ot the chief of ataff will
be taken over aoon by Major General
Peyton C. March, ordered bom from -France
to succeed Major General B!1
die, assistant chief ot ataff, who ba
been acting chief in tbe abaence of
General Bliss. For tbe present Gen
eral Bliss will continue to hold the
title of chief of ataff while represent
ing the United State In the auprem
war council abroad and General March,
will be designated acting chief. i
Democrats Favor Suffrage
Washington. Indorsement . of the
federal amendment for woman suf
frage was voted by the executive com
mittee cf the national democratic com
mittee here after a referendum to tbe
committeemen representing the 48
Stat of War (a Declared Ended In
Amsterdam. Russia ha declared
th state of war to be at an end aad
haa ordered the demobilisation cf,
Russian forcea on all tronta, accord
ing to a dispatch received her dated
Brest-Lltovsk, on Sunday. Tha dis
patch reads:
"The preaident ot th Russian dele
gation at today'a (Sunday's) altting
stated that while Russia waa deaisting
from signing a formal peace treaty, it
declared the state of war to be ended
with Germany, Austro-Hungary, Tor
key, and Bulgaria, simultaneously gl,
ing orders tor complete demobillxatioa
ot Russian forcea on all front."
St. Valentine' dance tomorrow ev.
nlng; at Weaton opera house.