The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 11, 1918, Image 2

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    A 5STew !Prephfc
Has Arisen Among You
to tell you that your fine wheat lands are worth more than you know; the best
selling at $150.00 to $250.00 an acre.
This New Prophet also tells you of some Boise, Idaho, lands
that are worth more every year than your best wheat lands are
worth every other year.
. Plainly stated, we grow as much or a little more each year of anything the
; lands here produce, and then grow additional crops that your wheat lands can
not assume to grow. Only your best irrigated lands about Walla Walla can
compare with us in alfalfa, clover, grain, grass, stock growing and dairying.
Southern Idaho is the largest body of fine Italian Prune land in the world.
NOW THE PROPHET'S STORY: I have just completed water
ing, ready for crop this year, 1000 acres of the finest lands in Boise Valley, only
10 miles west of Boise. 2 miles from car line. Eagle is the shipping point, only
2 miles away. Hourly interurban service. .State Capitol Dome is visible from
any spot on this land.
20 winters of Boise, Only 7 winters gave below zero weather;
44 " " " Only 23 mornings gave below zero;
" " " ' Only 9 degrees below zero was the coldest;
Second lowest wind velocity in U. S. Weather Service;
Some good climate to live in.
A few dollars an acre will put it into a crop to net you this year $40.00 an
acre, and your land so developed this fall worth $200.00 to $250.00 an acre.
I want to retain and put into crop this year 600 acres and need resources to
meet expenses incurred in putting in our irrigation system, and also to put in
our 500 acres this year.
Our society editor rciiuu ks tlmt
ho is Hoovermng because he Hr
mmally finds thai fats and sugar K
W waist.
It yw frrttino la vr IHXVWWNKS
you ahnuld worry.
Thinking I lea la ueuiUir battar
thin id rising one-.
(iei-iimny's war bread in ouninir
an intestinal scourge throughout
the emnirc. ami w only hope that
it hud Uvn a
lord's diet.
. . i
The Herman mark i shrinking lot.
tth value of a mitm which
Mars can Ink a fw leaaona from
rerklei nintoriueu.
Tha unlveraal hingting la not Ripe-
feature of the war "" "u,u ,,f ,hP
Nonodv hiiiIkikIimhI flint we were ed
ucating grenade lhnicra uit th bark
MarM raports alww thai alrrraft
rase wc ur glad to evrt that mite Hfk , t,ng! wi,ih wan only to be (ar ami anewer said complaint r mil
;,. ri. aotml -iwit' plead therein ttlllnii aaitl tliiu
-. lli- plaintiff fur w..l thereof will a.
In the Circuit I'imrl of Hie r!ll of
On-iron fur Umatilla County.
I.UHHI) IJodimklreh, I'lnlnilir, va. Clin
ton Itialvukirch, Defendant.
ToCllnlon Umloiikln'li, the defendant
above named:
In tiik Nam ok this Stat; ok omk
HON, You at hereby nuiiiiiwned ami
ruiiulred In aiar ami aiuiwvr tlm
complaint of tin. ilnlnlltr Med again!,
you ill tlio above entitled court ami
cauae, on or before m wevka fnun tlm
data of Om Hrat pulillration of till
a.... t...,ltl .... .P llJ.f.i.1 IVilluV
llin I Hid day of January, It'll, and yon
mil take that tf you fall to en-
. -i- Married mnn who liirn
lumoua ...... -.. rr ,,,
that Dr. Sutlner was h ,.,.
eli ulel iti war garden aee-tn-b4I4.
the gardener l now looking
about for a war ft ax.
Don't rail It "war bread." rail It
"Liberty bread ." Hi JuM at eipeu
elve by any other name.
tbe army. Hut an l ullltng "tax
kicking from the roram
It la all wr.r all tu illaplar tbu Oaf.
tint thla i,ani la tmi t h w,0 tiy
lunilns. hut hy lianl hlttlDa.
The Offer
I NOW OFFER any part of 400 acres of this land at $125.00 an acre,
one-fourth down, balance 5 years, 6 percent interest.
If every word of this is not truth your investigotion will show it up and I
will be out the cost of this ad.
Reference: Fred McGrew.
Walla Walla.
(3r Yes, this is the same Jess Wise that hauled rails and lumber down the
Weston mountain 40 years apo.)
borrow a
th nKnt
tJiot a,s a bpy in San Krancirno while
Irvturinu in Sxikam mvnm to have
hron Kf'atly exBKk'iratiil.
Pion'wr Lawyer Dies
Steven V. Knot, th oMost law
yor in oint of yrar and NTvici' in
Umatilla county and n rhum in Or
iifon, diinl Monday at the ftwtrn
Ori'Ko'i hospital in IVndlcton. Tint
day tlu- rcmaina weir hrouirht to
Wostoii for inUrincnt Usidi- the
Kravc of hi lir.-'t wife inWiMon
Mr. Knox a native of Illi
nois. He cam to the oia.M nirly
m.h ISM. and whs in California dur
ini? the irold excitement. He lived
in Oreifon for more than half a T( ,Tl.rBg, miiii b..y la thi orlj
century, havinjr lavn nientiotHil in nn "rnM'lnUoiia otvlwtor" 1 aoap
"Fifty Years Ago" in the ,h-cgonian ni atr. a niM " nk and
a.s havinjc attended a litical con- aara.
vention. He came to w cat on when
it was a frontier town and built up
a considerable practice, also accum
ulating some property. He sustain
oil heavy losses in the town's bij:
fires of pioneer days, and was never
afterward able to recoup his fallen
- u : .
,iir. rvnox would never k,vv tnXI year,
aue and so far no record of it has
been found amonK his iapers. He Hj- turning his row Inoan In a hup
is locally thounht to hove lvn a flc, irvmvrn faron-r hopea tn drnral
centenarian. He is sunived by a np a mrii-iitruc lriwTy and dairy
widow. imhlaed.
been dratted to th Cmiit for tlio reluf prayed
lor ami ueinaout' in ,,-nipin.ii,,
namely, for a decree of the court ili
wlvlo tlio iHMiila of matrimony cxlal
lnf lK'leell plaintiff anil defendant
and for oilier tHiiltalle relief.
I In minimoiia la uIiIiIukI purauant
lu an order uiailu and lllwl In ruin by
l.ilUrt W. I'helpa. Juih-e of tlio alMivo
t ntit iil court, on iiiu bin oay i if
trmlivr, l'.'17. I'm' riritt puliliialion ol
Una uniinoua will ht mailu on Kmlay.
the 7th day of Hccuniher, I '.Mi, and
kill li inilili.liixl In Ine VVenton'l' l'
IVrahlna wanla football tralntlg for nrw,),!.,!- fornix coimetutue
Ai a nil ttia u"re a man rirtnka at
nlht thf rater hla dnnrnilaatloo
to flrr h ho In the iiinmlnf.
IVrhNiw anina if tm men klnt el
mnptlmi frmu mliltury mtIc would
ho willing to in namt kill Hint for tba
Riil to.
Hownvrr. ti en-r.rtlilns ! Is high
er. Drotiahl th la rste woold feet
Inumome tf It wera not higher, too.
hated this Mhduy of llccunilier. I'M?.
Will, M. riTHl oN.
Attorney for I'luintilf.
I'oalollicc ailtlrraa. I'emlli Ion. I lie.
Hy Uhiiik'
Mude by the
Wo do custom roillinir. buy
and aell Hay, (train and
Millfevd of ull kindri.
Free City Deliver
Unite4 Brethren Church
I'reachiuir at J I a. in. and
!n't ilar your ur Ririlva entire
ly of time. S'mi nwy nHwl a few fur
:.10 the nelghhnr who lenna oar the flora
sereiiin at the to ! adHee.
p. ni. All other
usual hours.
Union evangelistic strvieus in
the M. E. Church, South, until Sat-
..1.. flu Vim.ttttr tliA
uiuajr " (J( rw,iHctable
mwtinjrs will change to the United , ,'
brethren (liurch, and will be held
each evenitiK durinit the week.
f.lvi-r and trliw ara now arUtncratlc
foods. Verily, we boll that out-
rniii-ou irleea would maJia even car-
m M, act aiaaoM wri
MM MlMlAMIHf . tea r-l'
variHTS auito roaTowta
)M Immi-II ItaM., IM llBl
AImuji Km rritrtaiinna have asked
for i-xi'imilliiii from ilia war.' timuilhly
(kmI has resultd from the meet- tH4nit unili-r Uih Inipn-wlon that we are
inKS an sin is receiving a knock-out m i-nl our enemiva.
blow. All are invited to come. --
CLARK WOOD, Publisher .
aix Months u to
Four Months 0 GO
MAfwuniAMil AVktartAll
counts on every man, woman aim a rnwcddiunAii vruiivn
child in the United States to do the Our paragraph ed. is much too
- same. Are you uoing your snare: modest to reprint the neat eonipn-
The Year.... $160 r js u to every American to con- nient In-low from The Washington
serve food every uay anu ai every New.spaxr, puDlishtd at .eailie ny
meal. the Department of Journalism of
- , the University of Washington.
ITn.l...Tliji.Tillt.w II ...... I I,,,
Entcr.d at the poitollict at Weilon. Orjan nw.-oiuinn w uriU-...v-...v. hubou, u. wi.K - j
tccond dtu mail mailer. Magazine, if a man were to give means shares his colleague's humil-
another an orange he would simply ity, and gave the clipping to the
"I give you this orange, printer. He says the send-off makes
a hit with him; that the paragraph
E. F. WKIGfiLE, I'astor.
With woniiii flithiirut nanlnat each
Mh it In tx'th the Italian and lierman
arnilea. Il inn readily ha aeea that the
Motion pictures at opera house r m go m a nniHh.
Weston, Tuesday cvcninK, Janu
ary 15.
According to
pit it n lue Ml'llcnl iidove. "Hny ore
rnllvd Mit fw nro rluwi-n."
.Thirty-eight persons were lynch- say, I give you this orange,
ed in the United States last year. But when the transaction is entrust-
but through some oversight the ed to the hands of a lawyer to put ed. may never make the big league.
Bulldogger ed. was not included. in writing, he adopts this form: but it's something to but better
"I hereby give and convey to than 3(10 in the bushes.
a t a i'H il .
The sutrar that eoes to waste n you, all and singular, my estates uver in umaiiua louniy, un
the bottoms of American tea cups
sweetens thf dreams of the Kaiser.
and interests, rights, title, claim nun, a mile back in from the Spok
and advantages of, in and to said ane-Pendleton branch, is the small
oranee. together with all of its wheat town of Weston. Weston
; rind, skin, juice, pulp and pips, has a weekly newspaper called the
With soap in Russia selling at and au rights and advantages here- Leader and the Leader has as its
fifteen rubles the pound, it's a won- in, with full power to bite, cut, editor Clark Wood. The editorial
der that our own Iwontworski are suck and otherwise eat the same, page that Clark Wood gels out is re
... . . . , , ,. . or give the same away, as fully siKinsible for this story.
able to resist a wholesale exodus. A B J'mw ontj. Wow, js a j,. ra,h,.r. He
tied to bite, cut, suck or otherwise, believes his readers enjoy editorial
The Kaiser and the Crown Prince tat thc rangc r give the Miiibs of local authorship as much
are of such rodent-like visage as to game away, with or without the as they enjoy those of the Oregon
remind one of the rat in autocrat. rind, skin, pulp or pips anything ian and the Journal. So they do,
hereinbefore or hereinafter, or in provided the sipjibs are equally
How about that three pounds of any other deed or deeds, instrument good; and those of (he editor of
. , ... or instruments of whatsoever kind, the leader are. '
sugar? Are you keeping down to lhe contrarv in any wieC( ml. , Frm a n.,vnt imtK ar(. )out,.(, a
the conservation limit? Hiwver says wihstandinir ." few naragranhs which will illustrate
, i 1 Mr. Wood's idea of what a country
We gather that the Bulldogger t'(,itoriaI Ige should be:
ed. is going to roriiana to see
The prim of pie pliniif la aald tr ha
advaurlnic. PnaaUily aomfddy . hae
" augifiiated that elephant atralc ha add-
ml to tlm American iimnu.
Qulia a nnmhr of ilia now
No Bataar Off Phyateally Than City h exetnpilnii hoarila hifra for
Ceualn, Army Finds.
Waahlnaton. Tha common hrllet
that eonntry boys ara superior pbyal- nimplar llring will n-ault. In better
cally to ttaoaa bred In the clay la not iri,,uunt. and that In turn will redtir
supported by tha reeorda of tha aaleo- iiriinkenneaa hy relu:liiB tli craving
tl draft. that liquor too ally aaflnBea.
A special comparison made hy tha
It la Hi'l l no i him (ifinnn'i pir inniet
la the ereati'st ever known In history.
Thnt of ItM'lf la erlrteni-e that tho peo
ne are becoming e hlhisloiis.
prooat marshal general's offlea be
twMn 10 larga cltlea and 10 rural
counties In Tarloua parts of tha eourv
try ahowa that tha result wn virtually
a tl, aa 2R.47 par cent of the city boys
wore rejected, as agalnat J7.P pei
oent of tha eonntry oy.
"Tha country lad." aay Oeneral
Crowder'a report, "aocuatomed to hard
physical labor, may be mora musnilat
than his eltv ooualn, but be Is not- The sovernmrnt will exempt a, man
annerlor In tha Boaaenalon of tha de- where hla wife U entirely depegKieot
grea of physical aoundneaa eaocntlal "P"" "'" " cn 11 do
to hti tccfptnr ai ftoldier. '
piTiar Lawviaa.
Ttansfer and Storage
I Weston Transfer Co.
tre for- ! J
Davis & Ellis :
l Raincoats!
in latest pinch belt back
$8.00 to.. . $21.00 i
Among ijie trni(edin of life la the
gnod wlfo who hiiM Juat obaenreil her
twenty-fifth wMlng aunlveraary hut
la hIIII hoping for a set of illver
ninn wiio is enureiy nepenuent. -upon
hla wlfef
Not More than Three Pounds of
Sugar Per Person Per Month and
this must include what you dip out
of the bowl in restaurants.
some fossils, and we trust that he
"Them that has gits" but from
now on they will pay pretty well
for their gitting.
Woodrow Wilson's latest address
stamps him as a man who will in
all likelihood take rank in history
-as one of the greatest statesmen of
all time.
at war:
"(Jo back to the simple life, lx:
contented with simple focal, simple
pleasures, simple clothes. Work
hard, pray hard, play hard. Work,
Thrift Stamps appeal to every- aet, recreate and sleep. Do it all
body because everybody loves a courageously. We have a victory to
"sticker." win-"
j, To help win the war by conquer-
Do not satisty yourself with the ing self indulgence means a double
impression that the commercial club victory since "he that ruklh his
is a fine thing for the other fellow own spirit is greater than he that
to keep going. takelh a city."
Here are paragraphs of genuine
oualitv. and thev are not eliuiM-d
will return with mentality refresh- fr0ln the Literary Digest, cither.
ed from the contact. Weston Leader readers turn to
('lark Woods .editorial page very
,. , i t ii i early after they get the paier. He
Th.ssoundadv.ce from Herbert hiW nia(io his paphs a eircula-
Hoover it would be wise to follow, tonaslic.t. The re is un individuality Oerman defense on a front of nearly
even though the nation were not about them. a rail. After demolishing tha positions
The editorial page, to be use ful and destroying shelters, they returned
in the country weekly, calls for in- to their own lines with 178 prisoners
dividtiality and the local touch. Not and a number of machine guns, tha
every editor is as gifted as Mr
Defenses and Shelters Are
Destroyed After Sur
prise Attack.
Despite all anxiety fi the port of
London.Ia a surprise attack aast nervous people who ot- confident of
of St. Mihlel French troops penetrated the government s inrnpnity to handle
Advoeate of idiep railing iln6 out
that tha abenp can be worn as "well
aa eaten, whereoa the pig (an only
be eaten. It seems to be up to. tho
plK to grow wool.
War his become a nilghtw hlg propo
aitlon. Wa will now fight. In the air
over tbe oarth. In the wniyr under tho
snrfnee of the ic-ii. nml on the land
In tlw fuce of the enemy.
Come in and be measured
for your
I R. L. Reynaud I
tha fuel situation It Hi a safe wager
that none will freest to death next
Wood in dealing with national and office aaya.
international things; and the Lead- Germans attempts In the region of
er itself usually deals more with Mont Teton In Champagne were check
local topics. But every newspaper ed by the Krench. Meanwhile the ar
can have a few things to say about tlllcry duel northeast of Verdun and
hemic issues, and it is probably a la upper Alsace continues active.
mistake in most cases to neglect
the iiossibiitii'S of the editorial eaat. of nullecourt, weat northwesl of
page, which still has its
For the benefit of men who think
their Inaoinnln Is due to ovenvortc, wa
official Btatement issued by the war oJ,.r tho circumstance thnt -cy few
dinners who awent 12 lioura a day lu
flio fluid lire ever Withered by In-ewnula.
The shnrtuKi' of one iiud.'i wo-dollar
bills complained of by tin hanka
.An.HU lit.nll,-.ilil,. In II... A.lP,tlfM fit.
t;erman troops in the local attack Mhfj , rjtHlm 0
uue nnvttlitiK of an hiihiII Ii sleiionilnii-
distinct Cambral, entered tbe PrWsh tranche, Uon jB mvt.nng high nmtvof living.
New Overland car for hire
Pennington & O'Harra
-Uncle Sam is today the quarter- The lower house has voted for
t a l,,Ynfr,-tr iriirlil TTo is tvnmun unfTrao-o thna liftfrifr ittuilf
masver ui j -- .u .
playiu the gania tquarely and a notch higher.
palce in the n"wspain-r world, daily but a counter-attack ejactad tha en-
or weekly, even if Iforace (Jreeley amy. Berlin reports the failure of a "Fashlno bns gon out of fashion,"
isn't alive. Brilfsh thrust on tba Boesuighe Btadea remarked an Kngllshwouwin.i apenklng
railway, northeast of Vpras. Tha Oer- " feminine arylea. The American
l. -..It.. . . . . .
Thrift stamp yourself with your -ry fa .U .ctlr. ,n tb. - -
. . - FVf'iyWcSlifttri. Pendlaton, Or.
Chas. II. Carter Dim 1'. Smythg
Carter & Smythe
Pendleton - Oregon
W. M. PtUnoa G. H. Bithop
Peterson & Bishop
own aud Uncle Sam's approval.
Fraawatar, Or.