m i mm The in'y wlw;it available for shipment to ill front this winter will Ik wluit is Ntvol from the American table. Are you watching your table? a jj AMERICAN SUGAR SENT TO FRANCE s wo think thnt isakor' nil right American Price Rigidly Regulated urn! ClinmlK'i'hiiii't all right, and also think they will soon roach the miiw opinion concerning each other. No cat cuuld ever come hack to Mich an appalled ami disgusted en-, viroutiieiit a luia the HulMoggorcd. Uncle Sam's war administration The Leader's subscription list will be placed on a cash-in-advance basis .March 1, 1918. After that date no papers will be mailed that are not paid for in advance. Long experience has convinced us that this is the onlv svsteni which is is "uuh M,or ,hBn "M,v,y . uittt uiu la uie uiiijr o.y&unii 10 -muddling through.- although its ,,,, just to ootn suDscnoer ana puunsner. 1 ,1UUI 10" UU ''Winning. We trust that those of our friends ;! who are interested in the maintenance "ABOOZELESS DEMOCRACY" of a pioneer newspaper in a pioneer RATIFICATION MEETING town will cheerfully respond. Although the cost of publication has increased, the Leader's subscription rate continues at the same figure, $1.50 per year. CLARK WOOD, by United States Food Administration. CONSUMERS HERE PAY 9o. ugar Ct 3S Cent a Paund During , Civil War Refiner' Profit Naw Curtail. Sugar la celling today throughout at trtuu 8H In P centa a to I he conaumer, even though plenty of there la a worlil ehorlage which tiaa reduced thla nation augar allotment to 70 per cent, of normal, Through the eltnrta nf the t'nlted Siait fotHt administration ihe augar market haa been regulated aa far aa lh producer, rellner ami holesaler la concerned. The fo,l administration baa no power to regulate retail price eicept hjr iullle opinion. Kven though House of Keprcsonta- wr ti,n H.V0OU lona of siigsr have t'nited States Congress been shipped to Kran.-e In the last l lour niuufii me r-inu a i ti m -, Last August when the foot admin- latrailnn aa organised Ih price of ugnr rose suddenly to 11 cent a pound. During the Civil War aogar Robert fJ. Staniield of StEnOeld, Umatilla County Republican candidate for United States Senator from Oregon. THE MAN MO BELIEVES IN THE DEVELOP MENT OF OREGON'S OPPORTUNITIES If you have not received a complete copy of my principles, write me at Stanfield. R. N. STANFIELD (Paid Advertisement) WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, Publisher When th tivesof tin voted "S2 to I JS to submit to states the rexluition providing for should aril thla sugar al lo 8 the constitutional amendment pr cent, the food dmlnlstrntlon believe. Minting the liquor tintlic all over 'k Amrlr..n houaewif. to tl,.. I '..it! ?l..t. il took u sl. l. "" -"- forward that ought to pleas' every sincere teinH.,ranov advocate in a a. a Ongm. k'llnlfCIIPt The progress of pmiiitntion log. , ,n M N,u . pound. " ically demanded this step, hlghty- Ry regulation of thi auear markat and , eight percent of the territory of reducing tha prlca to S and 9 caota the United States is dry: l-M l'r and kwplng It from adranrlng to JO cent of the population of the Unit- nta me rmi auminiairauon naa mt. eil Static has adopted prohi- h AiurrL-an puMlc at ' " i -.- . rw t .mi.. in 0t,(0 In four nionlha. according to b.Lon. Out of mi nti in M Umn the United States I arc now the OIh rtly dry. Twenty-seven states have . ol)r Mre to fr) ,b. . adopted state- wide prohibition. ilX ,lM to nmnl,in thrlr health aad thousand, four hundred saloons and mrrngih at any coat to ouraHTaa," 112 breweries and distilleries were Mr. Honr oclarl. "Thero haa not ten. nor wilt b aa w aee It, enough augar for even their prewnt meagro and depreaalng rnllnn unlr they aend ahlpa to rrmole ninrketa for If. If In our gred and gluttony fore them eliher to further reduoa thflr ration or to nd thee ahlpa we will haTO done damage to our abllltlea to wlo thla war. "If wa aand the ehlpa to Java far 250,000 ton of augar next year wa will have neceaaltated the em ployment of eleven estra ah I pa far one year. Theae ahlpa If uaed In tranaportlng troopa would take 1 00,000 to 200.000 man to Franca." Reaeon for World Shortage. Aa Mr. Hoover pointed 'out, the I'nlicl siatea, Canada and England were augar Importing conntrlea before the wr, while France and Italy wero vrry nearly aelf aupportlng. The main aourcea of the world'a augar aupply waa Germany and neighboring power. ... , ihe Went Indlea and the Kaat Indie, put out of business at the 191b German augar la no longer available, flection in .Michigan, Nebraska, na it la naed entirely In Germany, South Dakota, Montana and Alaska, whlrh alan nbitnrha augar of aurround The people of Weston and vicinity Ing conntrlea. arc to be esiccially favored on Knglnnd can no longer buy 1.400,000 Tuosdav evening. Fehr.mrv .rth '""K ' ' ch year from when they are to have the pleasure ertnany. MzrT2r2Lt t Tfansicr and Stora26 i ran rennlng group. 1 Jj w j duty of thla eonimlltee U to J ! the augar lmmrt pro raia to rli,i'J 3 varloua rapacltlea and a that , la done to every re- fj , The Year 1 60 Six Months 0 75 Four Month 0 50 ntlDAT. FEB. 1 - 1U Enttr at the paitollic at Wtilon. Orcoa M sccond-clast mail mailer. The French augar produe- . i i . a a i,,amia . . n i . of hearing Dr. W. J. Herw.g of ,. The Kalian proiluctlon ha. Kansas discuss this important oues- fi, rm o,nnnn nn. n 7inm.. can people to these facts and asks tion under the title of "A Koozelcw Thua three countrlea wero thrown Are Democracy" at M. E. Church South upon F.aat and Went Indian enure ee of Weston. for 1,02.,ono tone annually to maintain Dr. Herwig is the man who put heir normal conaumptlon. Kecouae of the world ahlpplng ahortnga the allied natlona atarted drawing on the Went Indlea for augar; East Indian augar took three time hold out against the Allies. Hoov er calls the attention of the Ameri- at everybody to reat potatoes, you eating your share? Idaho dry, as he was the leader of In announcing his candidacy for the dry forces when that state the governorship, Ben declares that if elected W. Olcott adopted state wide prohibition. he will re- V" "u V., . .. the number of ahlpa, alnce Ihe dla- siim as secretary of state and thus g , r, ., , ' , tanco wa three time a great 8ud- sign as secretary oi state ana tnus t D Merwiir. "Hav ng ved ....i. ... .n . . .. We ieel safer with Newton V. "k i.m uuvauur w i or more t nan twenty years in tne Rakpr wxrrfjirv of war than wf point his successor. He also says would if his persistent Oregonian ""Jrt SST cniic iook uie jod. quires my unaiviuea personal aiien- tion, I shall spend no time cam- We personally intend to see be- paigning over the state. The peo- fore long how quickly the Bulldog- pel of the state are paying me a gered.can climb a tree-mindful salary to look after their business, At. a i a t. . and I cannot properly do this when of the fact that the shape of his au,QV frnm t. ' ' '. head and his mental characteristics indicate a far from remote descent from his arboreal ancestors. It may soon be sadly said of a Pendleton manufacturing enterprise that an ill financial wind Blewett away. One million people are reported to have quit work in the German empire thug indicating a some what striking objection to the fruits of militarism. - """- Tl . l,,l ,.A ....!.. Mr. Olcott's long and efficient breweries is not bad at all." service in his present office and his Do not fail to hear this champion wide acquaintance qualify him as fo,ra dry nation. Hear him tell , . , , , ., ,, ,. , . of the nation-wide round-up. Dr. a logical and formidable candidate Hvfwig doef nol ntcd to waPrm u for the governorship. It is consid- to his BUbject( it flows red hot from ered likely that the real race for his lips. the renublican nomination will be The Weston Commercial club will between Olcott and Gus C of Portland. nlah and did furnish 1,420,000 tons of northwest and in Texas I have had angar to Europe when SOO.OOO tone year wa the pre-war demand. The allies had drawn from Java 400,000 ton before the ahlpplng altuallon be came acute. "In aplte of iheae ahlpmenta," Mr. Hoover aimed the other day, "the UMf,ll.li fffti-ftnninnl In A tiffin, rai ttnA now tney are in a tremendous ,hff hounehold augar ration to haal stampede. I have participated in nf 24 pound per annum per capita, several liquor round-ups myself. And In September the French govern- stuff ; and then the stampede. Say, the liquor crowd reminds me of a great round-up which has been go ing on for a long, long time, and ment reduced their hottaehold ration to 13 2-10 pmirida n year, or a bit over 1 pound of augar a month. Even thla mengre ration could not he tilled bl, the French government It waa found early In the fall. America waa then naked for 100,000 lona of augar and aurreeded In aendlng SS.OOO ton by Deeembor 5. The French requeat wa granted berauae the American houae- Iloovar alii "an eiawlnatlon waa atari of lh 'tula and pmllt of renn lng and It wa Dually ileiernilued lba the apread between Ihe coal of rear nd Ihe aal of refined tano augur ehnuld bo limited lo f I.IW per hundred pound. Th pre-war differential had averaged about HA cenla and Increaaed coal were found lo have been tniH d by the war In Increaaed coat of re fining, loiwea. coal of bag, lalMir, Inaur a nee, Inlereat and rlher thing, rather more than cover Ihe difference. After prolonged negollallona Ihe rvUner were placed uniler agreement ealah llahlng the limit oil October 1, and anything over thla amount to be agreed eitorilonat under Ih law. "In the mure of Iheaa Inveatlg tlon It waa found by canvaaa of th Cuban producer that their augar had, during th Brt nln month of th paat year, old for aa average of about 14.34 per hundred f n. h. Cuba, to which duty and freight added to Ihe refiner' coot amount lo about 10 per hundred. The average aale price of granulated by varloua retlnerle. ae rordtna to our Investigation, wa about $T.M per hundred, or a dlffmenllal of ll.M. MIa reducing the differential to It 1W ther waa a avlng to the public of M rent per hundred. Had amh dlf ferentl! been In ue from the Jat of Jannary, intT. the public would hav avel In the flrat nine montha of th year abont $34 10,000" Neat Vear. With view to more efficient organ liatloo of the trade In Imported augar oeit year two rotnmltlcea have been formed by ihe food admlnlairation: 1, Ben American principal divide their haolul Juatlr Oner. 2. A rommlttea niinprllng three rp reaentatlve of the Kngllah, French nd Italian government ; two repro aentatlve of the American refiner, with a member nf the food administra tion. Only two of the committer hav arrived from Europe, hut they repre aent the allied government. Th do tie of thla rommlllee are lo determine th moat economical aourrea from tranaporl twlnt of view of all Ih el ite lo arrange traimrt at uniform ratea, to dlirlhute Ihe foreign augar between the t'nlied Stale and alike, uhjeet to the approval of Ih Ameri can, Kngllali. French and Italian gov ernment. Thla rvniuilite. while holding afrong vlewa aa lo the price to be paid for Cuban augar, ha not had Ihe final voice. Thla voire haa rrated In the governmenta concerned, together with the Cuban government, and I wlah to elate emphatically that all of the gen tlemen concerned aa good commercial men have endeavored with the utmoat patience and aklll to aecure n lower prlca, and their perltene baa re duced Cuban demainla by 1ft reiita per hundred. The price agreed upon I bout 14.00 per hundred pound, f. o. b. Cuba, or equal to about $0 duty paid New York. Thla prlca ahould eventual," Mr. Hoover ald, "to about ?.30 per hundred for raftned augar from th raflnera at aeaboard point or ahould place augar In th hind of the conaumer at from to t cant par pound, depending upon locality and condition of trade, or t from 1 to 2 c.nt below the prlcaa of Auguat Mat and from one half to a cant par pound cheaper than today. "There la now an elimination of apeculatlon, extortionate profit, and In the refining alone Ihe American lieople will ue over I'J.'.OOO.OOO of the refining charges Inat year. A part of these savings goes to th Cuban, llawallau, Porto Itlcan ami I-oimleulan producer and part lo Ih conaumer, "Appeal to prejudice agalnat th food administration hav been mad because th Cubun price I 34 cent above that of 1017. It I Mild In effect that th Cuhana are at our mercy; that we could get augar a cent lower. We made exhauattve aludy of the root of producing augar In Cuba lt year through our own agent In Cuba, and we And It average $3.30, while many producer are at a higher level. We found that an average profit of at least a cent per pound waa necessary In order to malnUIn and aUmulat production or that a minimum price of 14.37 waa neceaaary, and even thl would (tide Rome producer. "The price ultimately agreed wa 23 rent above theae figures, or about one fifth of a cent per pound to the Ameri can conaumer, and more than tide mount haa been aaved by our reduc tion In refiners' profit. If we wlah to tlfie production In Cuba we could take that course Just at the time of all HOOVERIZE Hy iihIiik KVK KLOUR. II A RLE Y FLOUK, CKAIIAM AND WHOM) WHEAT FLOUR Made by the WESTON MILLING CO. WodocuHtom milling, buy and Hell Hay, Grain and Millfced of all kind. Tm City Delivery arHal eilel MeahrtaM hueN oWaal ATCHT IUILO fOMTUNia Mat- an lr- jsfciaam Ml Ikwej eHew aol 9a naaeatarf'. Vrrt lae) D. SWIFT & CO, PAT1NT LAWVia. 1 303 Srveala 61., Waihlagto. 0. C J 3 i Weston Transfer Co. p : Davis & Ellis l Av.v.vMV.v.v.vv.v.Vryj SHE'LL LIKE YOU BEST In Our Hand-Tailored Suits Hroatht'H thorr a man with soul ao dead who never to himself h nth anid, n a well KronmtHl laily imsou'd hia viow: "Somo cla.su!" Surely tho rule works both wnv. INiiiiiiilHr men: "SllK will like you ix-nv m a iiik" cinaa real diatom-Tailored garment See Our lYg Spring ami oumrner I'lapiay. WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaudj raVEll GARAGE VULCANIZING BATTERY RECHARGING PROMPT REPAIRING gW Vvw Ovorland car for hire Pennington & OUarra Chaa. ir. Carter Dan I Smyth Carter & Smythe UWTEU I'endleton Orr((on HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practice in nil State and Kodera t'uuria. ATMH.NA. OHHHON W. M. PtUnsa 0. (1. Blihop Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS Petidluton, Or. Krcewater, Or. "Gott mitt uns," perhaiw, but the mitt Beema now to be connecting with the great war lord's aolar plexus. The BulldogKir c-d.'s next ah rsence from his befouh.fl and odor ous sanctum will Imj a permanent one, if the state's alienibU do their duty. Will IftZ V V MIIUII VJHIJIKlLiai H Ww III I II I' ' ... -' r . Vf M. meet at seven o'clock at the club hold conaumptlon waa then at lenst Mi time In our hlatory when w want , Jy fefT " M0W"r rooms TueHday evening and later at- rounds per person, nnd It waa cnnsld- produrtloa for ouraelve. and th L Jj . OTlfsffgs,. tend the lecture in a bodv Dr V prt"i t,,e ,m' nt maintaining Ih He, rurther than that, the atate de- '.J 'jF-VVv teno tm. itcturt in a liy. Ut.t. n partment will assure yon th.t ucb -V-3 D. Watts will prcnide. ,w miinmr mltumtlM .w :ourM woula Droiuca dlaturhancea In H In Mr. John Rothrock, Athena has a repressentative at the New Or leans Mardi Gras a distinction which Wwxl'a town cannot claim. Germany planta more than twice Athena I'ress. as great an acreage in potatoes as Huh! However, Wood ocra- doea the United States. Germany sionally gets farther away from his gets more than twice as many bush- home town than Adams a distinc- els per acre, and she eats three tion Boyd cannot claim since the times as many potatoes. Germany's railroad company quit issuing wise use of potatoes helps her to passes to country editors. Confidence I question not of Cod, nor pine to know My bourne, when summoned to my next abode. What I can comprehend lies here lelow, And tasks my full capacity. That load If nature's full allowances I store, Is borne with ease, and I go on, content With what, so far, has come to me. Today the augar aftuatlen may be ummarlied by stating that If America will reduce It augar con aumptlon 10 to 18 per cnt thla nation will b abl to aand 200,000 mora aoldler to Franc. Sugar today sell at aeaboard re tlnerle at $7.23 a hundred pound. The wholesale crocer ha agreed to limit his profit to 25 cent a hundred plus freight, and the retail grocer I supposed to take no more than SO cent a hundred pound profit. Thla rem latlon wa made hy the food adminis tration, which now k the housewife to reduce sugar conaumptlon a much aa possible, using other sweetener, and also rem In da her that. he ahould it j tin more than 9 cant a pound (or Nor fear I more Than's duly mine, when my brief ,uiar-. ... . lifo i siint Control of Cane Beflnere' Profit, iiieisbpent. "Immediately upon the estabUa.. t,AUJJiUb 111AY&K. mnt of tM to adlnUtMtIon,, Mr, coarse would produce dlaturhancea Id Cuba and destroy even our present supplies, but beyond all theae material A-asona ! one of human Justice. This great country ha no right hy th might of Its position to atrangl Cuba. "Therefor there la no Imposition upon the American public. Charge bar been made before thla commit tee that Mr. Dolph endeavored tn beu eflt the California refinery of whlrh h wis manager by this 84 cent increaa tn Cuban price. Mr. Rnlph did not fil th price. It doe raise the price to the Hawaiian farmer about that amount It doe not rala th profit of th California refinery, becauae their charge for refining Is, like ail other re finer, limited to 11.80 per hundred peanda, plu th freight differential on tbe established cuatom of the trad. "Mr. Bolpb baa not on penny of la tertit la toat rafinary." r mj ti i "ti at If tel 8 JheRBCGx. MONARCH WORLDS BEST Billiards THK PASTIME E. E. Zehm $ wvivvw7isaayjewi