The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 09, 1917, Image 2

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BS?6 if it cEiu
wily we can undersell the other fellows
So many of our customers ask us this question: "How can you sell for
so much less than your competitors?"
Last year our average expense was just 11.26 percent. Our advertising
expense was less than three-fourths of one percent. Ask any merchant what it
costs him to do business and if he tells you the truth it will be from 15 to HQ
percent, and that he spends at least three percent for advertising. We have no
book-keepers, delivery wagons, fancy fixtures nor a lot of other items that force
the other fellow to get a longer margin on his merchandise. We buy for cash
and sell for cash and in such quantities as: 31,150 dozen towels, 9,350 bed
spreads, 10,000 pieces of oil cloth, 21,250 pieces of percale, 25,900 pieces of ging
ham, 300,000 pair of shoes, 100,000 pair of blankets, $80,000 Worth of handker
chiefs. Buying in these quantities, direct from the manufacturer, and buying
and selling for cash arc positive proof that we can undersell all competitors, in
cluding Mail Order houses. Think it Over.
IV High School i.s now receiving
tun Morning Oivgnnians daily and
llc foica nf tin Literary liKc.t
very wivK. This offer excellent
opnortunty fT work on current
topic in the History ami Fnglieh
B The High School iiil.s' InduMriul
clnh met for e-ne eiiid Friday af
ternoon. The Kills are iviiiig
to furnish one nf the room on the
thinl ll.ior for a club room. Tl e
Friday ii'l war. given er to
nniking curtain.
The orchestra is practicing some
new nuu-ic. It ih iuhiI thitt I" III
hoys' Mini tills' miaitets nmy lie
organized sihiii.
The students in the lynngilwii !
melit lire enjoying this rnctictd ft
well as useful branch of school work.
The machines hiv now blanked uud
much of this work ppnncliifi (hut
of an exHrt typist.
The seventh Hint eighth grade
ly hnve lieeit playing some lively
games of lm.-kct hull under tin Ml-IK-rvision
nf Mr. Ilercher. The
girls of the 1 i k t school are abo
enjoying huAct ImiII, with Miss
Simmons us roach.
Recently the eighth grade t-nl
Hil intent-ting debute. The tpics.
tion, "Resolved, that a dog is more
useful than a horse," was won hy
the negative.
Miss Kintoul now bus fily i.
pits in the primary room. The
children are Mux taught a lew
system of phonetics known as the
Itcacon method. They are divply
interested ami Miss Riulmil mn the
new cystcm is a great help.
The seventh atnl eighth grade
Tlie members of the Red Cross K' rls an- leiiig instructed in basket-
have finished the sewing assigned ry ami crocheting ly Miss I lark,
to them, the desired nnmlier of ar- A short program wa given I y
tides to establish a hospital base in the seventh grade in eommemora-
France having lieen completed. Our I mu of Frances K, Willard. The
auxiliary finished 57S pieces. We eighth grade was invited in.
are now kiuttinir scans ami sweat- -pledge crds of the United
ers and are urged to put in all the states F.nnI Aminitratin" have!
time iiossible on this work, as it is tlo,.n , ti, ,.i1(N, ,.i,ii,irin
very much needed. Mori' yarn and M thal . ..-rents miirl.l Imvk u.i
Inf.ntry '.tuck-, h.v, decl.le.1 to nS?1 ar' 11 wn. so there p,K,rtunity of siKiiintr them. The !
back apon Uon. capital of th dot-art- wurk for 8,1 who ttro supply was rather limited. I.ut it J
mtiit of the Alne. to m,'l, is hiHtl that at least erne card
Great Britain and France are rush- A silver tea was held in tlie ilin. found its way to every home. A ,
Ing to the aid of Italy in her critical ing room of the Dormitory rnrtay lartre numlMr have leen signetl and J
hour. Not alone have men and aim anernonn ana en noiiars ami iony- returned, n you haw not yet
been sent to the battle front along five cents turned into the Red Cross sittned the card, please do so at
the Taallameoto riTer. where the ital- fund. One will also be given next omi- as the pledges are soon to I e J
ln re hoidina the Teutonic in.ln rriday from two until five, at the sent to the County tliuirmun. Su-s
imrniirx-.-'Hmt--rwTnfiirytr p-rtnrpnlnl I. K. Young. Tlie ,
knitting ami enjoy a social after- "Home Card" as well as thv one .
"ovii. indicating that you are a "Member !
The Weston auxiliary has U-eti of the United States Food Adminis
assessed fifty dollars to buy Christ- tration" is to Ih kept in the home.
mn criftu fur mir hivt thin umtinnt Tlie lust named ciard iu criv.m untu
An Ordinance for the Uvying of t0 be raised by NovemVr 2H. Con- to those who sign thv nktlg,. card.
a (ivneral Municipal Tax for the ir;t.lti tiltl lirlV.-tt tlttV,. lllu...wl 1-1... v... I . ...... ... I
y ioi7 iiit ii'iwn inrus ire m oc given
tear IVll. in un'pnil hiKini iiImi'm mtii if i n, .1 :. J i i .1.. .
The Feople of the City of Weston hnnI thnt virvmu will mv lih. r.-,. .ni t..u
,l Awl.!. - - - - iu vminuii; cuoiuinr in
UO vruain as JOIIOWS. prnltv It mtiv Mwn trt iih ieiiiwt.
Srftion 1 That fhorti ta horoKv r. i. n .1
the Bulldogger this week for the levled r-,n alf lnv Tlie pupils in the rooms of Miss
What Housewivei Have Long Looked For
KUvu Fl'uf one umiI. ohln
rl illy (int In wyt Hk Ihn.
hl h lli.iu.miiU of wmi n lilylnC
lt umiiiiM lli'lt lilmlevrwhtreir
l4l "Kr Kiiiwrliii"-"Whll" "Khh
T,i-."lf km Life anil Moli'"
"Mkr llrntr Uiad.Patry anil Bio
,iu" "Ki Huuy Mmi"-"IIU
M..n.rr U.d" Mii in W Yt"-
"KUkv. Nmuia.ruwtu--
I e. nf ll" -"K
u , tit, ,
OrJ.r a TrUI Sack T4y
SatiJaftloa Cuaraat4
T-y li and tun Mm whit you donl
uie, ami we will at enca itturn y"'
II . ..... Vnil
km- u. and . kno- thai KU rU I.
..iMaiilon. VUltort Bot wekocae W ru ru-i
m.Jt. Bolt nakut ht tall C0Bauni7 w
iifiriiiTiiii. ----'.viy
Bawk Alike In IHa
ii-LaiUl( ruahOtM"-"
MmVmi l f
Mwni MiHm,
AUo Wi-alou'a Heal ami Wh.ik Wheal Fluri tirahaw. Cereals.
K-eiland liny; Stidtiraiii. Mmk KwkI ami I'uullry 8upli.
Jo ruiiloin iiiilling. Your patrunaKv aollcitwl. W. L. ItohtllNa.
ClARK WOOD, rafcllthtr
The Year l W
Six Months 0 75
Four Month. 0 50
taltitd at th eitellict al Wcilea. Ortyoa
aa icaa4'CiMl null atattir.
Help your boy at the front. Use
less wheat and meat. Send more
to him.
Russia has ' gone on another
drunk, .showing that the average
Russian has just about as much con
cern for government and society as
the average orang outang.
In Talentine the ItriKsh have scored
a distinct aucceas by the capture of
Beeraheba. Including a lam; number
of prisoners.
More than ino.Qon prisoiifri have
been taken In the AustroCcrman cam-
paicn on the Italian frtinl. Ihc llerlln
war office reports.
German hare retreated from points
along the histnrir Chemin de tame
eetor on the A lane front in Kranre.
It seems apparent that the Ccrmans.
tired of the terrible ordml they had
been forced to undergo for tome time
from the French artillery and violent
We loan money on first class Oregon and
Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tapd
and no delay. Write direct and tave money.
Give full details in first letter.
We refer yoo to sny bank in Portland.
fOS Concord Gfda.
nnrnrAiiv Monme
ULf bllLMuA COf
. any callow youth to ride over him
at pleasure would, we think, be a
melancholy spectacle.
"Jackrabbit Hides Kight Cents"
Oregonian headline. Well, the
thrifty little son-of-a-gun!
We're not saying anything about
Britain and
to Italy to
France are on their way
consult with the Italian
Ordinance No. 2S6
Overland Illys-I&iiglit !
LIGHT FOUR, 6-passenger $ 885.00
BIG FOUR, 5-passenger 1045.00
SIX CYLINDER, 45 h. p. 1490.00
WILLYS-KNIGHT. 7-passenger . 1650.00
and bttf in twwel
in ap
tr. It
Tl Ovtmt Vuur U litihl In wkbt and bitf
meet, every tuurvig ilciiiaml. ll latiaf'lea In lierfurmancv,
Miicc. in comfort - anil at a iricu vou ran alTurif iu nav.
1 liu Owrlwiil Hit; Kour I the world'a mut Kwrful low-priced car.
It in fundamentally lliu aanio car which year after year for many yean
ha enabled Overliuul to lead, by a wide niargm. fell cam of tucti com.'
fortahle atze.
Tho Willyn Knik'iit Slecvc-valve Motor luikla every world "a record
for k-tinth of run. Hwt r pnxluced. aboence of wear, and lack of carbon
ilvHHiita. It mitlnatx any ami all other Ivpca of autuinoblle motor.
Four thouaamla of mile twyond the uacful life of any other tyre the
Willva KnlKht Motor eotitinuea to deliver at Ita hiKhral emciency.
Thii aaawn'a Willya-Knlghta are the moat beautiful the factory haa
ever built. See thva eara and be convinced.
reason that it ain t worth saying the ( ity of Wt-ston. real and oer-
anything about. sonal, a tax for general municipal
; purposes of 16 mills Light Fund,
. tifj in i . i -J mills; Stre-t Fund, 3 mills;
Weston is gladly doing its bit rit,H.ra, FumJ ? miIs; Snk.
for the second drive of the Army Fund, 2 mills; General Sinking
Y. H. C. A. May just as well. Fund, 1 mill, and Library Fund,
too. No use taking chances now-a- i mill on each and every dollar of
days on laying up treasure for the Pfrty for the year 1917.
iv.i;i, ... j villi) IMUIIUIIIVr
in getting
moth and rust to corrupt and the
Kaiser to break in and steal.
to give too much -hut wnat noes jn(0ul
our giving amount to compan-d ivssf
wan me Nicrim-i- me sooner ixiys imlmP ,1, nwi.
are making? these room there is a
It lias iN-en decided to hold a
Market and Bazaar to he followed
by a dinner, at the ojiera house ti
Saturday, November 24. Every
thing in the way of eatables
meats, poultry, vegetables, apples,
Clark were sue- J
the attendance
Dr. S. L KEffilARD
Weston Agent
In each of
great desire
to keep the banner next month.
The collector of the port was
here, but he didn't have no port
nor yet, sherry. '
Marshall said an earful at Pen
dleton when he remarked that no
body now-a-days should cxect ex
act justice and equity from the gov
enmcnt. It's a time for sacrifice
shall take effect and be in full force
from and after its passage by the
Common Council and approval by
the Mayor.
Passed the Common Council this
7th day of November, 1917.
Approved by the Mayor this 8th
day of November, 1917.
J. M. BANISTER, Mayor.
"Well," said Mrs. BragglM after
solo by a faaulooabte church choir ten.
canned fruit, cooked food -and also or ,D,t ,,D 1 ,M ruUm,t """ft vcr
fancy work and anything salable, "JL...,-, . . , . .
will b,.g.udly accepted. it a.
' eoon at that young nan began to ting
Husbands See "Spooks" otb'r """"ber of the choir stop-
I) ... . 1 I. . I a.
iu. uul uo n.ui riHiib lurougu WHO
It, and I admire bia potik."
I'ianos tuned aiul repaired at rea
sonable prices. First-class work
.r. I A W T I..!l ...,
and for taking the worst of it, if jj.,,
that should come your way, with a , .
., c.u, ixm nios irnt mulai.k
bm,t- CO.VSTItl'CTIOX.
C. C. Chapman, vice
the Oregon committee
chairman of
on publicity
cry meal, and in this
housewives of America
army with banners.
work the
arc as an
A delightful Hallowe'en party was
given by the ladies of the Saturday
Afternoon Club, entertaining their
husbands and a few other guests.
The gentlemen were invited to
come to the Normal dormitory in a
body and uHn their arrival they
were met by "siooky" ghosts with
sepulchral voices. They were es
corted from door to door, iiintairs
and downstairs, In-ing shown final
ly into the spacious dining room,
which had been decorated in yellow
and black and otherwise fittingly
adorned for Hallowe'en. A dusky
fortune teller was in evidence and
the even-
ing. A ocun Img contest ercaliij
much merriment. Mr. Richard
Morrison and Mr. J. W, Porter were
the leaders of the opposing armies,
Mr. Morrison's side proving the
Light refreshments in keeping
with the occasion were served and
Ih hereby Klven t lint tlie mi-
J';rniKncd. uk Kci-ordiT of Tlie flly of
"enioii, vrt-Kon, in receive nealeil
bltl until 7:3 p. in. on tlie 10th day
fir .ILrI..llu. 1117 ..tfl.... I.. ., n
for the LilK-rtv Tn. ,.on.lim.t,. w,, '"r."' ."i . games were ine oruer oi
hiirhlv the work of Orion K (Intnl. vt a "Mvvhik on tth kIiIch of
nigniy me worK oi urton v.. i,ood- Mulll betwct. Washington
wju, a f'jrmer Pendleton news- E'rcet ami Uroau street ami the
eouth eMe of Main .Street between
paper man. , Uroud 8trcot alJ Ariliar H,r(,c,t ln
s3Ss the City of HchIoii, aforeaalij. In ac-
- . . cordance with t lie plans and imci-ifi-
To win the war we must save cation therefor on file iu the office
food in every household and at ev- 'lc'rir. which are open to
bach iij must ie accompanied by music was rendered by an impromp
T..Ktu"l?.L,(: !uL nJ.": f!,.b,1? orchestra. Old time favorites
City, to be returned if the bidder is w" Kwn w" instruments said to
uneucceserui and to be forfeit- be carried in slock by Weston's dry
IU "he "reM JnterMo ' a th
contract in accordance with the store.
bid. Each bid must specify the irice Those present as gusts were:
per iKiuare jard of the Kidewalk and Mrs. F. C. Fitznatrick Mrs K F
niut alo Pltow the total amount for wl- , t it 1 I.
which the work win bo done. All bidn wf'KKle, Mrs. Mane Winchel; Mes
wlll be opened before the Common srs. S, A. Barnes, W. A, Barnes, I.
Council of eald City in aewdon at 1:30 W Brown Gw, R Cnrmchnpl V
P. m. on the aald 10th day of Novem- 5. ' . ' Carmcna?j! f"
7-an n. m Rihlp T.ifp ,if ber. 1917, at the Council Chamber, UeMOeU, rrailK lirafiam, KlCh-
. . " ' 1 he Comn
Chtuch of lie Brethren
Order of services for Sunday
November 11, 1917:
10 a. ni. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Preaching.
6:30 p. m.V. W. S.
Weston Meat Market
Meats and Fish
Ham, Lard
and Bacon
A. P. Perry
Your orders
promptly filled.
P. T. Harbour
For Sale Good second hand or
gan, price 10; also electric iron,
$3.60. Inquire at Leader office.
ommon Council reserves the ard Morrison, A. J. Mclntyre, W. S.
Price, J. w. Porter, Robert Proud
fil. E. C. Rogers, J. F. Snider. E.
M. Smith, L. R. Van Winkle, F. I).
Watts, J. Wurzer, W. E. WoImIs, J.
If. Williams. F. C. Fitznatrick. E.
right to reject any and all bldx. At
tentlon Is called to the Ordinance of
eald City authorizing the laid Im
provement. tated at Weuton. Oregon, thl 3lU
day of October. 117.
i'raclicea in all Htate and Keilera
Become, f . WrJIe, H. L. Powtll.
Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smyihe
' Carter & Smythe
Pendleton . . . Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Alhena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestcm in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company