3! Weston I - EADER VOLUME 40 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1918 NUMBER. 33,. t. OREGON HEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Hon of th questionnaire m cards which wilt b und for filing tt Washington. Statistic complied t Astoria show (hit during th month of January 97 . vessels loaded at th mllla In tha lower, Principal Events of thi Week Columbia river district and their com. . . a . 'Uiad cargoea amounted lo 19.619.678 Briefly Sketched for Infor- of ,uml,f. ,n ,h. Mmt p.rl(Nl nation of Our Readers. A father' club (or wittier and eall ore baa ben organised for Yamblll county. Superintendent of I'ublle Instruction t'hurrhlll baa mad formal announce ment of bla candidacy for re-election. Tha Mutherlla Spray Manufacturing company baa ber prganlsd u maun fart u re sprsys for orrhardlst at Bulb erlln. Tha eiecntlvs board of tha Oregon tVderailou of Women' Club haa de rided that lb next autiiyil meeting will be bold at inland. Salem, eblppere have begun a move ment to force a physical connection at that plar between th line of th Souther Parlfle and th Orce Ele trie. '''"' Cropplnge of aaphaltum and dried oil, which rat be traced for over half a mile, bse been uncovered on gov-, mmcnt land all mllea east of Ash land. Senator MeNary la urging Ua psss age of a bill permitting tba exchange of publle landa for privately owned landa, to public laoda may ba consot , Idated. , , Judge 8. Benson will succeed Judge J. C. Morelaad aa clerk of tba au preme court Ha la bow dtputy clerk, and baa served aa ueh for the taat 1( year. . On of tba snout daring robberies in tba h If tory of Yamblll county postof flea waa that which aetted tba thieve eloaa to II 100 In currency and sepplle at Yamhill. . , . Baker la reported to be tba rirat city In tha aiate lo achieve 100 per tent In the matter of providing war saving atatnp gelling stations, tta el luted quota of atattona waa 79. Tba publle eervtea commission la notifying all publle utilltlc (bat their, annual report for ttie year ending December tt, 1917, muat ba aubmltted to tha commission by April 1. . Judge J. C. Moreland. one of tha old- eat members of tha Oregon bar and , for the peat 10 yeara clerk of the Oregon eupreme court, died auddenly at Salem front heart trouble. After serving for IS yeare aa aiate labor eommlaaloner, for Oregon, O. P. Iloff baa mad formal announcement of hie candidacy for the republican nomination for atata treaurer. In hla annual report for the yer HIT, Deputy Sealer of Weight and Measure Bpenoe Wort man, show a total of 9967 aralea examined, of which 994 were condemned permanently. After deliberating only 4S minute, a Jury In tha Vnlted State court at Portland found Floyd Ramp, active ao clatlat of noaeburg. guilty bu each of two count In ao Indictment charging him with a violation of the eaplonage aet. ; . ' Flaking la now prohibited in a nunv' bar of Klamath county atrcama. Tba' warm, weather baa cauaod tha Mah to 14 veaarta loaded f,04t.2t feet at the mllla la the upper, river dlatrirt mak ing total of 17.M3.H7 feet of lumber that waa ahlpped from the Columbia river la rargoea daring January. It la Ck'ly flab hatchery will ha locatvd on Ibe Utnpqua river lo furolah a eteady aupply of aalmon for tba cum mrrUl fuhlng ' of the lower river, which tbla yar reached large propor tion. Jay rt. Ilauilllon, preeldt-nt of the Jay H. Hamilton l,uwhr rompa iy, of Portlaud, bah boen appointed govrrn men! dletrtrl administrator of fir for Oreion and the Columbia river diatrln of Weehlngton, and aa aurh will ad' mlnlatrr the lumber embargo In thta dlatrirt. ' Tba atate vocational board, at a meeting la Portland, authorlied the Inatallatlan of a printing plant In Tha ttalle high achoot, tha Inauguration of a eonree In running tractora la tha Pendleton high acbool, and la ateam fitting and plumbing In tba Eugena high arbooL llepreeentative Ilawley haa written Railroad Director MeAdoa urging tha building, of a three-mile apur to con nect Florenca and Cushman with tba Cooa bay railroad. Tbla road, ha point out. la eaeeatial to getting ot a lute quantity of lumber deelred for ahlphulldlng. Oregon poultry won new honor at tha greater Chicago poultry abow Jan uary t to' 16.' among bird from all parta of tha United State, according; to a telegram received by R. P. Keaney of Kugene, announcing that ha had beea awarded first and third pritaa oa Plymouth Rock pulleta. ' - ' Tba general land office haa Intrud ed the chlf of tha Portland field dlvt-. alon to expedite action oa pending un canceled Benaon and Hyde aelection In Oregon. Where cancellation re mit, the government will enter die ; clalmer of title to land upon which fraudulent eelcctlooa were based. , Two United Statea aenatorlal terma mtut ba filled In Oregon at tba Nov ember election tbla year, according to an opinion by Attorney General Drown: one a long term of all year, from March) 1919, and on the abort term, from November, 1919, to March, 1919. due to the death of the 1st (Senator Harry Lane. -, ...- . On December S a aprolal Inquiry waa mailed to a eelccted liat of atorkmen In all parta of the atate, asking for I number of tho vartoua kind of farm ' animals oa band December 1, 1!1 and December 1, 1917. About 400 replies were received, the tabulation of which ahowed no material .decrease In any class of farm animals except ajoat. ' Colonel Drlca I. Dlsque, command ing the spruce production division of the signal corps, ask co-operation' of every poreon In the northwest who la now engaged or contemplatea opera tions In the riving of spruce. HI request is dlrocted to both large and small operators, and alao to farmers and otbera who might get out apruce SPLENDID MUSIC At CHAUTAUQUA Ladies' Festival Orchestra Presents Two Programs ' First Day BRIEF WAR NEWS Blity all persona were killed and 191 Injured In the two German raid over London Isat week, Many Oermaa prisoners la Russia, CONGEESS TO IIP Oil WAR VOHX tsking advaatsg of Internal disorder. Important Railroad and Finan cial Measures to Be Con sidered During Week. "" -"u J ' ' - - v,fW'fAr!u The Ladle' FeatlvaJ Orchestra, which "cornea to our Chautauqua Festival on tba opening day, la a company of sts charming young ladle who offer a program which 1 delight to the general public and a pleasure to the most musically critical. With the ua of supplementary Instruments the variety and quality of the program la equal to that of a much larger organltatlon. - ; For the last few yeare they have been one of the standard Chautauqua attraction of the Middle West. Individually they r finished musicians. Their entertainment consists of orchestra selections, instrumental solos, vocal quartets, duet. olo and reading. - y - - are returning to tha German tinea. Food riot have broken out la Vien na, according to reports received. Shop have beea pillaged and elaahea have occurred between rioter and tha polio. It waa officially announced that tba total nombr of death resulting from the recent airplane raid of the Oer mans over Paris waa 49 and the total wounded ZOO. Great Britain baa asked Brazil and Uruguay for the use of Interned Ger ms a merchant ah I pa for the transpor tation of grain, according to Informa tion received from Rio Janeiro. Brltiah expeditionary forces In Pal estine again have assumed tha of fensive, official war reports stated. General Allenhy'a line baa beea ad vanced to Anutleh, three miles north of Blreh on the Kabalua road. Sever measures of repression have been taken by the Oerman government against the workers whose strike movement In Important industrial cen ters baa tied a? many plants engaged in munition and war aupply work. Berlin and it envlrona re mala tha center of the disturbance. The city (a under military control. Factorlea where atrikea are la progress have been militarised, aay dispatches, and the workers warned to report for work or undergo military discipline. formstlon concerning manufacturing plants, shipyards and at her Industrie of the state, until after the b urea a has secured the name of the perron' r concern requesting auch Information snd Ih purpose for which the Informa tion I sought This ruling was made s a means of checkmating a system of nemy esplonsg that la believed to be going on In the atate. ' During the year 2917 the mills of Portland cut S90.402.5I5 feet of lum ber, which waa 71.947.545 feet mora than In I9K, when the cut waa 618,-, 155,000 feet The lower Columbia dis trict, embracing Astoria, Wsrrenton. Westport,- Rainier, Inglia and 8t Helena, Or. and Knappton, Stella, Neqdaily, Oak. Point and Vancouver,' :ut S07.740.000 feet lo 1917 as against ! 411.J11.118 in 1910, showing an In-n-esse of P5.S38.834 feet. The esti mated total amount of lumber, lnclud-1 Dg tie and everything shipped from' 2ooa bay during 1917 was 250.000.000 i feet, which 1 a gain of 28,500,000 over A previous year, when the total shln jiente amounted to 931300.000 feet seems to have nad tne effect Jt orea'a ing down the German strike movement. I The Oerman government 1 keeping Is tight. band on news of the strike, -which are attended by demonstration, la Berlin and other parta of Germany. Hundreda of thousand of German men and women have shown In the last week that they have lost faith In the militarists; that they no longer be lieve the promises of their rulers, that they consider prolongation of the war poor business and they must now de cide whether to return to work or face the penalty that awaita spies and traitor. ,'. . '''. : :. ' The lateat newa from Germany telle of rioting and exciting scenes in the working claaa sections of Berlin, with. the arrest of many men and women In .various parta. of the city. Washington. Little of the long and growing program-of war legislation haa boon enacted alnca eongresa con vened two months ago. and capltol leader plan attempta to speed op the work. Important railroad and fluan eial measures are to be brought be fore both senate and, house during the week, with tha prospect that they will occupy the center of Interest for many days to come. " ".- Secretary Baker's recent statement to the eenaU military committee that the United Statea would bav half a million aofdler in Frine early this year and that prospect were not oa fsrorsble for ships to carry a million mora who would be ready during the year, were 'characterized by Senator Hitchcock in an address to the secste as '"absolutely preposterous and so ex aggerated aa to convey an entirely false Impression aa to what w caa do and what wa are doing." , Senators Williams of Mississippi and Reed of Missouri, democrsto, re-' plied, opposing the war reorgsAlz tioa measures aa proposals to asurp President Wilson's authority. .The former declared that the "German gam la muckraking this administra tion" and asserted that efforts to force tha bills are futile because of certain executive veto, urging cessa tion of agitation. , While praising 6enatora Hitchcock and Chamberlain as unimpeachable patriots. Senator Reed,, another, mili tary committee member, argued that, the war cabinet bill la naeonaUtutionat. , Further disclosure of the govern ment's military program, were made when Secretary Baker res upeaxeij, be fore the. military committee for cross examination Wednesday. , Secretary Baker's cross-examination waa begun by Senator Week of Mas sachusetts, republican, ia - connection with tha number of troops to be sent abroad this year. - v.. On January L Secretary Batter said more troops had been transported to . Fraacer Including both aoa-combatant ENTENTE HAS MOST TROOPS and rigbtin; force, than had beea planned. Many Soldiere Take Federal Insurance San Francisco. Soldier la the western department of the army have taken government Insurance to the total value of 1178,009,000 and before the period of automatic Insurance, February 12, It is believed most of the 47.000 men In thla Jurisdiction wUl hold government policies, according to Captain E. H. Pearce, officer la charge. : ' - . :." ; Wool Stocks Have Decreased. Washington. Wool stocks In the United State were about 5S2.0O0.00O pounds December II last, the depart ment of agriculture announced" la Ua third quarterly report That ;ras a decrease of 71,000.00 pounds from stocks September SO, 1917. - - '; Secretary Baker Saya Allies Numer. . Ically Superior on West Front Washington. Warning the naUon Outside of . not to let reports of strikes and other the capita the strike grew on Satur day, but there are no Veporta of elaahea between the military and tha worker. THE MARKETS DEATH TO GERMAN STRIKERS IS THREAT go upstream for tho spawning time much earlier this year, and these cer- as a aide Issue, tain points are clcssd to protect future ; J. A. Hosklns and L. R. Stockman fishing. ,: ,Y-'..: ; 'ff-have ben awarded the contract for, One Baa waa hurt And from 15000 to the construction of tho drainage plant 6000 in damage waa done when the of . the Ontario Irrigation district 'At A three-story frame hotel, recently con- figure approximating $155,000. The structed by the Somoiarstrom Ship-, project 1 tho draining of 10,000 acre building company at Columbia City, t near Ontario, Into the Snake river. Tha two and one-half miles from St Helen, 'work will Include about three mile of ,ira completely destroyed. by fir. ditches and 11H miles of tile drainage, London. General von Keasol, mili tary commandant of Brandenburg prov ince, la which .Berlin la situated, threatens , summary . punishment of strikers who tall to obey hi order that they; resume work. '"'' r ' 'Employes' falling to rcaume work will be tried by courtmartlal, which la ." Portland. Oats No. S white teed, 159 per too. Barley Standard feed, 157.60 too. Corn Whole. 74: cracked, 975.' Hay Timothy, 927 per ton; alfalfa, 121.60.' 1 ' Butter Creamery, 62c per lb.' Eggs Ranch, Slo per dozen. Potatoes -H.25S1.S5 per hundred. Poultry Hens, 21 25c; geese, IS 18c; ducks, 3031c; turkeys, live, 2223c;r dressed, choice, 34 35c. , internal disturbance in Germany slacken Its war preparationa. Secre tary Baker la his weekly military re view also makea the official announce ment that American troopa are at last holding a portion of the actual battle ! front '-. V. - - ' " For the first time, also. Secretary Baker declares that it la fully believed the ailiea have a preponderance of men and guns on the western front despite the fact that the German line haa been strengthened by troopa from the Russian field. Secretary Baker declared the reports of numerical su periority have been spread by the enemy himself. . .. ,. ? TO Uf,!IT FF.0FITS OF FLOUR DEALERS ' Seattle. Butter Creamery; 6Sc per lb.' Eggs Ranch; Bi c per dozen. Potatoes 927.00' per ton; Takima authorized to Impose sentence of death, executlod to take place within 14 houra Gema, 930.00. ' of the time the sentence la imposed.' Poultry Hens, !527c; dressed. tm Hr..H military muniirM. e. 2S32c: fryers, S('c: turkeys, Uve, Two of tfie 019 accident reported to :.the tile varying from eight to 30 inches. ' cording to a report from Copenhagen, 230c; dressed, 86380.' - ; General Wood Leavea Heapltal. Pari. Major General Wood, who waa wounded In the right-ardt by a shell splinter while visiting the Amer ican front recently, left the hospital. tha atata Industrial accident commls alon during the week ending January 81 were .fatal. . They, wet Fred 1L Miller, Portland, killed In shipbuilding operations, a,nd Clarke Correll, of Sea-' aide, killed in logging operations. Th Farmers' union county baa telegraphed delegation In congress asking thai the warehouse, where the grain Is sctunlly turned ever ieKhe government, Instead of a terminal city ucb aa Portland or Spokane, be established as a primary market. . Article of incorporation, with stock plsced at $1,000,000 have been filed for tha Gold Hill Manganese company, Ih Incorporators being Tacoma part ies'. Th property of the company waa Farmer, United State department of agriculture representative1 and member of the staff of 6rogon Agri cultural college will work tonetbar to, make grain handling in bulk an ex tensive practice in Oregon. .Men repro of Umatilla ' sentlpg these'1 three dlvlslona of work-, the Oregon era havo already 'been appointed to handle the situation and will' start at onco to cover the principal Rraln sec tions of the state. -'V'- ; i Secretary of State Olcott; baa Just issued a now digest of. election date and laws for 1918. In addition to all, the date which relate' to election mafr ters.'such aa the last day for . tiling declarations of candidacy and' ' for filing material for the voters' pam phlet and tha like, it contains forma' fit - ' r , Ji-'J era i7 ?yW--v ' V. ' ""fl recently purchased by E. McColley, for nominating petitions,', 'or declare-v or Tacoma, snd is. located down koriio river about 30 miles from Grants Pass. 8uperlntennt Churchill has -received Instructions from President Wilson and Provost Marshal-General Crowder, to cat! upon all school-teachers of the state to report to the local draft beards In their respective districts and offer thfflialri tor duty In copying" por tion of candidacy, and information. (about the voters' pamphlet,;' and the fees for filing declarations, and much1, other Information relating to election . matters. . ','" . ' " " ' '' j Insurance Commissioner ; Harvey r Wells has IssuoiLjin emergency ruH- in Ing dlre!tlng " the Oregoh Insurance i W ...... i,..., v- .-n. tn.: "in IftUUf HUIMK UVk VW VUI h-7Ln V CVS. , Kept Bright by Constant Us. Three things,, that never . become rusty the money of the charitable, the nail in a collector's shoes and a thoughtless womun's tongue. " " ' I -" - ' , " -Y - ' ' DRY AMENDMENT RAPPED Cardinal Glbbena .Saya Legislators 'i Should Not Bow to Fanatlciam, ' Baltimore. Cardinal Gibbona stren uously denounced the national' prohi bition amendment in a statement is sued by him, and declared, that legis lators of the states should not "bow to the fanaticism that seems to be rul ing ua in thia respect" , . He declared that some of the law makers seemed actuated by coward Ice . In voting against their convic tion for the amendment ,. . . - "It will be a calamity, if this amend ment la adopted," said the cardinal. -"It wiU .be only a step. in the abridg ment of other liberties that w'e enjoy. Those favoring the amendment will not be satisfied with this victory snd they will try to impose other obnox ious laws upon us that will make our personal liberty worth very little." . Washington. With the retail price, of flour up 99 per cent above its price when the' great war broke out the food administration haa set out to check profiteering among; wholesale and retail, dealer. .- ,-:.s'.-H.,:f-rX In- a warning issued by Herbert Hoover, wholesaler were Informed that maximum gross profits must not exceed 60 to 70 cent per barrel and, retailers must restrict their profit to from 80 cents to $1.20 per barrel. A two-ounce bread ration waa or-, dered by the food administration for patrons of hotels, restaurants and dining .cars. ; ' - Public eating place are now li censed under th new bread regula tions and the bread ration rule I is sued under this authority. Hotel rep-' rcsentative have been instructed to see that Immediate observance 1 hi given in hotels for Monday and Wed nesday, aa .wheatless days, Tuesday aa meatless day, Saturday aa a porkless day, and that there 1 one wheat lesa, meal aad on meatless meal everyt day. ( . BREAD LOAVES DISCUSSED Five Federal Food Administrator ' . Meet In Portland. " Portland, Or. Five federal foo administrators convened in Portland Monday, to undertake tho formulation , of a plan for concerted action in food production and conservation. First of all they discussed the bread-loaf, but their Inquiries will range widely and the general plan adopted will ba ia effect for a year or more, i . Those participating in the confer ence are: W. B. Ayer. of Oregon; B, F. Bicknell. of Idaho; Charles Hea berd. of Washington: Royal A. Gun nison, of Alaska, and Ralph Merrltt, of California. Other member of thai ' conference are: Dr. E. D-, Clark, of the bureau of chemistry, department of agriculture, and W. K. Newell, as-' Biataot food administrator for Oregon.