The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 16, 1917, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
motion of Our Retdere.
' Tb talm. run In th i'nu"i"
livr i. btrlr thin for mny esr.
" Tli onuil Columbia county Hundey
-teb0t eoOTntlot was held In Beep-
Tbt annual
Institut win
member M to :i
It li reported tht (uril fir la (rm
lulled Hrnntor McNiry tele
graphed In Fund Administrator Hoov
rr dn l.rlng Hint ihn farmer cf Or
mi re suffering materiel loss from
the, prr.ent tiiimluii concerning
whe.t ..king for relief,
Aftr I Ik In.lallallon of hundred, of
thnn.snd. of dollars' worth of modern
gpl'iniia, an additional boat anil nu
merous oilier Improvement, Fort
land a bureau of fire, according (u a
report Just Issued y (ho national
board iif lira underwriter, la Its. f
flclent iban It ii In 110.
Voter UI not bare tht ti
of voting oB who .ball U ajstjr
Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 22
' mm
, , . .li tlnr at tba romlm prltWV -nWtt'Ui
Mnn Benton lesrher.' ..... . .A t.Z.7.vS
. . ,. , ... ., oral elections, aa under th laV'tht
ba bald In Albany No- ... .
Villi IITll'liH pyui i.vw HI IN
plratlon of lb present IncumbenVt
tba TlagO district of Coo count? bar
dona nucb atma..
Tbt retriifted Graf Presbyter
Ian chwreh la Albany will ha dedicated
unday, November it.
Tba atata kltbw.y eommllon.
tinea bacon aor I. 191. baa expended
ptMalf If IMMtl
Houglss county will provide In Iti
191 budget a aunt which It la hoped,
will bo not ! i ban t:o.000 for tba
eonairurtlon of a new rout between
Loon lak anil the Vnip'iua river, ta
replace lh old highway now connect
In lth Brotuburg.
William Riggln. who some lire afo
Tb) Oregon wool grower, will bold AimrA h waa the slsver of William
their tftth annual convention at Tba t,,m,b. BMr wiiumin. In.tead of
Dill. December I nod 7. William Hranaou and Mr. Anna
It r-rportd from Diamond that iiooth. who ar rrving sentence for
iwafct ar dying on Baca lak, nar th crime, haa r-ltrrted hi avowa.1
bar, by hundred ttcb wk. 0f guilt before the atatc p.relc board.
" Tba Oraaon "tat Hortlrultural to- K C. 8argent. uperliitemlcnt of
iaty win bold ta annual meeting at banka. I preparing lo send a letter
al DMibr I. Inclusive tn all lai banka and Irtmt corapanlea
Tk raelflo fortkwMt Ice Cream tn Proton urning them in heroni af
MtWlMtiom' conveollon will b filiated with the fedtral recerv
kaU In Portland November IA it. irm II urr thi both a patri-
Oornor Wllkyrombe appolnlod otic duty and lor the aki of the bono-
N 0, Vlllae, of 1'rlnevill. in auccood n blcb w ill accrue lo the atat
CoHfer xida Fprinier, of Crook couo- bank.
ty, win raaln- Trafflo ofrlclala of the I tyoq Pa'
1 86
I &
87. M
I 90.
u ..M.rjpiwnivxs.LA
a BO
t6 63
the Iraal voter of Kchool Illrlc1 No.
It of I'matllU County, Male of Ore-
on. thai a W IimI. MKRTI.Vf) at
lilnrlrt will In held at Hrhool Blj BUSklCSt Metl Ar0 fall
riii-f- un iim- .fin iu t'l ;Mn(-iiiirt
I'll, HI I'.J'l uVlmk lii lln-
In oil I hi. l "...xll.iii .( -t)(
a im.cI dlMiii't Inn.
Tim fxliil hiikmiiiI nf niuiii-y ntnliil
! the illntrlrt during: the year
m ;: jun j... v.r.: uz",. bu,id, t"11
th followliiM' liudxei and inrlmlea the emergency fleet haa not produced
amouiiiii in lw received from ih (g ipeeduy eoou(b. practical r
epi. let i. and all other fnlatlon of U omerfMcy flt
In Charge of Construct'
ing Vessels.
Waabinfton. Bocauao tba biuln-M
n'uneya of the district:
lluilKit fv-llmuti-d fiN-mllturro.
TearheM' Mil-
arle t.7!l0.00
A.ratua and
uppllea (1(1.00
1-llTary booka. . 15. 00
KIk 15.00
Id I.Mlm or Khool
houaea, etc . . . 300.00
f'layaround eiulp- . 75.00
Jtttiilur'a mugn. (54.00
Juiiiinr' auppllea Z5.00
fuel ' 2.0
l.laht 40.00
Wmlvr .00
Clerk'a aUry .. 75.00
I'oetaK and
atatlunery . . . 25.00
Interest on Iwndri
and warrant. 500.00
All other ex-
pense 350. om
tichool fund
will t
w 8. Hal. tuprlntDdnt of tb "lo la th wt win Rather In PvTt.
tat Indtittrlal Khool for boya. baa Innd Novamber 1 for a meeting to . -....- m.
lnlf1 bit Intention to Oorernor ronalder traffic problem that, wilt VI IL IIL I II A VrN 111
WttbffOmba Of realinlnt. probably keep Ihem bu for eeveral Wlfcle U! LUnlLw I U
I01IT. children. The picture you drew waa that of a atova. Explorer
would Ilka to have a few of thorn around the north pole, wouldn t they 7
Now. we're off again. Deatn with your pencil at No. 1 to I, and o on. From slate
and we'll hare the picture of two other article of furniture that are not only achool fund .
In the fannhouae, but in every home In the country. Unlike tbe tov. which ah on hand,
ta Ufd only In cold weather, they are In demand all the year around. You Toal estimated
may be utlnc thoin evn now when you are drawing this picture. Be what yon
Totul estimate... 310.215.00
KMIiuatrd ItriviiHM.
From county
Ayfte grower of th slate ar rn dy. II I eipecied so represent
rountwting great difficulty In shipping lva tt the varlnua lln-a between
ay fie aat without dnr of frweilng Omaba aud the I'aclfic coast will be
because r-f th scarcity of car In attendance.
Tbar I no present Intention of The I'aclfic International Livestock
establishing rntonmnl In Oraon, tipoalllon. to be held In .lortland No
eava Admtaat Oeneral McCain. In t vmhr It to 74. has not bad such a
Total estimated
exiivniies tl9.215.W0
Total estimated
receipt 4.132.5C
t 4.132.5C
Washington. tvfinito step to Italian
atandardlte bread and lower Ite price ,om advanced positions along tha
waa taken whim president Wilson In- front Mr the Austrian advanca la not
Ut.nto,Ch.mberJ..n-.'off.c.. tomprehen.lve entry .... of llve.tock -Pr"-"""- PniJ ,howlnB th. ,rap?tUoU. ru.h of prevl-
Halance. amount
to 1m raised by
district- tax... t a. 082.44
Dated this 7th day of November.
117. J. M. HAN18TEK,
Headquarter. utwerrera Attest: rhalrman Board of Uirectom. construction
corporation baa taken place.
Big business men have been not la
charge. And from now on the eattre
work will be conducted as any one of
America' great corporation would be
by big organizer. Th following
men bare been named to push tk
work with all haste:
Charles plea of Chicago, president
of tbe Link Belt company; am Hy
worth of Chicago, contractor: A. S.
Mason of Chicago, engineer; Charts
Day of Philadelphia, contractor:
Frank Kirby of New York, architect;
John Burton Payne of Cottage, law
yer. To Mr. Plea will be glvea tba Job of
turning out America' ahlp with
peed. He become really tha active;
bead of the emergency fleet corpora
tion, because as vice president he ia
neit to Edward N. Hurley, presideat
of the corporation and chairman of
the United State (hipping board. Tk
other men will all work In doe co
operation with Mr. Plea.
The fleet corporation la now about
10 per cent behind In ita supply of
lumber, hence delay In the carrytw
out of ita program. There art nest
310 wooden ship in process of con
struction and contracted for. Proba
bly no more will b wanted. Thar
are 220 fabricated shipa to be built.
The ateel program has not bees de
layed to auch an extent because they
are longer In the making and thalr
did not call for trach
FKANK .PRICE, District Clerk.
apMd as Use -roodea and fabrtcat
, bow ,nc, nr., on. In J- -flT. "ZT T. ."
Ex-Queen LIMuokalanl Dead.
Honolulu. T. H. Queen I.llluokala-
Tbe program calls for (,000,000 ton
of vessels by the end of 1118. It
Cattle Club, organUed In Clackawaa lIO. Entries ,.v been keeping tbe heT 10 ",d ubJpc,", ,0OI It gela farther from Ita baae. The ni of Haw,i,, whose death bad been said that with the proper applicatio
county In August has purchaaed Ji Ming crks bu.j They are from d'"l'l",-,lo, r-l prescribing In- ,lr.Mt gUn. they hare brought Into Mpected for aeveral days, la dead, the reorganised corporation will ba
-ewM i "pw . . . arv-tol leant at tnl O i h I a nf lnkVba . , . .UauI ika m in t i i . a tv. . - .
bad Of tboroughbrfd Ouerosej In California. Montana, Idaho. Washing- lents and welghl, of loaves. pUy thu far ar of a type about th with the death of Queen Liliuokalanl able to moot them aa moreWor.
w.'""t"" ' ri mtKW nnl Km fl v, hill wllh Inn - t . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . --
. - ... w .. line as our uv--im:u. nas passea me last vesiige oi royalty seep to m scneauie tnwv win irwrvxm
atandardltatlon It I expected mat
Many walnut growers from Oregon
ton and Oregon.
Official figures showing Oregon'
They have been unable to bring for- e Hawaiian island.
nd adjoining Hate ,ndl th. ub.crlptlon to th second liberty loan ' nlmpllflrntltm of dla- of thclr he.ry gun., doubt-
.i-l aaa.U- af tk U'mlaM ffi Vftti fill I htf f lift ramtiAllin ffm-
Walnut taoclallon which waa bold at nilite In th recent drive show th .... Jfu"
trlbuilon will force down price for iMg' because of the condition of the
brldgea and roada torn up or destroyed
10,000.000 tone of shipping by the ead
of 1919.
Fancy bread will bo eliminated, and by tn Itallana.
Mekflnnrllle. n subscriptions by Iho people of
engineers representing the iut Ihe slat motinlod up to 26.05T.loo.
highway commission are now rlewlng Of thla figure. Portland la credited
ltd making a preliminary aurrey of with IH.39.0nn and OroRon outsido
ik. I). .11. ..i.,. t...i.... A lk.Hu nt fnrlt.itrl ItivAMfwH til K17 SltO
I li v v ii iv niu,; uvi'i'vn , i 1 1 - - - - - - - , , , , , . .
nd Jffron. Tha first of a series of three classes one-half, two and four pound.
Paring work on the Sheridan road, which aro to bo given Inatructlnn In
which waa being don by the stats ordnance slorea accounting by C. C,
the multitude of sixea now produced
will be reduced to four with standard
The weights will be one pound, ono
The loaves will hare a crease In
the middle to permit their sale In
The enemy's operations on the north
and east In an attempt at encirclement
of the Italians hare not succeeded.
The menace on tile Italian left wing
also la virtually- passed.
British batteries have taken their
position along the front line prepared
J ' L.I.... 1- V. .. 1. 1 .. ihu, . . . . . . . ,
highway department, haa been closed Jeremiah, of the l..lvVr.lly of Oregon "-,'"r ' "V" V;:,-! i ""T. I 1 .
down --c.u.e of Inability to get car. .chm.1 of commerce, ha. finished II. 0 wl 1 bf tor bfrr' Btofore chiefly borne by the Italian
for supplying gravel.
Eastern Oregon first annua
marksmen', tournament will be held
at Enterprise November 2D and 29,
under th auaplce. o tbe Wallowa
County Rod and dun club.
work. After a short visit with friends
and relative each of the men will
report lo Iho recruiting office nearest
his home and bo .worn into the fed
eral aervlce.
The largest number of fatal acci-
of flour Instead of an average of alx rearguards iu the effort to etay the
pound now used, and two pounds or Austro-German advance.
vegetable oil shortening must be used The reformation of the Italian army
Instead of six pounds of lard or oil. aiong .ne established position it pro-
The food administration . expects to greasing in good order.
save 100,000.000 pounds of sugar and
Oats No. 2 white feed. $49 a ton.
Barley Standard feed, $50.50 a ton.
Corn 64.50 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery. 43c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, Sic per dox.
Potatoes $1.50$ 2.00 a hundred.
Poultry Hens, large, 19c; .mall,
174118c; geeae, 1012c; ducks, 18
20c; turkey., 11 ve, 23c.
Dispatch from Ottawa Include In dent, reported for nny single week
Utt list of rami. Ides the nam ol
Captain 0. I. Mitchell, an Amerlcai
of Portland, who died nf wound, i
eelvsd on th front In France.
L. M. Gilbert, for lb past nln
month a teacher al th state train-
alnce the organisation of the Oregon
Industrial accident commission la con
tained In Ihe statement for the week
ending November 8. The report show.
13 fatal accldenta. Seven of the fa-
the aame amount of lard In this way.
Baker, may use only skimmed milk
for bread, and rolls will be permitted
only If made In standard sixes, and
of regulation bread dough.
Butter Creamery. 48c per lb.
Eggs Ranch, 60c per do.
Potatoes $40 6 50 per ton.
Poultry Hens. 194c; dressed.
In the County otirt of the State of 2!26c; broilera, 30c,
OroBvn, for t niulllla County.
In the matter of the Gnarclluiinhli of
tno person una estate or
whimi tv rt 1 1, uuld iimI t.lfttif-r nrv
Jcuulo ... .i.- UA. f..,i...,.
, . , , n PI III V. V I I 1 1 IT miu ..-v..
Murlo JoneH. a minor. i aa ..-jw
on thin day this matter comes pearing to the Court that on account through tbe action of local drtr.
on to be heard upon the petition of ,.f the large number of persons in- Ko,rd the order of his call to mUt.
Washington. President Wilton hat
ordered the complete reorganisation ol
the draft machinery on lines making
every man subject to war duty If not
in Franc, at least in the fieldt ami
In a foreword to th new regulation
under which the reclassification of tha
9.000.000 men not called in th flrat
draft will be made, th preaideat
make, a stirring appeal to all cltisea.
especially lawyers and physician, ta
afd In the work.
The 148 questions for tht remalnlaf
nine million draft registrants to sy
awer beginning December 1$, oattt
tute a searching inquiry Into eaeb
man, life and fltaaes. and dstermta..
tallliea resulted from an accident near MAY STOP DYNAMITE PLOTS
l. rnn.iiWm! Hi Roedvllle when a train crashed Into 1
likely auccessor to Will B. Halo a. an automobile. The remainder w.rt Po.....lon of Mu.t B. LI. "TTFi tJSTJSLTMtZJt tary .e'rvice.
tuptrlntendent of that Institution. distributed through various Industries. c.ns.o, unu.r n.w u.w. . Marl0 Jline() ,he ubovo named ward id pern7ltted to Thl queationnalr automatical!- r-
Definite .nnouncement has been Oregon farmers are responding en- Washington. Any person In the- praying forxn license to wll the In- copy of this order upon them by pub- yokea all exemptions and discharge
msd br Hniilhern Pacific offlcisll to the desire of the fed- Unite State, found with explosive Jn-est of the mid ward In the follow- licatlon. an provided by section 1353 . . . rn t. ml
-a. government for the In hi. possession after November 15. IXJhSS ,1 VTTJ IhI
th eonatmetlon of a new depot al of agricultural eoune'le and the co- and who doea not have a license ia-, Lots numbered Eight (), Nine ( ,m thtm. tnat publication of this or- he receive, the aueatton make, tha
.... ..1.1 i.i. I Wurtn r
r buumiu uv iimuc an .- " Ml-tMn lifiKlg, tn In nrlaiM
Umatilla County, Ore
in Block numbered ,it.r
.i v.. .ivn.iiiM -in t m. nner.ilnn nt i-nnntv ..rniia si-rnriiiiia sued bv the federal govommeat show- and Ten (10)
. ' ' , ,.f ik. ',i,.ln In the nurnose for which the ex- ?ev,J." (7 ,n t,,e Keeervatlon Addition ider. a weekly newspaper publish
.. . . . ... j v. " wwii. iiowr cuj, oi i-eiiuieion: h t Weston
Max Lucke, who waa editor of ths tne Oregon Agricultural rmiege. wnicn . - -. . tne interest of the said ward in said Kon havlnK a general circulation In CDtTieU IHCCCC -t Tli 109
operty oemg in tne nelgnnor- id county and state. And the Court "" i jrf
, wai progress In Installing agents la being or sent to prison for one year, or both. ' l ' J'ne .V'' CIk , .,,e'''B ' advised in the premises:
t and made and counties are being opened it he circumstances warrant. ZSuArt J auVer-
Ion ol juat a. fast as men can be obtained to This la the principal clause In a Madison Jones, deceased, and th ona jn,ere8ted in her estate and all
war measure passed ty tne last con- -" ) w - interested In said real prop-
i.!..k i.. . tte of the sulil Madison Jones, de- H r- hrol.v rmlr.
Deutsche Zeltung, of Portland, which ha. Ihe work In cha-ge. Satisfactory once arrested and fined up to $500 real pn
recently suspended publication
trrealed ott a presidential warrant
ordered Interned tor the duration
th war.
Charles Galloway, mate tax conv
mlasioner, has left for Atlanta, Us..
wner n win eueno st-sionn ... i.i ......... - - - i,ru,.. ,.i val.. ..f (!.. H..,l.
National Tax association and also a tho penitentiary which would call for lw, mo mierat autnoritics nope, xo J,, ., n,,,,.,. tllttt u Wou,a Go
mt(n of tht coiigr. of stales on more discrimination In tho selection prevent pxpiosnra inning nuo n- ir tiH. t.ei.i-rit of tho ald ward that
taxatloa. of "honor men." and also
rty be. and they are hereby, requlr-
vl to appear before this Court at the
vfflce of the undersigned county
Amarkaa Casualties Likely Jta 4.
In Franc. '
Washington. The ratio .of -JeaMt
au.talned by all of Jhe Britlh .expedi
tionary force, sent fatto ;bttle In
France is less than aevn to every
100 men. It ia not expected thft '
American losses in the war a..iwt '
noon on Monday, the J7th day of De- tutm 4
-comber. 1K17. that date being not less """J"
than four weeks nor more than eight despite the fact that German JTOB-
weeks from the date of this order, to gsndists in this country are circuiat-
then and there show cause, if any , unTarrfinted reporta In an ffi
Kav.. ii whv m. lhtiiHA Nhnuld nut DC r
Allen Workmen Barred. l roporty is i.t likely to increase In l""n . ' t , the to make the American people bell-
Buffalo. M. Y.-Wlth the plan of i liStrnV'wStt. '""-dlan for the sale of all of the that the American army ia going ta
precluding the possibility of labor agl- further appearing to the Court that riht. title and interest of the Beet wlth wnolegie loM, wh U
tator. becoming a dangerous force In the next of kin of the said ward anil 'i.ori?., Ascribed a? urJOToV rwchM th battlefronL
said guardian. Labor Rssponda to Wllaon'a Pisa.
Tl.nt this order may he serve, upon ,,., M v o-.M.- u
exi of kin of sal.l want ami upon - -
I her Dersni.s Interested In sain piea to moor iu luaimaiu uuuinntm i
estate and in said real property, elth- tu th process, of labor until 0r-
carry on tho work
Announcement naa neen mane oy sress wmcu is .... m-iug nm nuu e.- alul , ut ) ; thut
Governor Wlthycmnbe that he would feet by the bureau of mines. the cntlro Interest of the su id ward
. . . ..... . I.I Lll MIIUI7I .IBIIQU V . . ...
Install n modified honor system at 'With Iho strict enforcement of thia. ' lu', reui property is or tno ,he Cmlnty Court H(1U!W
the City of Pendleton. I'matiua coun
ty. Oregon, at ten o'clock In the fore
a nanus OI eviuy nisiioseu ititsuiib anu '.i-i 11. suiu real piuueriy oo
...... . - . . . m . j i.. Nllld Ull.l Ihf tiril--.ils ,if Ihu viiIm
. A elvll ..rvlc ei.mln.tlon to fill urvelllance over them than ha. been to pui a siop to an .uruier a,u-..- ,herei,f -,luV ,.ur interest or Invest
a ractney In th Bumpier postofflcs the case under the present system, plot.. vd in some productive stock; that the.
I',. heM November 11 at Baker and He wa prompted to modify the pre i interest of the said ward In said real
.v. n . ii. . .nt .v.i.m hee.o.e nf lh. ..ran. Allen Workman Barred. 1-roporty Is not likely to Increase in
der placing presidential office, undet alx "honor men" la.t week, and fra
elvll servloe. quent escapes heretofore.
Tha total assessed vaulatlon of th. Slate Superintendent of Public In-
- .mtl. of Orogoo. t. compiled by th. atructlon Churchill haa announced organised labor, and from starting agl- . , ,,rol?ert"arJ a" ne ,rer of the iMon the
tsuntv I. $107,917,191. This that th state board or education has taiions suca as imm lu.iereu uy in. ' nmon:' James 8. jonea. Pendleton
I. an Increase of $4,g$?.04 over lsl adopted a rule to Ihe effect that, after I. W. W- tho building trade, depart- "regon; Walter J Jones, lv.i.lleton. J"
Le." when t almllar v... December 1. no tt.nd.rd high school ment of the American Federation of iCTtl "
-. Itai.Mt.lJT. shall accept work Cone In a non stand- uaoor, IU convention ncre, auoptcn a 'ulifornla: Madison U Jones. Vale, - stat
Tblrt,.on ship, bav bean launched ard or non accredited .econd.ry school rolutlon enX JXTiT.
tt .It Oregon .hlpyart during tne ana tnai atuueuia oi sucu scuoo.. o - Kou; Kn.n.a A. Davis. lMrtlaml. ore- V
first answer when the building trades
wreaeat boom In .blebulldtnt. accord- for being admitted to nny standard birth or parentage who arc not Amcr- , ' 'M..llar..". 'aKi,. iy0i:ii.erl- Cnmtllla I'nuniy, Oregon. department of the American Fed
Ing to rteorda ' Twenty-aeven hav high achool muat pass written ex- lean or Canadian cltlxens or who hav .Margaret uuyoni Knit - Lake City.. Don and dated In open court on tlon of Labor ordered the dlseontinu
been Lunched during thi. year. Four amlnatlon. In tho.. .object. In which Wtod to declare their l-tunUon of be- xUi"'- this 2nd Jrie? h'marsh.- ct of .U strike, on fov.ramaat
War ltaca41aai.b. ttUl Stl tot M tcHflOL w4U wolnj ijph. , oni Ju, ' your veUtiouw bwtS. iu C ', . County Judge- vork under itt JurUllcUoa.