Better lay in jour supply of winter needs before it is too late. Our tock is complete BnA nri tnr holnw rMir comMtitora. Be One of the many who are takin advantavro of our low prices. Most of our Fall supplies were touitht on market conditions existing six months to a year mro, and our prices in many caes are lower than the ins today. Bmall merchants are pay- Whit outing flannel 12 V- WhiU outing flannel 36 in 13 Colored ou tii iff flannel 12S-.15 , Cotton batta, J, lb. 15 Cotton batta, 1 lb 25 Cotton batU. 9 lb. 83-96 Ladiea' outing gown 69 to 1.49 Mines' outing gown 49 to .69 Children's outing tlceping gi menu 69 t Dadics' outing pajamat I Ladies' outing gowns, X site. . . FLANNEL SHIRTS Blue and srev-a rood one 1.69 Grey, khaki ami brown -a better on Grey and khakl-a dandy 2 69 Oregon City-blue only 2.98 Stag shirt Men 'a mackinawa Boys' mackinawa Boye werter Mtn'a aweatera Men'a jersey sweaters. .4.50 to 5.91) , 5.90 to 9.9U .2.98 to 5.50 ...49 to 2.25 1.98 to 5.90 . . . 1.98-2.25 RUIiUKK GOODS Chiklree's storm rubber . . . Misses' storm rubber Ladiea' toe rubbers Ladiea' storm rubbers Ladiea' cloth atorm rubbers Youths' rubber Boys' rubber. Men' rubbers -plain Men's rubber roll edge. . . . Men's rubbers, cloth top 19 59 . ... 19 69 98 6CI .78-. 83 95 . 1.05 ...1.19 Boys' ami men's overshoes in all styles -price right. The famous "Sissy Jane" House Dresses, only $2.25 Iy THE GOLDEN RULE CITY TO COMPLETE WALK; NO ELECTION THIS YEAR At the teciMt council meet in Saturday evening no bids were auhmitted fur the remainder of the conetvto Hidewalk on Main atrect. The recorder whh thtTeuMn di nvted In notify nil (he ronily owners inter ted that the city will ihi the work and charge its coot as lien MKftinM the rocrty. The city has already put in a Urge aliarv of the walk under I he direct turn of Councilman K. (!. Siding, whom the council haa authorised to continue in charge. Kxecllont work was done and the property owners were emrgel for it at the actual coM of the work only. Saturday evening' action of the council therefor' meet with the approval of time whote walks remain to Ik constructed. Work was begun Mon day on the walk leading up went Main trwt hill on the north aide of the etreet. No city election w ill lc held this NovendKT. Homer I. Watl of Athena, to whom the mutter was tmbmittcd, advised the counril that the preMMit city adtniniMration holds over until November, 1918, when the city elect km will Ik- held on the Nme day as the general ekv tion. This is in accordance with the law as.sed by the hiIo un der the initiative at the Inst gen eral state election. What Houiewivei Hire Long Looked For EafoHwJtKsMavroied PLavn FLour one UMd, nothing el really tlsns In Ilk this. hii h itiind of woman an unifying it stmmg ihrlr Itltnds vsrywhsw vsrf itiyt "rsr KuPrioi"-"WhHs" "Itkh Tis"--"H Mat Lite and Moisture" -"Mikes Utttst liisad, Pastry and His .iiisM- "8wtt Nuiiy rtaW "Lisa M..iiirr Ud" MBs In 0 Year" "HhIv. Non.risorl" "Tki I .-hi of It" "KveryaUcB Alike Inline g.iiiiyM-"Unj-UiUig rtshoM cu, etc. Ord.r Trial Sack Tedsy SaiMatlie CuarsaUsd Try ll and tstiirn to l whet jreo don't i.sf, and we will at one tsiurn row m.inty If you ais notmosipussso. " .....i,, ln .va mi know u. and . know thai rUM rUuf I Jl!. JlX- i ...u.t ssilsfscilom Vislton meet welcome mail. su otkin fcr UUi waauoliy. Mvnl M.IU WESTON MILLING CO. Abo Weston's Best and Wholu Wheal Flour: tirahain, Cereals, Feed and lUy; Sivd Grain, Stuck Fowl and J'oultry Supplies. W do custom milling. Your patronage solicited. W". L. K0IN. weston Leader .. ... CURK WOOD, Pabibhcr Tbe Year H 50 Six Month 0 75 Four Month 0 50 Ttau. wv. i i Estt tti si Ih tsftkt at Wutsm Ortgsa ' a if csad-clau bmII autltr. THE RED CROSS without the support of its friends in the schools and of the public in general. The Society is asking for f I5,M as well as donations of caimeil fruit and vegetables. Such su- , , . . . i u i t t Weston Branch of - the Red ( rot plies will be shipped free of charge ( r8jM, m 8lMi. by the railroad connipnnics to the tionaj rr t)t. Soldiers' Christmas organization until IX-cemlHT 31. . Fund, making f8.ri in all This must nil Church ol U Brethren Order of service for Sunday NovemlH-r 18, 1917: 10 a. m.-- Sunday ,m-ImiI. 1 1 a. in. -rri'achiug. i; ::ttt p. m. c. w. s. 7..H) p. m. llilde Study. Life of Christ. JOHN BONKWITZ, Elder. It-iliana Arf Holdinir Fast" headline. Which i. better far than v ,rovtn running fast. ..... .. : :i; .i... day evening, November it). even rrp,, ,, ..... .... o C(m,ril)U,0 wj, j,, raiscr, nis suunmriuc lomiwit,.. I'ianoii tune I and repaired at rea sonable trices. First-clawi work le raised by guaranteed. A. W. Lundcll. Mus. lhc Bach. PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES We loan money on first class Oregon and Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape and no delay. Write direct and avo money. Give full details in first letter. W refer you to any bank ta Portland. 606 Concord Cl&t. Portland. Orcfeo nnfrnrAiivtfortf&fe UtVLIALHUA Cor jmpany an fizzle Wilson and Roosevelt has each lost the sight of one eye. but. each Ts able to see pretty well out of the other. We are not such a frenzied lover of liberty as not to wish that Mr. Romanoff had continued until after the war us Czar of all the Kussias. Iilaiv their offer I Hire III the boxes Saturn's lnu r.-inuln iiim ImiiL-wl A acknowledged 0r see Bny of the Red Cmss ollicers. jrodp rr"t-iue "m'i e- .nMiir ti The Uenelit this evening should In? largely attended, as the pro ceeds all go to this fund. a rnllrotul tmiii tool tin ioii..iuoiiie at the Mini tintt1. Overland and iviuys-Ilip The average country editor may not be a heavy bond investor, "but he is at least financially able to Hooverize. "AN ATHENA FROLIC" FOR BENEFIT OF THE RED CROSS A Market Bazaar and SupHT for the benefit of the Red. Crura will In? held at the opera house on the af ternoon of NovemU-r 21. Supper at 35 cents per plate will be served from five o'clock until all are satisfied. The band has kindly consented to furnish music during the supper hour. This will be an opiortunity to t'siln-r iiHiln't f-'l ourrhil. rxrtt If tri'UMr hmitini Urn fnnlili.u for wnin en. M.'tloT wuii'i l Mill-Hi-fi wild thi' kiml Iih wt-ars. Anifiirun pir( nrt- tlinllne It In rrn!lnBl) .llflkull t m-iiir a MNHiliig pliir.- tn any Amrlrnn city anil Ibvjr gn in ftennnny. - - - Following is the program of "An ; It being "more blessed to give Athena Frolic" to be given at Wcs- purchase your supplies for Thanks- m. - . .i ;i ion opera nouoc oaiuiuajr cuiiinj fhan to receive, there is certainly of tnif wcek for benefit of the aaiple opportunity now-a-aays lor Cross entertainment be blessedness, . gins at 7:45 o'clock, and will be followed by the social dance given i. i i . .. . . Taxpayers of Weston district "nu, r .:.-. That lilen of rulilvarlnir riitililts fur f.Kxl gelit n bit of a s.-lhnck wlirn Austrnlluna report that ten rabbits rat a tuucb oa one sheep. UavInK innilo a ftont thlm out of Everything in the way of eatables Use-price Ixxwiintf. prmume that meats, jwultry, apples, potatoes, cheerful speetilntor will wwn toka vesretebles. canned fruit, butter. l khok' " ' '! AUTOMOBILES . LIGHT FOUR, 5-passenger $ 885.00 BIG FOUR, 5-passenger 1045.00 SIX CYLINDER, 45 h. p 1490.00 WILLYS-KNIGHT. 7-passeneer.. 1650.00 . Tha Ovarlawl l.iKht frur ia light in weight and big In power niui'U every tuuruiK dumaiM. It salMuua in iHirfurmance, in in comfort -situ at a prlca you can afford to pay should make it a point to attend uj.emng-yrawmK r.. -, . , , , . Maids and Matrons of Athena, the school meeting announced for . ... , . ,, . 2. Voca I ixAo, Blue Rose Jean November 24th at two-thirty MiI o'clock: at the scnooi nousc ami vote on the special tax required 3. "There's a Quaker Down in eggB, cooked foods will oe ac ceptable, as will also aprons and fancy articles for (Christmas gifts, s Let us respond lilerally when called uifon by the different com- mittees. LiiKt year America exiwirtH urarl ftOll.OOll.onil wi.nli of automobiles. Mnle In Anicrirn" mill lw the new fariirlta bniml uftr tha war. It spcar- Thu Overland tliir Four is the world' most iwwcrful low-priced car. It is fundamentally the samo car which year after year for many year has enabled UverUnd to lead, by a wida margin, all car of such com fortable size. The Willys-Kniicht Sloevo-valvo Motor holds every world's record for length of run, power produced, absence of wear, and lack of carbon deposits. It outlasts any and all other types of automobile motors. Four thousands of mites beyond the useful life of any other typo the Willvs-Kniirht Motor continues to deliver at ita hliihimt efficiency. this season's Willys-Knight are the most beautiful lha factory hat N ever built. See these cars and be convinced. ft Dr. S. L KENHARD - Weston Aged j s WsMlilnct.iii ri'K.rl a lmrtnjr of Come and eat supper and k and two-dollar hill In some part cordance with the budget printed Taylor: Spinning elsewhere. Weston has a good Katherine Froome, school, and doubtless the directors Pauline Myrick in ac- Quahcr Towh Soloist, Miss Lucille buy as generously as your means "f ""' eouniry nml It miKht add of would appreciate a little encour agement from their fellow taxpay era toward, running it properly. Maids, Misses will allow. We must give and give flvM te,,' ,wcn,l,'- also. Helen Kusseii, and then be thankful we are alive and able tn give for it has been Moon Dance -Miss Zola said that the early termination of this war depends on the money and supplies wc send to Luropc. 4. The Keen. 5. "1W Butterfly" Soloist, Mrs. J. C. Baddeley; Chorus, Misses Lucille Taylor, Katherine Troome, Pauline Myrick, Lula Tharp, Mar garet Lawson; Mrs. D. Scott Fisher. 6. "Hong Kong" Areta Lit Why wouldn't the woim-n iimke ex cellent inatrrlal for nuto drlvirs at the front? A iimthi-r who hint lumdleil a baby ImikS)' hnsn't very iiiurh to lenrn. with. The Bulldogger ed. boasts of hav ing shaken the hand of the vice president, but the public knows that Tom Marshall didn't know ex- tlci:,h Vmiita Wattj. Au,,ra win adly what he was shaking hands Bnip, Carrie DeFreece, Jeanette Miller, Mildrc-d Winship. 7. Yamma Yamnia Girls Mrs. J. C. Baddeley, Mrs. Dean Willaby, Miss's Laura Mclntyre, Pauline Myrick, Belle Mclntyre, Margaret I-awson. 8. Closing Cliorus I'atriotic Fi nale. Miss 'Columbia, Jdiss Helen Kussell; Ik'd Cross Nurs, Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, Mrs. J. C. Badde ley. Miss Lula Tharp, Miss Lucille British naval officer nay that the American destroyer aw doing pfflrleiit work hu'1 teaching Itrltlhhers ways of accomplishing results of whlrli they had not thought. A pntrlolle Amerienn bus oflfered mil to the Hri Ami.tI.iiii iilrimin who ilropn a IhhiiI) on Herllu. The knlxer would nlxo Klve for him drud or alive. Late reports indicate that Kussia balks at jumping out of the fire into the Pan-Germanic. Having triumphed In the vegetable kingdom, th war gardener leans on bis trusty hoe with the air of a con. quoror and runts a speculative glance at the brooding hen. When a pretty girl niinomtre her Intention of desiring to tteeome a lied Cross nurse It is even inuney whether Mho Ih truly patriotic or she WHnts a hero hiiHluiiid. IT DESERVES HELP A boy's dog ts never a.mollyrfiddle. He's a ruoDiug-Jumpliig-flghilng ex ample of life, liberty mid pursuit of cats, and would resent having his nose kissed by pointed lips. The Leader is moved to print the following appeal sent it in behalf of 'a deserving institution: j The annual Thanksigving appeal made by The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon to the school children and citizens of the state has awlays met with enthusiastic response from teachers, pupils and friends throughout Oregon. It is ta be hoped that a similar appeal for food supplies and money will not go unheeded in spite of the . niapy duties and economies which tbe war incurs. The Society is practicing every u pacing event do not make legitimate economy, but with its geography Interesting the case Is hope receiving home full to capacity, to leia say nothing of a waiting list, and Horror! Here' another thing-to with the price of milk three times worry about There are no clothes what it was last spring, with a P'M m cblna- . t tl. 11 iii - ... constantly uecreaa... ne There are a few Deonie i this coun. American ambulance drivers lime been awarded the French war cm Tavlor: Sailorettes. Miss Mariraret f"r SaIIont conduct in danger. Yet lawson. Miss Pauline Mvrick. Mrs. eotats I'MI',e 8een " " tiiUu- Dean Willaby, Miss Katherine lance driver runs no risk. Froome; Home Guards, Misses Ar eta Littlejohn, Vernita Watts end Jeanette Miller. Accompanist, Miss Belle Mclntyre. H Is the sbp killing dogs that put the "mutt" io mutton. Perhaps before the war is over the popular slogan will be "Swat the spy." Autocracy is as wise a serpents and 8 harmless as 43 centimeter guus. A lot Of small men with gruff voices. re going to be placed at a disadvan tage It that Invention whereby Me pilous users cau see the persons they are talking with is ever perfected. . The 'kaiser proposed to make an In dependent federal state of Alsace Lor kalue, and maybe ha could be Induced to grant autonomy to Texas. Arizona and tbe other "lost province of Mexico." It Is fortunate for some publication that women are not conscripted nnd murders are still committed. Other wise the sob sinters and the headline experts would have to turn their tal ents In other directions. Weston Meat Market I "Wienies Meats and Fish Ham, Lard and Bacon A. P. Perry Your orders promptly filled. P. T. Harbour It Is beginning to be reullzed that manufacturers who thought this eouu try could not get along without dje- tuffs from Germany were unduly an- i'rsctice in HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Boys and Girls Aia 2ociety cannot try who cannot figure out that it take prebeoHlve. It s olnays a mistake ta fiftiction U the bt&t of its ability oaey to run a war. bat ajlut tat United Statea, all State and Fedcra Courts. , . ATHENA, 0KEQUN Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon WaiUburj, Wash. American Beauty ando Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold In Weston by . . Weston Mercantile Company