The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 30, 1917, Image 3

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Christmas Gifts
It is not a bit too early to select I hem, because
of so many of OUU HOYS bring away from homo
this year -Homo in camp and wmn; in France. Tlio
mails will in all probability lio heavier this holiday
boaaon than ever before and it behooves you to
MAS til I TS and packages.
We have interesting ilisplays of articles that
will bo appreciated by the men in eaiitonmenl.s and
in active service, and our ch-rks will be v,lad to give
you timely suggestions along this line.
Vho Davis-Kaser Co.
Homelurnlshlng Department Store
Pianos Music Phonographs
10-20 Alder Street Walla Walla, Wash.
i tNKuiim v vj - . vi n im, VhUJmI VI Wiw vIGUUvll
S pwlonof great tragi.. fralval, Order of acrvices for Sunday
big sales having Ui-n announced .y LVcembcr 2 9 7
the town's two leading store. It 10 a. mAsunda'y school. J
waa in ici mo irn-au-fti vusini- 11 m Pri4.i,in'
fiirl wand-d for houm-woi
uuire of F. D. WntU at thf
day In th town history, nothing 0:3Q p. m. c W. .s. 5 jfWi& 8
rk In. ,,,w 1 ,mv,I!g wit",w,1', 'urm 7:30 ,.. ro. Hib.- Study. Life of Jj 'i I - 5
w i "r 'm0 l' ''",,yon 'r "f th Christ. J A ' - ?
freight wagon and aUge cm. Ii. j0UN liONKWITZ. Klder. ! ?f,- -1 . - -j-r 2
when Pendleton ami w.t.. J ill ' IT T" MM i
A Kogi-ra at ore.
Aft.-r 11 m-iwiii of m.-troHitan rival for the county's trail-. TIm- eriMMrtwe ! i'lflUi If "Pff """tSTT K
activity. Allison Wood returned day's rc-eipU of the Weston M-r- SUMWOBS I IMM jjf;fJ! M
this week to I... home-m-ar Man- rK'"" In th Circuit Court of tb. Mat. of $ M M SF2
I1.-I.I. WalUA Rogers fM. Roth stores Oregon for Umatilla Counly. V -I ?J
Ai Imtrl.t -hool mi-i-lin 'T, th from mornln unti oif e.H, I'l.intiir. v.. IMty Carl- g ij vjPS? t;
on h' w v!,." i I , ... or.f n ,-w H1 , ""I"..... Tb. following To Carta.. Defendant a.xiv. $ FJS
lull, wwvi.(.-.l in Momay WM MM, a ,uinmi-r. liolh ntmeA. J;' fji2?f 'ItS ii
tin- I.U'lKi t. Ivul.-H are Mill in projfrtiMi anil .t- In the Nam of th Stata of Oregon. , rS 'I
Mm. t'liuili ii May l. fl Mn.liiy 'irai-tin- hi.i.- to Weiiton from nil V"U r hereby aunimoiieit and r.juir- jj Dt-31 J
for a viail .i,hl,,rn,!th,r.M7 ,,,r .- Kn.l. In fa.,, tl,,- JA' VE'J&fiZ $ t 1 It n V C
Niim y S iilxii. at lr.uihHl.-ii, Mai- town wmm m vi-r iiior' prominent a in the abova entltlid court and chum, J ' 1 A X X OI. X O J
li.'iir i-.itinty. a tra.linir ri-iili-r. on or before Friday, tho 2Mth day of 'J
...... , , 1 ... ,, . . Uei-emtwr, I'J17, which date ii eleven J ATI
Mm. I.I.II- uitiwlali- Mini raniily W. II. Mi-l.ln r liu.l a nn-llv fair t. fn.m ti. (uie f ih. rln.
i-rop lli in y.-ar in tin- m-iK'liloiji.MHj
of Hrant, AlU rla. It lnUliiJ 27,ooo
Ihim- Kum t Two llivi in. Wall.,
for tin- witiU-r, uml will puMun- 1MI
hi-ftl of Kt.x-k in that vicinity.
To rar nwiicrn Our m-w ImtU ry .
.'..liiii'irt.1 In iinu wii.'kinir nit-i-lv.' 'i
A I... I.. Vlll.-Hllixi. " fchl.M-U a
yiM.Mul..,,. Vt.ninKtn O'llarrH.'.'-f v.-KHal.l.. "I Imv,- alwayn rain-
'il a largi Kr.lrn, In- wnbr 111
Wihlam Kraiikilnof lli-li na. Mon- p.n.jt.j,, fr ,. W.lon Ixa.l. r.
tana, an um li- of Knil MrHr.-w . ..My . y( i,,,, jfj (,awua
with a K'"t Stimhiy ami Momlay of tj f-jvittt-ntly tbi- oLl-liim- kiw
Mr. and Mm. M.-'!rt-wat lln ir lioim- lnj ,,, iai t frKtt..,.il,t. ,avs
publication of thin aummona. And J
you will take notice that if you fall to
1... 1. .1.. . r .. 1 1 10 ium 1....1 ..t Hnawcr in. aaiii comiiiauii or oincTwwe r.
1 upnr n ill Miirui. i..irH! an . t . .1 r .
plead thereto within laid time, the
intv i'v3 1 iiii
'.(MM I.iisIh Ih of larli-y. olaintifT for want thereof will aoiilv to ft
He hImi raiw-d Krl n fmin ."IJUi n the Court for the relief prayed for niunu rurl.m.U therein, namely: for
-I tourt furever diMolvina:
Adj'IKt Sllilli', Kill!. lli).HI-
wlmttnt-r ia wcoiik. Natun
then curcn.
Main and i'ota t Slu-i t
Fourlui-n yti in IViMU tuu.
Im no. itiniuw iHilMil'Ainv "lUi
ililiiailij v iuuiia kvallhK
f i: Weston Transfer Co. j;
Davis & Ellis
ni-iir town.
Fitk'unmi Hib. nr.- iiN-ratiiiK
th.'ir hay hal. r on McKay intk,
wlu ii- IIh-v liuvf a run of M-vi-ral
whrii Ik- umiI to liil.ll.' for piomi-r dicial
(him-iit ami wa.s known lv lln- nion- ,,"",,
akt-r in.-ntioniil. Mr. Mi-trhi-r rayi
that whilv i-rniiti w.-n- riiniimrativc-
decree of the
the bond of
matrimony now and heretofore exiat-
liijf between plaintiff and defendant,
and for other equitable relief.
1 liia Huininoua ia publiahed pursuant
to an order made and filed herein
l- Honorable Oilert W. Phelpe,
circuit Judife of the bixth Ju
wi-i-kn. (Ii-i.iyr W'uldi n is a.-i!.tin 'y l"K''t Oils yi-ar i-vi-ryiaiiiy m ilo
tli.m in tin; wink. "tf t fanninr in his wvtion.
Karl li-h, 11 wi ll known (krnian: At tin- i-nninii-ri-ial cliih imi tiiiK
farin. r mar Noiln. is iimli-r arn-hl, I iK-wlay i-vi-nuiK it was ri-Mrtiil
mi a fliiiiui' of wililion. II.- will
prohalily U- inU-rm-d for tin- ri--manidi-r
of (In- war.
A. L. .SwuKk'm t. tin- pork niajf-iiatt-
of Ijimar Rtilch, sliiM-d a car
of Iuirh Itust witk to Cortland and
nnotht-r this week, rwi-ivinj Ifi 1-4
ci-nU in that market.
that the Mi-thoditil and Unik-d
HiTthri-n Sunday M-lnals had votiil
unanimouKly to unite with the club I'ont Ollice addresa
in conducting community Christmas
tree cxerciara alon the same lines
as the successful affair last year.
A motion prevailed that the club
again interest itself in a commun-
Diatrirt of the State of Or-
on the &lh day of October,
l!'17. The first publication of this
numinous will be made on Friday, the
IJth day of October, lyl7. and the
lael publication will be made on Fri
day, the said IWlh day of December,
I:I7. Publication hereof will be made
for eleven coiwut-utive weeks.
DaUnl this 5th day of October. A.
D. 1J17.
Will M. Petkkson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
fendleton, urejjon
all kinds of JUNK -old iron,
old rags, old sacks, etc. and
also hides and wool, at TOP PRICES
Nurth Water St., in-low Ponn ioy
Wetiloi:, Or.
by paying expenses.
Mrs. Geo. Neshit and children
sH nt Sunday and Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fisher at Toui-het. Miss
(Joldie Nebbit remainml to sjiend
ThanksKiviiiK with Miss Klva Fislw-r.
Jess Cordon hasorden-d the lead
er sent to his brother Dallas, resid
ing at rMi-ri, Idaho, as a wedding
present. Herein is a custom which
our circulation manager says ho
could well wish were more widely
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and l'rinted at the Leader oflico
Sixty (minimum) $0 lit)
One hundred 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
ity tree, and that committees be
Kstray- Came to my place alout appointed on finance, arrangements
two wii'ks ago one iron gray filly, and program - the several chairmen
no visible brands, bunch on left to constitute an executive commit
spavin joint. Owner can have same u-e. President Kogers took the ap-
I.C-. Hopkins. MintmenU under advisement and
they will )m announced at the club's
next meeting.
The problem of transportation
between the producer and the dis
tributor has always been one of
great weight to the producer. The
day of auto trucks for rapid han
dling of all products is rapidly
spreading over the country. The
Ford car eitiiped with a Smith
Form-u-Trui-k attachment is solving
for manyithers the hauling1 ques
tion and can lessen your hauling
Tlie Pastime has the lowest prices cxense and increase your results,
on cigars and tobaccos. Can to- Come in and let me show you the
bacco 11c, plug chewing 10c, fine Smith Form-a-Truek. Let me dem
ent fc. Nice, big line of 0c ci- onstrate to you its efficiency and
gars; also good two for 5c cigars, power and small margin of expense
large assortment of fresh can- to oerate. H. L. Hedrick Weston
dies. K. K. Zehm. Garage.
Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips All four Weston boys who are
have been visiting in Weston and now with the Army Engineers at
Milton from Washtucna, Wash., Camp Mills, N. Y., have In-en pro-whi-re
the Phillips Bros, are en- moted Ernest Hlomgren and Sid
gaged in wheat farming. They ney Barnes to be corporals and
have 700 acres plowed for spring J.unes Kirkimtrick and Sylvan Ken
sowing, and will have 800 acres to nard to be first class privates. They
plow next year. expect to sail soon for France, and
Farm,rvou who have cater- ?!I hftVe k! out vernment life
pillars, powor combines or other J" ,n 01 e,r
! f i . an tive families. Mrs. Gladys Mcfrad- K
' ? tttn wita rf I inntunanr MHiiildi.n
1V (It niiv va 4t. 4 v v. & ataiiv (
n-cently visited the boys at their
Plenty o! Dressing!
for Thanksgiving
Westoa Meal Market
Meats and Fish
Ham, Lard
and Bacon
A. P. Perry
Pianos tuned and repaired at rea
sonable prices. First-class work
guaranteed. A. W. Lundell, Mus.
Dr. S. L raniARD I
f Come in and be measured
for your
Thanksgiving Suit
R. L. Reynaild f I Phone - Main 253
Vrterinaiy Spipi I
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
grinding with you if your engines
need it. lne winter is me time to
put machinery in good shape for CHmP-
i NOW!!! -f
If your wife can't cook, don't
divorce her keep her for a pet.
BAT at the
the summer season. II. L. Heilrick
Weston Garage.
What fs said to be a record price
in the Northwest for a pure-berd
Shorthorn cow was given for an an
imal from the Hercules stock farm
at Sprngtie, Wash., at the Portland
Livestock Show just closed. The
cow was sold for f 1775 to a buyer
from Argentine Republic.
Albert Allyn harvested 12t0
pounds of Red Mcxcan beans from
Sunday services will be held at
the usual hours at the Methodist
church. Pastor Powell's morning
subject will be, Let the Light
Shine, and he invites the public to
come and see what the evening
subject will be. Miss Brown, the
talented violinist of Columbia Col
lege, is expected to be here to ren
der a solo Sunday morning.
Several siceial features are being
arranged for this year's program of
the Older Boys' Conference at La
Grande, In-ginning December 7.
The Best Tablets
and lots of .them. Pencils, Ink and all
School Supplies.
All School Books bought for cash, and
must sell FOR CASH ONLY.
two acres at his place in the up
hinds, and I has disposed of the crop nc 'ota of boys to attend from
nt ten and ten and a-ha f cents. He Umatila mmty is forty.
found that good results followed
thin planting and careful, thorough'
cultivation, and intends to plant a- Red CrOSS Finances
During this month (November) we w ill give
FREE with every cash purchase amounting to
$10.00 or more, one of those beautiful Jardin
ieres (the Weller Pottery) -none better.
a , .(Jhrjstmas is coming, by the way, ahd
'fdi'niertf niakes "a pleasing present. . ; . .".
a Jar- I
larger acreage next year.
A car driven by Miss Gertrude
Van Winkle and occupied besides
by Miss. Vida Greer, Miss Ada
Reamer and Neil Graham, tipped
over Saturday evening near the A.;
James residence. The car is said
to have rolled over twice, and gave'
the party a severe shaking up. Two
The Red Cross financial report
of Saturday night's event shows
the following receipts:
Market $105.55, supper $!);.),
bazaar $28.80, candy booth $17.80,
cider booth $7.50, silver offering
at the door $12.47. Total, $208.72.
Receipts from the school enter
tainment were $47.30 and from
.i. . , vt I ,i i.;
of them, Miss Greer and Miss Van lm" u r
Winkle, wore slightly injured. The-a 8rntl U)tal f ol8-jr;, , , ,
...hin n.-.if il... ..r,...riv .,f I. Disburegment were $17.82, leav-
R. Van Winkle, was quite badly do- ' n't lrovds of ;MW-5M- .
molished. Receipts for the Soldiers Christ-
Herman Goodwin
Druggist - - - Weston, Oregon
The Farmers Ban. of Weston
Established 1891
Ilorinan K. O'Harra, who recent
ly received his commission as first
lieutenant of infantry after a long
IH-riod of training at The Iresidio,
is expected home Docenilcr 10 for
a visit with his parents, Mr. and
mas Fund were:
Silver teas $22.55, coffee at band
concert .$19.!I0, Columbia College
entertainment $50.70, contribution
boxes $10.77. Total $10;i.32.
The ("hristmas assessment on this
fund was $85, leaving a balance
Mrs. J. M. O'Harra, and numerous on hand of $18.32.
friends. Lieutenant O'Harra is -
one of Weston's most popular and chas. II. Carter Dan P. Smythe
promising young men, and was rarAf Qmvth''
among the O. A. C.'s represents!- Varier & myine
tives who took military training at LAWYERS
the Presidio caJ?i rndlton Oregon
Secretary McAdoo Says;
"It is upon the treasury of the United States
that every demand in time of war "focuses, because
everything Roes back to the gold pile. The problem
of the American treasury is the problem of the
American banker and the problem of the American
This explains why the American banks did all in
their power to assist the American people in sub
scribing for the Liberty Loan.
fc5! S5