The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 09, 1917, Image 4

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rnm. i i s.
1-1 n fpluy
rW ru i r r,f
ii fiiii ii
if ws
ii ii U4y C ii
your wants. Big, fluffy batts, either
These frosty mornings remind us
that comfort time is here. We are
prepared with materials to supply
Wc have just received a new shitv
ment of pretty georgette crvpe waists.
They aro the newest design and shades
very dainty and pretty and priced
frum J5.00 to $730.
Why allow the ehill of those f rusty nights to disturb yon? Higr
soft, warm Blanket bought before the advance in wool and priced
lower than you will expect to pay. White, serviceable tfrsy,
plaids, dainty colors, and priced at from
$5.00 to $10.00 tbe pair
Cotton Blanket from 19c to $150 pair. 1
.15, .20, .25, .75, .98, $1.25, $1.75
SILKAUNES 36 inches wide; just the ma
terial for soft, dainty comforts in at
tractive colors; priced
.15 and .25 tbe yard
For those who wish to make their own
coats we have to show several patterns
of the new fall coating. These, have
just been received and are very rich and
pretty in browns, givena and many
fancy mixtures very attractive, and
priced at from $2.00 to $3.00 yard.
We are fortunate to have Uiught our Muckinawa almost one
year ago and at much lower prices" than the same goods can be
purchased for today. This mean a saving to you. Heavy Oregon
made Mackinaw Coats from
Always a splendid assortment It
will be a pleasure for you to shop here -the
styles are bo attractive and the asj
sortment bo complete it gives a sort of
satisfaction not possible where only a
few garments arc shown. Our prices
are the least possible for which goods of
merit can be sold. '
$7.50 to $9.00
HOYS' MAKINAWS All sizes, for the little man of three to
his big brother, and priced from $3.50 t J7.50.
The best obtainable pure, Oregon wool -from
$5.00 to $8.00
... .. ...
Lutlier Shcllcnlierger in
fnrn a recent visit to the
O. T. Douglas, pioneer, is grad
' getting the bt
and serious illness.
in the Weston country, where she is
held in high regard. She is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Narkaus, pioneer residents of this
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Mrs. Marvin Price.
Miss Bernice Richmond of Walla
Walla was a guest during the week
of Mrs. J. H. Price.
Potatoes so big that one of them
would more than make a meal for
the giant that Jack killed and oth
ers have to be broken in two in
order to get them into the sack, ..' u neighborhood. She is a graduate of f:.rMI, iuiii. ... ii.,uv t:.rl.
are being raised around Weston. " " the 1917 claw of Pendleton High wn Defendant
Davis & Ellis took no less than 851 or,,"uo school and a clurtor member of the To Betty Cartoon, Defendant above
Carl McConnell and family are gaefcs from four acres of the Grrer Beaton Bros, are opening nn Bachelors' Society club. Hie bride- named:
visiting relatives in Sokane. place many of the spuds so big amusement resort in the Brandt groom is Pendleton High school's In Ihe Name of the Mate of Oregon,
Mrs G W Maybec of Paseo that they could be corded on the building on Main strrt. former star athlete. He was a xi. You arc hereby uiiiiiKinl ami reuir.
Wash..' has been visiting her sister! arm like sticks of stove wood. The Many Weston eople motored to "lar member of the 1912 gradual- uini pkinlilT 'filed againatyoJ
uuroaiiKs iiMMie an enormous yiein, ppn,jt,tf, Tueslny evening to hear mK ewiss ami presnicm in me j ti,0 uHtv0 vutM eourt .ml cnuv,
but the Early Ro6e cut down the vi. i'r,i,i,.nt ,vfarhnll uml ) student Innly the same year. Jle n on or before Friday, the Wlh day of
average E A Dudley is renorted V , .l ul now a well known and successful December. I'J17, which dale In eleven
avtragt. r uuuny ih n iwuu care that he gave a great address, now a win Known ami mimwiui
to have had 180 sacks of poUtocs " T"lf "I VKlM,x ,,,8lr.M?- iriWIwIM of ihta smiiH.iT
to the acre from 16 acres of the Mrs. Geo. J. Waddingliam is vis- where after their honeymoon trip vaa will uke notice that if vtm fail to
Will Moore, collector of the port Jerry St. Dennis place on the res- iting her daughter in Portland, the young couple will make their answer the aald complaint or otherwiao
of Portland, and J. W. Maloney of ervation. Mr. Waddingham is preparing to home. We?d.,?wto 'VS.'" ",W H10
Pendleton were business visitors in . .. . , . leave for Portland in a few days MTbose pnt were: Mr. and lZF ZrfAS
Weston Monday. 4,,rni wiiu Wii anu win prouaoiy spenu me wiiuer mrs. vr. j. uorran, mr. ami mm. therein, nuiiicly: for a decree of the
To car owners Our new battery from Kirksville, Mo. Mrs. Carmi- crC'
recharger is now working nicely. chael eontiuncs to improve, the Mary, the little daughter of Mr.
operation which (the sustained at and Mrs. It. Proudfit, is ill with a
Kirksville having proven successful mild form of warlet fever. It is
in every way. It was quite seri- thought hc cuntractetl the disease
with relatives "USi requiring an nour and twenty trom a letter which had iieen in me
Sound ixints. minutes. Dr. George Still of the house several months. It was re-
rtirKsviue nibinai was me principal ceiveo trout relatives wno nan scar
surgeon. The jatit:nt was only let fever in the family,
thirteen days in the hospital. On .
h,.ir wav h,,m,. i WmtM,,...! Alleging that after he had bought
The schfwl population of the Wes- popped at Superior, Neb., to visit the jewelry store of II. II. Hill at
ton district has grown slightly dur- AIln. s(i;,. prm.i ;lir ,.,.nf,.m. Athena the latter did everything he
ing the past year, according to the naf,.s returnim? to Weslon mum could to ruin his business and,
Alsi, we are prepared U vulcanize
your tubes. Pennington & O'Harra.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Snider left
Saturday for a visit
"at Seattle and other
W'ade Godfrey of Dixie, Wash., Mr.
Snider's former partner, has re
lieved him at his blacksmith shop.
Dave Gordon, Mrs. Paul G.
lison; Mix Emma Gordon,
Susan Narkaus, Miss Marie
don: Mr. Jacob Narkaus, Mr,
Narkaus, Mr. Clifford Gordon, Mas- to
ter John Gordon: Mr. W. E. Nar by
kaus of Baker.
Cal- Court forever diaaolving Urn bonds of
Miss matrimony now and heretofore exint
Gor. between plaiiitilf and defendant,
. ami for other eiiuilablH relief.
Joe Thiii .uitimoiiM la niibliMhul nurauuiiL
census just completed by Clerk
Frank Price. There are now 2511
children of school age in the dis
trict as compared with 211 in 1010.
J. II. Kockhill has advertised a
sale for Saturday afternoon, Novem
ber 1, of his farm stock and imple
ments, and will move to town from
the uplands for the winter. Mr.
Kockhill has leased a half interest
in 1100 acres of winter pasture on
the Columbia river. '
E. G. Brelirn, well known stck
inan of the Camas Prairie country,
Tlx.' local committee for the sec- gaged
ond Y. M. C. A. drive, held to raisr L. S.
$:i5,000,00n, reiwrt highly encour
aging progress, and compliment the
people of the Wiuton neighborhood
on their generosity. The commit
tee is headed by J. II. Price as
chairman, and his assistants are S.
A. Barnes, Frank Price and E. C.
Kogers. Umatilla counly's pjota
is $10.00(1, of which Pendleton is
raising $5000. Weston's allotment
against his promise.
in a competitive ousinesM,
Vincent has sued Hill for
$2.r00 damages. The defendant is
now engaged in business at Wettton.
Ben Dupuis returned Wednesday
evening from another trip to Hing-
indirectly en- ham, Montana, with Sim Killgore,
an order made and tiled herein
Honorable Gilbert W. I'holpa,
Circuit Judge of the htxth
clicial Diatrict of the Slate of Or
egon, on the Cth day of October,
IH17. The Hint publication of this
summon will be made on Friday, the
12th day of October. 1017, and the
last publication will be mado on Fri
day, the said 28th day of December,
l!H7. Publication hereof will be made
for eleven conttecutive weeks.
Dated this (th day of October, A.
Plenty of Dressing
for TbanbgiifiBg
Conic in and lie measured
for your
Thaiilcsgiviiig Sit
R. L. Reynaud!
D. 1917.
Gerald Killgore, Mr. and Mrs. Or-
Narkaus-Gordon Nuptials
A charming wedding was solemn
ized at ten o'clock Saturday, Nov
ember 3, when Miss Esther Nar
kaus and Mr. Chester C. Gordon
were united in marriage ai me
Is $000.. home of Mr. and Mrs. David Gor half Section. Dick Harris bought a
fi... r. n i' ..!... . i..n 7i.i i.Um i,.n,il..i,.n tu-ftiottof iinirovd land, together
... I HIT I III IllWIIIir It'll liri7iH llMVtB ijill. A u'.ninn u . v . neju-v-'H -
woo line i urjwoj aiviiiiiaiiivu t'y t i Ate At-
o it .....i.: lurnaonatwl for this evvninif s band
Vfti.v M. PktishhoN,
ville Isinminger, Henry I.uckenbill Post Ollice address: Pendleton, Oregon
and Dick Harris.
All of them invented in Montana 4-4
lands to an extent ranging from a
hall section to one and one-miarter
sections. It was the second buy
made by Sim Killgore and Mr.
Isinminger. Mr. Dupuis also sold
Albert Geiss, who is now living on
his new Montana ranch, another
W. M. PfUrioa - C. It. BIhop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Froowalcr, Or.
Dr. S. L KGillARD
Veterinary Sigeoo ivestca Transfer Co.
J, S. Moore, another stockman, who
Thi. riM.niM wen- tn'iiut fn Iv ihi with a lamiinjc ouint. iney re-
. . a i i .1 it a T 1 1 L,
i. Mr. ........ writ; si t fn- ii.ii itfiKunutn otwi iMirr imhiilii ui wlb l lt bl iiiiikijuin.
is coming to Weston with his family MJS'".? ':1.. i,....vh ,.i.4 home affair the with an abundance of moisture and
excellent school. Mr. Moore is on
a deal for the purchase
. . voiwii A'aca (.All Lilt; JKttf - - -' , . i .
After hunting years and years jardiniere; Doc O'Harra, box ap eeremony, which was iierformed brethren this season In marketing
in eomnanv with Jim Jones without nl.- n I. RxmniH wn.f bvKev. H. II. Huhbell of the Chris- their crops. They received fl.95
incr whk n nwttv one. The wo frost. Farmers are busy with
V f t safe; Weston Leader, one year's Mendelssohn wedding march was their plowing and seeding.
f the subscription; Claud Price, . fat Palyed hy Mrs. I'. G. Callison. Only Montana farmers have had a bit
:re' rooster; Weston Mercantile Co immediate relatives witnessed the the edge on their Umatilla county
I vears iardinipr- Iw n-Hrro iv eeremonv. which was performed brethren this season in marketing
ot business differences:
George Ferguson and Dr. Kern did
fibtic battle the other day in I'en-
any mishap, Shed Price went out tonic; W. II. Bonder, sack of spuds;
after deer alone a few days ago on Ralph Saling, big stjua:li.
the south fork of tlic Umatilla, and i,,
. i i if IHtailbe OI
manBgeu gci. iuci. in; ran woio
t'nie bear tracks and followed them
. :l 'i 1 ... .nl,
know where he was at. He was .
compelled to send a cold and J. M. Ashworth has so far im
windy niglit in a lonely gulch with, proved as to lie able to make an
out evla a coat to k'te'p him warm, occasional trip down town.
tain church. Th; young couple H-r imsiiei ior meir wneai in iuii
were attended by Miss Susan Nar- upon delivery.
kaus as maid of honor and Mr. Mr. Dupuis, who Iwughl IfiiMi
.Clifford ffordon as liest man. Th.- acres of Hingham land for his own
bride watt preltv and winsome in account, netted 2.r percent this year
white natin ami georgette crec on his inveutiiient. Ist yar MMHI
with a veil of tulle, and ear.ried .acres of the tract was in crop mid
a large shower bouquet of bride's averaged 10 to 15 bushels -r aire.
ro(!es- This year 850 acres was merely
The bride is n popular and est im- "stubbled in'V in Uie "spring, but
able girl who grew to wittimtihood made him th irrofit mentioned.
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
i Phone - Main 253
Adjust Spine, Kins, Hips or
whatever is wrong. Nature
Davis & Ellis
to pay your Weton Leader "sub"
Muifi and Court Ktrceta.
Fourteen year in Pendleton.
) not mnluM OHTKOI'ATHV with
chlroprwllt or nt.fn.tlt lie.llof.
IrmMi mrfc ihI t iuuu wwntmd) or tx
writ! fr fllPI iAHOH wi rn-Tt
i foot Mi ttdl bow, lwt iv liivvttt
Jim. ihtr tr
ml m aj tmnmr-
Wrtf tod).
1303 Seventh St., WMhlnotoa, D. C.