j 1 le P (WMMPG We Are Glad to Announce That We Make s BHO.)11UI!0 Only five weeks until X-nia. Time flies in a hurry. Hotter make your purchases early and avoid the big msh. Remember the old adage, and be the early bird. We are showing a big line of practical gifts, as the useful presents will Ih tippa-vinted this year more than ever. HOUSE SKIPPERS W'c are allowing them fiviu tho two-year-old child' ie to the lmvvt for men ik) women- beautiful assortment of pat terne to evlcct from. Thi is one of the moot practical gift you can make. M' 58 ,0 49 1 Children'. !W to .1.1 Ladica $i25 lo f t.W Men 'a W to $i25 1 Men's to Wc havD the famoue "DAN IEL GREEN" liiMof Kit Slip pcrs for men, women ami chikl ren in all the laieet design. HATH ROUES small cms MoyV HiHk i'.:io Oirla Hooka The latent book for tho jtrown- uj a..r Sweet t'rana laiketM, all eiiea. . . . 4 toll.ifi Fancy I.inena in Scarf, and Squares 4t to fi9 Pillow Tupa . .U5 to.DH Famy Hath Towcla. all iiiee- cach 26 to .Kt Fancy lura ii) to .9S Don't fail to see our line of Box Stationery and Fancy Handkerchiefs. WE WILL HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS j THE BOLOtN KULC CT "V m. m r im fit JIW a M 0r WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, Pvkllihir The Year $1 50 Six Months 0 75 Four Month u Ou FWDAT, HOV.IM . - . 117 ONE LOAF OF SUGAR TO SEVEN! Enttrttf at th e.itollict at Wtil.n, Ortg.a I itcead-clax auil aiittir. Jerusalem! The British nnr about to capture it from tho unspeakable Turk. Those of us who grumble at lad ing asked nut to waste sugar and other foods should be ashamed of ourselves, says the Portland branch of the United States Food Adminis tration. The people in France today bio living on one mnd of sugar kt month. We use seven ! Seven times as much sugar as the French, with all their other sacri fices and yet we grumble! The man who pours sugar in his coffee regardless, and then leaves Tho We will not go so far as to say wai we uunuogger ra. is an alien haf of it on thl. ,Mltlon, of (ht pU1 enemy, but we do think the public dont jike to 1h. to stjr good would be promoted by his in- jt Upi lernment until the end ol tne war and then some. Mrs. II. J. linker is visiting rolu tio in Pay ton. W. M. Davis and family were vis iting in IVndleton Saturday, A stui was born November 1 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Fvorctt Thackcr. Herman O'llarra, Weston boy in training at The Presidio, has been commissioned as first lieutenant. - llccntisc of the teachers' institute and the Thanksgiving holiday, there will He no school in Weston next week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Karl l.ictiallcn were Sunday visitors in Weston from Walla Walla. I am in the market for old news, papers and magazines of all kinds, at HO rents er hundred pounds. John Reynolds. Trajan Tucker is reimrted to have harvested a jtotato crop of between a thousand and eleven hunrdod sacks from his upland holdings on the Wild Horse. A meeting of stockholders of the Reed and Hawley telephone lino, No 17, is railed to Im held at tho IvMiw furniture More Saturday, IVeembor 1, at -MM p. m. Tom MoCarty has so far recover ed as to bo able Wednesday to make a trip to town from his upland home, and was warmly greeted and congratulated by his friends hero. ti. W. h'llis of Ukiah and sister, Mrs. J. ('. Walker of Douglas. No hra.ka, were recent visitors at the homo of nitlx-rl Mlt in W Silver Tea at tho Rod Cross v w f.,n,..r ,.f i, cat townsman. A rty of Weston farmers were out last week on an automobile tour of the "upper country," extending to and Ixrvond Irwiston, Inalm. wen- R. W. Rn.wn, W. II. Hoohcr. J. M. Ltanistor. ('. H. Neb son and Sim J. Culley. Dr. Alfretl F. Semiart ntTivwl All Ultra of Ftavo PLour, Naluta Plavorad, art (lad lhai ihla community ao fortunate aa lo le abla lo aacut thli much batttr flour mad by our Amarican Marval Mill. FLavo rr.oui la lh ct Ifhialtd flour ao wtdt ly advtrtlMd Nationally. Your dtaltr can tailly turpi? you with FLavo FLour. Intltt on Rtttlna rUvo KLour. Wa will aupply you dlraci or through your dtaltr. Order a Trial Sack Today Satiifaction Guaranteed Try It, and rtlurn lo ua what you dont ui. and we will at onca itturn your money If you are not mote than pleated. You know ua and we know that rUm FLnur la certain H live jrou greattat aaiulaetUm. Vltltora moal welcome lo aea FLavo KLour made at out mill. Colt makers for Ihlt community, Mural MlMwt WESTON MILLING CO. AIo Wealon'a Heal anil Whole Win at Flour; Graham, Cereals, Feed and Hay; Seed Grain, Slot k Food and Poultry Supplies. Wi do cuslont milling. Your.' patronage aolicitcd. W. L, RoaaiNg, VMaaamMHBMHat. THE RED CROSS netted served '.'Quartermaster's Corpse . Issues ofrsir- rruim ami rwergn ffer- vice." Oregonian headline. In a dead language, presumably. There's plenty of turkey for Thanksgiving, but mighty little thanksgiving for Turkey. To paraphrase a famous saying the good people of these United States have only begun to give. rooms last Friday afternoon 17.55. Tea will also be this afternoon. Remember the entertainment this evening at the High School, at which time a silver offering will ! taken for the U-nefit of the Red Cross. Coffee will la- served by the young ladies of tho High School. Tl Im'ul uoilirv diwirini to press its thanks to tho members -f nis immissioii yesterday from tho Columbia Collegi- faculty who were president of the United States as of such material assistance in rais- fit lieutenant in the IVnUl Corps ing Weston's share of the Soldiers of the national army. He does not Christmas Fund, and also its an. expect to be ordered to duty inline- Lot us save part of our sugar - preciation of the splendid program diately, and will continue his prac let us oliservo the wheat l.-ss days given. tiw in Weston until called to tho and tho meatless days. Saturday afternoon and evening 00 ,,rs' H will do w Komi and it will save ai th l'r housu wilt hu held a - Unifcjd Hrethren Church IVeaeh the life of France' Market Itoaaar and supiier, with a inK at a. m. and 7:.'I0 p. ' program in the evening by the Wes- Morning subject. The Church; eve- ion lonceri nanti. .upar irom ning subject. Tlie Sta-ial (lirist. five o'clock until all are served, at All other tuvvin f il.- n...J Imurs. We are pleased to Mt such It is exectod that none will leave the opera house Saturday ev oning with more than a nickel in their ockets. PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES We loan money on first class Oregon and Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape and no delay. Write direct and save money. Give full details in first letter. We refer you to any bank in Portland. DEVEREAUX &?"" 606 Concord Bid. Portland. Oregon Little, old Italy is now living tip to the most glorious traditions of 35 cents tho plate. ancient Rome. Overland lliys-KnigM AUTOMOBILES LIGHT FOUR, 6 pasflenger $ 885.00 BIG FOUR, 5-passenger 1045.00 SDC CYLINDER, 45 h. p 1490.00 WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-passenger. 1660.00 Tito Ovcrlsnd Ughl Four it liglit in wvlght and big In power. It mttcta every tnurlnR- deniatal. It aallanea in ierforinancv, in apticar. unre. in comfort - and at a price you ran alford to pay. The nverlaml liar Four ia tho workl'a miuit nowairfiil lnw.nrirral It i fundamentally tho mini) car which year after year for many -years ha enabled Overland to lead, by a wide maricm, all cars of such com- 1 Commercial Club Elects Officers At the commercial club moetintr Tuesday evening E. C. Rogers was elected president, J. II. Williams ChlUCh Of the Brethren vice president and R. Troutlfit sec- Order of services for Stindav rotary. The retiring president. J. Novemlar 2.ri, 1!M7: "C-ouncilnian Taylor, who has H' ,,ree' wai rt'-'lwtcd to that 0 a. m. Sunday schtad. shown such a violent antipathy to offi5' bul declined to serve again. H a. m. - Preaching, tho odor of Councilman Murphy sar,m that h w,she' the h,,n"r :' P- m.C. W. S. and Folsom's cigars," etc., etc. I38 aro"d- Mr. Rogers was 7:.'I0 p. m. -Bible Study. Life of Bulldogger. ually modest, but greatness was Christ. tr mi-. . ",ost firm,y thrust ,,,)on him' Tho JOHN BONL'WITZ. Elder. If -the otlorous Murphy is true to retiring secretary, E. M. Smith, his fighting Irish monaker, he will nominated Mr. I'roudfit as secro- .,; , , , -.u a.. , a .'u..i... u....' 1'ianos tuned and repaired at rea- ...aae .nal may ounaogKer sanctum - - ' ."ayru enable prices. First-class work Dotn .look and smell like a a large attendance at church, and kindly invito others to attend. K. F. Wrijrgle, Mtstor. fortahlu HZe Tho Willys-Knitfht Sleeve-valvo r... L..iii .,r ........... .....i . tleKMiia. Ii outlast any and all other lynea of automobile motora, Will; Motor holda evcrv world 'a m-nr.1 6 . run. power protlurcd. abcncv of wear, and lack of carbon a field. i.j i.i. owimoit-- oiieva. rirsi-e worr battle .he 'r'nt he as "lec lvd guaranteed. A. W. Lundell. Mus out opHition. Upon motion of S. tLi, ' a. earnes. tne ciuo passed a ' unanimous vote of confidence in As Palestine is a bit hot and dry, the Umatilla county management the Tommies are not to be blamed f the Red Cross. E. S. Powell, if they look for the beer in Beer- G- W- StaBK "d W. E. Woods gnej,a were appointed as a committee to ta'e up tne matter f another com- ... munity Christmas tree with the re- Serve your country by saving gpective churches, food.- ?gg 1 Haig's latest and greatest drive may have surprised the Huns, but it was no surprise to the Leader's war editor, who has long been look ing and hoping for just such an operation. Dr. J. C. BADDELEY Graduate Veterinary Surgeon Phone 32F5 - Athena, Oregon Dr. S. L REWARD Veterinary Surgeon Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone Main 253 t Earl (J. Olson, who is at Fort Omaha, Nebraska, with the Balloon Section of the United States Army, has been promoted to le rorMral. He writes Mrs. J. Hodgson that 25m men are now in camp and more are coming. "This place is just like an ant hill," ho says. "Men are drilling, balloons going up and down and parachutes descending, from morning until night." Next Sunday is Rally Pay at the Methodist Sunday school. Every body is asked to come anil bring yotir friends. We have a place for you where you are welcome. The eleven o'clock service will consist of a short Thanksgiving address and the regular monthly commuinon service. Sunday evening is busi ness men's night. A cordial invi tation is extended to all business men and especially to members of the commercial club and their wives. The subject for discussion will be, The Perfect Man. E. S. Powell, pastor. Four ihouaanda of miles Iwyond the uaeful life of any other tyt'o the 'I tL'ilt..l.'..i..t., It..,..- ....... i. ...... ... . 1. LI .1 . mi V I . iin.-niKui m.iw, luniiiiuvi iu uenvrr ai tie niuneai vmciencv. tj 1 hla aeaaon's Willya-Knight are tho moat beautiful tho factory hit. ever built. See thcao cant and bo convinced. Dr. S. L KEJiHARD - Weston Agent JSIL Your orders promptly filled. P. T. Harboiir While there may have been ground for criticism of Pendleton in other respects, it finds in war work a laudable field for its genius for achievement . Pendleton is un sparing with its money, brains and energy and is the county's nat ural and legitimate leader. Prac tically as a unit, Weston is willing to follow Pendleton's leadership in Rod Cruss activities which fact is indicated by 'the action of this town's commercial club. I Plenty of Dressing for Tbanksgiving Fifty thousand good (Jermans good-because they have to be have jus been prisonered by the L'rilich on" the western front. It will now be in order for Wil helm the War Lord to denounce Al mighty God as a traitor to tier-many. Come in and lm measured for your Tbaisping Suit OK Overcoat WESTON BATHS, BARBER i and TAILOR SHOP x I R. L. Reynaud f Mi Iti Mil "Wienies" Meats and Fish Ham, Lard and Bacon A. P. Perry Union Thanksigving services will be held in the Church of the Breth ren Thursday evening at seven- thirty. Rev. E. V. Wriggle will preach the sermon, Elder John Bon- cwitz win give tne opening prayer and Kev. h. S. Powell will read the lesson and make the closing prayer, i hanksgiving proclama tions of Washington and Wilson will lie read and there will be con gregational singing. "Let us all be obedient to our President and as semble ourselves together to return thanks, say the ministers. The Athena Frolic at Weston op- era nouse last Saturday evening was well attended, and the sum of $59.50 was realized for the benefit of the Red Cross. The; Athena la- dies wish to thank. Weston iieople for their patronage and to say, owing to the fact that a false re- Mrt was circulated alaiut Alhenu that school was closed on account of scarlet fever, seven of w nirh who were to take part in the Frol ic refused to go, It thus becamo necessary to change the program, making it less appreciable. Never theless, the audience found the en-t lertainmeht to be novel and di-f verting. I Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wish. American Beauty "and . Pure White Whm Made of selected blucstem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. 1 Sold In Weston by Weston Mercantile Company M.