The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 11, 1918, Image 1

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    - s
EADER ., .
Prlnclpil Events of the Wnk
Briefly Skitche. fer Infoc
mttlin of Our Ratdert.
Oorg I rrtun. 'II. Ii dead at
War saving alanine to the mount
f 1171.121 Tt were Bold in Oregon up
lu and Inrludlng tcrenilier 31.
joiq q m aa.manq l iJ wq L
of th Albany poatnfflca la thnwn for
tt month of cembcr Just aai
Work haa atarted on the ronairuc
tin of Ihre mite of road In the Hie
Iron national for! nrar Tort Orfnrd.
Tb aec.ratary of war eent to ton
gTe ad vara rvporta nn tha propoaed
Impmveoieat of Youngs tar. nrar
Portland' municipal employment
bureau got work during II7 for 3I.4
aB and 371 woman, according to tha
annual report.
Plr. believed In hav been of In
cendiary origin. destroyed a larga
warehouse at Junction City, belonging
to Wllhalm 4 Bona
Kugn paid approximately 10 per
eant of hr bonded Indehledneae tha
Beet jear, according to tha report of
Pred 0. Hllrkela. rlty treasurer.
Twenty-six million feet of lumber
was shipped from tha Columbia river
during Ictabr. according to figurea
oompllod by Custom ('ollarlor lladdtx.
Mr, Varan. J, Inman. who waa born
In rortlaod (S yeera ago. and probably
eaa of tba flral wbHa bablaa born la
that rltw, N at bar bom In Eugene.
Over one-third of the arreata mad
by tba Aatorla nolle department In
1H7 war drunk, according in figurea
compiled by Chief of folic Nae
Tha Columbia Telephone company
of Treutdal baa petitioned h public
aervlr rooimlsainn for authority to
incraaa Ha rata for busfneaa tele
phone from $1 :& to II a month.
Tha Irrigation drainage convention
t Corvallla paascd resoliillnna In favor
of amandine tha dralnaga law
to (Ira drainage dlstrlcta authority
to approprlala funda for Irrigation pur
Governor James Wtthyrombe saya
that report from special agenta In
dicate tha aal of extrarta aa beverage
In logging ramp In (ooa county la
baring demoralizing effort upon the
Tha Oregon public aervlr commie
Ion baa laauad an order empowering
tba Portland Hallway. Ught It Power
company to Increase Ita raah fares to
a aum not to exceed I centa for each
M, 8. Plllnian. head of the rural
achool department of the Oregon
Normal achool, baa announced hla In
tenllona of becoming a candidate for
the democratic nomination fur United
State aenator.
Two hundred and alxty paroled men
from tb atat penitentiary earned a
total of fU.297.SS during the month of
November, or an average of (
each, according to the monthly report
of rarola Officer Keller.
The county court of Lincoln county
made an order laat week for flie ap
pointment of a county agricultural and
appropriated 11600 toward the coat,
tha balance, to be borne by the alata
and tha federal government.
Nearly 200 freliiht and passenger
trafflo solicitor In Portland are af
feclad by tha recant order of the di
rector general of rallroada eliminating
olicltatlnn of bualnesa and competi
tion between railroad companlea.
Tha provlalon of chapter 299, law
of 1917, which provldn that "tha coun
ty court of each county may employ a
roadmaater" la mandatory If any road
work It to ba done In the county, ac
cording to Attorney General Drown.
Realdenta of the vicinity of Dorena
, bare formed an organisation known
aa tha Row River Coyote club, for the
purpoa of making war on royotea.
which have been killing goa
other amall llveatock. The
14 mem her a.
Eight thouaand atatlona for
of warranting stampa are
tarnsnfl in iiregon ouring me week. 20,000.
according in announcement by t harlea lagging
other dairy produc la ahall not be cur
tailed, a nation wide movement haa
been alaried by I lie Oregon )irmea'a
BKMN-lallon l haw dairy employee
within tha draft age exempted or put
In deferred classification,
The metal production for Maker
county during 1914 totaled a lltlla In
n-rsi of .1,nm,MMi, according to tha
report of t harlea U Vale, director of
the federal bureau of mlnea, and lb
1(17 priMluctlnn will come cloae to that
figure, although It probably will fall a
little abort.
A. C. t'. Horry, of the Miami Coa
a'rurllon ronipany. of Cortland, waa
the aiicceaaful bidder for the rnnatruc
lloli of the eolith Jelly of Hie propoaed
Yaqulna bar projwt. Ilia bid waa f 11.1.
Oofl for (lie work complete. Including
all conal ruction material.
Klghl more goveruiiienl ronlrarla
for wood alilpa bate been awarded
Oreguu ahlpyarda. The arde are llina
of Homaralruin llrothera at Columbia
City and the Wllaun llrothera Hhlp
building rnrupany of Aalorla. KteH
will receive four Theae contrarla
rrpreaenl about f 4.0011,000.
Oregon will furniah men for
the aecnnd draft aoon to be railed.
Approximate figurea only are avail
able, hut they Indicate that the atate
III not auffer aerloua loaa of man
power Tli la eatlmale la baaed upon
lb auppoaltlon that men will
again be called In the whole nation.
Pendleton haa a new Induatry which
la now pretty well eatabllahed. Dr.
McNabb haa alerted a fox farm In tha
eaatrm end of the city for the pur
poae of raialnf foxea on a commercial
baala. He haa four pair of allver
gray foxca and one female red foi aa
a nucleua for developing a profitable
fur bearing bualncaa.
Offlcera elected by tha Irrigation
congreaa held in Portland laat week
er aa follow J. If fpton of
Prlneville. preaident; II V. Card of
Mudraa. flrat vlco prealdnnt; t). D.
Joalln of Jordan Valley, aecnnd vice
pre.ident; Porter J Neff of Medford,
third vice prealdent; Pred N. Wallace
of Tumalo. aecrclary.
Clataop county la to open blda on
January :i for the laving of three
mlli-a of hard aurfaccd road, complet
ing the permanent improvement ol
the highway from Aatorla to fort
Klevena The Improvement will in
clude about I . yarda of grading
and 20.000 yarda of pavement and will
coat from 178,000 to ISO.OOO.
Robert Paulua. aecretary of the
Salem Print I'nlon, haa announced the
itiipoeal of 1.700,000 poumla of north
weal prunea to the government. The
aale practically cleaned up packing
houaea of the norlhweat of those alien
and leavea about l.ooooon pounda ot
other aliea in their handa. Tho prunea
were aold at approximately $125,000.
Plvlalon of the atato la propoaed by
William llanley, wealthy atockman ol
Burna, Harney county, attending tba
Oregon Irrigation congrcaM. aa tha only
practical aoltitlon by which eaatera
and central Oregon can work out their
aalvatlon aud develop their Intvreatt
ao divergent from thoaa of that aectlon
of the atate lying weal of the Caaradea.
One hundred and nine permlta to
appropriate water and 10 permit! to
conatruct reaervolra, Including the Ir
rigation of land aggregating 10,639
acre, and water aupply for three reu
nlclpalltlea. with an ratlmated coat ol
conatruction totaling $21)4. 887, were la
a 11 ad by State Knginecr John II. I.ewli
during tho laat quarter of the yeat
With tho open aeaaon to date, goat
raiaera In Uouglaa county have been
experimenting with fall shearing ol
mohair. It la believed the process can
ba carried on successfully, ao far aa
tha goata getting through the winter It
concerned, In Douglaa county at least,
and probably also In Polk county.
Weather condition In Lincoln county
would not make fall shearing practi
cable there.
Acting Adjutant General William
haa submitted (lie following; figurea to
Governor Wlthycombe, showing the,
present alatua of enlistments In Ore
gon: Third Oregon. 2r.5; Oregon coast
artillery. 1700; field artillery. 4no; cav
Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 25
A '24
9Z i
56 -5
54 .63 37
5 . 5tf ' '42
.51 ' ?5 T43
H .52 '45
49 'AS 7
Freezing teniperalun-a conllnu t
hold the Hrlllah front In an Icy grip.
Laat year 3(7 Norwegian Teaaela.
with an aggregate tonnage of (((.000,
were aunk.
Kuaaian efforta lo have Germany
acquiesce in the transfer of tb peace
negnllatlona from Ureal LHovak, la
Oerraan control, to the aeutral city of
Stockholm apparently have failed.
The Russian peace delegation. In
cluding Porelgn Mlnlater Trotxky.
reached Ureal LUovsk Monday for tba
reopening of negotlatlona, according
lo a Berlin dispatch received In ('open-
Wilion Presents Oefinito Prt
grtm for World Peace
to Congress.
Waahlngtoa. - Praaident WBaoai
Toaaday, addressing coagraaa, datlv
rH a restatement of war aiaaa la
agreement with tha recant dec la rat lea
by tba BriUak premier, David Uofl
hagen and forwarded by the Exchange Cwga. Tba president traaata4
Telegraph company. oennita pregraai for warM peaca. eaa
Italy baa adopted a drastic new pol- ulnln apadfle eonaldarattoaa.
Icy to Incraaa bar fighting foreea. Tb VrmMml praaented tta follow-
Phyalcal requlrementa bava been mod
ified, and all men between tha agea
of It and 44 year previously exempt
ed for defecta are ordered to preaent
themselves for further examination.
The American army la Prance la to
be reinforced by tba American avla-
lng aa necessary alementa af warld
1. Open cowenanta of peaca with
out private international noderataad
Inga. 2. Abaoluta fraedom of tha aaa la
peaca or war except aa they may ba
tora who became famous as pilots In elo,, br In'ematkmaJ actloa.
Preach eacadrillre. Thirty-two men,
moaUy member of tha Lafayette ea
eadrllle. will be the flrat to be awora
Into tba American army. Other will
follow them aa rapidly as poaaibla.
AIHMT whuh m diew In your laat pb ture la a wonderful thing. Isn't II T
Lar baala. bigaar than the on you drew, carry goods all over lh
world. Itlch nin ua ihem for aleaaure. Perhaps you hava been on on
it them. rVimetlmea boa I a can't rind a pUc to dock. They do not want to
move around, ao tbey carry aomethlnf oa board which they ua to keep them
In nn spot. They ara quaar ahaped tMnga Tou can quickly draw on If you'll
start your pencil at No. 1 and let It run to 2, I. 4. and ao on.
Continuation or tha war may mean plant of the Plggott Printing company
a large saving to the state In aa- at X3 West Pike street,
tlonal guard appropriations, according " C. Plgcntt. prealdent of the con
to preaent Indication. The guard ra- ceru. estimated his loss at more than
celved an appropriation for the blen- $o.noo.
nlum of f I5S.000 from the laat lejlsla- The Oaily Call, a socialist paper,
lure, of which aum about ftooo waa and the Industrial Worker, ao L W.
taken to liquidate bill created by a VT. publication, were both printed by
prevloua administration, rrom, tba tb Plggott concern, but maintained
Bill la Promptly Introduced and Swift
Paaaage Expected.,
Washington. Legislation to re ro
ute tha government'a operation of
rallroada and to guarantee tha car
rier compensation on the basis of
their average operating Income for Utlc,, deralopmanL
?. Evacuation of Balglu:
3. Removal of all economic bar
rier and establishment of equality of
trade condition among nationa coa
aentlng to peaca and aaaociatlng taem
aetva for Ita maintenance.
4. Guarantaae for the radoetta af
aational armaaetita to tha towewt
point conatsteDt with doaaaatle aafrty.
5. Impartial adjuatment of all co
lonial claim based npoa tha prlaciaia
that the people concerned hava equal
weight with tta interest af the gr
ernment (. Evacuation af all Roaaian terri
tory and opportunity for Rnaaia'a pe
the last three year was asked of
congreaa by President Wilson In an
address to both bouses in Joint ses
sion. Bills embodying bis recommen
datlons and carrying an appropriation
of IdOO.OOO.OOO aa a "revolving fund"
were introduced Immediately and an
attempt will be made to rush them to
prompt passage.
preaent outlook It appear that 7I,
000 of tb appropriation niay revert
to tha general fund at the end of the
Plgurea from th official navy bul
letin ahow Portland lo bead the list
for navy rerrulta during the final two
week' rush of recruiting. New York
diatrlct with Ita population of MSI. 483,
had to take second place with 479 en
listments for the week ending Decem
ber IS. Portland district Witt its
population of 99.1.429. Icada all dla
tricta In the United States with an
enlistment of 714 men. Compiled fig
ures for the total enlistment from
December 3 to 15. ahow Portland atlll
In the lead with 13&0 volunteers algned
up, and New York second with 1112.
offices at other locations. In addition
the concern printed a doxen or more
other publications.
"You hava been running some pretty
bad dope." one of the mob remarked
after the wrecking had been finished.
"Tell your boas that he's about
Earl Reading Will ft Britlah Envoy. A UBtrle Hungary.
London. Earl Reading, lord chief
Justice, will go to the United States
as direct representative of the British
war cabinet, according to the Daily
any attempt to limit her aoveralgnty.
t. All Preach territory to ba freed
and restored, and reparation for tha
taking of Alsace-Lorraine.
9. Readjustment of Italy' frontier
along clearly recognisable Itnaa af na
tionality. 10. Greatest opportoalty for astoa
omoua development of tha aeeaje of
Wheat Stock Low at Minneapolia.
Minneapolis. Minn. Stocka of wheat
now on hand In local elevators total
Ira than 600.000 bushel, according to
figurea given out by the chamber of
commerce. Minneapolis elevators hava
a rapacity of approximately S9.000.000
Cenacrlption Act la Conatltutional.
Washington. The aelective service
act was held as constitutional by the with other natlonalitiea under Turkish
1L Evacuation of Roamania. Barkis
and Montenegro, with access to tta
aea for Serbia aad International guar
antee of economic aad political Inde
pendence and territory Integrity af tta
Balkan atatea.
12. Secure aorereignty for Turkey v
portion of the Ottoman empire, hot
supreme court.
French Officially Recognize Finland.
Paris. The Prench government haa
officially recofralred Finland aa an in
dependent republic.
Tacoma, Wash Hold in connection
with the disappearance of important
government documents and suspected
of having divulged Information of a
military nature along other lines.
Thomss Helmut!) Rltter, sergeant
major to the division adjutant and
holding tha highest non-commissioned
rank In the entire ninety-first division,
wbm placed In Jail.
Checking up Rltter record ainra
his arrest shows him to be 23 yeara
old, born and educated In Germany
and tha ion of a quartermaster general
of the Germau army, with a brother
also in tha aervicc of the kaiser. His
mother lives in Germany.
Coming to the United Statea In tha
aprlng of 1914 by way of Prance, ha
went to Chicago and there took out
his first clttxenBlilp papers before en
Hating in the American army and be
ing sent to the Philippines.
In 1916, from some unknown source
Oats No. 2 white toed. $59 per ton.
Barley Standard feed. $54 per ton.
Corn Whole, $75; cracked, 176.
Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 49c per lb.
Eggs Ranch. 45o per dox.
Potatoes $126 1.50 per hundred.
Poultry Hens, 23(0" 24c; geese, 150
17c; duck, :0025c; turkey, live,
Butter Creamery. S2c per lb.
Egge Ranch, 64c per dox.
Potatoes $3235 per ton.
Poultry Hens, 24ffI6c; dressed,
26 28c: broilers, 30c; turkey, live,
28 30c; dressed, 36038c.
Wilson' Addres Approved.
Washington. Approval of President
Wllson'a sddress, setting forth Ainer
Ica'a nrneram for vip anil hmm
he came Into possession of a large heard on everv aide In Washington and
amount of money and purchasing hla the opinion seemwd universal that th
Washington. Chairman Hurley, ef
tha shinning board, asked conxreaa
discharge, he returned to th Vnited president had chosen the psychological ,ne Mea"erranean a,,a "lacK sea must for $t2iooo.000 for acquisition or
London. The British prime minis
ter. David Lloyd George, set forth
Great Britain's war alms in an ad
dress before the delegatea ot tha
trades unions.
The three cardinal points of the
British terms as enunciated by tha
British prime minister are: Re-establishment
of the sanctity of treaties;
territorial settlement based on the
right of self-determination or the con
sent of the governed; the creation of
an international organization to limit
armaments and diminish the proba
bility of war.
Among the Issues for which Great
Britain and the allies were contending,
he stated, were the restoration of Bel
glum and reparation for the injuries
Inflicted; restoration of Serbia, Mon
tenegro and the occupied parts ot
France. Italy and Roumania. France
must have Alsace-Lorraine, and to
this end, the premier said, the British
nation would stand by the French
democracy to the death. Russia could
only be saved by her own people. He
declared an independent Poland an
urgent necessity for the stability ot
western Europe.
The Turkish empire, within the
home landa of the Turkish race, with
Constantinople as ita capital, may be
maintained. But the passage between
rule assured security of Ufa aad op
portunity for autonomoua develop
ment, with the Dardanellea penaan
antly opened to all nationa.
13. Establishment of an independ
ent Polish state, including terrttariaa
inhabited by indisputably Polish pop
ulations, with free access to tha aaa,
and political and economic lndepend '
ence and territorial integrity guaran
teed by International covenant.
14. General association of nation
under specific covenants for mutaai
guarantees ot political independence
and territorial Integrity to large and
amall atatea alike,
"For such arrangement and cove
nants," said the president In eoneha
sion, "we are willing to fight and con
tinue to fight until they ara achieved ;
but only because w wish the right
to prevail and desire a Just and atabia
Such a program, he said, removed
the chief provocationa for war.
"The moral climax of this, th cul
minating and final war for liberty, haa
come," said the president in ending
his address, "and they (the people of
the United Statea) ara ready to nut
their own strength, their own highest
purpose, their own Integrity and de
votion to the teat"
la. and airy, 4n: h.umital units. 600: officer.' B."- enoi.v afterward he Joined moment to counteract any evil effects 08 .,B ""rna"naea .anu. murium, tablishment of shipbuilding planta in
club haa reserve c()r,,Sl 2M. In(.alra, rwieenti, Un ted statM ,nfanlry of 0erm, .., w t prop.Banda. na1 .7 ' . n, , . ddition to the -0. heretofore
etc.. 200: navy and marine corns Mi52- ",rn. " 'ntly. was stationed at Sv'Hi and Palestine are entitled to .ked for the next fiscal year. Ha alsa
tha' selective .orvlce. 711: inf.ntrv .ervlra ' rrca. Wash. ,.,, Mm No1 ede. EmDl0(,. recosnmon or their separate national Bgked for ,ncrM of ,uthorMr fw
lo ba ea- Hr.n tim ..ii.i.j t-.-i 'n office of tho division adjutant -..i,i., d.h.j ,.. conditions. construction of shies from ll.134.60.-
wsumibivhi iimiii vM riiiuiuirn niii - ....
at division headquarters he hsd com-
not to be considered government em-
mher and construction fl "J "l". d.",rlbutlon of al Ployea In compiling draft cl.sslfica- AU,'llus time mscoT,!r uu"
000 to $1,935,000,000.
F. A. Brown, purchasing officer for
N. Wonacolt. associate state director companies miiet keen their dvnamlta c.orre8Pnnce which passed through tlon. Pr0T0,t Marshal General Crow- tbey caino by ,hclr uu,e-h nam the emergency fleet corporation told
. ....... ... ..... ftrrm , l . , ,.i , . i. ., ... . . . .
or ?na nraaon nit-taion or in mtinnr i i , . . ,
... ..... .. B,, iiini-r I'lNniuiK exptcmivPH miner
thrift campaign.
Two fatal arrldnnt were Included
la tha 341 reported to the Industrial
accident enmmlMslon for the week end
ing January I, Inclusive. N. J. Crock
ett, Noli, logger, and Gertrude New
port, Aatorla. cook, were the vlctlma of
the fatal accldanta. .
. go that th production of milk and
r - -
der ruled In answer to questions from
draft board in all parts of the coun
lock and key, or at least In a guarded
place where strict account of tliem
may ba maintained. This order has
been leaned by the office of the I'ulted atlla Prln 8hP Wracked by Two
States attorney, pursuant to com- Clvlllana and a Score of Sallora.
plainta that such explosives have been Seattle. Wash. With the six men
permitted to remain along railroad employed In the place lying in a row.
track and at placea of eaay access wl,n ,helr 'ac'1 to the floor, two civil- way from Gibraltar. It was announced
to pusanbr- - & nd about 20 sallora wrecked tha officially.
U-goat Sink Hespitsl Shop.
London. The hospital ship Rcwa
waa torpedoed and aunk In tho Bristol
channel on January 4 while on her
that is, which outsiders give them, for
tbey call themselves Sklpetars. Tradi
tion for a long time maintained that
there waa aome obscure connection be
tween the people anil Alba Longa, In
Italy. But it seems more probable
that the word la a corruption of Ar
bauetla. a Greek name given to the
rcgtoiL This was softened Into Al
ts not La and at length into Albania.
Louduu Chronicle.
the committee that within to daya tha
shipping board hopes to hare delivered
from the Pacific coast the heavier
timbers for th conatruction of tM
wooden ships, at a price of 111 leaf a
thousand than pine timber, which the
eouta was unable to deliver.
The shipping board waa advised by
the sonate commerce committee to
commandeer ferryboats and trolley
Usca la tt Now Turk Clfj dirties,
- -