The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 30, 1917, Image 1

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WESTON. OKEGON,' Fill DAY, NOV. 80. 1917
i Principal Events of the Week
Irlefly Sketched for Infer
v Button of Our Ruder.
Ta llalaer high school ha orgae
. 14 bead of It pleeee.
Twalva Uoueand turkey ware hlp
fed from Douglaa county last wwek.
R. R. Lloyd, Korea! Omvt, wa
ad aa killed la action In a Canadian
cetualty Kit.
Th annual mealing of the Oregon
portaa' league will to held la
Fori U a 4 Prmbr t and 10.
J. A. Churchill, atate iipertntendiit
of puhlla Inetrurtlnn. will Im a randb
data (or raalactlon, b ha announced.
Taa Northwest Hereford llraadere'
aeaaelailon waa orgenlid al a ban
e,ut of Hereford braednr al rorilaml.
Dangaraue we4 ed not rommoa
In Orion hare been found In Minna
eat No. S oata ahlppad Into Hi'" tte
A three-day rbautau'iua "III be brld
In Vhrood. beginning on Thursday,
Kevember 19, and ending Saturday,
December t.
A campaign baa been darted at
Lekevlev by moroW ot Hi" Ml, Pat
rlrk'e rhurrb to ralto fund lo build
, modtrp boapHal.
Identification card mil ! provided
all etete official entitled to mi
la undar tha law from the present
transportation tai.
Brgce !nnl, alata director of iba
k etete council of defense, urge the
appointment of a county agent In ev.
ary county In Oregon.
frank ) Miller, rliitlruun if tba
publlo earvlre commission, ban in
aouncrd bla candidacy for reelection
. aa a member of that commission.
The-Oregon nlnlr swimming anil
diving cbantplonablpa mill be hld at
tha Multnomah Amateur Athletic club
la PerUead Saturday night. January
Tba aala of Red Croae Chrlstniae
aaala for tba Oregon Aasorlatloo for
tba rraTantloB of Tuberrulosie will
be bald from December I until ChrLt-
Tba work on tha Uih.m Divide
roti near Cottaga Grove, which takea
tba plaoe of eeveral mile of the worst
road on tha Pacific highway, will ba
completed thla waak.
Succumbing to a atroka of apoplexy.
J. U Stockton, an old llino merchant
of Salani and a former president of
tha Oregon Retail Merchant' assocla
tloB. died at tba age of 70.
Mra. Mary Jane Ilemenway. alio
eroeeed tba plain to Oregon with' her
paranta In 1W. died at her home In
Eugene at tha age of 7 yeera after
an llloea of averal months.
Jabea Wllkee. pioneer of 1845, vet
eran of tha Indian war ami a resident
of Washington county practically con
tinuously for 70 yeare, died at Ills
boroa In lllll.boro. aged (5 year.
riowlng and aowlng fall grain , la
atlll progressing throughout Linn
oounty, with tha reeult that tha Inrg
aat Bcraaga of fall grain I now (limit
ed In recent year lo tbo Willamette
A mealing of the Pacific count con
ferenea haa been called for December
I by Dr. A. !. tirown, of On-Run Agri
cultural colloge, secretary of the asso
ciation. Tha meeting will ba held
la 8an Frenrlaco.
. Bharbeta will aoon go out of tha
aurket, for tha Tarlflo Northweat Ice
f ream Manufacturer' association haa
adopted a resolution lo eliminate sher
bet from tba list of frown delicacies,
ta conserve sugar.
J, E. C'clgren, of V allace, Idaho, rep-
, reaentlng the Bethlehem Steel com
pany, baa gone to Pistol river, furry
county! where ba la to Innpect deposits
ef ferro-manganee, said lo exist ta
-large euantltlr In that dlnirlct.
. Blackleg and rablrg arc si I II preva
lent on tba ceutral Oregon cattle
range, according to R. A. Ward, agri
culturist of Deschutes county. In tha
put week alone 20 head of cattle
bare died from one or tha other cause.
B. C Morton, editor or tha st Hel
aqs Mist and mayor of St- Helens, haa
fcaan appointed county judge of Co
lumbia county to succeed Judge R. S.
Hattafc, of 8t. Helen. Tha vacancy
was caused by tha death of Judge Hat
tan. Forty or ; Indiana of tha Klamath
ladiaq reservation' are to become full
fledged eltlsepa of the Tnltad Etatea.
gecordtag to Puperlotendeut J. M.
JfthneteB. following a meeting of the
BempetMeyeemmiaaion at Klamath
0. A. C. ikfcaUd Oregon, 14 to 7.
is a bin success
While the figures run into the THOUSANDS, our ta
bles, shelves and floors are still, full.
If you are not in on it, get in now.
Come and see. Our prices far below war prices
to begin with, and then to cut .them 15, 20 and 25
percent and sometimes a-half, makes bargains you
seldom hear of and all on staple high-grade goods.
Wc arc offering prices and prices alone to
make these goods move. We are overstocked,
but fortunately so, as we bought early and right.
Remember this sale is continuous till sudden
and short will be the notice, "all off."
You or no one will be sorry that he did
come, but some will be sorry that they did not
argains Think Twice
$1 'Mi.oo futir ItuiKo jhiwit K. & V.
Knirint , slightly uwd but in good
ciiinlitiun. at $t3.r0.
Kejtulur JlU.tKI I I inch Walking
Mow on milt' tit $i.!5.
A guaranteed Bath Room Outlit
(or $65.00.
$".".00 John ro Sulky Plow,
15 inch, bluntly ubwJ, on sale at
Ui't'llllll' fiOc Cooking
Ware, bowls ami oaj'rnlfs, on sale
nt 'Joe.
Mouse Traps at lc each food
Regular MV (iranitv No. 8 SU w
Kotll'-.s ami Sanv Tans on Nile at
Itt'gulitr HV tlcanite Dippers to
go on wile at to.
Only three Phonographs left
$6.50 up.
You can buy regular -rc Nulas
Furniture Polish at this sale for
Regular irc National Paint uml
V'aniibh t hatifr ott Kile at .re.
Two or three Ranges only, but
several Beating Stoves left
Regular lac Chicken Nets to go
on Nile ul 7c.
We will wll good Tin Drinking
Cup.i al this sale for 2c.
A few plows left
$1.10 Jumbo Glass, complete,
for 75c.
$72.50 Single Buggy to go on
sale al $36.25.
$135.00 Top Buggy will be sold
al $70.00.
A 10 year guaranteed Sewing Ma
Ing Machine for $18.50.
$125.00 Stover Seed Grinder on
tide at $7-1.50.
Regular 20c Little Lady Wash
Hoards will lie sold at 10c.
Electric Washers coming, $6150.
You can buy 15c one-half gallon
Oil Cans at 5c.
The besi 10c Aluminum Drink
ing Cups will be sold at 4c.
Best Hog Wire going fast
Remington 22 sjiecial Rifle will
le sold at $12.00.
Regular 25c wooden Rolling Pin
on sale at 15c.
One lot of Auger Bits, values to
7c, your choice at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 Erector Play Sets
will be sold at 50c.
Get your Silverware now.
$250.00 six horse power K.. & V.
lCngine to be sold at $198.
Let Nothing Keep You Away ,
(No. VMS)
Ilia Farmer' Kank of Weaton, at We-
ton, in the State of Oregon, at tha
rlM of huinma November 2U, 1917:
Ixmim and diacounta $14.1,931 U
liond and warranU 15,2X8 02
block, aecuritiea, judic-
menta, etc 8,M9 03
Rankinn houae 3.&00 00
Furniture ami fixture 1,000 00
Other real eiitate owned 29,414 32
Due from approved renerve
banka 25.6M 24
Check and other caah item l,7 48
Cash on hand
Dominating Ground Is Taken
From Germans After Two
Day Struggle.
240,828 83
With tha Brttlah Aralea lav tha
Maid. Oeneral Brnc'a (noa wera Wt-
12,198 16 taring dowa Otrmao defattaea arwui4
Hla me vera flhtln their way
t :v) (PM 00 w,rt deaplta a cooceatratlo of
15 ijoO 00 Germaa reaerraa that fairly flood4
the depot city. Tha fighting waa thc
4,970 67 moat deeperate ainca tba great aur-
a,4 sw priM attack ol laat week.
140 693 46 Brttlah troop hare captured tha
high ground Id Boniion wood aoa bow
6,369 21 dominate the region about Central.
Capital atock paid in
nurplua lund
Undivided profit, lesa ex
penaea and taxea paid
Due to bunk and banker ..
Imlivklual depoaita aubject
to check
Demand certificate of deposit
Time and Saving. deoaiU 40.560 61 Thu gocceM etnt .fter two daya af
State of Oregon, ,
1240 828 83 tha mo' T,clou fighting and Ita tier
porunea la Indicated la part by tha
County of Umatilla. ( fact that German traffic aoathaaat
I. E. M. Smith, Cannier of the from Cambral haa been heavy; tha
alwve-named bank, do aolemnly .wear probability being that tha ctvU popa
tliat the above statement ta true to tba , llm h. ,.,-,.
beat of my knowledge and belief. U,loB of the ,own h"e",r
fit M. SMITH. Caahier. Ceneral Byng and tha third ray
Correct-A rrtsT: have broken the Hindanburg Haa, tar
J. H. Price.
F. D. Watts.
ken a acora of vilUge. aacnra tha
dominating potltlon weat of Cambral
Subacribed and aworn to before me nd oemin territory equal In are
thia 27th day of November, 1917.
S. A. Barnes,
(Seal) Notary Public.
(My commission expire Nov. 13, 1920.
to that gained In the firat Urea
montha of tha drive in tha Tprea aal
lent Nearly 10,000 prieonera, 1M
guna and much war material have
been captured.
Britiah tommlea naing tha enemy
guna againat tha- Germaa vera re
ported at aeveral point, lllmtratiag
tha apeed of the British onalaught. At
one point two enemy T'a were aelxed
In tlie C'ounly ifeurt of tlie State of
OreRtm. fir I'matilla C ount jr.
In the matter of the Guartllamhl of
the pcriion and estate or Jeanie
Marie Joiiea. a minor.
Now, on thla day thla matter cornea from tha enemy, their carriage twiat
on to be heard upon the petition of uni and the fire from their tw
viary c.. jones. leHianienutry Kuuramn
of the eron and etate of Jeanie
Marie June., the above named ward,
praying for a license to xell the in-ttrt-Kt
of the aald ward In the follow
Inn deitcrlbed real property In L'ma-
tillu County. Mtate of Oregon:
lnl nuiiibered Klght !, Nine (l
j in' Ifiock numnered
heven (7 1 In the ltewrvation Addition
to the town, now city, of I'endleton;
the Interest of the aaid ward In said
real property being- in the neighbor
hood of an undivided one-twentieth
Interest therein, the ald ward being
a grandchild and an heir at law ot
. , . . 1 I T , .1 nn.l Ka
rold real property belonging to the American prisoners of war
estate of the said Madison Jones, de- and their Veaael la at tba ocean Bottom
ceased, and to hla heirs at taw; that tna result of daring drive by Unlt-
the entire Interest of the said ward- . . . , .
In and to said real property la of the SUtea destroyer in tha war tone,
probable value of One Hundred The American deatroyera, cruising
ttiou.ou) Dollars; that it would be through the war aone. sighted tha
tor the benefit of the said ward that . , . .,mrtn Wntl
her Interest In said real property be hite trek ' b"rtB-
sold and the proceeds of the -sale apeed ahead waa ordered aa the veeaeia
thereof put out oir Interest or Invest- sped toward the target. Paeelng far
ed In some productive stock; that the rf f fa gpot where the teIHaJ
Interest of the said ward in said real
proicrty is not likely to Increase in foam waa aighted. one deatroyer drop
value and that it would be experient ped a depth bomb,
for a sale thereof to be made; and It Th wrecked the 0-boafa horlxontal
further aptHarmg to the Court that "
the next of kin of the said ward and rudder and made her powerleaa ta
other persons interested in her estate guide herself except to come to the anr-
anrl in tne sam real property are as
throats o apeeded againat the enemy
by tha British gunners, that tha mux
xlea glowed redhot and Jammed- tha
u o. VAnomro
Washington. Forty German U-baat
follows: James 8. jones, Pendleton.
Oregon; Walter J. Jones, I'endleton,
Oregon; Edward W. Jones, Sunnyslde,
Washington; Kobert U. Jones, Haines.
California; Madison L. Jones, Vale.
Oregon: Franklin B. Jones, Portland.
Oregon; John M. Jones, Imbler, Ore
gon; Kin ma A. Davis, Portland, Ore
gon; Murgaret Untight (formerly
Margaret Uuyon) Salt Luke City,
t'tah; Harry S. Jones. Pendleton, Ore
gon, and Mary R Jones, Pendleton.
Oregon, your petitioner herein, all of
whi'iii, except said petitioner, are
lulls ul law of the said Madison
Jones, deceased. And It further ap
pearing to the Court that on account
of the large number of persons in
terested in suit! estate and In said
real property, the guardian desires,
and should be permitted to serve a
copy of this order upon them by pub
lication, as provided by section 1353
of Lord's Oregon Ijiws, Instead of
having personu) service thereof mudu
on them; that publication of this or
der should be made in the Weston
Leader, a weekly newspaper publish
ed at Weston. I'matilla County. Ore
gon, having a general circulation in
said county and state. And the Court
being fully advised in the premises:
It is now therefore ordered that the
next of kin of suid ward and all per
sons Interested in her estate and all
persons Interested In said real prop
erty be. and they are hereby, requir
ed to appear before this Court at the
office of the undersigned County
Judge In the County Court House In
the City of Pendleton. Umatilla Coun
ty. Oregon, at ten o'clock in the fore
noon on Monday, the 17th day of De
cember. 117. that date being not less
than four weeks nor more than eight
weeks from the date of thia order, to
then and there show cause. If any
there be. why a license should not ba
grunted by this court to the said
guardian for the sale of all of the
estate, right, title and Interest of the
said ward In and to the real property
hereinbefore described, as prayed for
in the prayer of the petition of the
said guardian.
That this order may be served upon
the next of kin of said ward and upon
all other persons Interested In said
estate and In said real property, eith
er In person or by publication of this.
ei-Uer In the Weston Ix-aler, a news
paper published weekly at Weston,
('mat Ilia County. Oregon.
Done and daled In open court on
this ind day of November, 1J17.
County Judgo.
She came up only about 691 Tarda
from the waiting deatroyera. . ,
The deatroyera circled about tha
TT-boat, firing until the crew, clamber
ing out ot the hatches, raise their
hands In aurender. ,
A tow lino waa passed, while tha
prisoner were taken off tha captlT
vessel. But while thia operation pro
ceeded one German opened tha aub
merging valvea and tha - aubaMriaa
weut down.
Reported en tha Way te.the
United Statea.
New York. Miss Tatiana Nicolaer
na Romanoff, second daughter of Nich
olas Romanoff, deposed emperor of
Russia, haa escaped from ' Siberia
through a fictitious marrilge to a aoa
ef a former chamberlain of tha ant
peror and now la on her way to- the '
United Statea. according to informa
tion made public here by peraona con
nected with tha Russian civilian relief
The former grand duchess, who la
20 years old, made her escape from
Tobolsk, the present home ot the ex
iled emperor, to Harbin In Manchuria
and thence to Japan, where paaaaga
was taken on a ateamahip tor tha Ta
clfio coast. ...'';
Ruaeiane Would Fight far U. $.
Washington. John Sookine.' firat
secretary of the Russian embassy and
an officer ot the Ruaaiaa army, and
Ferdinand De Mohrenschlldt. tba sec
ond secretary, who married Secretary
McAdoo'a daughter last May, have of
fered their eervtcea to that 'America
government for the war againat Ger
rtany. They ' resigned rather t than
aerva tha Bolshevikl.
The Russians have ceased AgHing
on all fronts, preparatory to aa armie
tice with tat German.