The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 23, 1917, Image 1

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Frlnclpil Events of the Woek
Irlifly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Rtiders.
The Mtua! Coqulll torn rarntval
ea held en November U and IT.
pat ween 10,004 and ll.floo iumi ari
eljd In lh ihlp arils hi run land
end Aitorla. II li eetlmatsd.
All metnbar of the bar of Oregon
HI b MkH li aeelal In handling the
l-a of tk noil draft.
Tare mm"'" of the Id Oregon,
co-paalt A. R and V. have lak'n out
M.MT.ftft In ar llf Insurance.
A niovaniaat Iron foot to develop
tha halibut bank off In west roast
af Lan eeunty and furnish cheap flh
to tha tltltBa of Eugene.
Th tTiljeralty of California font'
kail t"m was defeated br the t'nlvr
tlijr of Oregon on Klnrald field at
Eugene bjr acor ( 31 lo 0.
I. C. RakntH. of Central Point, rap
turod Mtomoblle llrnee No. I of tha
' llll iaeue In draln held In Recre
Urr f Oleott ' office.
Walter Tkornion, I. of Anilty. of n
family wall known" In Oregon and
WaabHtian. haa been klllf In tctloii
during a a tta'k In France.
Wtk a re referendum measure
already It alkt for 111. present ap
earore Indloata tbat Oregon will
ataln hav lengthy ballot nn year,
PeVegtte front II lodge ar as
parted in moat In Balam In connection
with tba annual convention of !h De
gree of Honor, central Willamette dla
Wotkrn ar putting the flnUMng
tpuohee on Kandrlrk'a ball at the Cnl
Tereliy f Oregon, n tbraa atory brick
bolldrag W bo ntlllKd aa tba omu'
Yamklll county kaa the largeat alio
In tba auto. M. W. Pattoo. of Cbeh
"lam alloy. tblo year built a alio so
foot la dlamotar and il feci blab,
koldlng 400 tons.
Tba Hammond Lumbar company boa
urrbaaed from Iba Minnesota 4 Oro
get Land Timber company a tract
f 1140 aeroa of fir timber lying In
tba ooatarn part of Clatsop rounty.
Mr. Ellin Spalding Warren. Whit
man Indian massacre aurvlvor and
Mid to b tba first hlta child born
west f tbt Rocky mountalna, celo
bratad bar I0tb birthday at Brown-
With grlew of being prepared to
do paring ork on force account nut
yar, tba Plata high ay rammlaalon
baa called for bide on asphalt Ir paving
plania. Tha blda are to h opened
November 17.
About Chinook aalnmn rege
from th antral hatchery at Bonne
villa bar been placed In tha Oregon
Airlrultural collria hatrhorlrra. They
will bo uad to bolp daralop tba flaU
orlao Induatrloa.
Tha elty of Portland haa rocoWad a
bid of MOO n ton for waate foodatufN
new being burnad at tha municipal
garbaio loclnarator. It la tha purpoae
to aall tbaaa (oodatuffa to ford hnga
and otbar anlmala.
Eight womn ar mplo,vd In tho
plant of the Springfield Planing Mill
company at Springfield, and the pro-
retera of tha mill have found tho
experiment aueh a aurceaa that It la
probabla mora will be employed.
At a meeting of delegates from tho
tarloua grange In t'lntaop county, n
rtanlutlon waa adopted autborUIng
tba county Pomona grange to appoint
a buying and nailing agent to represent
tba grange membera.
J Tha Cooa county eourt haa decided
to aeeure a trua valuation of tho real
property and Intenda having a com
plata aurrey made for readlneti for
tba lll budget, which will carry the
appropriation for 1910.
v Two hundred tona of lima fertlllter
a day will k output of tho Gold
Hill proaarty roeantly leaaed by the
Uta lima board. Tha quarry la ex
Voetad to ba In operation In time to
aupply iPring f,artlller.
' Tka. Staaldancy of Kanaaa Agrlcul
"tural collage, paying a aalary of isoon
g year, baa been offered to Praaldent
William J. Kerr.' of tho Oregon Agri
cultural collega, by members of tho
Kanaaa board of regents,
' it la announced that a 100.000 foot
law mill will ba erected at Prlngle
ftlla. near Bend, thla winter for tho
purpoia of cutting the white plna that
Is to b found In that vicinity. The
Bill will ba built by tba White Plue
Lumber company.
ftnbert N. Stnnflokl haa announced Uk
Our First BIG SALE
Decide to Remodel and
Build Extra Store Ityom
Thin Hitlc i U-injj tonilucU'd for a IfKitimalc rwwon an'l purpoBt. as wc ar over
loadi tl in our present iwirUrH and must rvmodel and build extra floor space in order to
handle our ever-increasinir huMinetw. For this reaaon only wc are oinjf to sacrifice our
entire Htock and irive the wople of the county the advantage of fillin? their present and
future needs at the iixmt astoundintf prices ever quoted in Weston or Umatilla county.
The liartrainn we are otferinR may seem too irood to he true, but you will find every
article just us advertised and our entire stock will be sacrificed during this mighty sale.
Now is the time to buy your needs for Winter and Spring. This stock was bought before
the heavy advance in prices and wc arc going to still reduce our already low prices which
means thut no man or woman can afford to miss this sale.
Come prepared t buy, as you will find many items that you need going at a mere
fraction of their real value.
Our stock consisU of Tools. Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Ilanges. Sewing Machines,
Phonographs. Machinery, Kngines, Harness, Builders' Supplies, Lumber, Cement, etc.
lie here Saturday, meet yoiu- friends and reap the harftst of bargains.
Watch for the big circulars for full details about the sale.
O 9.
The lieiit t!5c I'ockct Knivea to
go on mU' ut :!'io.
$1.10 JuiiiIhi ;iw, compk'te,
for 7rw.
.$72.00 Single Muggy to go' on
Nile t $3.25.
$1 15.(M Top Huggy will lie sold
t $75.00.
Hob' $8.50 Coaster Wagons to
go on wi!e ut $5.55.
$125.00 Stover Seed Grinder on
wile at $7-1.50.
$li0.00 one ami oue-liulf horse
Mwer l'uirlianks Uas Kngine on
stale nt $l!.
$08.50 one horse powif Mogul
International Harvester Engine on
Bute at $55.50.
Kegulur 20c Little Lady Wash
Hoards will be sold at lOe.
You can buy 15e one-half gallon
Oil fans ut 5o.
The best $25.00 Single Harness .
to go on sale at $15.00.
Regular $50.00 set of Harness,
double hip straps, double stitched
tugs, on sale at $3!l.50.
The best 10c Aluminum Drink
ing Cuts will be sold at 4e.
Remington 22 special Rifle will
he sold at $12.00.
20c Towel Roller to go on sale
at He. ;
Regular 25c wooden Rolling Pin
on wile nt 15c.
All Guns, Ammunition, Auto
Tires and Accessories on sale at 10
percent olT.
Regular 50c Auger Bits, differ
ent sizes, to go on sale at 20c.
One lot gfi4unet Bit, value to
70c, your choice at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 Erector Play Seta
will be sold at 50c.
$250.00 six horse jwwer R. & G.
Engine to be sold at $198.
$190.00 four horsepower R. & G.
Engim , slightly used but in good
condition. a,t $63.50.
$125.00 John Deere two bottom
Steel Gang 14 inch Plow on sale
at $75.
Regular $19.00 14 inch Walking
Plow on sale nt $5.95.
$75.00 John Deere Sulky Plow.
15 inch, slightly used, on sale at
Regular 50c Guernsey Cooking
Ware, bowls and casseroles, on sale
at 25c.
Regular 50e Granite No. 8 Stew
Kettles and Sauce Pans on sale at
Regular 10c Granite Dippers to
go on sale at 4c.
Regular 50c genuine "Wearcver"
Aluminum Sauce Pans on sale at
You can buy regular 25r Nulas
Furniture Polish at this sale for
Regular 15c National Paint and
Varnish Cleaner on sale at 6c.
Regular 15c Chicken Nets to go
' on sale at 7c.
We will sell good Tin Drinking
Cups at this sale for 2c.
Ro 111.
ov. 24 th
Let Nothing Keep You Away
lh It I votvra if Hrhx. I'Mrlrt No.
I of 1'iuatilla County, Hiai of Or
n. that m iU.HiL. MKKTISO of
al lMr. will )m held at Hchool
ll'iiiM? mi tha Jtth day of Nuveinlmr,
DI7. at t.iQ o'clock In tha aftornoon
lu tuta on tha ron.ltln at Iwylna
R lf!Clal dlirirln lai.
Th' na amount of money ntHlml
y l In- lllrlrt flurlna: Iho flwal )ear
on June ;n. I7. an end
Iiik on J ii in- inn. U eailmared In
th fi.ll'.wlim ImilKi't an. Include tha
amount In- received from the
coiiidr chH,l fund. Mat achnol fund,
iwuil dlxtrk-t tax, and all other
H'oiii-ya of the dlatrlrt;
IhMUnt f-Mlnuilnl Kafimdllurn.
Teacher' ul-
arte f. 7(0.00
Al'iwralua and
Uilea (SO.OO
I.llirary liooka. . , iS.oo
14 00
licpalra of achool
hu-, etc . . . 300.00
I'lavrrouml Kiil..
Incut 7i.
Jiuliorx . il'i.'i'p
J nii ii or aui.l-
Kuel O.'.imi
l.lKhl 40.00
Water Jt.00
t'lirk'n aalary .. 7i.00
I'oirtiuce and
tatlunery . . . JS.Oa
Inauraiice 10 7. VI
Iniereat on loiid
and m arrant. SCU.OU
All other ex
pense IS0.00
Total estimate... flO.21S.00
i-xaualcxi KcviKa.
From county
achool fund ,.t;.S47.oo
from atate
achool fund .
Caah on hand .
Total estimated
Totul ratiiiiuled
rlnwi ....$!. :il. t
Total extliiiHtcd
recelili4 I 1 3.'.. '.6
First and Second Systems ef
Defense Frem SL Quentln
"to River Scarpe Taken.
London. Tba Hladenbarg lln haa
bean broken to a depth of tour or ft
njilea. tha war offka annouacaa. T
BrttUh troop a termed tka flrat iTa
tem of tha Hlsdeoburg Una deftSMfl
oa tba wboU front batircM St. Qua-'
tin and tha Scarp rlvar. Tha Brttiak
lolantry ad Uoka prcaaad oa tad
captured tba acond ayatam of
feoaea, oer a mite beyond.
There waa no artillery preprtioa
and the GeriMii were takes complete
ly by aurpiiae.
The aecood ayatem of Oerinaa de
fenae captured by the BrltUh t
known m the HladenlmrK support Una;
The Brltiah captured Benarto, Laate
wood. La Vacquerie. the detente
known m Welah ridge and Rlbecoort
vHlage. Their operation are eoattto
greral thousand priaoner hare
been taken.
Tbe whole German line weat of tk
Canal du Nord to the Bapaume-CanV
bra I road baa been captured. .
From St quentln to the Scarp to
3! miles. The British drlTe cot era a
part of the field of last year" offwa
alve on the Somme and the aeettoa
of the Arras battle front south of
Arras. The Urltteh center In tht
thrust is nearly opposite Cambrel tha
important German base and railway
balance, amount
to lw ruined ly
dlxtrict tax. . . I 6."!-:. 4 1
Dated this 7th day of November.
117. J. M. IMNIBTKH.
Attext: 4'hitlrman Hoard of Directors.
FKANK FI11CK. DlHtrict Clt-rk.
Rome. The atrassle between tkt
Toniba and Monte Moofenera, It th
ninimtainntia reeion of northern Italy.
' . , . continues. It was officially annotmced
In the OMinty fourt of tbc State of ... rf..rtrant. Tka
On-R-ni. for I'niatilla County. y the lullan war department TM
In the matter of the Guardianship of inrading forces were driren back war
the periion and estate of Jeanle times when they attempted to taaw
Marie Jones, a minor.
Now. on this day this matter comes
the Italian position on the Monfenei-
.ow, on ini uay mw tii.mi vu.oo
on to be heard upon the petllior , of nd
alary . Jones, jemamemary guarumii -- f
of the person and ectate of Jeanie security of the Piave line depend ap
Marlc Jones, the above named ward. , on tne outcome Of the d
praying for a license to sell the In
ttrcst of the said ward In tne ioiiow
liiK deacrlbed real property in Cma
lllla County. State of Oregon:
Lots numbered EKtht ts. Nine )
and Teu (10) in Block numbered
Seven (7) In the Reservation Addition
to the town, now city, of I'endleton;
the Interest of the said ward in said
real roieriy being- In the nelghbor-
parently on the outcome of the de'
perate battle now In progress bet wee
the Piave and Brenta rivers. Th Au
tnGermans are attacking heavily and
are advancing against the atout r
aistance of the Italians.
The Italians are defending each po-
.ninn hut the Germans have M-
real roieriy iieinjr in ine neignoor- ., -
v,...,.i n .....II.IHeH ne.l wentleth v.nnaj Buvenl miles here WUhln tB
tntereat therein, the said ward beinK , f dyg ,n(j seemingly re t-
a grandchild and an heir at law of " . . between
Madison Jones, deceased, and the tempting to drive wedge oerw
said real property belonging- to the the Italians In the region of ABtago
estate of the said Madison Jones, de- . those along the Piave. Moat
ceased, and to his heirs at law; that . . WMtp .ida th
the entire interest of the said ward Tomb is on the western aide of IB
in and to said real property is of the Piave six miles northwest of Vldof.
probable value of One Hundred -
(1100.00) Dollars: that it would be U naainr
for the benefit of the said ward that CONGRESSMEN IN DANUtR
hr interext lii said real property be
Roitinnu tne uroceeus o& w
iiwranf nut out on interest or Invest
ed in some productive stock; that tha
Interest of the said ward in said real
property Is not likely to increase in
value and that it would be experlent
for a sale tnereor lo oe mane; anu it vaivui -
further appearing to the Court that gan war lone, had a narrow ec
Caught In Burst of German Maohlrt
Gun Fir In Belgium.
British Front In Belgium. Fir
members of the party of America
congressmen, while visiting the
the next of kin of the said ward and d ,h , whe they w,rt
other persons nterawt ' t in . .unln burat of Germ. a
and in tne saiu reai .rvi nj 1 --o--
follows: James S. jones, Pendleton.
Oregon; Walter J. Jones, Pendleton.
Oregon; Edward V. Jones. Sunnyslde,
Washington; Hubert II. Jones. Haines,
California: Madison L. Jones. Vale.
Oregon: Franklin U. Jones, Portland.
Oregon: Johu M. Jones, lmbler. Ore-n,in-
Knimu. A. Davis. Portland, Ore-
machine gun fire while Inspecting tk
front line trenches near Dixmud.
The Americans In danger were Con
gressman C. C. Dill, of Spokane, -Wash.:
Congressman Charles B. Tln-
berlake. of Colorado; CongreMan
it I HI , V ' i - '
(ton; Margaret iiaugm uurumnj jonn r. Miiwr, m oraiiwi in..,vw-
Margaret (iuyonl Salt lhe Oity. essraan Albert Johnson, of Hoquiaaa.
Tlr. ash.. and former Representattv
Oregon, your petitioner herein, all of stout, of Montana. Nobody waa bit,
whom, except said petitioner, are but It was one of those peculiar freak'
j'decCased' Ad StJSFE - 'ortune which ao.dier. call luek.
pearing to the Court that on account because the shots came in a shower,
of tho large number of persons in- g0 close to them It seemed almost ear-
rtrrteard-an tt t- some one must ) wounded.
and should be permitted to serve a though they were exposed only tor ft
copy of this order upon them by pul- Dre( time
ii..ii... . uriA iil.-il bv section 1353
of Lord's Oregon Laws. Instead of
having personal service thereof made
it them; that publication of this or
der should be made lu the Weston
Leader, a weekly newspaper publlsh
,j Weston. Ciiiatllla County. Ore
gon, having a general circulation in wara , alld to th, rettl property
said county and state. And the Court ncremlMfor6. described, as prayed for
t-elng fully advised in me prenu-e-.
then and there show cause. If any
there be. why a license should not be
granted by this court Jo the "said
guardian for the sale of all of ther
estate, right, title and interest or in
. i., i t.b th real urooerty
eing fully advised in the Premises: , th prayer of the petition of th
It la now therefore ordered that the w(d uordlatl.
next of kin of said ward and all per- That thU) order may , ryed upon
sons Interested In ner esiaie aim ... ext ()f km ,(f ,.rU ,nd uivn
persons interested In said real prop- M tthw persol)B interested In salt
erty be. and they are hereby, retulr- and (n ga,d ,,rouerty. th-
e,l to appear before this Court at the on or by pubHcatlon of thla
office of the undersigned County n h, Wp!rton i,dr. a newa-
; Judge In the County t'ourt House In ,,i,iislied weekly at Weston.
tlieCll of Pendleton : 1 u,tt''VL7"" I n.alilla County. Oregon,
iv. Oregon, at teu o clock in the rore- Dpne and dated , open cort on
,-iwn on Monday, the day of Le- 2nd day cf Kv,mber, 1T. :
4mber. ,nal uavo " .,Vt ' CHAR h. mas-js.
nn four weeks nor more than eight County Jttdf.
th Bn i ii u r t rvao -
tjs from th. dt et Uto orter. to
hit candidacy fur thu U. S, ScnaU.