11 Pay LESS lor your Homelarnishings WOW -or a good deal more later!! Furniture, Urn:, CnriietM, Linoleum, Crockery. (JIuhk ware, Metal Work all tire nn.ro Hum likely to advance in price again in a very abort time. ANTICIPATE YOCK WANTS attciiil our great JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE and nave money !! The time win never more urgent for you to tuke advantage of low priced than KltillT NOW ! To those who are unable to come to Walla Walla, we mttfKCHt tliut yon wrile for our Salt- Sheet, which given yon description ami prices of hundred of our YVIlow hie Spec ial. Our Mail Order Department iiinlwayaat your :ier ice. Vho Davis-Kaser Co. HoincluiniihiiiE Department Slote Pianos Music Phonocraplis 10-20 Alder Street Walla Walla, Wash. DIAMOND BRIQUETS Noecl 10 introduction All Coal, CASH on delivery P. T. Harbour . x BREVITIES Mm. H. MorriMth has Imi-ii ve iling relntivin and friend in WmIIh Wulla. ChurleH Van lly left Wednewluy for Portland work lit hi trade a carpenter. J. K. iJenlofl has heell routined to Inn home with illness during the pa.it two week. Say, Friend! If I owed y,,lJ whiit would you want ine to do? Dr. S. I.. Kennard. , Mr. J. Hodgson i visiting at the home of her Wi, J. I.. Hodg son, near I -a Crosse, Wash. I.yl.- WVbb is Itaek from 1'ilot Koek. whi le he hiu.lell enguged III agricultural pursuits at o much H-r. Farl M:it-K-iiie wus here thi win k from folfi-e Cui-k. Montana, for 11 visit among old frieiidh lilld sei-lit-.-.. .1. A. MuiiiH. district manager .f the I'iic-ilii- Telephone and Tele 1 it 1 ! t eoiiiativ. wiui in town Satur day from Pendleton. Having hlilfered a l.vuirenie of her throat troiilde, Mr. Frank Skinner left Saturday for the Hot like winatai ium for treatment. Andy T. Mai net t has talo n over the I'.arnelt rj-wiomy -t"ie on Main Mrvel and will lake direction of thesti.rc today, lie has resigned a.. assistant ( mister after serv ing four and one half year in that oiacity, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cordon of We hear talk about grain in sacks, grain bins, grain wagon tanks and grain storage tanks. Come to us for the dope. We have some of it and we soon will have the proper dope on all these items. We are FARM OUTFnTERS and don't you forget it. Come and see our gang plows. Watts & Rogers QUALITY is our watchword. The furniture we sell is good furniture. DeMOSS H. 'I 1 . 1 't I Hie commercial ciuo 1 uesoay 44444$ .. - iitiiniitir ntruiii 1 MMiKMii 1 m iiiiiini- v ,v,l!..ton MoP1k,I in ,-ston luj m . gttinR up Bltrartivc uar. - y . i riiv i.s.11 for ih,. i nt Mr. .-nlonV parent Mr . an ' . (.u, . Mr Pet.-r - " cros and the local lihrary. Ilawlcy mountain. Mr. Narka.w a,Iv(K.iltt,, ,,y ""lUHeill. J. Jl. Price. It it understood the The local lied t'roh i in mill of ,.jty council i.s favorably disposed sewing machine, and loaning "f the toward payment hy the city of one same by Weston ladies will bo ,af f the e.Knse if the club will greatly appreciated. Those who iM.ar (H. t,tm r naf. The matter have machine to spare for Ketl was (,.ft in tile hands of the siecial t'ron w: t d3 O Ye , yes, but where? Why, at the f 0. K. CANDY SHOP L ODHSSA KIUKPATKK'K Jl h work will kindly notify the committee, J. Hodgson, Sim J. Cul- M-cretttty, IKim Harnes. t.y nnd t. V. Watt, which win 4, J II Price ha Ut-n appointed report uwn a detailed plan and the t l,H-al chairman of the thrift stamp curt of the undertaking. campaign, and ha hi oriranization jt Orejtonian: AlleKinfiT that t umler advisement. Thrift stamps LoUj8 Bergevin, after assisting I and war savings tvrtilicatc are al- Krank Martin. Pambrun to become ready on side at the port office, the intoxicated, loaned him $:iH) and I lunik and the store of the Weston nu-eured hi signature to a warranty Mercantile t'o. iUih to a piece of land worth SofiOO Alex McRae wa in town Wed- "I"'" in"""-"" ' Butter Wrappers Furnished ami l'rinted at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 M One humlivtl 1 Two hundred 1 75 Each additional hundred 0 45 tiesdav cr.-eting Weston friends a promissory noie, "uu j while" on' a brief business visit, hrun hits brought suit aga.nrt Her- Ml MclUe resi.les in Portland, lull Kevin asiui.K uko.uk- ... - ... ... ha devoted his time for several i a n.ortgage to lx- cancelled u,h.., years to the development of the payment of the S.iOO and interest. Wonder gold mine on the south He alleges that hrank Martin lam fork of the Clearwater. J" hail Previously deeded the land to him. Tuesday night unknown parties .,,., , .. , , broke into the distillery building H" li-al lv st-ot.U are d.slrd. nihl warx'house U-I.mging to Hey.i- uting pamphlets contammg 1 he kial.Kev below the trestle, break- I'resident Hag Day Address with ing window and doing a lot of F.vidcnce of (.ermany s Plans. Kv other damage. Mr. Key dT.-r a cry in rson m-e.v,ng the pamphlet reward of S.MI for information lead- is rwpured to sign a curd d.H-larmg in to the arrest of the culprits. that he will read it and then pass it on to another. It contains mfor- Only four of the 2.1 teachers who lmltion t)f Vllm. to everv patriotic took the December equation failed j.j,,.,,, to make a uussing grade. Apili- , , , . cants from Weston and vicinity I lve .iJU acres g,.d wheat land faired well, and the following were near I.ind. Wash., all in crop for successful in passing: H. C. Fet- fa'e at a bargain. This will bear ter. Mary K. Unstlale, MaUd Mont- close investigation. V. D. Watts, giinery, b'is M. I'orter, Minnie rlU6 i',wiry j,s back from his Kipley. Portland trip and is kind enough all kinds of JUNK old iron, old rags, old sacks, bones and also hides and wool, at TOP PRICES JOHN REYNOLDS North Water St., below Pomeroy - - Weston, Or. said that cople residing express his approval of the me- ; Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Warburg, Wash. American Beauty Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company southland southwest of town have tropolis In-en bringing pressmv to bear ijiSy Waddinghain is under uhiii J. M. Ashworth to persuade t,V!ttment for throat trouble at St. him to run again for the republican Mary's hospital. Walla Walla-. nomination as county commission- vr. U is also said that Mr Ash- , , ind at m, worth will proimmy ctmwni m w M Vinl.lasa W()rk come a candidate. miuranUwl. A. W. Lundell. Mus. J. W. Kimhrell, the veteran sur- iwIl veyor and civil engineer, well U known in Weston, sustained un Fourth Blizzard Smite the East. operation for appendicitis Saturday Chicago. The fourth preat storm at St. Anthony's hospital, Pendle- ir tho winter seamm lias sweiit over j ton. He rallied nicely and has tho eastern states, tyins up transpor- since been doing well. His daugh- tation, crlppliuK telecrapli ami tele- It ter. Mrs. K. J. Thorne of Weston, phone wires anil ureatly iiurcoaiiiK J, I Subscriptions Taken for all ;i MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS at regular subscription rates Herman Goodwin Druggist - - - Weston, Oregon IS. The Fanners Bank ol Weston visited him Sunday. The following officers of Fedora the suffering caused by a shortage of food and fuel. it Waahlngton Man With Pershing Slain. Jj Established 1891 Circle No. 146, Neighbors of Wtmd- craft, were installed Friday even- Washington. General Pershing re- g inir: Jennie l'roobslel, past guard- Dnrtml Cornornl Walter Roberts, in- ian Mi ian nei Mrs. A kti'lihil Ktlfl O'HllITJl. milirtl- rn- blllnl in artimt lilllllfirv 11 0 I ifsnuvi i - " " ---- - - - in till J mi " w . .. v. . ... 1 lieiBiiB VI i.4inn - - - - c - ' - Xo J L. iXiuglaa, magician: h8 mother, Mrs. Kate Kobeits. lives ..It I . .A . T M.nid Staiitield. clerk: Katie Van Winkle, banker; Laura Morrison, attendant; Mrs. J. Hodgson, outer and inner sentinel. Weston is not the only town in the Northwest that is having spring in the winter time. In renewing his sub., J. A..Stolp writes from Worley, Iadho: "We are having a mild winter here not very cold and not enough snow for good sleighing. Winter wheat had a good start during Uie mild weather in December and we have had plen ty of rain to insure the crop an other guod start iu Uiu tprius." at Hartllne. Wash. Dr. A. F. Sempert Graduate and Uoiristcred DENTIST Office Honrs 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. ru. Watts Building - Upstairs i If yon are single and had an income of $1000 dur ing 1917. or married and had an income of $2000, you should see the Internal Revenue officer who will be at the County Court House until January 30, and who will assist you in making up your income statement. After January GO this assistance will not be available. I 8