The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 04, 1918, Image 1

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HI DAY, JAN. 4. 1J18
vLeader, -
y ' :-v. ; .
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
!i n piiinor it isut. 'lid
III Kusnwa, H S !
f hartre Walker Yoiihk for Gi ycara asked uf emigre by Hi-nator MrNsry
tsnks i tirooxli mi l the winif-r atin
Hull lo iii I lulu uf :,n;;i.iiiil acre
lif Oli'Kiill illlfolllls ciulil IuimIh
filed In lln federal court til I'lirllmnl
by 'In- eminent nt4inl Hie South
tier Pacific i oiiipan 'I In' gmcril-fin-Ill.
Ihrnuitli Hie niiifl. mM-lm lo
quiet Dili' In ull lauda 'In- company
Id r lor In tin- fm tenure null mi'l lo
i him m In m i-mini lur nnni' y -mini
li alleged IIIi-kmI anle where
pun-baner tioiic n ' more limn I Ml
i mi i r p.ilil more than J f. nil m i"
An appropriation of IM'ii.miO will be
resident ef Ijiik- County, iiii-j In
f unrnm. ssd 17 year
Th annual rnniriitlon n( I In- Ore
gon Irrigation caiitri-aa i. being lielrl
In Portland Jaouar 3.'.. lm lune.
Il In reported that llm in hiKhny
from rikiiii lo Mut innaid
to liable lilt U" riiitii-nt In ro opera
II in with lh city of Portland la lm
prote I'uluiiihla nlougli front Handy
riM r lo lilt- U lilmiii Hi-, in order lo
niilii mi until i li r '-inii;i ami
1 11" fooa County flood Itoailt, aao-
rahly damaged by Ihn recent hi-aiy olallon at a luerting held In I oqullla.
ralna. rWeral lat( alldca occurred, decided u ak Urn .lale highway com-
Tha fMift il llm flfiaiii lal raimlll Ion mlsalou fur Hie : mll- nl aaphnltcd
uf Lincoln county Jual Isminl allow concrete it,;ha II led wide be
lbt fur Ihn flrat lime in many y-nrs n n Co,,. m mi. I Mrib- I'olnl. Ihn
lb county la prarUrallt mil of debt ntnr a an riiiin l by tha rum
t'paard uf I HMt delegatea from nilnnloll
tnwna of Hirkiiii were In attnntunit- (in-iiou grown puisiim-ti are lo lm
I lbs annual mrfllns of llm on con aradcd ami limpenid ullically. Ju.t aa
Kiala Tacbara' aorlaloi al I' .n ihi- nulilir n-nlrr rommiaaion.
II ' . . , ' ', ' ' ' ' r " .t : --JLiu.'.. T .L- ' " '
" "1 ' J--. ill
i ii i i I u
J 7
AH These,
Advantages Are
Within Reach of the Farm
with this-i
Hi OVA c-n Y
Secretary of the Treasury Uc
Adoo Named Director
General of Railroads.
Model 85-Four
Tu Free
la ml.
Ilovlarii flagr'a of Ihr iwrm irht
for aurNk-rltilloiia In iht ar lllitarli
fund aha' thai I)rnn far rcfi-jn n
quale of oo anil actually aubarrilnil
119.910 l
Total farm nrmlurta of Orron fur
191 7 ahl a taluo nf 327.u3.0o1
poiuparad llh 33S,R6.0c0 In hl
Tbla yar'a taluo la lb iratai known
In lb etM.
lliriiuch lu cm i n lfi- turn ! rt
m m. tan i".tliih (In- kimlia. Ui-
irll I UlU Ululli (or Hllpwli of Iiikiwc-
tlon ami lurniulala a achnlule of In
rrllun rharipa.
Thi anil (ilrkrllm nrliimii( of tha
city of I'ortlanil tn Uri-d fold by
tltf ulatn urrm court Tin i-oiirl
hnld Hid nrillliaii'i Invalid bm-au II
irililbltd atrlkea and bo) roll aa "rll
an picketing. Thit declalon declarrd
Tf lrn t0m Hinnn Hr tnr
mm aivm. M an tm Owla
m tm fMMty m4 ami M
la M tirni
Wkgr km In tka OnrlaM aw
Mff lull a4 Martl t
a ilmmy 49 w lArH Owf
Mxt Uhnar 4n mm
tv Ittr mtn Mlcndvv
mm. 'n (WM (ith and
fM4y M iW h Unity w IM
ihwm, aaaH frMful'aMMW. r
a Mv.iir aa4 mtfal na m
la rvaatfif
Da M Maw, aha a riwa
01 aa Ow land anal kt a
loueil ar.ih aflaat. baih bunrvrt i
an4 aaoall H up to data I
naataraf c
at kak
Only an OwtumkJ ta afl IW
aoVantacca raw taaulir I id. m a
waar af at IM ancc it M aaatfaal
MaHwraviiwrti raaiair eaa- aad
bfawty a4 awtffta aauniawat at
attyvMra Mar im pmt.
Wodaaf lllailt
libaral raoai far ea aaawawjar;
MiialaMMaaol af flail at tha 1
b. a ea bkjc natari m4 laallliMT
Mar ajnrtai.
Alaa. t tactric alanjae aae SaM ma war.
Also, varuuea luiiaat I Hiaa
ampi aaatel; I II" lack wfcaclaaat?
beauty and hana-y.
What narta of food ar beln hl I iljat atrlkra art) ounli-nanccd by all
In local markuia b d'-tfrmlm-d by ai'aln end ffli-ral courta.
Wait an Orarlaral yaw ara tk
Dr. S. L. KENNARD, Agent
atuwlbaw allot 4 (lira room mr4
Hoar yaa knaar k yaaj
frt your atdrr la at aaca aa
Weston. Oregon.
the In e aurvuy blrh IH
atari Inmiadlairly. The "Invtintory"
III t nation ide.
A It prtnt Incrraa" In frrlulit raiwt,
xrit on fuel wood, wan Ktanlnd by
tha puMlu arnica rommlaalon to tho
Poiiland Railway. l.iKlit & I'uwrr com
aany on all tha Inlxrnrban liiifn.
The alormy wratlinr for ihn ai
two rwk, caiiBluu iiuiiirroiia alldi-a
and waahouia baa raaultml In an al
moat total sban of Ihn uaual crowd
of midwinter vlallora al NrHrl.
A auNiantlal urowth In tiu mint
prodnclni Imluatry In Oregon Uurliiit
Ihn paal yar waa ahown at tht annual
tntlnf of th Wlllainrllr Vally Mini
Qrownra' aaaorla'.lon bold at Albany.
Mullnnniah and I'larkn i-oiiiiMi-n will
rcalUo a not profit of morn than till),
000 e year In rrcclpta from llm lni-r-atatn
brldsn. an-nrillns to fluurra ami
nailnialaa which hnvn tic ii rinujilliil.
Thn airrrafl production hoard hna
advlwl Knminr Mt'Nary that It I
kironitly lmM-! lo nward rnntracie
for airplane conlr,ui-ii(in to propi-rly
iilppnd furiorlca on thn I'ai-iric coitit.
Thn Valley A fillet rnllwny, whlrli
waa In have roiniii'-ur. il iip. i iiHuhh ,m
S common rarrh-r January I. Itiis. ha. I
tta linn blocked by aeti-ral l.iuillhli.i
near llnaklna. due to die heavy rlin
Tha rnritaml Rnllway. I.lht l ow
er company haa died with the imMic
aervlro rommlaalnn Ita piIchHii for
Kor a coualderatton anld to bn In tha
m lKlilorhHil of i;r..0oo. Hniytho
llrtiihera, prolnliieiil lln jnn ahrepmnn.
liar purrdawd the alnp ranch ami
plant of I local II Wheelhouac, aoulh
weal of Arlttutoil. I in Id. lid In th)
d- l are puno ii- of land. MO hea l
of rnllle. 2"00 ahfvp and all rqulpmi-nt.
Thro of thn 8M accident reported
lo thn aiain lndualrlnl acrident com
miMiou for the week emliua Dnvnmbnr
87 were fatal. Uiey were llioae of K.
(i. Whim, of t'anhy. killed In
iip.roilnMO. 1-oiila Wlncrt. of Alrlle,
killed In loKKinii operation and Jamea
A, fonway. of Portland, killed In ahlp
bultdlns operatlona.
Sixty nlcht noldlera from
barracka, Wuati , havn arrived at
Manthflnld lo wyrk In llm Hmllli Tow
era loKKliiK ifTil'a al I'ownra. lo haat
en the production nf airplane and ahlp
lumber. Tlila la the flrat delacliinenl
aent out by i'olouol UUiiie, Several
hundred morn aro rxpHtMl lo join
thn varUm. cumpa anon.
Thn .Malheur Irrigation company haa
flhd a pctlllnn with Hie atnln wntnr
board ankliiK for an nxlenxlon of two
year, from .liiituiiry 1. 1'JIK. In w-hlrh
tu complete the work and apply the
atcr In connection with iu irrigation
project nenr Hroiiun, In Miilhcur coun
ty. The ctimp'iu.v'N iipecjiilnnti have
been delayed on account of Initiation.
KltttthiR that the Central Orcuon Ir-
WeablncteiL The raltreede ef the
United 8 taine ba peaeeel late fee
crnnent poeaeaalon and Secretary Me
Adoo, dealgnattd by Praetdeat Wlleea
aa dlrertor-ftaoeral ef railroad a.
Walker O. Hlnea. ef Near Tort,
railroad lawyer and for etany year
apeclal stadent of goTemment opera
tion, was appointed auurtant director
general, pending the formation ef
permanent staff.
Definite ate pa toward national (
flcatioo of railroads and Improremeat
of rongeaterj cnndiliooa were takes by
nirerior-General McAdoo in Ihn ap
pointment of a temporary staff and the
iaaulng of bis flrat formal order di
rect inn abaolote pooling of all IrslBr,
common ntilixatlon ef terminal, rait
ing; atock and other facilities; haallag
of freight by the shortest rentes and
retention of all present officers snd
employes. . . ,
Orders went to eastern roads frost
Director-General UcAdoo to clear ep
freight congestion regardleas of pre- ,
nous gorernraent priority regulations,
passenger schedules sod sny hamper
ing practices under the old eompett
tive (yatem end to pay special atten
tion to the movement of coal and food.
The director general dissolved the
railroad war board at its own reqiieet
snd named a temporary adrtaory cab
inet of fire members.
The q neat ion of Incressed psy fee
railroad employes will be taken n
soon by Mr. McAdoo. Heads of the
four brotherhoods will confer with fhe
director-general st his Invitation, and
probably will urge with the scarcity
of railroad labor It will be necessary
to luv tilctter vum: lis relala maw. '
Sfany advisers of the director-general
advocate increasing: wages, particu
larly for many unorganised classes.
nttta of Orcein bo). member .t the declared that Pacific toaal shipbuild
;':iil eiiKincrrs, rliaruinR that condl- era were anxious to cet contractu hut
tloua at Camp Meade. Maryland, are 0,,iy at very high prices. 1'acific Coast The British forces under General Al
lur from .ifctory. ami that the plants, he said, have Increased their lenby 'continue their vlctosious march
men are heliiR subjected to hnrdnlilps.
Interviewed a doti'n Oret;on troop at
Ihn camp. Without exception the sol
dier anitl that they were enmfort-bly
quartered, that they had atnmi'ant
rlollilng of lli rli lit sort, ami 'hat
food wnn plentiful ami -.oo..
London. The central powers with
in 10 days will make new declarations
demands '3 to $20 a ton on steel agalnat the Turks In Paleatine.
ships, making the prices asked from Cold weather and snow la the Euro-
$180 to $1K5 a ton. while some even pea a fighting xone have reduced mill- regarding Germany's pesce conditions,
sre ssking $:'0 s ton. tary activities to a minimum in most a dispatch from Geneva to the Daily
Mr. Bowles denied he had stated the aectors. Express quotes the Munich Nsehrten-
wooden ship program was a flat fail- France will not accept a peace based ten ss saying.
ure. no sain ne ociieveo me snipping on conditions before the war. Foreign Prae noentiatinna at Ri-Mt.l. it
If reulstrsnla for army duly who are problem would be solved by building Minister Plchon declared In the Cham- have been broken off by the BotshevIM
adapted for service lu losing est .p 8t(lpl snipi( anfl mt woode Bhps r of dePmn, ' government owing to the German .ttl- '
an Increase of rates In the iwasruRnr rlmnlon compnny, which haa a large
fares on thn liileriirhnii Hues out of
(il f". Mnanr. prenlilenl of the Ore
gon state artiste, haa made public an
nouncement of hia candidacy for (lie
republican nomination for governor st
the coming primary elect Inn whlcli
will he hnld on May 17. 1S1H
The Northwestern Klnclrlc company
has let rontrscts In Portland for the
immediate construction of an addi
tional plant by which the company's
capacity for supplying eloctrirnl pow
er will be Increased 60 per cent.
Cnrey ct project In central Oregon,
hn l)en giving better water service
to some laud holders thuti other, tha
public ervlce cnmtnituilnn ha Insueil
an order directing the company to In
Hiiill waler nienmirement devices and
niakn other Improvenienla before (lis
beginning of thn 1918 Irrigation sea
son. Thn federal suthorltlf have begun
nn Investigation of the report of an
arson plot, having for lis purpose the
deatrurtlon of a chain of mill and
grsln warehouses extending from Gsa-
snd saw milt deglrc to fill their rsrt
In the war by performing the w irk
they are beat suited to do, they risy
be gran led their wishes, according to
Instructions received In Portland by
Colonel ftrlco P. Disque. from Provost
Msrabnl Geiiersl Crowder. None enn
be enlisted now, but they may apply
to their district exemption boards snd
those who are acceptable will he ad
mitted to the service of the spruce
production division of the United
States signal corps.
should be built only when tonnage
could be Increased more rapidly by
tb at means.
Entire Cossack Territory Mobilized
London. TIih spirit of civil war is
active In the Cossack territory, snd
the entire population of the Hon valley
has been mobilized, according to a
Petrogrsd dispatch to the Times.
Thousand of officers of the regulat
army hsvn joined General Kaledines,
who is now said to have more than
S0.000 commissioned officers.
Three British torpedo boat destroy
ers were sunk through being struck by
torpedoes or hitting mines off the
Dutch coast with a loss of 13 officers
and ISO men.
In the Italian theater the Infantry
for thn present is idle, but the big
guns continue to carry out mutual
bombardment against points in the hill
region, from Asiago plateau east war J
to the Piave river.
German divisions, fresh from the
Russian and Roumanian fronts, are n
Turkey, operating with the sultan's
forces in an effort to wrest the holy
land from the British and restore the
Mors Wages for Railway Men Refused
Washington. The railroads have failing Moslem morale, according" lowouij not De imperialists If they did
government owing to the German atti
tude in regard to Poland and Lithu
ania and the enemy's proposal that
garrisons be retained at Libau, Rigs
and elsewhere, according to a tele
gram from the Petrograd correspond
ent of the Dally News appearing in
that paper.
The dispatch quotes sn article freia
the Bolshevik! newspaper Isvestla dis
cussing "the new phase In the peace
negotiations." The article says that
owing to pressure from below the
Germans have been obliged to soil
their lips wi-h the formula put forward
by the socialists st the beginning' of
the wsr, but the German imperialists
Chicago. The densely populated re-
The outlook for ths lumber industry toni Washington county, to Snlrm snd Kol,a r " I'nlted States sre in the
definitely refused the demand of thelt
organised employes for 40 per cent
increases in pay and have turned the
responsibility entirely to the government.
In the lower Columbia river district
for the coming year Is most encour
aging snd the Indications are that the
output of the plants will he greatly In
excess of that of the present, year.
The secretsry of the Interior hss
withdrawn from entry for power slto
other Marlon county towns. The cxls- lcy Krln of ,he most 80V("'B co,( wava
tence of such a conspiracy has been present winter, in view of the
strongly suspected since the myster
ious burning of a grsin elevator at
CarHon. v
Oregon la looking forward to the
blggcnt harvest of winter wheat ever
purposes 1B acres of public liind on gnrnered In the history of the state.
the Big Bendy river below the mouth
of the SAlmon river. Thn lend may
be used only for power dnvelopnienls.
Whether or not the Grange, Farm
ers' Union and Btsto Federation of
Labor shall unite in fostering the or
gsnlxntlon of the Farmers' Non-I'arii-ssn
League in this statu will be decid
ed by those organisations within ths
next month.
Until It receives definite Information
as to the plans of the government In
During thn lust fnll farmers of Oregon
have sown a larger area of this grain
than lliono of either Washington or
CntlfornfH, According to statistics of
the department uf agriculture, Oregon
hna uOS.OdO acres seeded tit winter
wheat, or an Incresse over the pre
vious year or 5 per cent.
In sulmiltlliiK the minimi report of
the state lime hoard to Governor
Withy-combo, Warden C. A. Murphy,
of the state penitentiary, said that the
shortage of fuel st many points, the
degree of suffering, especially among
thn poor. Is Intensified.
From points In New York, Massa
chusetts, Pennsylvania snd other At
lantic seaboard states come reports '
of temperatures from S degrees above
to 10 degrees below.
Throughout the middle west reports
Indicate the moat severe w inter storm
of the season. It Includes In Its wide
sweep the ststes of Illinois, Indiana.
Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, ths Dako
ta and Nehrsska. The temperatures
range all the way from tero at Chica
go to ,15 below at points In South Da
kota. All records for December cold
were reported broken In South Dako-
French War Loan is Over Subscribed.
Paris. Tim French war loan, which
has just been concluded, wsb. over
subscribed $ulooo,000, it was an
nounced. Tho loan was for $-',000,000,-000.
official reports.
The German emperor, returning
with his staff from the Verdun front,
had a narrow escape during the re
prisal raid of a British air squadron
on Mannheim. The emperor's special
train left the station an hour before li
was partly destroyed by several bombs.
not try to tske back in fact what with
gritted teeth they yielded in words.
Certificate Cards Will Be Issued
Which Must Bs Carried.
Washington. The week of Febru
ary 4 was set aside by the department
Seattle Isolated by Floods. of jnBtlc, for registration of the half-
Seattle. As the result or floods million of unnaturalized Germans tm
throughout western Washington. Seat- the continental United Statea by p
tie had no railroad connection with ijce and postmasters In pursuance ef
the outalde world except by way ot president Wilson's alien enemy proe-
Portland. Because of the loss of the jamstlon directing this action as a
Milwaukee and Northern Pacific means of minimising the danger from
bridges over the Yakima river, there enemy sympathizers,
will probably be no transcontinental Registration will involve the gather-
train service direct from Seattle for ng 0f detailed Information concern-
handling the railroads of the country, board would probably not he able to ' ta, where the minimum was SO.
Oats No. 2 white feed. $58.50 ton,
Bsrley Standard feed, $55 per ton.
Corn Whole. $75; cracked. $76.
Ilsy-Timothy. $27 per ton; alfalfa. nt ,oa8t week. In the meantime .11 lnR the business, relatives and habit.
this trarric must go by way of the 0f every German, together with bla
Columbia river. photograph and finger prints. After
registering he must carry a cerMfl-
Trade Balance Favors Nation. cate card and may not change hts
Washington. America's exports place of residence without approval
Itul ter Creamery, 4!c per lb.
Kgga Ranch, 45o per doi.
Potatoes $1.25 1.60 per hundred.
Poultry Hons. 22$j 24c; geese, 20c;
ducks, 25c; turkeys, live, !5c.
the public service commission will
pursue ita sccustnmed course in all
msttnra coming beforo It pertaining nns been delayed, and after ita arrival
put any lime on the market until next "
June. The delivery of the machinery PRICES DECLARED TOO HIGH
to railroads.
Kor the first time In Ihn history of
Hood Rlvnr valley, vinegar and elder
manufacturing plants find It necessary
to Import cull spplee from other north
western districts In order to keep
U will require considers bin time to
Install it ami put the plant into oper
atlon, ho said. The hoard has selected
tho nceinan quarry near Gold Hill for
Its operation. .
Representative McArlhur, who re-
Admiral Bowles 8sys Coast Ship
builders Demand Too Much.
Washington. Rear-Admiral Howies,
assistant to Ihn general manager of
the Kmnrgency Fleet corporation, tes
tifying before Ihn senate committee
Butter Creamery, 82c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 54c per dos.
Potatoes $3235 per ton.
Poultry Hens, 224T25c; dressed,
24fi2Sc; broilers. 30c; turkeys, live,
163Sc; dressed, 33 33c.
were estimated at the department of ot the police or postmaster.
commerce to have passed the $8,000,-
000,000 mark in 1917. a new high reo Oregon Biahop Takes Bride,
ord. Imports were less than $3,000,- Chicago. 111. The Cathedral of 8t
OOO.Aflfl and the trade balance In favor Peter and St. Paul held a select corn
of the United Ststes probably will psny of relstives from Chicago and
be more than $3,150,000,000.
The smallest known bird Is a Central
Amerlcuu bummlni; bird that la about
thslr priMM rusaiM nd to (ill thslr c,Bt,iy rsoelved "telegrams from psj. laveatgUM ths. shipping situation, Umatilla county Ux lvy is V.i mills, tha sUe of bluebottle fly.
other cities Tuesday, gathered to wit
ness the marriage of Miss Myrtfe
Mitchell, of Ne?suaee, Mich., sd tie
BX Rev. Walter Taylor Suoaer, bii&ao
ot Ortsos,