Weston eader VOLUME 40 WESTON. OKEGON. FlUDAY, JAN. 18. 11118 NUMBER 82 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST riiiivipaM w Briefly Sketched for Infor f ,!- -i f,,m a.4pa m.tlon of Our Reideri. Eastern Oregon I experiencing In flrti winter watbr of th" 117 II on. Military drill la part f the r-mi Ur roljafl work at Willamette I'nl varsity at Hal to. Mra W. Hudklna of Alhsii) liaa knit tad t sweaters for the locsl rhspter of the Hed Cross Charles l.ymsn Barnes, "tin uf th moat wldsly known citizens of folk eeuoty. dUd In Dalles, sgd M Tb flrsuts Psss high school debat ing tssm won the triangular debatn between Mod ford. Ashland and firsnts Paaa Mid year commencement ejterrlaea of tk Kufaa hlh acbool, enatomary In former yera. were abandoned Ibla yaar. fkep ralaln la lo be a feature of tb Industrial rlub work amonc the arbool cblldren of Klamath rounty Iho eomlnc yea.r. Tha WaahlnRton County I'atrlotia council waa rerentl) organlfxl by repreeotUe meo from varloua parta of lb county. Tb first annual convention of the Oregon Creetera. a hotel rlerka' orianl at Ion. was bald In Portland Tueaday and Wednesday rirs wblcb originated In lb Odd fellows' building builneaa section Ipad out half of h of lono. The loaa la antlroatad at l0.OW. Thomaa F. flyan. aaalatant atata trauror. haa made foruml announee- mant of hla randldary for the repub- lleaa uenilnatlon as state inaaurer. Retail hsrdwars dealers from all parta of Oregon will gather at Pori land January II to St for the 13th annual convention of their aeM-latlon. tr. J. W. Meredith. M year a old. and for 4 year a practicing dentlat In Ralem. where he continued hla prac tic during the entire tint lu ono of flea, la dead. Applications for tJ3u.i0 worth of Inasa have been made by t& member of the Lewla snd Clark Farm Umn association of Clataop county sltu-e April . I17. folk county fsrmers are puuled over recent hesvy losses of sheep. While It Is known tbst dogs are dln the work, there haa npiirnr.il no effrcilve way to find the dogs Arnold Hando. In a fit of aimer. Shot and killed his hrothortnlaw. Lawls Chss. l the ranch home of bta father. Alfopio Hando. on Mill creek, five mllea south nf T he lisllea. The building of 40 mllea of track on th Valley it Hllel railway between Independence and the Bllem lln. haa opened up the largest body of yellow- fir timber on any one watershed In the state. In a formal statement. Representa tive C. N. McArthur, of Portland, has announced his csndidacy for-renominn-tion upon a platform pledging con tinued support of the government's war program. The Oregon Association for tho Pre vention of Tuberculosis ha exceeded tta quota In the sale of lied Cross Cbrlatmas sesls by more than $2ooo, th total returns being 113,161.06. The quota was fio.ooo. Another big logging tamp will be opened at ones (h the coast mountains west of Eugene, for the Booth Kelly Lu ruber company, adding largely to the output of logs for the company's big plant at Springfield. On the morning that tho dally papers told of the worst billiard of years In tbe esst 0. W. McFarland brought Into Cottage Grove a tomato which had rl- pened In hla garden and which he had found that morning. Charles If. Qrarfl, for six years presl- riant of the state federation of labor Md for ten yeare deputy atate labor commissioner, bss announced hla can didacy tor the republican nomination aa atate labor commissioner. One hundred per cent organized In logging camps and lumber mills Is tho record for Coos county. It Is reported. The Loyal Legion of Loggera and Lum- bermen, a patriotic orgsnlzatlon, now bss a total of 3821 members. Never before In their history were the factories nf Oregon in a condition as prosperous sr at present. In nesrly all caaea they are running to capacity, and many of teem bsve orders booked which it will require months to fill, Under the probability that several Cooa Bay aawmllla will go on double iWtKnlB.P.r4eri9fld,UialrpUPj and ship timber tr.ti t si-iral hundred rstra ni'ii must he housed VI ft houses oul'l lie tented if axil Kill!'. Ir. tarl tiregg Nwy, president of Willamette l'nteral). hai beep given trualsea of Dial Institution to t to Krsorp, lliteattgat" conditions there and return to America lo assist n thn ,,,. . ,(irh conditions. Ihirlng hU sIinkihc fiean George II. Allien will art aa trcaldeut of tli achool Representative llawley has bau ad' vised that preliminary eiamlnatlou made In Yamhill and Polk count lea by II H Oale. of lit" I tiHr.l Htalea geolo gical lurvry, showed ninn'-mui. indlta tlona uf natural can. but uu ludlca lions nf oil. Kslltnatca publlahrd at th" Hao Kraiirlsru office of I hi- fulled Wales geological survey, coiireriilug the min ers! output of the slstc of Oregon. ar In many lustsiirra niitiuli tory, un- reliable and unfair. aconim to II M. I'ark. of lb- ru bureau of mine. A trad of spruce In the Weatlak dlatrict near Florence. hlch "III erulae u per cent clear spruce and produce from n,ooo.noo to 90.ono.o00 fet of spruce timber ha leen discov ered and ateps arc .elng made to begin logging operallona In the n-ar future. William Chandler. 50, tai shot and klllml. and Mra. Amanda llounvr, 47, aa irobahl fatally woumlrd in I'ort laud by V. II. Clark. CI, an uiituc-i-raaful aullor for hand of Mra. Ilonnrr. Clark tli"U turiusj his platol on hlmai'U and Ml dead with a bullet In hU brain.' Crailuc for Il.ooo lnad of C)ricon alii In )h national foroata of Idaho I prorlid In an a return-lit reached by T I'. Ma kentle, In iharxo of Krai Inn prlvlli'Kea In the national foreata of Orcicon and Waaliluiiton. ni! a rep- reaentatlve of foral iluirli t 3, In conference at Mlaaoula. MoiiL Knglnerra huve ronipli'ted a third aurvey of a proposed route for the Columbia river IiIkuwbv b'lin Hood fttver and Mlr. Tm new aurvey. referred lo aa the compromise route, rraches a maximum cli val Ion of 400 feet. The total dUtnnee of the pro posed new routo Is approximately a-veti uillcs. Attorney Onernl llrown haa advlaei Governor Wlthycombe? lo direct the dim rb l attorney of Multnomah county to Inatitute procH-llnits In the name of th atstc. uion U-ve granted by tho circuit court for Multuomnh county, to annul the charter of flu- Portland Stewards' association borsusc of It many com let tuna for gumhllnK. It. P. Sdicel snd William McAithur. of Tcnlno, WashliiKlon. hnvc suhmltted a proposal to tin- citUens of Miirshflcld In i-stiihllsli s cohI briiii tlliift stul by- products plnnt with un inltlul capacity of ttifl Ions daily, to employ at the atari from &0 lo "." nirn nnil within a year agree lo have a ::.0.noo Industry operallng. The plant would oHTate entirety on the slack con I which is wasted st tho various mines. A total of 617 accidents were re ported to ihe Induntrlsl accident com mission for tho week ending January 10, of which number, six wvro fatal. Ono of tho deaths reported was duo to an accident sustained prior to tho week covered by the report. The fatalities were: Henry J. Ilauer. steel worker, I'ortlnnd; J. Johnson, Astoria; K. N. Kllsworth. Mill City, and J. O. Drown, Harrlshurg, loggers and Joe Pappus, Astoria. passcnKor. Jackson county cannot bo considered a lying cast of the Cuscsde mountains. In tho application of chapter 555, laws of 1915, which provides that no bull, except a pure bred bull of a recog- nlced beef breed, can run at large on ranges of the counties east of the mountains. A small part of tho coun- ty lies east of the main divide of tht mountains. Stnto Veterinarian Lytic asked tho attorney generl for an opinion on the question, with the abov result Purchases and household supplies ot flour are limited to one fourth barrel; definite limits are ulnced on suitar sales by wholesale dealers, and a full complement Vf county chairmen to aid In enforcing food rcKiilotlons are an nounced in a letter mnlled to every retail and wholesaln grocery desist in Oregon by W. B. Ayer, federal food administrator. Administrator Ayer ssys In his letter that the more stringent restrictions are not promul- gated bersuse of existing shortage, but Whistler of the 354th Infantry, became merely to conserve the supply. his own executioner ufter suspicion A number of Important steps in fit- hnd boon directed t him ss the proo fing state regulations ot rallroHtls to able murderer of four men In the buuk the system of federal control wero at the national unity camp here who taken by the public service rommls- were hacked to death with a hatchet slon at its last meeting, foremost among which waa the acquiesconce in the demurrage order Issued by Direc- torQnral McAdoo and slvlog to tti FU1 In Picture U j 1, -3 r AN an nh"r. which u drew In your lan'l It, children? Tet wbsn anrhora are dropped to tha bottom of th aea (hey hold fajit tha blsxeat warahlpa. Keeuently when there Is a gals blowlnc sod a fog at Ma captains of thlp don't knew w hare they srs going, tin dark nights they look for aome sign of warning to keep off dangerous reefs snd rorka. You can draw th picture now of something thst has saved thou sands of lives, titan your pencil at No. 1 sad you'll gat an Interesting picture. Pacific car demurrage bureau autb- suicide for a long tim. but 1 never had orlty to publish the demurrage rules d nsaon. Y.-sterdsy I went out sccordlngly. These new rules start ! wade niyoelf a reason." demurrsgo chsrges st $3 a car and go Tu murders In the bank were com as high aa 10 a day. while the titata "'" om, "Inc f,er 8 30 "l nl'lh' rules atsrt at 12 a car and bo only as Cashier Ki nrn.-j Wornall of the bauk. high as 14 a dsy. The fHeral rulea ho b,'on l"rnbly battered and cut will become effective January 21. by the murderer. ntunibU-d from the Benator Chamberlain has Introduced bllk covered iib blood and fell at a bill at the request of the alrcrsr of P"ln sentry. He de productlon board authorising the presl- Hrwl ,h' nln ,n "P"1"' dent, as a wsr inessure. to tsko pos torm nd nl,'d four mcn ,n tnc ba,lk seaalon of prlvstsly-owned timber tbst may be required for any gowmment purpose, particularly for shipbuilding and the construction of airplanes, and In pay the owners of such timber a fair recompense. The powers confer red upon the president are to he dele gated by him to the socretsry of war. secretary of the navy snd chslrtpsu of the shipping board. These officials will be empowered, under tho bill, when in need of lumber or loj:s of partirtilnr dimensions. to ' furnish specifics Ions to losgers and lumber men, who will be required to furnish the log or lumber csllcd for. JULES CAMBON Jules Cambon, foamer ambasssdor to the United States, now director of the American department of the '"eh government. SLAYER OF FOUR KILLS HIMSELF Camp Funston, Kan. Captain Lewis Whistler shot and killed himself with an army revolver after he had written a note In which he said: "I v bs?u u-Mn ot cou.itUii f - Puzzle No. 26 luat picture, la s queer looking article. d nsd fled. Fingerprints of the murderer were found In the bank. Because of Wor nall's declaration that a man in a cap tain's uniform hsd done the killing, all captains st the post were ordered to report. It was soon after thla order waa Issued that Whistler's body was found In bis room in the officers' barracks. BRIEF WAR NEWS For the first time In many months British aviators have carried out an air raid on Ksrlnrtthe. capital of Ba den. The raid was made in tha day time. President Wilson's address has been widely printed and commented on by Pctrograd newspapers. The Bolshe vikl newspapers are divided In their opinion. Yarmouth, ou the English coast, was bombarded from the sea. it is an nounced officially. About 20 shells foil In the city. Three persons were killed and 10 injured. The British destroyer Raccoon struck rocks off the Irish coast on Wednesday and foundered, it is an nounced officially. All those on board the Raccoon when the vessel sank were lost. Winter has settled down In earnest over all the important war fronts, and beyond artillery actions, which are being carried out over very limited sections, there has been little fighting either in the west or the east. The British empire has enrolled 7. 500.000 fighting and labor battalion forces during the war. according to a statement in the house of commons, and now has more than 4.000,000 en rolled, but needs more men to hold its own against the enemy until tho Amer ican strength is available. Control ot the destinies of the Ger- man empire, press accounts from neu- tral countries agree. Is passing Into tho hands of the militarists or the leaders who want to hold what has been gained by intent and the sword. The militarists and pan-Germans are domaiHilng the dismissal of Dr. von Kuehlmsnn, foreign secretary, who has hesded the German delegations at Brest-Litovsk. To Protect Farmers. Washington. To prevent the con trol of national farm loan associations from petting out of the hands of the fsrnicrs who formed them, the federal fa ln board haa U"S1 rulln8 forbidding election or airectors oy yroiy votig. tha board announced. FLOUR HOARDING BARRED Waehinfjton 8Uts Peed Administrator Issue Ragulstioos. Rpoksna. Overstocking of flour by fsmllirs and Individuals In Washing ton was put under the ban by Charles Hebberd, state food administrator. Ha announced that retail isles of flour to fs ml lies In towns and cities are limit ed to qusru-r barrel lots snd to fsrm- rs from on half barrel to one barrel, depending on the distance from th point of supply. For Isrgi-r supplies thsn one barrel reipiested by those tiring at distant (mints from supply bsses permission must be secured. Hotels and restau rants may be aold a 10 days' supply Advertisements tending to indue Increased purchases of flour and sugar are declared by Mr. Hebberd to b against public policy. Canncrs Included In License System. Washington. By proclamation of President Wilson the food sdmlnlstra lion's licensing system bss been ex tended to include canners. roannfsc turers of wheat snd rye products, deal ers in feed and malt, and professional salt-water fishermen. Persons, firms gsnliation of th purchssing and sup- and corporations affected are request- ply ends of tbe war department haa ed uoder a penalty to obtain licenses accomplished everything th creation by February 15. of a munitions ministry could do. With Wadsworth, Weeks and Fre- Exploaion Averted by Capture of Spy. Bngbuysen. republican, and Chamber Norfolk. Va. Naval intelligence of- lain. McKellsr and Hitchcock, detao flcers here arrested Waller Spoer- erate. leading the fight for the Mil.' mann.. suspected of being an active the struggle will assume a strictly noa figure in plots. According to the story partisan aspect unofficially told, the man was arrested Saturday while n the act of attempt ing to blow up a magazine in the un finished army aviation field under con struction. THE MARKETS Portland. Oats No. 2 white feed. $60.25 ton. Barley Standard feed. 155 per ton. Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $76. Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa, $23.50. Butter-Creamery. 50c per lb. Eggs Ranch. 47c per dozen. Potatoes $1.2501.35 per hundred. Poultry Hens, 24 c; geese, 150 17c; ducks, 20025c; turkeys, 24c. live. Seattle. Butter Creamery. 53c per lb. Eges Ranch. 64c per dot. Potatoes $3235 per ton. Poultry Hens. 25 6 27c; dressed, 28(t?30c; broilers. 30c; turkeys, live, :84130c; dressed, 3638c. SENATOR BRADY United States Senator Jamea H. Brady of Idaho, who died at hla home in Wsshlngton from heart disease. Fewer Deatha Reported At Camp. Tacoma Health conditions at Camp Lewis improved considerably in the last week, sccording to the report is- sued by the division surgeon. There were five deaths, including one from pneumonia and one from meningitis. The cases of communicable diseases total 146 among 31,800 men. German measles and scarlet fever showed a marked decrease. $2,000,000 Mora Is Loaned to Serbia, Washington. The treasury depart- m0nt advanced $2,000,000 more to Ser- bia, making a total of $6,000,000 lent T A. - f 7 v 1 '-i f that country since the outbreak or ute war. FIGHT OVER MUNITIONS CHIEF President and Congress Dis agree Over Demind For Munitions Ministry. Wsthlngton. President Wilson and congress sr about to grappl la what promises to be ons of th hottest grap ples between tbasa anelant rival. A large element la congress belleres the war can't be won wttkemt muni tions minister. Tha president and sec retary belies It csn. Direct notice that tb fifbt la oa WM served on congress by Secretary of War Baker. He told the senate mil itary affairs committee be opposed creation of a munitions ministry, aa proposed ia Senator Chamberlain' bill. Baker's statement ctoaely followed word from the White House that th president also Is against the bill. Pre sumably the president's reason la that assigned by Baker that recent reor Would Draft Mora Young Mas. At tbe request of tbe United State) war department. Chairman Chamber lain, of tbe senate military commit! introduced a bill for Use registration for military duty of all men who save become 21 years old sine Jan 5. 1917, when the draft law went Into effect Another bill which Senator Cham berlain introduced at th request of the administration would provide for harvesting crop and other agricul tural duty. Another bill would put tb qorta. of the states on the basis of available men in the first claas Instead of popu lation. In determining upon tb registra tion of men who have become 21 si see the draft law was enacted, tbe war department has rejected any plan to raise the age limit of the draft to take In men more than tl. National Suffrage Nearer Rsalizatlen. Woman auffrage waa a atep nearer realisation as the result of the victory in tbe house when a resolution was adopted authorizing sataBiasfoa to the states of the Susan B. Anthony amend ment for national enfranchisement of women. The resolution was sent to the sen ate. Recent polls of the senate Indi cate that the necessary two-thirds could not be mustered there, and a rote may not be forced until advocates find they hare the strength with which to put It through. A similar resolution was voted down by the sen ate several years ago. EAST IN GRIP OF BLIZZARD Statea From Canada to Gulf Suffer and Railroad Traffic Paralysed. Chicago. A blizzard extending from Canada to the Oult ot Mexico and from the Rocky mountsins to the Al lcghenies and accompanied by tow temperatures, ranging from 37 below at O'Neill, Neb., to 13 above aero at San Antonio, Tex., paralysed steam railroad and streetcar traffic at many points. Many deaths and hundreds ot cases of frostbite were reported. Ten deatha occurred here, directly attributable to the storm, and more than 100 persons were treated for frozen handa and feet. Railroad transportation was para lysed in an area extending from Buf- ner,y t( tt RocMe. and from Canada south Into Kentucky and Ten nessee. By official order of the president of the Chicago school board all Chicago schools will be closed this week. Every school boy who Is large enough la urged to turn to and help dig Chicago out 0f Its drift It la expected that 60,000 boys will be added to the city's anowshovellers. sste of Food to Be Stopped by Law. Washington. Bills to amend tha food law so aa to empower th food administration to compel observance ot whestless and meatless dsjs. or any other measure it prescribes, waw introduced by Represeatatrra Ltmr and Senator Pomereoe, trUss for ta administration. - ' n -rr- t i Social dance to33rrow evening.