The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 09, 1917, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Wiik
Irlifly Skitche. for Inftr
pnttttn ft Our Rudtri.
. Tl Polk-Yamhill Marlon Medical
aateelatlea id Ha monthly meeting
I PtllM.
Oregon Agricultural college alumni
kit II Mr ctnt of Hi membership In
' natloaat rvc.
A vre erthau rhmk fll
la the Lakavlew eeton at :46 o'clock
tuHy Moralng.
rorty thoiind young trout hvr r
cerrtly tee pUnted In the, northern
part of Klat rouuiy.
Tbf Oroa Poultry nd Pel Block
or1lloj will hold It annual show
la Portland Twraitiber 3 m .
Um Jra Coyla. for s yeare a
resident of Oregon, died bis home
la t. fauE If ol'1
Oretoa' luota of alrerft fir Ikal II
It lo topply for gnvarameut uae h
booa neuared at feu
Tka grala end provision aloro of
Chartes BurkhaMer at OraOta Pase
waa destroyed br fir with a loaa of
A rbllo BUng to organise a Hen
too county agricultural council will
aootvM eallatf by tbo county agricul
tural agsat
Hoy at lb atata training achool for
hoyg cetrlbtit4 III so ib which to
buy CaftaUaa pack for the eol
dlera In Franca.
Earning of paroled men aloco July,
11I, total 1331.471 77. according to a
raport of Prol Officer Keller, filed
with Ika governor.
folk reuaty baa Iur the greater
part of II potato crop, and In almost
very dlatrlrt about one half of a nor
mal ylld 1 reported.
f'harlaa H. t'roeoo ilN uddenly at
Toledo. II aa 71 eare old and had
aeea prominent tn etate and county
poll! lea for many year
October aa an exceptionally dry
moo lo Aatorla. The record how
that tba total rainfall during tha
moats but lit inrhaa.
During tha month of October tba
atata Industrial accident cominlaalon
aent out 3: pay warrant lo Injured
workman and for hoapltal fee.
During tha month of October 1"S
automobile wera licensed by Secre
tary of Btata Olcott. and the total for
tba ten montha of thla year la 4H.3I3.
Governor WHhyromh haa appointed
Thoinaa Nelann of Astoria a member
of the ataie board of pilot innim lesion
era to lucreed Edard ('. Judd, rfr
Work on ih,flh dam ;o mile up
tba north I'mpqii river from Hose
burg, baa ben abandoned by tha state,
owing to the Inability to secure th
aaeded ram.
Judge J. C. Moreland. clerk of tha
auprema court, announced that out ol
IS who look the examination for ad
mlealon to tho bar at Halvm October
I, six failed.
farm and garden and general pro
due ralaed at tha Oregon atata hoa
pltal for tha 10 montha from January
1 lo October 31 thla year amounted
to 117,143.73.
Mr. A. M. U Kollottc. wife of State
Senator 1 rollett. of Marlon county,
died at tha Salem hoapltal from th
efftcta ot a atroka of paralyala. Bh
waa 70 year old.
Tha per capita coat at the atate
penitentiary baa Increaaed from 1213.1
In January when there were 486 In
matea, lo 121.40 In October, wheu
there were 141 Inmate.
Plana for the Immediate erection
of a large planing mill al Wenilllna
and the gradual electrification of tho
Wenditng plant of tho Mooth Kelly
Lumber company were announced.
Btata Fire Marahal Well haa Uued
a warning about fire from defective
flue and chimney. Ha urge all
cltlien to make an Invpectlon ol
their fluoa and chtraneye and avoid
peaalble lota.
Through the office of tha Whoelct
county agricultural agent, a carload
of rye haa been dlatrlbuted among tha
farmere near Koaall. A ahorUge ol
rye teed neceeeltated a vhlpment from
oulald point.
The eeeond annual homecoming
week-end at Oregon Agricultural col
lege. Inaugurated aa a cuatom of tha
Institution 11 fall. 1 to be ataged thla
week, with a program crowded with
athletic content.
Bid were opened by thu atolo high
' -way coramlwlon Tuesday for grading
f the Wolf creek kill, In Joacphlne coun
ty, a dlatanc of approximately five
mllea. Thla la on of the wort hill
9&tbi fscilio biibri7 -
V haa the power lo end atrlkca and lock-
X m p,,,,,,. t to tha continued itrike of lelephoo
V tKKKKKKKKKH gaBaaiamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBBBa ea cmp0jrCa D Waahlngton and Oregon.
VI ' i. . . , i l i l 1 -
r -
Below is a list of satisfied purchasers of land in Am.H.o ..!..,., bo..
Montana, at Helena and Hingham I would be glad ''li
to have any prospective buyers get in touch with y Su."'.
uciooer v.
Three U. 3. Soldier Killed, 5
Wounded and 12 Captured
or Missing.
them, either by phone or in personal conversation,
and hear their views with regard fo this land, com
pared with Umatilla county lands from the stand
point of a dividend-paying investment.
Joseph IMkhoii. OH) acroH, Winlon, Oregon.
AIIhtI (Ji'ihK, :!2) acrt-B, Witilun, Orison.
J. V. Ik'ovvrt, l'W aciTH, IViiilleton, Ort-Kun.
I. A. IVeljIcr, till) acres, IViidUtori, On'Koii.'
(I S. Jcraril, 72)acri'H, lVudlcton, OreKuii.
I.. I KuKcrs, 320 acres. lVnillcton, OrcKun.
Sam Thumpsun, UU0 acres, I'cnclleton, OrcKn.
Ura. litiyden, C-10 acren, IVndleton, Oregon.
Wes Zerba, GI0 acres, Athena, Oretron.
Lewid Uv'm, 640 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
May Crowley, 100 acres, Adams. Oregon.
Ed. Dupuis, 320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Mr. I'Yutrell, ICQ Bcrcs.'iPendieton, Oregon.
Nick Hlanchett, UK) acre, Helena Montana.
1. A. Peebler second buy )20 acreH, Pendleton, Oregon.
H. F.' Pupuis. 1600 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Wen Zerba-second buy 560 acres, Hingham, Montana.
Ed. Morriuette, 320 acres, Adants, Oregon.
lA'wiB (Jeiss second buy 320 acres. Pendleton, Oregon.
I). A. Peebler third buy 180 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Henry Kreding. 1280 acres, Pendleton. Oregon.
Henry lSreding -second buy -178 acrett, Pendleton, Oregon.
Chris Hreding, 610 acres. Pendleton, Oregon.
Chris Hreding second buy 610 acres. Pendleton, Oregon.
Chris UrrUIng-third buy- 320 acres. IVrrditctmroregon;
Than Olmstend. 6 10 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Than Olmstead second buy -320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
J. H. Kasari, iMO acres, Pendleton. Oregon.
Orville Isaminger, 640 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Dick KirchotT. 820 acres, Pendleton. Oregon.
Dick Kirchoir - second buy - 640 acres. Pendleton, Oregon.
Henry Hreding - third buy-320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Sim Killgore, 640 acres. Pendleton, Oregon.
Sim Killgore-second buy - 640 acres, Pendleton, Oregon.
Oata Nu. 2 ahite feed, $41.60 a ton.
Barley Standard feed, ftl.lo ton.
Corn M9W51 per Ion.
Hay Timothy, 127 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery. 44c per lb.
Egge Ranch, 62c do.
Potato 11.60 1.75 a hundred.
Poultry Hen, large, HQ 20c;
amaU. 17c; geeac, m12c; ducka, 18
10c; turheya. live. 2025c
the legal voicra nt Hchwil UtMtrlct No.
X 1 of I'matlllu I'oiinly. Stair of Or
Kn. that h t1tMi, MKKTIN; f
A raid I'Hlrl'-l will I held tit Kch.M.l
Houim .n the Ztth day of November,
117. at l.JO o'clock In the afternoon
4x to vote on the iriOKltlon of Iwylng
J u kiwcUI dlKtrlet lax.
j The totul amount ot niohey needed
J. ''' the dlvlrlrt during th fiMral year
Y IwRlmiliiK" on June jo, 1 9) I T. mill -nd-
l"K on June 3". I J 1 K. Ik rstimaled In
J the followina- liiiilKt-t and lm-ludt-H the
aniounlH to 1h- ri-t-olvrd from the
county MchiMil fund, atitie Hchool fund.
J epcclal district tux. and all other
motion of th" dltrl-t:
tMWWr-vjaiwwtrw - rAin-nrflt iirrST""
i Tearhern ml' "
rlr .,.
Butter Creamery. 4(c per lb.
Egga Ranch. 60c do.
PoUtoe 1406 60 Per Ion.
Poultry Hena, l:ic; drewed,
Jie:6c; brollere. JOc.
BEN F. DUPUIS, Pendleton, Or.
221 K. Court - 01 lice Phone 46U-Kesidenec Phone 317
. Al'pnrMttiH and
IJl'rary IhwI. .
I(i-airn of M-hool
hiiiist-s. etc . . .
I'luyKrotind eiul-
mont ..........
Jaiillur'x at'.
Janltor'a ii.pllK
J Clerk' sulury . .
I I'OHiHKe and
V Mtaliont-ry . . .
4 Jnmirance 107.90
I interest on ionu
, . - .... ....
nu wurranw B.v.
All other ex-
penaes 350.00
Total extimate... $10,
I-tiniatvd IttHflpLv.
Frcm county
fraA' caj
HWt, tt
f.m&r w: ' m:m tar .mm' w..-
oiinnu to kiiow cu sk.
achool fund .
From state
school fund .
Cash on hand .
in tlie County Umrl at the State ot ""i,"""",
Orcguii, for I nuttllla County. louu e8tmteu
3 4.132.5S
ToIhI estimated
expenses ... .!.: lo."
III the mutter of the Guardianship ot
the person und estnto of Jennie
Mario Jones, a minor.
Now, on this day this mutter comes
on to be heard upon the petition of Total estimated
Alary H. Jones, (estumentary guardian receipts
of the person and estate of Jeanle
Marie Jones, the above named ward, Hulunce. amount
praying for a license to, sell the in- to be raised by
terest or the said ward In the follow district tax... 6.082.44
Inst described real property In Vnm- pted this 7lh dav of November,
till County, Htote of Oregon: 11117 J. M. 1 IAN 1ST Kit.
Lots numbered Kluht (8), Nine () Attest: Chairman Biard of Directors,
and Ten (101 In Hlock numbered KHANK PRICK. District Clerk.
Seven (71 In the Reservation Addition
to the town, now city, of remlleton;
the interest of the said ward In wild copy of this order upon them by pirn
real property bclnjr In the neighbor- IH-atlon. as provided by section 135A
hood of nn undivided one-twentieth of Lord's Oregon Laws. Instead of
interest therein, the said ward being huvhiR personal service thereof made
a Ki-uiuichild und an heir at law of on them: that publication of this or
Madlson Jones, deceased, and tlio dcr should be made In the Weston
said real property belonging to tho Leader, n weekly newsyaper publlxh
eettite of the said Madison Jones, de-ed at Weston. Umatilla County, Ore
ceased, and to his heirs at law; that gon. having a general circulation in
the entire Interest of the said wurd said county and state. And the Court
In and to said real property Is .of the being fully advised In the premises:
probable value of One Hundred it is now therefore ordered that the
( $100.00 Dollars; that It would be next of kin of said ward and all per
for the benefit of the said ward that sons Interested In her estate and all
her Interest In said real property be persins Interested In said real prop
sold and the proceeds of the sale erty be, und they are hereby, requlr
thereof put out on Interest or Invest- cd to appear before this Court at the
ed In some productive stock: that the office of the undersigned County
litterest of the said ward in said real Judge In the County Court House In
proiwrty is not likely to Increase In the City of Pendleton. CnuUllla Ooun
value and that it would bo experient ty. Oregon, at ten o'clock In the fore
fur a sale thereof to be made; and It mum on Monday, the 17th day of He
fiirther appearing to the Court that cember. 117. that date being not less,
the next of kin of the said ward and than four weeks nor more than eight
other persons Interested in her estate weeks from the date of this) order, to
and In the said real property are ns then and there show cause. If any
follows; James S. jenes, Pendleton, there be, why a license shoukl not be
" Oregon; ' Walter J. Jones, Pendleton, granted by this court to the said
Oregon; Kdward W. Jones, Sunnyslde. Snarillan for the sale of all of the
WashliiKton; Hobert It. Jones, Haines, tlatt, right, title and Interest of the
California: Madison I- Jones, Vale, .uni Hml to tlu- rt'Ol proerty
Oregon; Franklin It, Jones, Portland, herelntwfore described, prayed for
Oregon; John M. Jones, Imbler. Ore- . , h . of ,i)H m-titlon of the
Javls, Portland. Ore- ,,.,,,..
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland,
tjgltl data: Nov. rvtura limit, 7 Utfy frvui JuU of ualy.
gon; Emma A. Dav
gon; Margaret llaught (formerly
Margaret Uuyon) Salt Lake
I'tah; Harry S. Jones. Pemllcttni. Ore
'.u. and Mary t. Jones. I'eiulleton.
I'regon, your petitioner herein, all of
whom, except said etllioiior, are
lielrs ai law of the said Madison
Jones, deceased. And It further ap-l'i-Mi-liift
to the Court that on acciunt
of the large number ot persons in
Tk.i thi rder mav be served upon
V',y' the next of kin of said ward and upon
all other persons in'x-resieu in ".
estate und In sall rear properly, eith
er In person or by putt Heat Ion of this
. r.b-r In the Weston L-ailer, a news--er
published weeWy at Weston.
I'matllln County. Orngon.
rr, nd datad In open court on
Washington. Armed force asder
the American flag have had their flrat
elaab with German soldier la aa at
tack which the German a made on first
Use trenches, where the United State
troop bad been taken for Instruction,
and three Americana vera killed, five
wounded and II captured or misalag.
A dlipatch from General Pershing
bowed that the German forces, anon
Her learning the position of the aew
enemy from overseas, had launched a
desperate effort to overcome then.
With the American Army in Prance.
A email detachment of American in
fantrymen wsa attacked In the front
Una trenches early Saturday morning
by a much superior forca of the Ger
man shock troops. The Americas
were cut off from relief by the heary
barrage In their rear. They fought
gallantly until overwhelmed, solely by ,
The fighting lo the trenchee waa
hand-to-hand. It waa brief and fierce
tn the extreme,
Aa a result of the encounter three
Americana were killed and five wound
ed. A sergeant and two corporals and
nine men were taken prisoner.
Two Krench soldiers, who were in
the trenches, also were killed. The
enemy lost some men, but the number
la unknown. their dead and wound
ed were carried off by the retiring
German. One wounded German waa
From the beginning of the engage
ment until the end the Americana
lived op lo all the tradition of the
American arm v. the records showing
.several members.,,
Washington. Japan and the United
State have reached a complete agree
ment in regard to China, and at tha
same time have arrived at a clear -understanding
as to military naval and
economic cooperation in the war. -against
This momentous development waa
announced by Secretary Lansing, who
made public note exchanged between
him and Viscount Ishil, the speciaj -Japanese
ambassador, formally record
ing an agreement recognizing that
Japan has a special interest la China,
but pledging the Independence and
territorial Integrity of the great east
ern republic and reaffirming the doc
trine of the "open door" for commerce
and Industry.
In a statement accompanying tha
note Mr. Lansing said .Viscount Ishil
and the members of hia mission, now
on their way home, had performed a
service of the highest value to tha
United States, as well as to Japan, by
clearing away - misunderstandlnga
which, if unchecked, promised to de
velop a serious situation in the fat
Eight Men Killed In Attack on Veaaet.
Washington. The torpedoing of the
homeward-bound army transport Fin
land in the waf sone resulted in the
death of two members of the naval
armed guard, two army enlisted men
and four of the ship's civilian crew.
A third naval seaman Is missing. Tha
Finland was able to reach a European
port under ber own steam.
of the large number Ol persons in- fc ; . d of NoVentber. 1M7.
terested in said estate, and. In said CHARLES M. MARSH,
real nronertv. tho guardian desires.
M4 Bsoul4 b permitted, to lerv
Coaoty Judia.
Excessive Price Charged by Small
Retailers to Be EHminstad.
Washington. Regulation govern
ing the handling of foodstuff under
the licensing of manufacturers ud
dealers were approved by Presiiieiii
Wilson and will be put into operation
by the food administrator.
The principal subjects of the rules,
a food administration statement aeta
forth, are: "To limit tho prlcea charg
ed by every licensee to a reasonable
amount over expenses and to forbid
the acquisition of speculative profits
from a rising market."
Elimination of excessive pricea
charged by small retailers who are
not subject to license will c-e accom
plished by a rule forbidding licensee
to sell food to any pessoa who cbarge
xcessiva froXli.